Order of the Black Rose/Members

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Order of the Black Rose

Home - OBR Weekly - *Members & Allies* - OBR Building Watch

Joining the OBR - OBR Member List
Group Alliances

Joining the OBR

Joining the Order of the Black Rose

You want to join the Order of the Black Rose? Put your nose to the grindstone and fight for the roughest part of town, all while drinking at some of the oldest and classiest pubs around? Well then you've come to the right place, and you must be filled to overflowing with the amount of awesome in your veins!

So how does one go about joining this group of awesome fellows (and awesome lasses)? Well, first you need to go to your UD profile and put "Order of the Black Rose" in there, exactly as it appears... without the quotes. Next, you need to mosey your way on over to one of the suburbs in the Rose District so you can meet up with fellow awesome people.

Finally, head on over to our forum, and fill out the rather short appliation there. There you go! Once you're in the group you will want to regularly check the forum so you can keep in touch with your awesome collegues and stay up-to-date with group activities.

OBR Member List

OBR Member List

Active OBR members can be found throughout the entire Rose District, although we generally work as a large group since more gets done that way. If you happen to see one of our members, stop and say hello, even grab a seat and have a pint with us! We love company, and are glad to help our neighbors.

Member Name Level Rank & Status Member Since
Colette Hart Lvl 43 Leader - ACTIVE October 2009
cheepdrunk Lvl 43 Member - ACTIVE February 2010
superallyno1 Lvl 27 Member - ACTIVE June 2010
Miss Balalaika Lvl 43 Recruit Officer - ACTIVE July 2010

The following awesome people are missing from the game, but they might pop back from time to time. Please say hello if you see them.

Member Name Level Rank & Status
Maxim Gorky Lvl 41 Officer
Collowman Lvl 43 Scout
Firekid Lvl 32 Cook
crares Lvl 37 Medic
Miss Strawberry Lvl 29 Medic
Tanka001 Lvl 43 Soldier
Darcy Russell Lvl 42 Soldier
Imraldris Lvl 43 Soldier
Ben e Boy Lvl 30 Soldier
Alastair Mortalis Lvl 27 Soldier
Sean Zoldieck Lvl 10 Soldier

The following awesome people chose for one reason or another to leave the Order of the Black Rose. Whether to pursue opportunities with other groups, another aspect of the game, or even just because real life became too demanding--whatever the reason, they are no longer among our active members. These folks have demonstrated the awesome in their veins, and are always welcome in the Rose District.

Member Name Status or Group Time Served
Maverick Farrant FOUNDER / RETIRED All his life.
Abe the second Malton Restoration Society August 2009-November 2009
Needles Needham INACTIVE July 2009-January 2010
Mary Worth AWOL March 2009-May 2010
DayHunter INACTIVE June 2009-July 2010
Mark Flinn Thompson INACTIVE August 2009-July 2010
Zhang Ziyi RESIGNED May 2011-June 2011
Diana Warren AWOL May 2010-July 2011
Yuki Onna RESIGNED January 2011-November 2011

Group Alliances

Group Alliances

The following list records all of the formal and informal alliances that the Order of the Black Rose has formed with other survivor groups in Malton. Allies are expected to provide aid when requested and in return we will respond to calls for aid from them. That, along with a healthy dose of respect and a stronger sense of fun is all that the OBR asks from its allies. Obviously most alliances, or at least the most effective ones, are with those groups who are in or near Crooketon,Grigg Heights,Lerwill Heights,Mornington, and Reganbank.

Most formal alliances with the OBR fall into one of two categories:

  • Support Accord - The OBR has agreed to provide support to the group in the form of healing and revivification preference over other survivors. The OBR will respect the group's area of influence as long as the group has agreed to actively maintain any TRPs within their sphere of influence. In certain cases, the OBR may respond to distress calls (i.e. HQ under attack). The Order of the Black Rose considers this to be a moderate-level alliance.
  • Alliance Treaty - The OBR considers the group good friends and allies. As such, if either group is in trouble they promise to provide mutual aid and forces as required (i.e. the ally is targeted by an enemy, thus this enemy becomes the OBR's enemy). This is in addition to all the normal benefits of a Support Accord. The Order of the Black Rose considers this to be a high-level alliance.

Allied Group Alliance Type Ally Since
Chidley Row Fire Crew
Support Accord
January 2010
Grey Swords
Support Accord
March 2009
Section 13
Support Accord
January 2010
BMF Construction
Support Accord
June 2009
Support Accord
September 2010
Support Accord
September 2011
Skynet Defense Network
Support Accord
September 2011
The Abandoned Warriors
Alliance Treaty
December 2008
Breach of Peace
Alliance Treaty
January 2009
Those Dudes
Alliance Treaty
January 2009
404: Barhah not found
Alliance Treaty
September 2010
Soldiers of Crossman
Alliance Treaty
November 2010

Sometimes individuals who choose not to be in a group (or would like an alliance not related to their group affiliation) would like to ally themselves with us officially. Those individuals are listed here.

Ally Name Ally Since
Shirley Q Liquor October 2009
Angelina Argonez July 2010
Vince Masuka September 2010

These groups & individuals also get the honor of having the prestigious OBR Template on their page. You know you want one.

Black rose.jpg OBR Ally
This user or group is allied with the Order of the Black Rose and benefits from an overflowing amount of awesome.

Those groups interested in an alliance with the Order of the Black Rose should contact Maverick Farrant or state their intentions on the group talk page.