Quartly Lecture Group five

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Jan 26th

Christ Cutter said "You guys let zombies in here all the time?"
casimiro killed a zombie. ...and another.
One Angry Zed said "ok, I'm not a PKer, and normally don't encourage that sort of thing, but I have a cookie in my pocket for anyone who takes out casimiro for that bit of injustice"
One Angry Zed said "and mind you, it's one of those deluxe cookies that have all the good stuff in them"
A flare was fired 14 blocks to the east and 5 blocks to the south.
sarah tonin said "Brazza! r!brar!an b!ngh as!garnz, zang bar zah z!nz!ng anh b.anz!ng. Mah Gharbr! Zabab! Graab brazaz zang ah."
sarah tonin said "Oh my, OH MY what happened to Pink!?! I was, i was just checkg up on some wiki, it wasn't a whole hour,... my word, who would do such a thing!?"
One Angry Zed said "as I have no harman skills, I'm hardly of much use, but I'll try bringing the cades down a bit closer to let Pink back in..."
Todd Evers said "MoreThanDork's a PK'er. Check here: http://ud-malton.info/rg/i/540353 "
Flickman666 said "He probably is. NO KILLING IN HERE!!"
fire cheez said "todd, that's laughable. he's a leight-weight."
an octopus said ":: uses the cover of the zombie rendition of 'Imagine' and the rather strange slaying of the singer - surely this means everyone's a critic - to gently extend a pilfering arm in the direction of the great zoologist's barnacle-laden pockets. ::"
Shadowean said "*sets out on a quest to claim One Angry Zed's cookie*"
Shadowean said "Darnit. He's knowhere to be found... Well he's on my KOS list now, so I'll get back to you on that one :P"
MoreThanDork said "Fire Cheez: no kidding. Flickman: Thanks so much! You are a true librarian. All I did was slaughter some Fortress members and now I'm a 'PKer'? Pshh."
MoreThanDork said "Okay, fine, so i deserve the status and am proud. I've had a long standing relationship with The Fortress. I guess they didn't appreciate me killing them as a human this time. It was too tempting to pass up though! :)"
MoreThanDork said "I highly recommend checking out the report, specifically the screenshot, that Todd posted. It's awesome! http://ud-malton.info/rg/i/540353"
fire cheez said "the again, i only have a bounty of 9 left on my head as well. time to change that, but i wont be able to stay in here then...i dont think it would benefit the library if i used it as a shelter...and i dont intend to. as long as i am here"
fire cheez said "no random pking of bounty hunters..." (
Von Luthius said "I'm all for open doors, if we are truly a library of high standards, then we leave it open with a BIG Welcome Mat outside, with times we are open and closed outside. Simple and awesome, ooh, someone trying to get in."
Von Luthius broadcast "QUARTLY LIBRARY IS MALTON'S FIST PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR ALL PEEP" from here, on 28.34 MHz.
Von Luthius broadcast "WHETHER ZOMBIES, SURVIVOR OR LOW MURDEREES, IT IS NEUTRAL" from here, on 28.34 MHz.
Von Luthius broadcast "NEUTRAL TERRITORY = NO KILL ZONE NO MATTER WHAT." from here, on 28.34 MHz.
Von Luthius broadcast "QUARTLY LIBRARY, DROP BY AND JOIN IN ON THE FRIENDLY ZOMBIE" from here, on 28.34 MHz.
Von Luthius broadcast "LECTURE SERIES CRRENTLY BEING HOSTED, AND DON'T KILL THE" from here, on 28.34 MHz.
Von Luthius broadcast "ZOMBIE SPEAKERS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T KILL IN QUARTLY!" from here, on 28.34 MHz.
Von Luthius broadcast "This broadcast has been brought to you by Von Luthius, QSG." from here, on 28.34 MHz.
Von Luthius the zombie said "H! Ga!z"
Von Luthius the zombie said "Zambah Barbarh!anz hra! Bananaz an Ham an Banagaz!"
Von Luthius the zombie said "! Grab Maan! An brang harh harh"
Von Luthius the zombie gestured at Melani.
Von Luthius the zombie said "Zzzz!"
Von Luthius the zombie said "ARRRGHH!"
Von Luthius the zombie said ""
Von Luthius the zombie gestured to the west. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
Von Luthius the zombie gestured to the north. ...and again.
Von Luthius the zombie said "!z bazzarg"
donutron said "hum...out of the eleven bodies outisde, 3 r ppl that busted our genny. should we really leave the doors wide open?"
donutron said "wouldn't it be wiser to cade up a bit and just lower/raise them when a guest speaker is ready to come in?"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "OH VonLuthius you fine fine bastard... Have you decided to try the hardest game of survival in Malton ?"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Have you decided to accept the challengew of being the Quartly Library's resident Zombie ? Tis the most difficult survival trial to date ! If you get wounded please attack me with digestion to heal yourself."
A flare was fired 1 block to the east and 3 blocks to the south.
A flare was fired 1 block to the east and 4 blocks to the south.
A flare was fired 4 blocks to the south.
Von Luthius the zombie gestured at Alfred Noobel .
Von Luthius the zombie said "Zambah m! Hmmmmm"
Von Luthius the zombie gestured at Sir Fred of Etruria.
Von Luthius the zombie gestured at itself.
Von Luthius the zombie said "Ha! Zambah rh!barh!an bah ah ah gah!"
A flare was fired 2 blocks to the west and 10 blocks to the north.
FennisZotorman said "round of applause for Pink!!!"
FennisZotorman said "is he still here?"
FennisZotorman said "i really must get one of those zombie translators"
FennisZotorman said "who are todays zombies? I recognise Von Luthius but not the other one?"
FennisZotorman said "should we close the doors or is it open house policy now?"
donutron said "keep the door closed and the cades up, there's a 3 GKers waiting outside to come in and bust up our genny, again"
donutron said "just lower it when a guest speaker wants to come in and then raise it back up once they are in"
toreador the zombie said "Zahmbahz arh ahn gah hahz!"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
GrumbleCake the zombie said "AaaaaAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAaaa"
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 4 damage.
The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.)
GrumbleCake the zombie dragged Ned Edderson out into the street.
toreador the zombie said "Zahbahz, Nah Grahn. Nah barg harmanz. Bah Bah Harmanz."
28.34 MHz: "aaaAAAaaaa Edddderrrssssonnn is onleeee the beginninnngggggg"
Bob the Angry Zombie said "Anything is possible, Mr. Zed. Do you perhaps have any cousins in Tuscon? That's where most of my family has settled."
Bob the Angry Zombie said "Sigh. I managed to heal Ned up to full and knock Grumblecake down to almost dead. Maybe someone wants to hit him in the head really hard so that he'll have difficulty standing up? He's right outside the doors..."
glen18 said "I killed Grumblecake, sorry, but I found his actions very uncouth"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Tactical Grace healed you for 10 HP.
28.34 MHz: "jeff help"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
FallHollow the zombie destroyed the generator.
FallHollow the zombie said "Hrrh.rrbanra.rmrnrh.hhrHrrrAgarnRrrrHrman"
wishard the zombie killed Charles Darwin.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Fungicide said "FallHollow (zombie, id 581135) did in the last generator,grr."
toreador the zombie said "Mah Zahbahz. Nah Harm Harmanz. Nah barg Harmanz. Hamanz mahg Bah Bah. Bah bah Zahmbahz."
Dendybar killed a zombie.
Dr Lancelot said "Hello there, Gore Girl... Finally got Free Running."
Charles Darwin the zombie gestured at itself.
Charles Darwin the zombie said "Mrh?"
Charles Darwin the zombie said "Bah, zambaz harm harmanz, NAAAH! Mrh?"
Charles Darwin the zombie gestured at Billiums .
Charles Darwin the zombie gestured at FennisZotorman .
Charles Darwin the zombie gestured at the ceiling.
Charles Darwin the zombie said "Baaaaaaah!"
donutron said "please finish off FallHollow the GKer...and PLEASE CLOSE THE DOOR AND CADE UP !"
FallHollow the zombie gestured at donutron .
One Angry Zed said "hmm... I actually do believe some family migrated there... most curious"
ClarkClarkson revivified a zombie.
One Angry Zed said "I can't believe a zombie killed Darwin. There's so much about zombie evolution he had to teach..."
ClarkClarkson said "I just revived him, so it's no big deal. I'm quite worried about zombies nót being interested in the Lecture Series, though."
ClarkClarkson said "Oh, and please DON'T THROW THE BODY OUTSIDE."
toreador the zombie killed a zombie.
One Angry Zed said "was worth a shot, Shadowean... *hands over cookie*"
toreador the zombie said "Gargh, gahz ah Bah, Bah Zahmbah."
One Angry Zed said "before I end up in my proper state again, I did want to pose a question/observation regarding PKers..."
One Angry Zed said "between me and my harman alt, I've come to find that most PKers I've met, contrary to the typical judgment, are among the most civil, intelligent, and interesting persons in the game"
One Angry Zed said "unlike some of the nearby mallrats, I've found them to respect the rules here and to engage in good conversation"
One Angry Zed said "so I've often found myself wondering, as I look at my spinning moral compass, why it is that, correct or not, I seem to find PKers preferable company these days, vs. average survivors; anyone else find this to be the case, on average, at least?"
One Angry Zed said "(not counting the QSG, of course, most excellent company indeed)"
A flare was fired 2 blocks to the west and 12 blocks to the north.
ignoti said "Does anyone have a spare first aid kit? A rogue Zambah took a bite out of me, and now I'm infected."
Pvt Walter Sobchak said "Ah, come on! Can't you see the no kill zone sign?"
Charles Darwin said "*dusts himself off* My word, that was a most curious feeling being revived! Thank you kindly Mr. Clarkson. I feel a little dizzy, I think I need to sit down."
glen18 said "I have come to realize that as well Mr. Zed. PKers and QSG members have by far been the most interesting people in Malton that I have met."
glen18 said "Oh, and if any of our zombie friends here would like to be revived, please let me know"
Guardian of Nekops said "Awake, my friends! Slay the foul undead that have broken into your stronghold, or fly, lest you be slain!"
Guardian of Nekops killed a zombie.
toreador the zombie said "Harmanz ahn Zahmbanz nah bah brazzaz. Nah bah habbah. Harmanz bang bang Zahmbahz. Zahmbahz grab, bang bang man bagz."
toreador the zombie said "Bah ha ha. Bah ha ha..."
Finius Gage killed a zombie.
Dr Lancelot said "Will you stop fucking killing zombies here?!"
wishard the zombie gestured at the radio.
wishard the zombie gestured at itself.
wishard the zombie gestured at the barricades.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Wade Wilson III said "This is some weird shit in here, I'm out. Good luck with the zombie/human cross breeding."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Wishard, (id=156612) I am honored by the presence of a zombie as old as you, but please report to the Herbert and ask for a revive like a rotter normally does. Our 'safe-haven' policy is offered to Maltonians who don't mess up our microfilm & microfiche"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "And to the respectful guests who keep asking about our self defense issues: add the contact of violators of our library's hallowed ground and defend yourselves appropriately. Make sure to explain who and why before becoming violent."
Dathgale said "What a novelty... that talking zombie over there-- did he say that if humans kill zombies, the zombies will kill him?"
Dale McGillicuddy said "Shadowean, I'm going to have to ask you to sleep elsewhere for a while,. You were reported PKing in Hildebrand just yesterday and we really do disapprove of that sort of thing. We can't afford another war with wanna-be Dog: The Bounty Hunter jerks."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "This is for the mess you made in the Biographies department"
Sir Fred of Etruria killed a zombie.
One Angry Zed said "Mr. Darwin, I've been meaning to ask... have your post-apocalypse experiences had any effect on your evolutionary theories?"
One Angry Zed said "in terms of, perhaps, zombie evolution?"
Sleyha killed a zombie.
One Angry Zed said "Sleyha, that was rude"
One Angry Zed said "pink is a guest here--this is a no kill zone"
Sleyha said "aren't we killing these?"
Sleyha said "oh.. what's the deal?"
One Angry Zed said "more accurately, looking at pink's profile again, pink is a member of the QSG... making that doubly bad"
One Angry Zed said "yes, these zombies are guests/members of the QSG"
ignoti said "Sleyha, not in the Library, you'll ruin the books. These are guests for the Quartly Lecture Circuit!"
Sleyha said "ok"
Sleyha said "So I need to dna scan them before attackign around here?"
One Angry Zed said "the general rule here is that only zombies who actually are observed attacking should be, erm, shown the door"
One Angry Zed said "only at Quartly of course"
pink unicorns the zombie said "Zra.!ha, brh!z zb.ahb zhah h.hra!ahra.nz"
pink unicorns the zombie said "Mah h!z ah b!zh.ahrh rh!b.hra.ra.!b. Zahmb!"
Sleyha said "ok how odd... no probs, I'll go back and hybernate in my hideyhole"
pink unicorns the zombie said "Zhangh Gahb. H!ah ghanb. B! Bahzha.ra.b. B.ah b.ahmb zhah bahb.!hra.z aahb.za!b."
ignoti said "That's not Zamgrh is it?"
Matt Holmes killed a zombie.
Dr Lancelot said "Greetings, fine librarians of Quartly. I am Protomorph's brother, and I will representing USSR here for an undetermined period of time. Thank you."
Tactical Grace said "are we trying to let in another zombie?"
Charles Darwin said "That is a very interesting question Mr. OAZ. Perhaps I will compile some of my notes on the subject and maybe the QSG would be kind enough to invite me to give a lecture on the zombie evolution. *shuffles through papers covered in scribblings*"
Number e said "God dammit, I killed 3 zeds outside! They were also inside?? wtf :( Anyway, good luck with that :D"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Very interesting question, Mr.OAZ... If we interpret the new skills of zambahz as evolution, we would have several generations of zombies represented... And Mr.Darwin, as soon as you share some of your delicious barnacles, **licks lips** we would love to "

Possible actions:

There are two zombies here. You recognise pink unicorns.

Sir Fred of Etruria said "here your opinions and hypothesis on the Evolution of these undead and the reactionary adaptation of their mobile and armored foosource. Hmm, do humans remind anyone else of delicious crustaceans ? **nudges an octopus**"


Christ Cutter said "still keeping zombies about? that doesn't seem smart...."
Charles Darwin said "Why thank you Mr. of Eturia. I would be most honored. Allow me to regain my strength (APs) and put my thoughts together and I would love to give my views on zed evolution in the next day or two. And I'd be happy to share some of my cruncy barnacles."
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Marte the Moocher the zombie said "Mah zambaz! Mah harmanz. Mah zambah habbah nah!"
Marte the Moocher the zombie said "NAH HARRM HARMANZ NAH ZAMBAZ!"
MoreThanDork said "Hey there little groaning zombie, STOP! This is a no killing zone."
MoreThanDork said "For your own protection, please don't groan or harm the harmanz. The Library is a safe haven for zombies and harmanz alike to come and speak on zombie life and feel merry"
MoreThanDork said "You can leave now if you want. In 3 monutes I'll be barricading the building. If you want to stay and enjoy the lectures, perhaps participate yourself, that's great! Otherwise. Don't harm anyone, ok?"
MoreThanDork said "To the HUMANS who were already here. That death rattling zombie we just heard above is a friend of mine who some of you may remember (Marte the Moocher) so please do not confuse her with the groaning zombies."
Marte the Moocher the zombie gestured to the east.
Marte the Moocher the zombie gestured to the west.
Marte the Moocher the zombie gestured to the north-east.
Marte the Moocher the zombie gestured to the south-west.
Marte the Moocher the zombie gestured down at the ground.
Marte the Moocher the zombie gestured at the ceiling.
MoreThanDork said "Marte, you've always been a beautiful dancer :)"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by. ...and again.
One Angry Zed said "would the groaning zombie please keep it down? this is a no-kill zone; you are, I presume, welcome to attend or perhaps even give a zombie lecture, but attacks in here are generally frowned upon"
One Angry Zed said "*shivers* a bit drafty with that door open... let me get that... too much fresh air spoils the books"
Shadowean said "Dale McGillicuddy, I'm terribly sorry - I usually avoid returning here 24 hours after a kill. That particular one slipped my mind as they only had a few hp... It was something of a light snack :D"
Shadowean said "I was a bit suprised to have it reported actually... I've been after Red Rum's KOS award for a while but none of my silly victims have been reporting my deeds... 'tis a terrible shame."
Shadowean said "Hmmm. A lot of injured here. I think I may just break character and heal them."
Shadowean said "Well I grabbed a handful of FAKs but it appears the RNG is against me as ever... Took far too much AP searching for them. I'll do what I can though."
Shadowean said "'tis done. I am out of both equipment and the strenth to use it. For today, I bid you adieu. *curls up in the corner and starts to snore*"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
GrumbleCake the zombie dragged Viruse out into the street.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 4 damage.
The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.)
One Angry Zed said "GrumbleCake, why do you have to ruin things?"
One Angry Zed said "I mean, rather than keep Malton interesting, you'd rather do here what you could do anywhere else and be credited for it?"
Vincent Vicious killed a zombie. ...and another.
Sir Fred of Etruria said "That explains all the shooting and clawing. Someone altered our 'NoKill' signboard so that it said something quite violent and ill informed. If only people understood our vision. "
Von Luthius the zombie said "Ha! Rh!Brah!anz! Mah Harh nah!"
Von Luthius the zombie gestured at Sir Fred of Etruria.
Von Luthius the zombie said "Ha! Zah bra"
Von Luthius the zombie said "Gah! Zambahz! Mah Grab Zambaz rh!barh! Mahn nah zambahz."
Von Luthius the zombie gestured at Melani.
Von Luthius the zombie said "Mahan! Mah Mahan! Zambah Na harm Mahan!"
donutron killed a zombie.
noodles1 destroyed the generator.
noodles1 said "muhahahhaahaha that was for the mistress, we followers know how to annoy, we arenot deadly untill Z day comes, and it is fast coming"
jgtl the zombie killed donutron.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
ClarkClarkson said "That no barricades part is quite dangerous, there's too many killing zombies coming in for a kill. I've barricaded it back up to VS + 2."
ignoti said "*cough cough* Could someone take a look at this? *gestures to the festering bite wound on the neck* Putridus is apparently not cognizant yet, and doesn't understand the library rules."
Pizzapan the zombie said "Graaaagh!"
Pizzapan the zombie destroyed the radio transmitter.
One Angry Zed said "there you go ignoti... unfortunately, that's my last FAK--perhaps I'll go try to scrounge a few more, as it looks like we do have a few zombies here who aren't yet familiar with the quartly and its no-kill policy"
Scheffler killed a zombie.
a happy scientist healed you for 10 HP.
Scheffler said "Pizzapan, you have violated the peace of our library. This is a transgression for which you have been punished. Never return."
Scheffler said "That goes for the rest of you lot. This is a no kill zone, but those of you who abuse our good-nature will in short order find themselves dead and ejected bodily from the premises."
Scheffler said "As an aside, do we recall whether or not our companion Mr. Luthius had wished to be revived?"
FennisZotorman said "http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=191889"
FennisZotorman said "stop biting me!!"
FennisZotorman said "if your are hungry go elsewhere!"
FennisZotorman said "thanks for the healing happy scientist :)"
Von Luthius the zombie said "Nah zan raz!z Mah! Rabra!hra."
FennisZotorman said "sorry I was not around to bring you back Charles but looks like your are ok now"
FennisZotorman said "just need to get some med packs and fix the rest of us up"
Dathgale said "Thank you, Fennis. Apparently, zombie #626616 does not know how rude it is to bite people, let alone infect them."
Doctor Maniacus killed a zombie.
A flare was fired 11 blocks to the east and 7 blocks to the south.
a happy scientist said "I wonder if someone send these zombies here on purpose...to disturb the QSG"
Shadowean said "I think its rather more a case of zombies realising that they can get in here and leach experience with little in the way of consequences over & over again. It may be an idea to tighten security for a little while. Loosen up when disrespectful zeds leave."
Shadowean said "They've basically realised they can take advantage of the QSG's hospitable nature."
Ropes McGurk said "greetings all I think I'm gonna pull up here and stay for awhile to visit and listen to your current lecture series" ...and again. ...and again.
A flare was fired 4 blocks to the west and 4 blocks to the south.
sarah tonin said "Von Luthius, is the big level 42 new to you?"
sarah tonin said "Putridus, nice to meet you, are you new to the Apocolot or just not involved with Rotwood?"
sarah tonin said "www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=191889"
sarah tonin said "whoops! what i meant to say was 626616..."
Sur Grambag killed a happy scientist.
Putridus the zombie said "Ha rh hrh arh? H arrh rrh nrh rrng mrh?"
Putridus the zombie said "Rh hrman"
Putridus the zombie said "Brh arrgh.... Rh rh rrrh rrrh rrh. Nrh rrng"
Putridus the zombie said "Nrh rh. Nrh rh. Nrh rh"
a happy scientist the zombie said "Mrh?"
a happy scientist the zombie gestured at Bob the Angry Zombie.
a happy scientist the zombie said "Rnrrh"
a happy scientist the zombie said "Mrh?"
a happy scientist the zombie said "MRH, rarh rarh rarh..."
xryanx1 revivified a zombie.
a happy scientist said "ah, thanks a lot, my friend. some idiot shot me. with my magical zombie skills i could figure out our friend bob has an infection. maybe someone could heal him? i have spent all my FAK's in here"
Pvt Walter Sobchak said "It's been fun hanging out here. However, I have been called to a new task, so if you'll pardon me. I shall bid my company here adieu and move on. It's been fun."
FennisZotorman said "cured bobs infection :)"
FennisZotorman said "so I know von luthius, but would the other zeds in resisdence like to give a speach?"
FennisZotorman said "dont be shy there 5 of you surely one much have something of interest to tell us?"
sarah tonin said "Sorry Putdirus, thats a lot of r's and i don't think i understand what you're trying to say."
Gore Girl said "Sorry, but I'm going to kill and dump Putridus. That's what he gets for biting and infecting me. Putridus, let that be a lesson to you. Play nice next time!"
Gore Girl killed a zombie
a terrible infection healed you for 10 HP.
Sir Fred of etruria said "Hmmm... it's getting a little busier out there. Two zeds standing at TurpinCresc and a mini horde keeps trying to attack Eligius. And fifteen zombie of various groups are up by the Pimbank border."
sarah tonin said "Thats fine Gore Girl, i just go a big rubbery one when i see a Apoc, after all at one time there was an active Apoc S.R.G. see http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/Apocalypse_Horde_Slow_Readers_Group"
sarah tonin said "i love the hush picture..."
Jarper said "The Adept is poo. Teeth marks to prove it."
Jarper said "http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=191889"
Jarper killed a zombie.
Jarper said "Von Luthius, do you want a revive or are you just filling in for pink temporarily?"
Jarper said "APed out anyway.."
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Charles Darwin said "Thanks Father Leary for the heal. I patched up everyone else who is infected, but it seems one of our zed visitors is still rather bitey. Can anyone ID the misbehaving organism? This has really delayed my speech writing!"
Since your last turn: http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=539174 and http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=401529
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again. ...and again.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again. ...and again.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
One Angry Zed said "I'd be glad to id whoever's biting, but it seems nobody cares to bite such an angry zed... not that I'm asking just now"
Dr Lancelot healed you for 5 HP.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again.
You were killed by a zombie.
Gosse the zombie killed Sir Fred of Etruria.
Gosse the zombie killed One Angry Zed.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by. ...and again.
Jarper said "At least six biters and clawers outside.. Building up quite a sad list."
Jarper said "Aahzb.rhar!a hab. a b.ahbr!gh hahr!b.a.! ahn h.rh!b.a.!"
Jarper said "Managa.b. b.ah b.ah h.ahrhb.h! h.ahahrh hahahrhz ahh. ahh.a.rhb.!ma. zh!z h.!!gha.nb."
Jarper said "ZGHAH Ahn!gz !z b.ahahh.arha."
FennisZotorman said "http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=401529 is killing...send him out!"
FennisZotorman said "Von luthius has rot so cannot be revived here, he is very well behaved so not a problem
FennisZotorman said "Ok those bitting CC24 is down to 14HP , lucky I have med kit"
FennisZotorman said "we have quite a few dead bodies outside, dont revive Goose hes killing the speakers"
Alchaine the zombie killed Billiums.
Scheffler killed a zombie. ...and another.
Scheffler said "I warned you, didn't I? Then you had to go and interrupt a very nice sit-down and SPILL MY TEA. This unconscionable act of impoliteness will not stand!"
Svetlana76 said "You got a bunch of zombies howling at the door, and I'm all out of ammo. Did what I could. Good luck!"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
...and again. Rangy the zombie gestured at Thirdnagual.
Rangy the zombie killed Alfred Noobel.
Rangy the zombie gestured at itself. ...and again.
FireballManGuy said "could a zed plz zedify me?"
FireballManGuy said "pleeze"
One Angry Zed the zombie said "Angrah Zambah zaz, hrrah mah harmanz anh rh!brarh!anz!! Hazzah!"
ignoti said "Dr. Darwin, thanks for the expedient first aid, I'm quite happy not to have learned firsthand the experience of the zombie infection evolution."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Phew, I still say we have the fastest revive point in town... what'd I miss my Literate friends ?"
A flare was fired 1 block to the east and 5 blocks to the south.
A flare was fired 10 blocks to the south.
Tactical Grace healed you for 10 HP. ...and again.
Charles Darwin revivified a zombie.
an octopus said ":: shakes a disappointed flipper in the direction of some of the undead visitors who don't seem to know why they're here. ::"
an octopus said ":: flipper? The octopus examines its arm carefully. Phew. Just an optical illusion caused by light bending in the water cooler in which it sits. Quite a relief! Octopuses don't have flippers - it would be an abomination of nature! ::"
an octopus said ":: and none of its suits would fit, of course... ::"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Ganonisme said "hello"
ignoti said "Books damn it, The Adept bit me again, and I don't have enough AP to evict him from the Non-Fiction section."
Jadkor killed MoreThanDork.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
AlexanderHaig killed a zombie. ...and another.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
GrumbleCake the zombie said "H!, gahz."
One Angry Zed said "oye, GrumbleCake, this is getting tedious"
One Angry Zed said "thx for the revive, Mr. Darwin, though it's a shame I'm not a zombie at the moment, as I could better deal with Mr. GrumbleCake in that condition"
One Angry Zed said "GrumbleCake (id=556299), seriously, what's the point of griefing such a remarkable place as this?"
One Angry Zed said "uncas, this is a no kill zone, for all--that wasn't nice"
Shadowean said "I'm terribly grateful for the revive sarah tonin. Oh and OAZ you don't look so good - I've only got one FAK but I'll patch you up as best I can."
Shadowean said "Oh dear... Active zeds attacking and me without the AP to help :/ Sorry OAZ looks like you might be about to get eaten."
Croke the zombie dragged One Angry Zed out into the street.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Croke the zombie dragged Shadowean out into the street.
FennisZotorman healed you for 10 HP.
Vanderghast said "I'll be back with backup ! Hang in there !"
mularkey killed a zombie.
xryanx1 said "Am I to understand The Adept and Grumblecake are killing in here?"
Jarper said "xryanx, yes, and a bunch of zeds outside are getting bitey too."
xryanx1 killed a zombie.
BellaDulce killed a zombie.
Klaxons killed a zombie.
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Oh, Lockand1oad is still here. What the fuck ? Is there so little for you to do that you say 'hey, I'm gonna go grief people for trying something new.' Are you that sad of an asshole that you enjoy ruining other peoples stay in Malton. Like damn, you have"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "some personal vendetta against people for not being hack and slash cowboys ? I invite people for some in-game discourse. Everything people says here costs"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "AP this isn't a forum where you can go on an on. Here your words matter, you could've found ammo with that action point. But you come waltzing in like we need your permition to be creative. Man, you're sad... I'm glad nobody killed you yet, choad."
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Naith the zombie dragged zombie hunter 200 out into the street.
GrumbleCake the zombie said "H! Gahz, rz mah!!!"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
GrumbleCake the zombie destroyed the generator.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Gumblecake, are you the guy who was broadcasting about how our DNK policy should be an obligation which binds our hands for griefers to take advantage of us ? Somebody was whining all over our radio frequency about how we were evil for defending ourselves"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Other zombie id=680159, not a rotter... if he bites anyone just combat revive him..."
One Angry Zed the zombie said "Angrah Zambah zaz, NAH HARM HARMANZ!! NAH HARM R!HBRAH!!!"
wgah'nagl the zombie said "Graaaagh!"
A flare was fired 10 blocks to the west and 4 blocks to the north.
Gore Girl killed a zombie.
xryanx1 revivified a zombie.
SweetIrony said "Lockand1oad is a griefer, Sir Fred? We have so many now, I can't keep track of them. Mr. Lockand1oad, would you like to give a talk for the series? We haven't had one from a Griefer perspective before. *Is only mostly being sarcastic*"
A flare was fired 13 blocks to the east and 4 blocks to the north.
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Zombie Moosher id=680159 and Zombie Wgah'Nagl id=743537"
sarah tonin said "i like this posting of the UD ID, saves on the ol AP, thanks Sir Fred... anyone have a genny? i've five fuel cans and no mechanics..."
Lockand1oad said "umm, whats a griefer? I hardly even know who you people are, I just ran out of AP here. But if you want me to lecture, I guess I could."
Lockand1oad said "dont get me wrong, I dont like the QSG, primarily because they want to help out rotters and such, but another problem I have with you people is the fact that I have been PK'ed by QSG members making bogus claims about me so they dont seem as Pk'ers"
Lockand1oad said "wait a sec...MitchAllTogether...you arent actually Mitch Hedberg are you?!"
sarah tonin said "Lockand1oad, the reason (i assume) that you were PKed was due to you GKing in the library. As to the claims of 'helping out rotters' well that just depends on the context of helping,... to read yes."
sarah tonin said "Perhaps you can find answers to your questions by visiting http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/Quartly_Study_Group/Zombie_Lecture_Series
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Yes, not only have you destroyed our generators, but you've torn down our x-mas lights. I may be dangerous, but I've never torn down x-mas lights. As IAmRisen says 'Thats just evil.'"
golam said "which is calling the kettle black"
golam said "wooo i got 48 books and 2 poetry books."
golam said "see ya"
demondim revivified a zombie.
golam said "say old chaps would someone mind putting a bullet into my head? i'm kinda depressed."
golam said "no headshots pleasae."
golam said "We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men Leaning together Headpiece filled with straw. Alas! i want tacos!"
You heard a loud and distant groaning 6 blocks to the west and 1 block to the south.
rimmersmeg revivified a zombie.
You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby.
Randomdead the zombie destroyed the generator.
Randomdead the zombie killed Charles Darwin.
Randomdead the zombie said "Harh Harh Harh hamanz!"
You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. ...and again.
Randomdead the zombie gestured at itself.
Flickman666 said "It's not very nice to bite people Randomdead."
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again.
http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=539174 The zombie grabbed hold of you!
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again.
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again.
You were killed by a zombie.

jgtl the zombie killed Sir Fred of Etruria.
Skydigger killed a zombie. ...and another. ...and another.
Rangy the zombie killed Skydigger.
Putridus the zombie said "Rh harh rrh hra! Brrarrh! Rm! Rh brh ba!"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
an octopus said ":: wishes more members of the undead could read the sign ::"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Flzur the zombie killed Melani.
glen18 said "I've got flzur down to 9, if anyone wants to get him out"
Scheffler said "Lockand1oad, you entirely miss the point. This is unsurprising. QSG are not concerned with helping zombies. QSG are concerned with scholarship and knowledge. Primarily as conferred by the volumes here in the library,"
Scheffler said "But supplementarily from experiences in the world. It would be foolish to discount close to half of those experiences here in Malton simply because the individuals who expereienced them are currently deceased."
Scheffler killed a zombie.
sarah tonin said "Well put Scheffler..."
sarah tonin said "For ya'll that like keepin' track that was 53399 and 539174 with kills and 191889 infecting... amongst others"
MoreThanDork said "man. what the heck is that Jadkor's problem? took me a whole two days to revive from his murdering hands. Did anyone else see that? He totally killed me to death. It was messed up. I feel better now though. Good to see everyone :)"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by. ...and again. ...and again.
Draven777 the zombie said "Zrmbrrh hrrng rh hrman. RArrR..rrh!!!!!!!!!"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Draven777 the zombie said "RAM GANG!!!!"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Naomi Patemkin the zombie killed One Angry Zed.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
ignoti said "Thanks, Abe."
ignoti killed a zombie.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
ignoti killed a zombie.
ignoti said "I just killed Putridus because he infected me, and Naomi Patemkin because she killed One Angry Zed. I'm out of AP, though."
GrumbleCake the zombie dragged Bob the Angry Zombie out into the street.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Zambhaz Zmazh the zombie killed Fungicide.
toreador the zombie said "Zahmbahz, Harmanz, Nah Bang bang, gang bang."
toreador the zombie said "Zahmbahz ahn Harmahnz, Z!ng!!!"
toreador the zombie said "Ghambrahahm, mah Garg, Ghambrahahm, ---, Ghambrahahm, mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ghambrahahm, mah Garg, Ghambrahahm, ---, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ah Zahmbah harharh, Garg, Ghambrahahm, ---, Ah Zahmbah harharh, Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ah Zahmbah harharh, Garg, Ghambrahahm, ---, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ah Zahmbah gangbang, Garg, Ghambrahahm, ---, Ah Zahmbah gangbang, Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ah Zahmbah gangbang, Garg, Ghambrahahm, ---, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
fire cheez said "it doesnt seem the no kill concept is working, is it? i have to few AP to really help you, but I will get the cades back up. if you die, move to the regular revive point, i'll make sure one of my scientist buddies helps you out"
toreador the zombie said "Ah Zahmbah habbah hangrah, Garg, Ghambrahahm, ---, Ah Zahmbah habbah hangrah, Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ah Zahmbah habbah hangrah, Garg, Ghambrahahm, ---, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ah Zahmbah, Z!ng!ng, Garg, Ghambrahahm, ---, Ah Zahmbah, Z!ng!ng, Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ah Zahmbah, Z!ng!ng, Garg, Ghambrahahm, ---, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
One Angry Zed the zombie said "Hrrah Zhrahzazarh! Ah zrng! Ah Zahmbah habbah hangrah, Garg, Ghambrahahm, ---, Ah Zahmbah habbah hangrah, Garg, Ghambrahahm"
golam said "i've got 48 books hostage."
toreador the zombie said "Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ahn Ahngrah Zahmbah Z!ng!ng, Garg, Ghambrahahm, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
Lockand1oad said "see thats another thing that I think is stupid too, hey lets try to teach Zeds how to read, when not only can Zombies not read in the game, no one would want to do that in the real world either, might I say,"
Lockand1oad said "and I did come down here on one accasion and destroy your radio transmitter,"
Lockand1oad said "but thats only because ClarkClarkson was running his mouth about teaching zeds how to read, and how some rotters were nice and other nonsense."
Lockand1oad said "ow, something just bit me...hold on a sec"
toreador the zombie said "Harmanz azzgrabbah, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
ClarkClarkson said "I suggest YOU learn to read, Lockand1oad, because I didn't even say that."
ClarkClarkson said "Although, I've got the same opinion on it. ^_^"
ClarkClarkson said "Also, the no 'cades policy isn't working, something needs to be done about it. I think the best idea is for rotters to get revived, and killing every zombie that comes in. There's just too many zombies who are taking advantage of Quartly's vulnerability."
One Angry Zed the zombie said "Nah harm Angrah Zambah? Angrah Zambah nah harm harmanz, Angrah Zambah harm bah bah zambah hah harm R!brarh"
ClarkClarkson revivified a zombie.
ClarkClarkson said "Here you go, One Angry Zed."
ClarkClarkson said "Oh, and DON'T DUMP THE BODY OUTSIDE! Thanks."
toreador the zombie said "Ah Zahmbah Z!ng!ng, mah Garg, Ghambrahahm, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ah Zahmbah gah Harman, mah Garg, Ghambrahahm, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Nick O'Teane the zombie dragged One Angry Zed out into the street.
Heywood Jahbuzzoff killed a zombie. ...and another. Heywood Jahbuzzoff said "Hat trick!"
Heywood Jahbuzzoff killed a zombie.
Thirdnagual said "damn, bunch of unruley zeds....thanx for the heals clark and sir fred. much appreciated."
toreador the zombie said "Harmanz bangbang, mah Garg, Ghambrahahm, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ghambrahahm, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
Dr Lancelot healed you for 5 HP. ...and again. ...and again.
Gore Girl killed a zombie.
MoreThanDork said "Marte my love! You're alive!!!! Soooo fabulous to see you! ¤¤BIG HUG¤¤ Welcome to the Quartly Library."
MoreThanDork said "There's been a lot of uproar in here the past week, and especially the last couple days. Zombies are eating people, people are killing zombies, people are killing people. It's kinduv chaotic."
MoreThanDork said "But with a great deal of love and a lot of perserverence, i think you'll find it's a lovely home and a generally safe and fun place to be."
MoreThanDork said "There's someone who's about to cry if I don't go for a walk with them right now, so, make yourself at home and i'll see you in the morning, k? sweet dreams :)"
fire cheez said "so, is it safe now?"
fire cheez said "i certainly hope so"
Dr Lancelot healed you for 5 HP.
fire cheez said "are those zombies friendly? i dont have many guns left, but certainly enough to take care of two of them in a swipe..."
toreador the zombie said "Nah harm Zahmbahz, azzgrabbah harman!"
Gore Girl said "Toreador, if you want a revive, let me know. I can revive now. Yay!"
Gore Girl healed you for 10 HP.
Jarper said "Someone please headshot and dump The Adept. (-: http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=191889"
toreador the zombie said "Nah, Harmanz bra bag. Nah Mrh. Zambah, harh harh. Zambah Z!ng!ng. Zahmbah Zamrhm."
CC24 said "Ok, I am a little confused... zombies keep attacking me, in the supposed no kill zone I am fed up and retailiating.. is this ok???"
AlexanderHaig killed a zombie.
...and another. You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Charles Darwin said "Hello all. Thanks for the revive Fennis. While I admit it was interesting being undead from a scientific standpoint it was rather unpleasent. I was more interested in eating brains than studying them. And while I learned a valuable perspective..."
Charles Darwin said "...I unfortunatly forgot any useful scientific thoughts as soon as I had them. My brain wasn't moving very swiftly and it seems long term memory is mainly a function reserved for the living."
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
wgah'nagl the zombie said "Graaaagh!" ...and again.
Dale McGillicuddy said "So, Lockand1oad, you're saying we're dicks for PKing you for the 'bogus' claim of your having GKed, when you were GKing over something somebody said that annoyed you? Chrsit, grow up, man. I think i'd prefer it if you didn't stay here, because if we"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "CC24, thanks for asking... if attacked get the profile ID and retalliate as you see fit. I prefer warning everyone once or twice, but we've had zed who were breaking in to infect everyone. That may not be a 'kill' but that is a strategy used in sieges, "
Dale McGillicuddy said "were to offend your delicate sensibilities, you might be forced to do something rash like fuck up our lights, or kill somebody. I think it's best for all involved if you sleep elsewhere, I can't promise I won't say something that offends you."
Dale McGillicuddy said "Hi fred, good to see you"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Hi, Dale you're finally awake I see. Lay off those looted turkey TV dinners, they knock you right out. Welcome Franky Combov (id=193008)"

Jan 28-29

You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Dale McGillicuddy said "Hi zombies, who's here to eat?"
Dale McGillicuddy said "Which one did that, I've got a shotty in my desk"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Toreador (id=357740) I love the zombie zings, keep 'em coming. I'm not sure who the zombie in the back is, but I really want to revive Wgah'nagl (id=743537) to see what he actually knows about Lovecraft/Cthulhu..."
Stortebecker said "yes, you SHOULD evacuate this building, 16 zeds waiting outside"
Dale McGillicuddy said "Uhm, what if he knows *too* much? ;;winks at fred::"
Stortebecker said "can you stop your idle chatter for a second and help me with the barricades, mmmh?"
Dale McGillicuddy killed a zombie.
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Lexus Nexus (id=671348) keeps biting me, you are allowed to retaliate if 'she' continues. Thanx for the headsup Stortebecker..."
Dale McGillicuddy said "I'm kinda inclined to agree with that barricading masked man, I've brought 'em up to EHB and think we should ride out this storm. Button up, soldiers."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "View outside i There is a mob of sixteen zombies here. You recognise Torscha, One Angry Zed, GrumbleCake and Lexus Nexus amongst them. i ... but that's just the fanclub, does anybody have a new lecture topic, maybe something we'd overlooked ?"
Scheffler said "I wonder, idly, whether zombies enjoy tea and biscuits. Perhaps they are fond of Digestives? Oh dear, what a terrible pun."
Scheffler said "As it happens, though, I do have some McVities Digestive biscuits here, among some other sweeter offerings. If any of you zombies might enjoy tea and biscuits, please do have some. That of course goes for the still-breathing, as well."
Scheffler said "As long as we have the barricades up, I thionk we ought to enjoy a nice cup and a sit-down."
Mawhrin Skel the zombie destroyed the generator.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Mawhrin Skel id=520593 is a GKer and should be treated like a traitor... do you think you respect our no kill policy by attacking our eq ?"
ignoti revivified a zombie.
ignoti said "Don't dump that body, it's wgah'nagl. Someone wanted him revived."
Tactical Grace said "whoa. It's marwhin skel. we killed each other a few times at Blackmore. no hard feelings, eh?"
ClarkClarkson said "Some idiot dumped One Angry Zed outside. Gah... I hope he has Free Running. :\"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "While I'm being risky and allowing your enemy to meet on neutral ground, could I get a barhah from the guests ?"
Charles Darwin said "I must say chaps, it's quite queer going into survival mode in this library! This is normally a place of scholarship, what? But it seems everything's gone pear shaped. *racks shotgun* Time to make a few zeds extinct! (only the naughty ones)"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Everybody needs to hold on tight, we have more zed than the mall... http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/1667/herbertscanjan30wz5.jpg"
A flare was fired 4 blocks to the east and 11 blocks to the north.
demondim said "i shot 14 times and hit 13 (killed the zed i was aiming at)... is that normal, i mean usualy youd hit maby 5-8 times but 13 TIMES!!!!"
demondim said "btw, who wants some beer :D"
Thirdnagual said "damn, I wanna know what the zombie is saying!"
SweetIrony said "Marte and MTD, you two look so cute together... ;)"
SweetIrony said "I tried explaining about the lecture series to the horde outside.... somehow I doubt they'll listen, but I had to try."
SweetIrony said "Now I think I'd like to try some of your tea and biscuits, Mr. Scheffler. :)"

Jan 30

There are four zombies here. You recognise Randomdead and toreador amongst them.

There is a dead body here.
Since your last turn:

BellaDulce said "Just letting you all know, you have 24 possible unwanted friends outside... and they look a little hungry."
Biagio said "Well, maybe they're just craving for knowledge."
Scheffler said "By all means, do feel free, SweetIrony."
You heard a loud groaning from very close by. ...and again.
toreador the zombie said "Zahmbah Z!ng!ng"
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
toreador the zombie said "Zahmbahz ahn Harmanz bahbah annah"
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again.
toreador the zombie said "Bagazm, zhagazm, gragazm,"
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again.
toreador the zombie said "Magazm, ragazm, hagazm,"
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
toreador the zombie said "Ha!zm, ga!zm, ma!zm,"
toreador the zombie said "!zm,!zm, g!zm!"
toreador the zombie said "Ahh Zambahz habbah,"
toreador the zombie said "Ahz nah bam Harmanz"
toreador the zombie said "Ahh Zambahz habbah,"
toreador the zombie said "Ahz nah bam Harmanz"
toreador the zombie said "Zahmbahz ahn Harmanz bahbah annah"
toreador the zombie said "M!n!grz, ban!grz, gan!grz,"
toreador the zombie said "Bazagrz, mazagrz, gazagrz,"
toreador the zombie said "Man bagz ahn brah bagz ahn gangbang,"
toreador the zombie said "Azzgrabbarz, brahgrabbarz, Bananagrabbarz!"
toreador the zombie said "Ahh Zambahz habbah,"
toreador the zombie said "Ahz nah bam Harmanz"
toreador the zombie said "Ahh Zambahz habbah,"
toreador the zombie said "Ahz nah bam Harmanz"
toreador the zombie said "Zahmbahz ahn Harmanz bahbah annah"
toreador the zombie said "Bra!z Zambah G-Zaz, Zambah G-ZAZ,"
toreador the zombie said "Baarh ahn brahnz, Zarbrahahz,"
toreador the zombie said "Zhamaamba, Hara Rama,"
toreador the zombie said "Hara Grh!zna, Hara Grh!zna, Hara Hara Grh!zna!"
toreador the zombie said "Ahh Zambahz habbah,"
toreador the zombie said "Ahz nah bam Harmanz"
toreador the zombie said "Ahh Zambahz habbah,"
toreador the zombie said "Ahz nah bam Harmanz!!!!"
Marte the Moocher said "Harmless Pigeon the zombie just ate me in half"
A flare was fired 13 blocks to the west and 5 blocks to the north.
Marte the Moocher killed a zombie.
glen18 healed you for 10 HP. ...and again. ...and again.
Marte the Moocher said "I really had the intetion not to kill anyone in here, but lost my temper with HarmlessPigeon ID=669797. Believe me, I am a passifist at heart."
Marte the Moocher said "Thank you Glen18"
Nervous Harold said "I hate getting eaten in half."
A flare was fired 14 blocks to the east and 5 blocks to the south.
MoreThanDork said "Lock - that's for GKing and for picking a general fight with our library. Quit annoying us and leave, please."
ohpo killed a zombie.
donutron said "heal please"
donutron said "someone dragged me outside and then ppl kept headshotting me as i was waiting at revive spot...ppl suck"
donutron said "oh..and lockand1oad...i tihnk i owe you this for breaking our genny"
donutron died from an infection.
donutron the zombie said "Mrh?"
donutron the zombie killed Lockand1oad.
donutron the zombie said "Graaaagh!"
donutron the zombie said "Mrh?"
toreador the zombie said "Z!ng ah mah Zahmbah!"
toreador the zombie said "Ram! Ram! Ram! Zah gahz, Zhanga ahn za narg!"
toreador the zombie said "Barhah! Barhah! Barhah! Barhah! Harmanz ahz hra barg!"
Charles Darwin said "Can we dump this body? And who is toreador? Friend or foe? Is he getting bitey?"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by. ...and again.
chaos2926 the zombie killed Ganonisme.
toreador the zombie said "Ah Zahmbah grahn, mah Garg, Ghambrahahm, Mah Garg, Ghambrahahm"
toreador the zombie said "Ahh Zambahz habbah, ahz nah bam Harmanz"
A flare was fired 2 blocks to the west and 8 blocks to the south.
Dr Lancelot said "Damn, its cold here. I'll close the doors."
Sleyha said "So what do we do we we're zerged at the library?"
Sleyha said "we're fucked now"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
BirdFluVictim the zombie dragged Harry Balzac out into the street.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by. ...and again.
Merope the zombie killed a happy scientist.
Nervous Harold killed a zombie.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Osyras the zombie dragged BR4life out into the street.
Osyras the zombie dragged sarah tonin out into the street.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Snarfo the zombie said "Hah abbrabazzah! Nah harm! Ahz Znarrah!"
Snarfo the zombie said "Ah, za harmanz ahbzahb nah habbah. Rag z!g. Ah nah gan hab harmanz az bag zgarrah zahmbah."
Bob the Angry Zombie the zombie said "Mhrh?"
Snarfo the zombie said "HAR HAR HAR, Zgag Ahrahnah zanna bah bagman. Znarrah habba raggahn brahnz! HAR HAR HAR!"
Mr Biffo killed a zombie.
AlexanderHaig killed a zombie.
wgah'nagl said "Oh, come on, guys, cant you see in my initial class and skils i have, that i DO NOT want to get revived?" ...and again. ...and again.
Charles Darwin said "Two of our killers are BirdFluVictim id=387036 and Osyras id=701025 Please give them a friendly headshot and escort them from the building!"
wgah'nagl said "Oh, and do you have Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft. I eed something interesting to read before my infection kills me"
wgah'nagl said "uh oh... just dont revive me again, ok?"
wgah'nagl died from an infection.
xryanx1 said "wgah'nagl, someone probably revived because your annoying the inhabitants and your all but useless as a human. The idea is to make you waste time and often AP. were that I had more faks, i'd heal you where you stand."
wgah'nagl the zombie said "Grh."
xryanx1 said "ah damn too late"
Lucius Rooney revivified a zombie.
ignoti said "xryanx1, Actually I revived him because I wanted to know if he had anything enlightening to say about H.P. Lovecraft."
ignoti said "Wgah'nagl, my apologies."
oblio69 the zombie killed FennisZotorman.
A zombie attacked you for 4 damage.
The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.)
xryanx1 said "Very well, ignoti. I have him marked as one of the griefers in here, however, so I assumed someone had thought to revive him as a means of returning the favor. Should I see violent behavior from him, I now know to revive him as well."
a happy scientist the zombie said "Rararh!"
Dr Lancelot said "Holy shit, a mob of 12 zombies! I am scared..."
XJeffieX the zombie said "HHAaHGhHAMZRZ ZRHRMZHABBHAMZ!"
A flare was fired 11 blocks to the west and 13 blocks to the south.
Dale McGillicuddy killed a zombie. ...and another.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
Naith the zombie killed Lala Shadowblade.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Naith the zombie dragged CC24 out into the street.
Scheffler said "Croke, you ought to leave. You are not welcome here."
Croke killed a zombie.
Croke said "not welcome!?"
Scheffler said "Sorry, my mistake."
Scheffler said "I'd intended to type 'Osyras'. My be old age."
tonyauyeung healed you for 10 HP.
tonyauyeung killed a zombie.
Snarfo the zombie said "Ah mah gaaz! Abbrabazza harm harm zahmbahz. Ah grahz zanna zag, Znarrah nah harm nabbazzah. Znarrah ahm nahz zahmbah. Nah harm Znarrah."
Snarfo the zombie said "Ah ahm harh bagaaz ah rab za R!brarah."
Snarfo the zombie said "Znarrah ahn R!brarah am hranz, rag?"
Gore Girl killed a zombie.

Jan 31

Nervous Harold killed a zombie.
Nervous Harold said "I'll see if I can bring in some reinforcements"
Jarper killed a zombie.
DCDS killed a zombie.
Sir Fred of Etruria killed a zombie.
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Woohoo Jarper, this takes me back... Hey DCDS always nice to see LoSH..." (3 hours and 50 minutes ago) ClarkClarkson said "Grrr, this sucks. There's some zerging going on in here. It's now time to put my pistols in use."
ClarkClarkson killed a zombie. ...and another. ...and another.
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Isn't this the time when those two idle guys at the top of the list spring into action with something witty and save the day ? Hint, hint, **nudges the Father and winks at Flickman** Spring into action... **coughs** "
sarah tonin said "i love this town... exactly 43 min on the RP... Hey Snarfo!! thanks for the support."
Skydigger killed a zombie.
Vanderghast said "Huh ... how come you all had only minor wounds, but only one had an infection ?"
Vanderghast said "Oh, there's a zombie."
Gore Girl said "Jarper's here! *hugs*"
Jarper said "Hallo GG! *counterhug* It sure does, Fred. I can't decide whether to top the cades up or save AP and check in later as night shifter."
One Angry Zed said "thx for the revive xryanx1, for the 2nd time.. I owe you big time. It seems Quartly is deliberately under attack, eh? Not very sporting... does anyone know if this is actually organized? Group affiliations I've seen don't suggest so, but given the #'s..."
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
rimmersmeg revivified a zombie.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
rimmersmeg revivified a zombie.
The Adept said "What the hell? In Belas name, that's alot of book-reading flesh!"
The Adept said "Living ones, I bring you great news! There is peace and brotherhood, an eternal understanding to be had. All you must do is embrace undeath, clasp yourself to the clamy and kinda creepy bosom of the great Bela. Let me help you..."
Mike Madman Calwert said "Seems you could use a hand."
Paul Zakharov killed a zombie. ...and another. ...and another.
SweetIrony said "NOOO!!! Snarfo!!!!!!!!"
Biagio killed a zombie.
Biagio said "I hope that zed was not a lecturer..."
Identified FlyingObj said "whoa... 23 zeds outside. watchout"
Jarper said "Night shift, it is. *piles stuff up at the door whilst squinting menacingly at The Adept*"
A flare was fired 13 blocks to the east and 5 blocks to the south.
MoreThanDork said "Mr. Darwin sir, i've been monitoring toreador's movements and activities for the past several days and he's done little other then sing and be merry. so I'd say he's decidedly friendly :)"
One Angry Zed said "Thx for the heals, Jarper, Biagio--shame you revived Adept, rimmersmeg--you might want to add him to your redlist, as he's as uncouth alive as he is dead... just look at what he's done to the card catalog"
One Angry Zed said "that said, appreciate the, erm, lecture, Mr. Adept--too bad you can't appreciate how interesting this place can be when it's not under assault--and darn it, put down that book of poetry unless you're going to read from it!"
One Angry Zed said "they not only CR'd you, but they healed you good Mr. Adept... alas, my combat skills are very poor when I am human, as you can tell--why not go outside and feed yourself to the horde? unless you've rethought the QSG, of course..."
The Adept said "Rethought? Donno if you ever been undead, but though doesn't enter into it! The undead are instinct diriven, mindless creatures. They want flesh, living human flesh. All I remember is the hunger... and the peace."
The Adept said "Being undead is a better state than being alive. No strange desires, no nagging thought, no fear. I'm tolerating being alive to bring the message of love and undeath that Bela teaches us to all of you! And, if I have to, to show you what it's like..."
The Adept said "...to be dead. And by the way, spray painting no kill zone on the walls and talking to the undead doesn't do a damn thing - talking flesh or running flesh, it's all the same. Stop exspecting zombies to honour your silly no kill zone / lectures thing!"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Nice to meet you Mr.Adept, are you here to give a lecture or to berate us ?"
Vanderghast said "I'm more worried about him killing us. This IS the Quartly Library, and if he's here to give a lecture, I'm very much willing to sit in on it - the topic sounds very interesting. But I'd rather he refrained from ... practical demonstrations of undeath."
Vanderghast said "And besides - if the zombies do get rowdy and disturb the peace, there's plenty of very heavy books on how to operate firearms and learn martial arts. Heavy enough to, say, bash in a skull."
One Angry Zed said "Mr. Adept, I fear my reputation has failed to precede me--that you have not noticed me clawing you outside is also grief; I spend most of my time undead, and it is indeed good fun--except I don't harm harmanz, just hostile zambah"
One Angry Zed said "I have heard many excellent zombie lectures here, and there are indeed many zombies who respect the rules within these walls, yet return to flesh-eating outside--moreover, at one point we had a whole contingent of the RRF Gore Corps here"
ignoti said "Thank you for the first-aid gentlemen."
donutron said "heal please"
One Angry Zed said "but, Mr. Adept, if you feel a need to violate the stacks, to revoke a library card, kill me, because I will gladly step outside with you to settle things zambah to zambah; again, it is my hope, however, that you will respect this place & claw elsewhere"
The Adept said "You don't get it, do you, OAZ? From both a role-play and game balance point of view, this no kill zone thing is, well, wrong. Zombies in the traditional sense wouldn't care, and it gives a perfectly safe sleep point to survivors. As you know, most..."
The Adept said "...kills are of sleeping survivors. If they have somewhere to sleep where the zombies don't kill, where's the challenge? And don't get me started on z on z combat - that's so very against the background!"
toreador the zombie gestured at Dale McGillicuddy.
toreador the zombie said "Harman Bangbang Z!ng!ng Zahmbah. Nah Bangbang Z!ng!ng Zahmbah."
toreador the zombie said "Zahmbah barg bangbang harman."
toreador the zombie gestured at Dale McGillicuddy.
toreador the zombie said "Nah harm Zahmbah."
A flare was fired 12 blocks to the east and 11 blocks to the north.
Flash747 killed a zombie.
glen18 said "It's not as if there are hundreds in here hiding behind the no kill zone rule, instead there is a small group that wants to hear what others have to say. What about all those staying in malls confident that people like you won't attack because you'd"
Charles Darwin said "MoreThanDork thanks for the info on toreador, I concur, he is a harmless friendly zed. Cracking good fellow, what? I believe I was just a touch paranoid after getting shanghaied twice in a row! Glad things have settled down chaps."
glen18 said "rather focus on smaller buildings."
A flare was fired 4 blocks to the east and 10 blocks to the north.
26.17 MHz: "I'm searching for Adolph Vulva Hilter, please help me find"
Vanderghast said "Hola, Toreador. I've heard much of your prowess in the biz of show. Care to give one for the crowd ?"
Vanderghast said "Mr. Adept, I can very much assure you that this is not a roleplaying game, the likes of which some kids partake of; rather, it is very much a serious thing, this our continued existence in Malton."
Vanderghast said "I do believe that the Quartly library is such an excellent place to be not just because of the company, but because said company keeps to the rules; specifically, the non-violence thing. You see, the rules aren't enforcing us; we are enforcing the rules."
Vanderghast said "That sounds much more violent than I might've intended, but I hope I get the point across. The rules aren't simply an arbitrary set of do's and don'ts, but rather something all (or, atleast, most) of the library-goers agree on. And those who don't, well,"
Vanderghast said "We have plenty of very heavy books on fireams and martial arts for those."
One Angry Zed said "Mr. Adept, I believe it is not a question of getting it; however one looks at it, we have a world, and we can make it and remake as we like within its laws--and it is vastly more creative, difficult, and interesting to establish an outpost of conversation"
One Angry Zed said "that defies the otherwise easy roles to play; indeed, it is part of why I am a ZKer; I fight for my own vision, a world in which zambah and harmanz live side by side in perfect harmony; such is my mission"
Biagio killed a zombie.
Vanderghast said "Biagio, I take it you acted out of ignorance, as opposed to malice; but please do not kill the zombie known as Toreador (which was what you just did). He's a friendly sort."
You heard a loud groaning from very close by. ...and again. ...and again.
HarmlessPigeon the zombie said "Marrh hrh Mrrhrrh arh rrh hrrn!"
A zombie attacked you for 4 damage.
The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.)
HarmlessPigeon the zombie dragged Marte the Moocher out into the street.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by. ...and again.
EvilFungus the zombie dragged Father Leary out into the street.
FennisZotorman the zombie said "Mrh?"
FennisZotorman the zombie gestured at itself.
FennisZotorman the zombie said "Rrrrh rarh?"
Ronald'McDonald revivified a zombie.
wausaupaul killed a zombie.
26.17 MHz: "Single zombie down in the ransacked Sertin Building..."
26.17 MHz: "...should anybody want to get the cell tower up and running"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
roo7 said "I did what I can (barricading) good luck. Regards, Tynte Mall Union"
26.17 MHz: "sertin bldg is clear and caded.."
26.17 MHz: "Nice work yohimbezombie. In other SSS news, today is..."
Lucius Rooney revivified a zombie.
26.17 MHz: "PKer bounty hunter extraordinair BUNGE's birthday!!! Be sure"
26.17 MHz: "...to wish him a happy one!!!"
26.17 MHz: "So the phones in Sbury Village are down? Could you update"
26.17 MHz: "... the Mobile Phone Mast page on the Wiki? Thanks! MalTel"
Biagio killed a zombie.
26.17 MHz: "Bunney Street PD is up and ready to go, expecting Zed soon"
Vanderghast said "I'm sick ... that zombie ... bit me. Could anyone render me assistance ?" (
Benigno said "Sorry I can't help out a fellow ZDer Vanderghast, I used my last FAK on Leon Silverblood cause he was at 39....I'm sorry..."
Vanderghast said "Thanks for the offer, Benigno, but the good Doctor Heartless beat you to it. I'm feeling well again - but I bet the chap who took a bite out of me also made lunch of some of the others."
A flare was fired 2 blocks to the west and 8 blocks to the north.
26.17 MHz: "Guell Bank(2N of Nich)breached w/survivors - need assistance"
26.17 MHz: "Extract DNA before killing zeds? kthxbye"
FennisZotorman said "Good to be alive again"
FennisZotorman said "Have the lectures finished?"
SweetIrony said "Mr Adept, I'm glad we're able to hear your opinion on our activities here. Let me explain one thing you don't seem to realize, however."
SweetIrony said "The original concept of the No Kill Zone was NOT directed at zombies, but rather at survivors, in hopes that they would not kill our zombie guests."
Flickman666 said "There you go fennis. You got away from me in the hospital but that was my last FAK. Ohh and I Witnessed Gufu of the USSR Killing on Turpin for every one to know."
SweetIrony said "Yes, we are trying to make a safe place for survivors, and a safe place for zombies as well (provided they are not hostile). We have been hosting this lecture series since November, and have had many fascinating talks on various subjects."
SweetIrony said "If you'd like to read some of them, they're up on the wiki: http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/Quartly_Lecture_Group"
SweetIrony said "Now, I fully understand that zombies must eat, and graffiti means naught to them.... however, I do feel sad that you feel the need to pick on us, who are only interested in conversation and the spread of knowledge."
SweetIrony said "Though come to think of it, I would imagine our bra!nz would taste better than those of the trenchcoaters in the mall... so maybe it's understandable that there is a horde outside our doors."
Vanderghast said "SweetIrony, if a well-stocked mind tasted better than a starved mind, America would not be embroiled in a fat epidemic at the moment."
FennisZotorman said "thanx for the heals"
SweetIrony said "In any case Mr Adept, I am very glad we've been able to hear your side of things, and if you'd like to give a longer speech on why this whole thing is a bad idea, or on strategy, or gaming philosophy, or on Bela Lugosi, or anything else, please feel free!"
26.17 MHz: "We are going to have to take the battle to Ridleybank"
26.17 MHz: "The zeds are working their way towards Nichols again."
26.17 MHz: "join the 101st!! www.tinyurl.com/2b8pbn"
26.17 MHz: "Phones are back up in Stanbury."
Vanderghast said "Without resorting to killing anyone, mind."
Dr Lancelot said "Flickman666, Gufu shot a confirmed PK Dark Balter there, on Turpin. The guy has done a great deal of trouble to us."
26.17 MHz: "Phones back up? MalTel thanks you! Pls keep Wiki up to date!"
A flare was fired 14 blocks to the east and 11 blocks to the south.
26.17 MHz: "101st: hows the hq guys?"
Benigno said "The official position on this location for the supporters of the SSZ is to maintain the no-kill policy except for memebrs on individual's kill lists. Others won't be messed with..."
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
26.17 MHz: "Status Report from Nichols Mall:"
26.17 MHz: "On 27.4 MHz, retune for news,"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
BAPBAP said "Foul creature"
sarah tonin said "why hello baby death (474268)... those sure a sharp little teeth you have, you should chew on this instead my arm hurts..."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Greatings to BirdFluVictim (id=387036) and to La Petite Morte (id=474268) *laughs at the pun* We appreciate your interest in eating us, please report to the herbert for a revive in order to continue the discussion... what's the other zeds id ?"
sarah tonin said "** shoves a copy of Watermark [joseph christy-vitale] in Le Petite Morte's mouth**"
sarah tonin said "noone will miss this."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Mz.Tonin, the name Le Petit Morte is a play on the phrase 'le petit moir' which is 'the little death' the French euphamism for an orgasm"
A flare was fired 2 blocks to the west and 12 blocks to the north.
Gore Girl said "Goddam, but I hate the French. Le Petit Morte, keep your teeth to yourself."
A is for Action the zombie destroyed the generator.
A is for Action the zombie destroyed the radio transmitter.
A is for Action the zombie tore a set of Christmas lights down.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Dr Lancelot said "Now, WHY would you destroy Christmas lights... Are they too bright for you or something?"
Melani said "Ok so we're up and Running again?"
Chevy Chase's Career killed a zombie. ...and another.
Stella Artois said "Are these zombies friends?"
Stella Artois said "I am an enlightened individual, if these zeds are benign, I can share a roof wih them."
sarah tonin said "What am i to make of and orgasmic dead baby that is biting me?"
Leon Silverblood said "Stella, that particular potato head was not a friend, since he destroyed the genny. *looks around for a librarian* Greeting, Sir Fred. Hi Gore Girl. Hi Stella. have a heal."
Leon Silverblood said "Sarah, I don't know about you but I would find it hard to resist anyone named for an orgasm...."
Rockby Quickfoot said "Ugh. That battle for Stickling is so damn boring. I need some excitement to get me going again. Anyone got any suggestions?"
sarah tonin said "I hear the Bale Mall up in Yagoton is a hoppin' place to be. Also there's always the Latrobe (21,28)."
sarah tonin said "You know Leon, that's a very good point. i'll be in the Large Print Annex if you need me,... knock first."
axel 2006 killed a zombie.
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Oh well met brave Rockby. We seem to be in luck. Zombies have been driven forth from the entire suburb of Roftwood, but here in these hallowed walls, the zombies yearn for a higher learning. The zombie (id=726563) loves to discuss AynRand"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Scheffler said "Action, you have willfully damaged the system that we use to provide reading lights. You are sentenced to smiting."
Scheffler killed a zombie.
Gore Girl killed a zombie.


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