Suggestion talk:20070820 No Free Running into Ruined Buildings

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Why not...

Why not make it cost an extra AP, rather than precluding the use of a Ruined building? It's not like the Building is gone or anything like that. I for one would prefer to pay an extra AP to use the Ruined building (which is a choice you can make - instead of simply not being able to use it at all). It also makes logical sense too: the building is still there, but has been so trashed, with rubble and the like, that it takes extra time to maneuver around the obstacles. From what I understand of 'real world' free-running, you can climb and use just about anything to get from point A to point B. -Ryiis 18:53, 20 August 2007 (BST)

What you are suggesting is almost exactly the effect it would in fact have. Clicking on a building to move to its block costs 1 AP. Entering the building (which this still fully allows) cost 1 AP. So that is 2 AP to move from inside one building to the inside of a neighboring ruined building. Which means it in effect "costs an extra AP". The only difference is that this way, you get a FREE look at the outside of the building. More information for the same AP- hmm, looks like my version is actually a better deal, eh?
Also, if it always cost an extra AP, many survivors would spend 2 AP per move free running through zones of ruins, because it would not occur to them that they could save AP by stepping outside and using normal movement. My way still allows you to visit every building interior if you like, at the same total AP cost, but doesn't make it the "default mode", and hence doesn't needlessly gobble up newbies APs. SIM Core Map.png Swiers 19:10, 20 August 2007 (BST)
Alright, you sold me on a couple of points, and I thank you for the further clarification. However, there is still one thing that bothers me about this - as minor as it may seem. If survivors are now required to go outside to get into a ruined building - to fix it or what have you - they can be tracked by an active zombie. I'm not sure that is a good thing, though it wouldn't be horribly bad so long as the survivor left the zombie alone (because if the zombie had Scent Trail, it could take them back to the newly renovated safehouse). I'm still not 100% sold by the idea, realistically or logically, but hey... when have I been one to uphold realism in a world of zombie apocalypse? --Ryiis 19:29, 20 August 2007 (BST)
Yes, the risk of being attacked while outside is there, and creating such risk is the main focus of this suggestion, because it makes areas of ruins more like "zombie territory"- which is what the update said they were! But the facts of the game are that, unless an area is very thick with zombies, active survivors face little risk going outside; trenchies do it all the time with complete impunity form retaliation. And its mostly low level / feral zombies who make attacks in the open streets, so the suggestion is perhaps a boost for them- IMO, a good thing. Also, zombies have a pretty hard time tracking an active survivor if all the survivor does is run away / duck into some unknown building. If both of you are active, scent trail is of almost no use, because you only ever get a single scent trail message that tells you where that survivor is at the time the message is viewed, and not where they move to subsequently. SIM Core Map.png Swiers 19:36, 20 August 2007 (BST)
WOW! so many people are bitching about carrying toolboxes and barricade strafing. One of my survivors gave up 'cade strafing Ridleybank and has started door strafing instead. I just run through and close all the doors. It's fun to imagine the dissapointed look on a hungry Zombie's face when they see "the door has been secured" and then step inside to find nothing but tumbleweeds. Also, if you can't carry a toolbox, drop your third generator and your eleventh shotgun. --Steakfish 03:14, 21 August 2007 (BST)