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May 14, 2008, 12:55PM

Exciting few days. Using the rooftop bridges gives me a significant tactical advantage that I didn't have before. I was able to make it north to Penny Heights, where the Joachim Mall and Lumber Mall are. The former was under siege by the time I made it to the Deacon Alley PD, the latter came under siege yesterday.

I spent some time hunting Z's, using Deacon Alley PD as a home base, until some crazy fool destroyed the generator there. And the gennies at the two Fire Stations next door. AND the genny at Normandare Boulevard PD across the way! I swear the Z's are bad but the humans helping them are worse.

This morning I headed west into Osmondville. The southeast section of the suburb is in rough state but the northwest is a little more secure. Right now I'm camped out at the Vawer Walk Police Department, which is powered -- for now. The generator is running low on fuel. Grylls Crescent next door has had a lot of its barricades torn down.

Some positives though. I've gotten a lot better at being able to hit Z's in their vitals, so I'm a lot more efficient at taking them down. Also in my travels through the police buildings I've gotten in touch with what's left of the Malton Police Department, currently reorganized under the Department of Emergency Management. I've been able to get a line to them about joining up.

May 10, 2008, 6:13PM

Hunted Zs in northern Fryerbank until I ran out of ammo. I still wasn't able to get in to Greenland Boulevard, but I found out why they're bunkered down. The horde that hit Perryn, or at least a chunk of it, is headed north straight for the Joachim Mall.

I struck out southeast again back to Dohoney Grove and was able to load up on some more shells. Unfortunately while I've been here Hobson Place PD, just to the southwest, came under attack. Their lights are off and there's a pretty big swarm there.

Some folks have made it across the street by using the boards that have been put up along a lot of the alleyways. I headed up to the roof to take a look and ran straight into a soldier, Amelfion of the Army Control Corps. He was pretty badly hurt and said he'd been infected. Luckily I'd picked up a few first aid kits in Gelasius and I was able to patch him up and inject him with the antivirus.

In return he showed me how to use the rooftop bridges. I'm preparing to head northeast -- I think staying here is suicide. Maybe I can make it to Penny Heights.

May 9, 2008, 10:26AM

Spent yesterday in Dohoney Grove PD loading up on ammo. Today I struck out further north, trying to get away from the horde that took down Perryn. I aimed for the Greenland Boulevard PD but found it too heavily boarded up to enter. Luckily I was able to get in to Gelasius General Hospital next door.

Looks like I've entered the zone that DK13 claims for its own. I chatted briefly with some of their medics in the hospital and I like their style -- may need to try and make contact with some of their leaders.

May 8 2008, 10:37AM

Spent the night at the Shuffery Bank, then headed north back to Fryerbank. Confirmed that I could get in to the Dohoney Grove PD, and then took some shots at some Zs back south outside Club Otero.

It sounds like Fort Perryn has fallen. There are dozens of survivors streaming east and north, and the city-wide security reports are pretty grim. Only the eastern part of Malton is even partially secure and that's not for long the way things are going.

May 7 2008, 4:45PM

Oh, my head. I don't entirely know what happened. I was in Sprackling Square PD, listening to the radio reports of the siege at Fort Perryn, when we came under attack by a mob of Zs. They tore down the barricades, smashed the generator, and dragged several survivors away. I can still hear their screams.

I managed to get out and started moving northeast towards Fryerbank, and found a safehouse at the Dohoney Grove PD. But I pushed my luck -- I went hunting and got ambushed by Zs right outside the building on my way back.

I'm... not entirely sure what happened after that. I remember the claws and the teeth... and I have a vague memory, like a dream, of... of dying. And then standing up and staggering south to Tickle Crescent, where the Know Nothings and DEM have a revivification point. How I was able to remember that in my undead state, I don't know... all I know is that a few minutes ago I woke up, surrounded by bodies and covered in blood. I'm alive again, breathing and everything. I managed to get to a safehouse just north of there, and when I regain my strength I'll head back north.

Based on the radio broadcasts I'm hearing, Fort Perryn is in serious trouble. I'm really worried about where the 200+ Zs that are banging on the gates will go if it falls.

May 5 2008, 7:12PM

Reports in over the radio that the Colglough Building has been overrun, and a swarm is heading this way. Don't know how much time I have or where I'll go... looking at trying to make a run for Towne Row PD in Fryerbank. I don't want to take the risk of getting trapped in Miltown.


I just wanted to be a traffic cop.