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Joined: October 2005
Character class: Civilian
Favorite equipment: Camp Stove
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: Life in Malton
Character stats: Age: 26

Gender: Male

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Journal: Survivor Diaries journal for Agate


Agate is 6' even, but weighing maybe a hundred and twenty pounds, Agate is a beanpole and it doesn't suit him one bit. His face is pinched and drawn, his ears tagged like a cat that's gotten into too many fights, his scalp is scarred and patched with tufts of hair. He squints often, being mostly blind in one eye, and his entire body is covered in scars of various kinds and sizes. Many of his scars are of the keloid variety, especially those across his torso and back. He moves as if arthritic--which he may as well be--and often looks like he's feeling incredibly unwell. His clothing, at least, is fairly decent, if not fashionable. Consisting of a patchwork of many layers in many colours, he's stitched together and modified what he needs to keep comfortable. He almost always wears a toque--firstly because it keeps his head warm, and secondly because his patchy scalp is the part of his body that shames him the most.

When outside, Agate can be seen wearing a puffy coat over a military-issue winter jacket, with bulges of sweaters sticking out from the cuffs and waist-line. He has a pair of huge gloves, a scarf, and an extremely beaten up pair of huge army boots--the only pair of shoes he's been able to find that fit his huge feet since he became conscious in Malton.

Despite his current condition, when Agate knows he's being watched he tends to put on a smarmy grin--or grimace, as a scar pulls one side of his lips into a permanent frown. He's seen both sides of this battlefield and he is most definitely better than you, obviously.


Intelligent but often unwise in the way of tact, Agate is physically a weakling but has the sense of mind to play up to people by social and psychological standards. He tends to be a smart-ass, making quips that range from entertaining and annoying to downright rude, but he also has a soft-streak to help other survivors that has, at least in the past, won him back a little respect.

Agate seems to be deft in domestic matters, being keen at 'budgeting' rations, whether they be food, ammo, medicine, clothing, or any other items that see daily use, and he has been known to turn just another can of beans into something that actually tastes half-decent. Despite his swollen, often sore knuckles, he's still very clever with needle and thread, and aside from using this to mend clothing, is about as good with flesh-wound stitches as anybody without professional training is ever going to get. With this arsenal of daily-survival knowledge behind him, Agate can seem egotistical and better-than-thou, but if one can sit through his annoying yabbering, they will quickly find that he's more than willing to lay his time and supplies on the line to give them a boost. The Cosway is 'his' hotel, after all, since he and Kay arrived first, so those that shelter in it can be considered 'his' family... and everybody knows that family comes before anything else. Right?


Only KTFE KTFE--and maybe Fa--know what Agate was like before the outbreak, but they don't seem to be telling. Agate succumbed to unlife during the early outbreaks, and spent a good five or six months as a zombie, shambling and chasing survivors and doing what zombies tend to do, and in the meantime, a great deal of his brain became infested and rotted with... well, it hasn't been proven to be 'brainrot', but whatever it was, his first revive was a terrifying one.

Agate had no memory; either of his past life, or as life as a zombie. He didn't have any preconception of what life was like and so Malton, in it's state of upheaval, scared him shitless. He was in a bad part of town at the time and he quickly died again, unprepared as he was to defend himself against other zombies. By chance of luck, he was revived again and, this time at least, he could remember his last death. He ran for his life and holed up with others of his own kind--at a local hospital. He bummed around there for weeks, usually sitting out of the way and watching others, eventually picking up both stealing habits and curse-words, and more importantly, an idea of just what was happening and where he fit into it.

He remained listless and only survived by the skin of his teeth until his former friend, KTFE, appeared (another chance of good fortune) and began to re-teach him what she could. Agate clung to her like she was his only lifeline--that's really what she was, after all--and nearly had a heart attack when this short woman got herself killed before him... and then another nervous attack when she got up and began to mull with the other dead again. This was when he learned just what being revived meant, and he sought help for her, desperate as he was.

The help they desperately needed came by way of a Necrotechnician who, bearing a romantic streak, couldn't bear to see two young people in love torn apart. The three of them eventually made their way to the Cosway Hotel, which was in a less treacherous part of town... and since then, both Agate and KTFE have remained relatively entrenched.

Many people have come and gone from the hotel in the meantime, and some have stayed on longer than others... and both Agate and 'Kay have taken a 'vacation' or two from the place themselves... but the hotel has a special significance to them that causes them to keep coming back.

Currently Agate has stopped making such a nuisance of himself around the hotel, for he's feeling much worse then usual, and in the meantime he's been watching over and finding items to ease the discomfort of Kay's confirmed pregnancy. He's rather more tight-lipped than usual, because of all of this.