The Inanimates

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Transferred from Geocities The Inanimates 14:30, 6 April 2006 (BST)

The Inanimates

Why should the living and undead have all the fun?

We, the various inanimate objects of Malton, have decided to raise up and smite those whom have ruined our neighborrhoods.

Known Members

falling debris

A helecopter gunship

food poisoning

A stray Bullet

a trip hazzard

a thrown brick

biohazerdous waste

a VERY bad pun

your stalker

a can of spray paint

Group Allegience Update

Right now, we feel that the DHPD have gotten a bad rap from a large number of people who dont have anything better to do than sit behind a computer and worry about how other people play a GAME so therefore until further notice we plan to assist their DHPD in their activities.


Plain and simple we have a rather disturbed sense of Humor. And we like to imagine what other players will read as our actions play out. i.e. Food Poisoning Killed A Zombie, or A trip hazzard killed john Q. Public. Our Alts have done everything there is to do..We have sacked Malls, we have saved Malls we have destroyed Survivors and Zombies alike, and have decided to get our jollies where we can. Don't like it? Too bad... go ahead and complain while we enjoy ourselves.


Be an inanimate object, or some other form of "Pun" that might entertain others... List Inanimates (or as of 4-1 DHPD) in your group profile.

Note:The Inanimates are now a fully functioning part of the DHPD.


So Like Where do we meet up?

Malton. Although several of us seem to be near Peddelsden Village for some reason.

Who do we attack?

Until the heat lets up on the DHPD, Zombies mostly, however in the future we will go back to hitting survivors as well. "Degenerates" should get special attention as they destroy our deffensless brothers with abandon.



Are you Serious?

Doesnt it look like it? Sheesh.

Can I e-mail you?

yes You Can.

What Skills should I take?

Combat skills. Anything else is just beyond the necessary for us inanimate objects...I mean really would you like to see "Food poisoning revived you..." Hmmm on second thought.

What Class should I be?

I recomend Military or Zombie. Its the easiest to maximise your dammage potential. To bad you have to pick a class, as most of us are serriously without it.