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Name: KitsuneTsuki
Level: 21
Creation date: 2013-10-27
Affiliation: Cobra


A magical Japanese shapeshifting fox girl, with a fluffy golden tail and ears. She is probably completely insane and has an obsession with sharp objects and guns.

Kitsune's dark secret is that she's American-born third-generation Japanese and never even actually learned to speak the language beyond what she picked up from watching anime.


KitsuneTsuki gained her first several levels of experience solely through attacking other humans with a knife. Now, she has moved on to shooting people with an excessive number of guns. She has made 30 kills using only a knife, however.


600px-Cobra.svg.png Cobra
This user is a member of Cobra. Hail!
Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
KitsuneTsuki has PKed 50 people.
PK Deaths
KitsuneTsuki has been Pked 9 times.
Killer.jpg Player Killer
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."

This user is a PKer and supports the act of Player Killing.