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== Greasemonkey script ==
== Greasemonkey script ==

Latest revision as of 11:03, 5 December 2011

Militant Order of Barhah.gif Militant Order of Barhah
The MOB is coming...

Greasemonkey script

This simple script forces the weapon input-combo to default to some user-specified value.

It's still just a test though, but it seems to work fine.

If you have any thoughts about it - that's what the discussion page is for.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Selected Weapon Hack
// @namespace    Zombie-HQ
// @description  Forces the 'with weapon' combo box to default to something else than punch 
// @include      http://**
// ==/UserScript==
// To install this script you need the Greasemonkey extension installed on your Firefox browser.
// You must copy the script to a text-editor and save it as "SelectedWeaponHack.user.js". 
// Then drag the saved file onto Firefox and from the Tools Menu select Install User Script.
// At this point you should be golden and your weapon of choice should be waiting for you.
// If it isn't, tough luck.
// To set your default weapons, just change the value of 'defaultSurvivorWeapon' and
   'defaultZombieWeapon' variables down below
// Survivor weapons I've found so far:
//   punch bat axe pistol shotgun flare 
// Zombie weapons: 
//   maul teeth
// If your weapon of choice isn't in the list above - you just have to do some source hunting.
//our weapons of choice
var defaultSurvivorWeapon = 'axe'
var defaultZombieWeapon = 'teeth'
//returns an array of all elements with the name "weapon" (There should only be one)
var x=document.getElementsByName("weapon")
//Get the desired input guy
weapons= x[0]
 if(weapons.options[0].value == 'punch') //We are a survivor

   for(i=0; i<weapons.length; i++) //Loop through all the possible weapons
     if(weapons.options[i].value == defaultSurvivorWeapon) //If it equals our weapon of choice
       weapons.options[i].selected = true; //We select it.
   }//Easy as cake
 else if (weapons.options[0].value )//We are a zombie
   for(i=0; i<weapons.length; i++) //Loop through all the possible body parts
     if(weapons.options[i].value == defaultZombieWeapon) //If it equals our body part of choice
       weapons.options[i].selected = true; //We select it.
   }//Easy as pie

Mall tour survivor stats

Current target: Mitchem Mall

11 21 94 --Alicia Jennings 14:26, 14 Jan 2006 (GMT)
28 34
4 19 75 --Alicia Jennings 15:53, 14 Jan 2006 (GMT)
22 30

Wray Heights status

The suburb of Wray Heights.

St Danilo's Church
[60, 70]

Whitchurch Cinema
[61, 70]

the Bourder Building
[62, 70]

Beagly Bank
[63, 70]

Blaxall Library
[64, 70]

[65, 70]

[66, 70]

Kennea Way
[67, 70]

Crossman Auto Repair
[68, 70]

Oates Bank
[69, 70]

Bewsey Lane
[60, 71]

a cemetery
[61, 71]

Fairclough Drive
[62, 71]

Turnock Park
[63, 71]

the Fram Building
[64, 71]

Beviss Library
[65, 71]

[66, 71]

Gentle Drive Fire Station

[67, 71]

Trevelyan Crescent

[68, 71]

Stapleton Park
[69, 71]

Jukes Auto Repair
[60, 72]

the Setter Building
[61, 72]

Lewyes Auto Repair
[62, 72]

a carpark
[63, 72]

Trivola Street
[64, 72]

the Byers Building
[65, 72]

a junkyard

[66, 72]

Broderip Avenue
[67, 72]

Ennever Library
[68, 72]

McInerney Grove

[69, 72]

[60, 73]

Hudson Place Police Dept
[61, 73]

the Hickey Building
[62, 73]

Diaper Auto Repair
[63, 73]

Clevely Way

[64, 73]

the Cherington Building
Breached on 09:48, 19 Jan 2006 (GMT)
[65, 73]

a junkyard
[66, 73]

the Gooch Building

[67, 73]

Sinkins Library
[68, 73]

Shearston Square Railway Station
[69, 73]

[60, 74]

Hocknell Way School
[61, 74]

the Counter Motel

[62, 74]

Standlick Walk
[63, 74]

the Golde Building
[64, 74]

John Way

[65, 74]

the Silwood Building
[66, 74]

St Seraphim's Hospital
[67, 74]

a carpark
[68, 74]

Daunt Square
[69, 74]

Norris Square Railway Station

[60, 75]

Whitemore Boulevard
[61, 75]

Keirle Walk
[62, 75]

Silvey Towers
[63, 75]

Colborne Cinema
[64, 75]

Flynn Alley
[65, 75]

Bingham Walk
[66, 75]

Firminger Walk
[67, 75]

Monck Avenue
[68, 75]

Broad Avenue Police Dept
[69, 75]

the Uncles Building
[60, 76]

Notton Avenue

[61, 76]

St Wolfgang's Hospital
[62, 76]

Domet Row School
[63, 76]

Brancker Alley Police Dept
[64, 76]

Cheek Road Fire Station
[65, 76]

Newborough Road
[66, 76]

a junkyard
[67, 76]

Club Tinney
[68, 76]

Solomon Cinema
[69, 76]

Lerwill Square
[60, 77]

Pyne Crescent School
[61, 77]

Bailey Cinema
[62, 77]

the Willment Building
[63, 77]

[64, 77]

Hutton Avenue School
[65, 77]

the Bagot Arms
[66, 77]

Tresidder Alley
[67, 77]

St Margaret's Church
[68, 77]

St John's Church
[69, 77]

a junkyard
[60, 78]

the Pincott Building
[61, 78]

Eason Library
[62, 78]

Last Road
[63, 78]

St Polycarp's Church
[64, 78]

Mayer Cinema
[65, 78]

Meany Auto Repair
[66, 78]

Braham Boulevard School
[67, 78]

Whitcherell Bank
[68, 78]

a cemetery
[69, 78]

the Sonven Museum
[60, 79]

the Darnell Building
[61, 79]

St Hilarion's Hospital
[62, 79]

Weeks Auto Repair
[63, 79]

Shufflebotham Street
[64, 79]

Davey Way
[65, 79]

Sollas Cinema
[66, 79]

Steed Road
[67, 79]

Dallaway Avenue
[68, 79]

the Burdekin Building

[69, 79]