User:A Helpful Little Gnome/GC2

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Group Condition
Food Water Equipment
90% 100% 60%
Health Z Threat S Threat
Good 5 9
Size Location Mobility
8 (-1, +1) Secure Very Good
Morality Morale Trust
Impoverished High Conditional
Antagonism Cohesion Reasoning
Low Good Good
Leadership Adaptability Direction
Ross Low Murky
Location affects supplies substantially. If there is a relatively inexhaustible source of food, water, or ammo, levels will be treated as full (whether or not the group is carrying a "full load").

Physical and mental is fluff that measures qualities arbitrarily and without point. You can point to these traits and think about how precisely bad or good (probably bad) the group is in a particular area.

  • Z Threat refers to the general threat zombies may pose. Zombie numbers, and whether or not they know where your group is and how to get to you, are factors.
  • S Threat refers to the general threat survivors may pose. Survivor numbers, strength, armament, and whether or not they know where your group is and how to get to you, are factors.

Neither Z Threat nor S Threat are sensitive to temporary or small fluctuations in threat. It's a more general, long-term factor. Also, it's on a 1-10 scale. 10 is highest, 1 is lowest. 0 doesn't exist.

Inclination refers to how each group member views you, favourably or unfavourably.

The percentages next to your group member's name is their health and wellbeing. You can allocate their own resources to help those in need, or not. Such actions will either be temporary and therefore irrelevant, or permanent and therefore unavoidable.

Inventories are not exhaustive.

95% Ross
Inclination: very good
Wellbeing: unknown
Inventory: 64% encumbered
sub machine gun hunting knife hook-pick binoculars radio (28.63 MHz) unlabelled pill bottle (pills) toothpicks cigarette small bag
95% Izzy
Inclination: fair
Wellbeing: irritated
Inventory: 82% encumbered
revolver (6) matches (9) radio (28.63 MHz) needle and thread knife medium bag (hammer, nails, rope, stored food, papers and books, assorted items)
95% Jen
Inclination: very good
Wellbeing: good enough
Inventory: 80% encumbered
aluminium baseball bat pistol (15) scalpel radio (28.63 MHz)medium bag (canned food, reference book, first-aid kit, therapeutic drugs)
95% Tammy
Inclination: very good
Wellbeing: wonderful
Inventory: 24% encumbered
teddy bear sawed-off shotgun (2) hatchet small bag (ammunition, radio)
55% Doug D. Renolds
Inclination: good
Wellbeing: could be better
Inventory: 40% encumbered
rifle (20) improvised spiked club radio (28.63 MHz) loose ammo duct tape tissue paper used bandages string
90% Franklin Aichon
Inclination: good
Wellbeing: good
Inventory: 72% encumbered
assault rifle (50) meat cleaver photo (in pocket) keys small notebook medium bag (packaged food, a pencil, clipboard (no paper), radio, spare gloves)
85% Yon
Inclination: good
Wellbeing: oscillating
Inventory: 86% encumbered
assault rifle (30) large bludgeoning weapon radio (28.63 MHz) wirecutters (useless) striped tie large bag (water, funnel apparatus)
90% Karke Mardul
Inclination: mostly indifferent
Wellbeing: frazzled but fine
Inventory: 88% encumbered
crowbar pistol (18) loose ammo lock and key shredded paper (in pockets) morphine ripped tarp fuel can (has a hole) radio (25.98 MHz) large bag (water, funnel apparatus)
    Reginald Hawkart
Poor Reginald. He should have made himself more necessary.
Totes was attacked by a creature living within Volker. She may or may not have had her brain destroyed, and the physiology of the creature is not understood. So whether she will come back as a zombie or not is indeterminable.
Volker was ripped open by some creature living within him. Nothing destroyed his brain, and the physiology of the creature is not understood. So whether he will come back as a zombie or not is indeterminable
Axel died to zombies on Black Bridge. Nothing destroyed his brain, so it's likely he will come back as a zombie.
    Dr. Shadok
Dr. Shadok died in Caiger Mall to that mutated zombie monster. You headshot him, so it's impossible he will come back as a zombie.
    Nirras 73
Nirras died in Caiger Mall to that mutated zombie monster. He lost his head, so it's impossible he will come back as a zombie.
    Sam Alberti
Sam was last seen at Pridmore Way School, when he went out to look for you. He has not been seen since. It is likely that he did not go far, and it's reasonable to assume he can get back. It is likely that he will survive.