User talk:Boris/Information

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All new replies are to go at the top of the page, but below this. BEFORE YOU POST, THINK OF THE THREE TENETS:

  • Am I flaming?
  • Am I bitching?
  • Am I contributing?

The answers to the questions should be, respectively, no, no, and yes. This is a Socratic Discussion- that is, this and the main page are point-counterpoint argumentation systems meant to be kept even and fair. I don't care if you have a viewpoint- in fact, I'm hoping you do- but I'm asking you to keep it civil.


This is all a bit highbrow isn't it?

Anyway, the game has always been in cycles, survivors and zeds, zeds and survivors. Whats happened at the moment is a combination of three things.
  • Barricade Nerf.
  • The Dead
  • Monroeville

Barricading is the most obvious effect. Zombies at below 35%, Kevan intriduces something to help them, fair enough. Conversely Survivors at 30% Expect a buff.

The dead. 1500 zombies at this time, when survivors are trying to adapt to the new rules meant carnage.

Monroeville. 20000 Players, so probably 10000 players from Malton spending IP's there. Its easier to survive there, and until last week you could win prizes. Its also got to the point where players who left their alts idling in Malton dont want to reactivate them in a red burb. Some are hiding it out.

We are at the high point of bad things happening to survivors, and hopefully survivors will get organised. All good in the long run. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 15:30, 24 March 2008 (UTC)