Talk:TheScorpionGroup: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 17:32, 22 August 2008

Something useful for you guys to do

We missed you Malton.

The Scorpion has returned!

-NeilTheScorpion TSG 18:32, 22 August 2008 (BST)

Something useful for you guys to do

Dulston Destruction Tour Suince aggravating survivors is what you do best, I believe we could have a use for you guys. Treweeke mall and all those Dulston NT´s could use some good GKíng. There will be blood. Dulston survivor blood. FreakyM 10:21, 19 April 2007 (BST)

B-Jam! (Pronounced buh-JAM)

  • Aaaayy! I made it onto your enemies list! Well, your other enemies list. It'll have to do, I guess, although I am a little disappointed. I suppose if I could ever find and kill one of your members I might make it onto a more prestigious list like "the ultimate foe" list or something, but you guys are just so hard to find. I remember back in the good ol' Blesley Mall days when ScorpionBob would wreck shit and I'd have to settle for spraypainting slanderous comments about his sexual preferences everywhere. Good times. Say, you guys should add some graphics to your group page, it's so drab. I promise when I my U.S. ARMY INFANTRY duties slacken a little I'll come looking for you. Try to stay in touch, you crazy scorpions. --Stickman 15:15, 2 November 2006 (UTC)
    Um, then wouldn't you spell B-Jam with an a after the b? Because with-out the A then its just B-Jam pronounced (Bee-Jam). sorry. --Richard Gray 02:33, 5 November 2006 (UTC)
    No way dude, it's my word, I'll spell it however the hell I want. Besides, it just doesn't look right any other way and what's to stop people from going around saying "bay-jam" if you threw an "A" in there. Just deal with it. B-Jam! --Stickman 21:47, 12 November 2006 (UTC)
  • Hmmm. Is the "B" short for Dipshit? NeilTheScorpion 20:29, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Only if you're dyslexic, Professor Eynglesh. Here's a good place to start, Neil. --Stickman 20:38, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
  • JAM That In Yur B and smoke it! NeilTheScorpion 04:35, 20 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Reading your response actually made me dumber. That was weak, dude.--Stickman 05:05, 20 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Dude, this whole section is dumb. You obviously didn't realize that. At least my comments within it are obviously not serious, unlike yours. If this were a geek contest you would win; discussing the pronunciation of B-Jam? Gimme a break. --NeilTheScorpion 15:50, 20 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Meeeoooww!! Did I hit a sensitive spot? I'm just razzin', chill man. I don't think my comment was any less "schoolyard" than your "dipshit" comment. At least I didn't have a hissy fit LMAO! Now go have a beer and try again when your not so emotional.--Stickman 16:44, 20 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Um... Wow. Just to be clear, all of my comments on this wiki are meant to be taken in good (and bad) humor. All schoolyard (as you put it) and nothing personal. If you misinterpreted my comment for something else, that is because this whole section is dumb, remember? Just assume for the future, that nothing you say here will offend me personally, because it won't. =-) --NeilTheScorpion 17:26, 20 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Oh, and You can meow all you want, just please don't come to the party wearing your kitten costume again; you were making all the other guys jealous. --NeilTheScorpion 17:26, 20 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Yeah, sorry about the kitten costume, but that party was a bad scene. I needed a disguise and it was the only thing in your closet (aside from all your guests). Cripes, Neil, when I agreed to go to your party I didn't realize it would be a sausage factory. --Stickman 17:38, 20 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Hey, look, I didn't expect you to come to the party either. I guess with a name like Stickman though... Er, anyway, I only held it to get incriminating photos of the The Possum Puss.. er, Possy for later blackmail purposes. I'm glad you had a good time though. BSKRobot and the gang didn't stop talking about it for a whole week. --NeilTheScorpion TSG 17:50, 20 December 2006 (UTC)
  • ROFL!!--Stickman 18:03, 20 December 2006 (UTC)

A love note

  • You guys suck, by the way. I wouldn't be suprised if I found out you were affiliated with the Malton Mob. Nothing like a few PK/GKing group of losers to really spice up the game (note the sarcastic scorn). Keep on keepin' on and I'm sure we'll finally get you all hunted down. --Reefmaster, 13:44 4 November 2006 (EST)
  • We are not affiliated with any other groups at the moment. Thanks for asking though. Yes, sometimes we do just walk into the building saying dumb shit. Sometimes its more fun to slowly roast you over a spit, until you reach a nice golden brown; rather than just lighting your head on fire and watching you burn. BURN, BABY, BURN! NeilTheScorpion 20:27, 13 December 2006 (UTC)


What's up with you guys? You'd think that after being added to the ultimate-mortal-combat-for-life-whatever enemies list, you'd actually try and kill me, but no, you just walk into the building I'm in and say I'm a PKer....what, no AP? I mean, I'm all for psychological warfare, but c'mon, where's the fun in being hunted if I'm in no bodily harm? Anachronos666 (A R33fG33k) 01:47, 7 November 2006 (UTC)

  • Well, we have so many enemies, you'll need to get in line. Let me check my calendar... No, No, No... Ah, yes. Looks like I'll be able to squeeze you in sometime, 2008ish. M'kay? Alright. Buh-bye. NeilTheScorpion 20:28, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
Translation: "We can't find you." Anachronos 02:23, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Well there are only four of us, after all. It does take a good amount of effort to keep track of all our enemies. If you would like faster service I'm afraid you'll have to pay for it. --NeilTheScorpion 17:31, 20 December 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, it must be tough, with only four people. I know! You should merge with the Possum Posse! Anachronos 16:22, 22 December 2006 (UTC)
Hmm. Merge with the Possum Possy. Considering they were created SPECIFICALLY (in part at least) to stop us, I don't think that will work. But, you definitely are a witty, witty guy. Very lucky to have such sharp wit, in fact. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing your incredible sense of humor, here on this Wiki, with The Scorpion Group. I may print this page out, highlight your amazingly crafty and clever statements and show them to my wife and kids; perhaps framing them to hang in my office. Happy Holidays! --NeilTheScorpion TSG 16:32, 22 December 2006 (UTC)
I love you Neil. Anachronos 02:51, 27 January 2007 (UTC)

You idiots still operating?

Wow I guess since you moved on from Gulsonside I guess everyone has to deal with you four twits and think you can get away with anything...heh besides I bet you guys are getting killed right now and I have pity on the groups your currently hunting but hell you are only 4 people while my group has 20+. But if you twits decide to show your faces in Gulsonside again we will be ready to kill you all and then throw you in a well and you won't be getting out of that little well we are throwing you in. From your hateful enemies and 2nd in command leader of Gulsonside ,Black Hunter Group:-) P.S we'll be waiting for you idiots to come back.--Coolo B! 22:07, 14 November 2006 (UTC)

  • Yeah, it was boring as shit in Gulsonside. We got sorta tired of pickin' on you and yours. So we left. Do not fret, we shall return. Oh, and we Hate You TOO! (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, also!) YUZAAAHH! NeilTheScorpion 20:24, 13 December 2006 (UTC)

hey guys whats new?

so you guys are the shit faced ass wipes who are attacking the mall? wow and here i expected more! you guys are such losers, you call yourselfs a group? HA! ya right, go shoot yourselfs and save us the bullets you pricks, oh and p.s. i hope you guys actuly shape up and become something worth fighting! well later bitches.

Wel Aktually we belive in usng spellscheckrs wen we post on the weki pagez and normaly i do that so sometims i dont even uze any punktuation eithr. NeilTheScorpion 20:22, 13 December 2006 (UTC)

I'm Not Impressed

I've pasted three of your members this week, and every single one of them was just sitting there, waiting to be greased.'re SLACKING! You claim to be organized! You claim to be hunters. You may kill me, but I've killed THREE DIFFERENT MEMBERS OF THE SCORPION GROUP in less than two weeks. 4 on 1? You still can't beat those odds?

You know what the difference is? People revive me because I'm not a f*cked up, lowlife, son of a bitch! I don't go around destroying generators or PKing for no reason! You've pissed off the masses, and how you keep getting revived is completely beyond me! You are less than human, you are less than're the brown crud left when zombies lift themselves off the pavement.

Regardless of how many times you kill me, I will stand up, I will reload, and I will find your group members and put slugs in their heads. ANY Scorpion member found when I go searching will be killed. Period.

I've been revived lots of times...I've lost count. But I'm not confused like you.

Someday I hope we meet face to face again. *Makes gun with forefinger and thumb with right hand...hand jerks back* Goodnight, Neil. -Bskrobot 20:45, 22 December 2006 (UTC)

  • Neil, you tried to kill me and BLEW it! You screwed up! You mant to know what else? I was healed within minutes of your attack! YOU SCREWED UP! AGAIN! -Bskrobot 20:45, 22 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Screwed up? Nah. I had SOOOOO much extra ammo I couldn't even carry anything else. I was just lightening my load... See you next time! --NeilTheScorpion TSG 21:08, 22 December 2006 (UTC)