User:Maunder/BHW/Name Lists: Difference between revisions

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== Note ==
Yes, this page lists ''all'' the names used in Borehamwood, except for the Malls and the one named Railway Station.  More stats and lists coming soon.
If you find a particularly amusing name, please add it to '''[[ALiB|Amusing Locations in Borehamwood]]'''.
== Group 1 ==
=== Buildings ===
=== Buildings ===
437 blocks have style c2, with 411 unique names.
437 blocks have style c2, with 411 unique names.
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=== Hospitals ===
=== Hospitals ===
177 blocks have style c9, with 118 unique names.  There are no fewer than 5 St Mary's!
177 blocks have style c9, with 118 unique names.  There are no fewer than 5 '''[[St Mary's Hospital]]s'''!
Abraham General Hospital (x2)    Marcellus General Hospital      St Joachim's Hospital (x2)     
Abraham General Hospital (x2)    Marcellus General Hospital      St Joachim's Hospital (x2)     
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Marcellin General Hospital
Marcellin General Hospital
== Group 2 ==

=== Pubs/Bars ===
=== Pubs/Bars ===
160 blocks have style c10, with 148 unique names.
161 blocks have style c10, with 149 unique names.
The Alexandra Tavern      The George Inn            The Pineapple          
The Alexandra Tavern      The Gander                The Pineapple
The Anchor                The George and Dragon      The Plough (x2)        
The Anchor                The George Inn            The Plough (x2)
The Asparagus              The Gloucester Arms        The Plume of Feathers  
The Asparagus              The George and Dragon      The Plume of Feathers
The Assembly Rooms        The Good Yarn              The Prince of Wales (x2)  
The Assembly Rooms        The Gloucester Arms        The Prince of Wales (x2)
The Barley Mow (x2)        The Great Western          The Princess Royal      
The Barley Mow (x2)        The Good Yarn              The Princess Royal
The Bat and Ball          The Green Man              The Punchbowl          
The Bat and Ball          The Great Western          The Punchbowl
The Beehive                The Griffin                The Queen's Arms        
The Beehive                The Green Man              The Queen's Arms
The Bell                  The Halfway House          The Queen's Head        
The Bell                  The Griffin                The Queen's Head
The Belmont                The Hand and Flower        The Radcliffe Arms      
The Belmont                The Halfway House          The Radcliffe Arms
The Black Bull            The Hanged Man            The Railway Guard      
The Black Bull            The Hand and Flower        The Railway Guard
The Black Horse            The Hare                  The Red Lion (x2)      
The Black Horse            The Hanged Man            The Red Lion (x2)
The Black Swan            The Hobgoblin              The Reindeer            
The Black Swan            The Hare                  The Reindeer
The Blue Boar              The Hogshead              The Reverend James      
The Blue Boar              The Hobgoblin              The Reverend James
The Blue Lias              The Horse and Groom (x2)  The Rising Sun          
The Blue Lias              The Hogshead              The Rising Sun
The Bookbinders Arms      The Hundred Acres          The Rose and Crown      
The Bookbinders Arms      The Horse and Groom (x2)  The Rose and Crown
The Bowyer Arms            The Isis Tavern            The Royal Oak (x3)      
The Bowyer Arms            The Hundred Acres          The Royal Oak (x3)
The Bread and Roses        The James Street Tavern   The Royal Standard      
The Bread and Roses        The Isis Tavern           The Royal Standard
The Brewery Gate          The Jolly Crispin          The Royal Tiger        
The Brewery Gate          The James Street Tavern    The Royal Tiger
The Brewery Tap            The King William IV        The Running Horses      
The Brewery Tap            The Jolly Crispin          The Running Horses
The Briar House            The King's Arms            The Shepherd's Hall    
The Briar House            The King William IV        The Shepherd's Hall
The Britannia (x2)        The Lamb and Flag (x2)    The Six Bells          
The Britannia (x2)        The King's Arms            The Six Bells
The Butchers Arms          The Ledger House          The Spitfire            
The Butchers Arms          The Lamb and Flag (x2)    The Spitfire
The Carpenters Arms        The Lion                  The Spring Hotel        
The Carpenters Arms        The Ledger House          The Spring Hotel
The Castle                The Litten Tree            The Stag's Head        
The Castle                The Lion                  The Stag's Head
The Cat and Fiddle        The Load of Hay           The Star                
The Cat and Fiddle        The Litten Tree           The Star
The Cherry Tree            The Lock Inn              The Star and Garter    
The Cherry Tree            The Load of Hay            The Star and Garter
The City Tavern            The London Stone          The Swan and Bottle    
The City Tavern            The Lock Inn              The Swan and Bottle
The Coach and Horses      The Lord Hood              The Talbot              
The Coach and Horses      The London Stone          The Talbot
The Courtoak              The Lord Nelson            The Tap Room            
The Courtoak              The Lord Hood              The Tap Room
The Crazy Bear            The Magdalen              The Tap and Spile (x2)  
The Crazy Bear            The Lord Nelson            The Tap and Spile (x2)
The Cricketers            The Marquis of Granby      The Taps               
The Crescent              The Magdalen              The Taps
The Cricketers Arms        The Montagu Arms          The Three Goats Heads   
The Cricketers            The Marquis of Granby      The Three Goats Heads
The Cross Keys            The Moon Under Water      The Three Horseshoes (x2)
The Cricketers Arms        The Montagu Arms          The Three Horseshoes (x2)
The Crown and Horns        The Moon on the Hill      The Trafalgar (x2)     
The Cross Keys            The Moon Under Water      The Trafalgar (x2)
The Deddington Arms        The Mother's Tavern        The Tramshed           
The Crown and Horns        The Moon on the Hill      The Tramshed
The Dog and Bull          The Nag's Head            The Trout               
The Deddington Arms        The Mother's Tavern        The Trout
The Dog and Duck          The Nelson                The Trumpet             
The Dog and Bull          The Nag's Head            The Trumpet
The Duke of Wellington    The New Inn                The Unicorn Inn         
The Dog and Duck          The Nelson                The Unicorn Inn
The Duke of York          The Newt and Ferret        The Victoria            
The Duke of Wellington    The New Inn                The Victoria
The Eagle and Child        The Nut Tree              The Victoria Arms       
The Duke of York          The Newt and Ferret        The Victoria Arms
The Falkland Arms          The Old Ale House          The Victory             
The Eagle and Child        The Nut Tree              The Victory
The Figure of Eight        The Old Crown              The Vines               
The Falkland Arms          The Old Ale House          The Vines
The Flying Swan            The Old Swan              The Wagon and Horses   
The Figure of Eight        The Old Crown              The Wagon and Horses
The Foresters Arms        The Old White Rose        The Wheatsheaf         
The Flying Swan            The Old Swan              The Wheatsheaf
The Fountain              The Oxford Arms            The White Horse         
The Foresters Arms        The Old White Rose        The White Horse
The Four Horsemen          The Pale Horse            The White House         
The Fountain              The Oxford Arms            The White House
The Fox and Hounds        The Penny Black            The Wig and Pen         
The Four Horsemen          The Pale Horse            The Wig and Pen
The Full Moon              The Pig and Fiddle        The Wise Alderman       
The Fox and Hounds        The Penny Black            The Wise Alderman
The Galleon Inn            The Pillars of Hercules   The Woodman             
The Full Moon              The Pig and Fiddle        The Woodman
The Gander
The Galleon Inn            The Pillars of Hercules

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Fleay Grove Fire Station          Powlett Lane Fire Station        Yeoman Row Fire Station         
Fleay Grove Fire Station          Powlett Lane Fire Station        Yeoman Row Fire Station         
== Group 3 ==

=== Cinemas ===
=== Cinemas ===
71 blocks have style c14, with 71 unique names.
71 blocks have style c14, with 71 unique names.
Adalbert Cinema        Fitkin Cinema          Nicols Cinema    
Adalbert Cinema    Daniel Cinema      Jeune Cinema        Prye Cinema
Ayres Cinema           Gaiger Cinema         Odingsells Cinema  
Ayres Cinema       Dinham Cinema      Keene Cinema       Roadnight Cinema
Blanning Cinema       Gautrey Cinema         Pavitt Cinema    
Blanning Cinema     Dorvell Cinema      Kennea Cinema       Rumble Cinema
Borland Cinema         Gomm Cinema           Pink Cinema      
Borland Cinema     Dunscombe Cinema    Lomax Cinema       Schonlau Cinema
Bourne Cinema         Gough Cinema           Prentice Cinema  
Bourne Cinema       Fielding Cinema    Louis Cinema       Sellwood Cinema
Bowdage Cinema         Graver Cinema         Prickett Cinema  
Bowdage Cinema     Finlay Cinema      Madill Cinema       Sey Cinema
Brely Cinema           Guiday Cinema         Prye Cinema      
Brely Cinema       Fitkin Cinema      Marcellus Cinema   Southerwood Cinema
Budgen Cinema         Haste Cinema           Roadnight Cinema
Budgen Cinema       Gaiger Cinema      Missen Cinema       Steager Cinema
Bungay Cinema         Hellier Cinema         Rumble Cinema    
Bungay Cinema       Gautrey Cinema      Moggridge Cinema   Swanborough Cinema
Bunney Cinema         Hobson Cinema          Schonlau Cinema 
Bunney Cinema       Gomm Cinema        Muller Cinema       Thicke Cinema
Byfield Cinema        Honeyfield Cinema     Sellwood Cinema  
Byfield Cinema      Gough Cinema        Naish Cinema        Thurn Cinema
Cembrowicz Cinema      Horton Cinema          Sey Cinema         
Cembrowicz Cinema   Graver Cinema       Nestle Cinema       Tutchen Cinema
Chatwin Cinema        Jeune Cinema          Southerwood Cinema
Chatwin Cinema      Guiday Cinema       Nicols Cinema      Twill Cinema
Chetwynd Cinema        Keene Cinema           Steager Cinema   
Chetwynd Cinema    Haste Cinema       Odingsells Cinema   Ven Cinema
Chilcott Cinema       Kennea Cinema         Swanborough Cinema
Chilcott Cinema    Hellier Cinema     Pavitt Cinema      Weksy Cinema
Clitsome Cinema        Lomax Cinema          Thicke Cinema    
Clitsome Cinema    Hobson Cinema      Pink Cinema         Willia Cinema
Comerford Cinema      Louis Cinema          Thurn Cinema       
Comerford Cinema    Honeyfield Cinema   Prentice Cinema     Woodley Cinema
Dancey Cinema         Madill Cinema          Tutchen Cinema   
Dancey Cinema      Horton Cinema       Prickett Cinema
Daniel Cinema          Marcellus Cinema      Twill Cinema    
Dinham Cinema         Missen Cinema         Ven Cinema      
Dorvell Cinema         Moggridge Cinema      Weksy Cinema    
Dunscombe Cinema      Muller Cinema         Willia Cinema    
Fielding Cinema       Naish Cinema           Woodley Cinema  
Finlay Cinema         Nestle Cinema

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=== Banks ===
=== Banks ===
163 blocks have style c21, with 158 unique names.
164 blocks have style c21, with 159 unique names.
Abot Bank             Garton Bank           Polgrahan Bank  
Abot Bank           Dobbs Bank          Knight Bank         Robbins Bank
Alder Bank           Gaskell Bank         Ponting Bank    
Alder Bank         Doggrell Bank      Knyfton Bank       Sambone Bank
Allerston Bank       Gatchell Bank        Popham Bank       
Allerston Bank     Dollis Bank        Lavington Bank      Sankey Bank
Arch Bank             Gautrey Bank         Preller Bank    
Arch Bank           Donegan Bank        Lawrance Bank       Saunders Bank
Augustine Bank        Gayler Bank           Pulling Bank    
Augustine Bank      Dummett Bank        Lazenbury Bank     Scammell Bank
Austwick Bank        Gelasius Bank         Quier Bank      
Austwick Bank      Dustan Bank        Leir Bank (x2)      Scully Bank
Balchin Bank          Gellard Bank         Railton Bank    
Balchin Bank        Eglon Bank          Lipscomb Bank       Sheat Bank
Bareham Bank          Golledge Bank         Reading Bank   
Bareham Bank        Everett Bank        Lomax Bank          Shepard Bank
Barling Bank         Griff Bank (x2)      Reed Bank      
Barling Bank       Farr Bank          MacLaverty Bank     Shutler Bank
Beach Bank           Guiday Bank           Rendell Bank (x2)
Beach Bank         Fildes Bank        MacVicar Bank       Skuse Bank
Benger Bank           Gyllet Bank           Rexworthy Bank  
Benger Bank         Floyd Bank          Maney Bank         Slatter Bank
Birch Bank           Hagan Bank           Rickett Bank (x2)
Birch Bank         Forshaw Bank        Marshalsey Bank     Sleway Bank
Bird Bank             Harp Bank             Rixon Bank       
Bird Bank           Fray Bank          McCullough Bank    Snee Bank
Blakeman Bank        Haselshaw Bank       Robbins Bank    
Blakeman Bank      Garrett Bank        McDougall Bank      Southcott Bank
Brashier Bank         Hecks Bank           Sambone Bank    
Bowdage Bank        Garton Bank        Messiter Bank       Stagg Bank
Brazey Bank           Heward Bank           Sankey Bank       
Brashier Bank       Gaskell Bank        Moberly Bank       Stembridge Bank
Budgell Bank         Hewitt Bank           Saunders Bank  
Brazey Bank         Gatchell Bank       Mockridge Bank      Strike Bank
Budgen Bank           Hiett Bank           Scammell Bank  
Budgell Bank       Gautrey Bank        Mornington Bank     Stround Bank
Burden Bank           Hinckesman Bank      Scully Bank    
Budgen Bank         Gayler Bank        Oatley Bank         Sweet Bank
Bustin Bank           Hitchcott Bank        Sheat Bank      
Burden Bank         Gelasius Bank      Ollerenshaw Bank    Tatchel Bank
Butland Bank         Hobden Bank          Shepard Bank    
Bustin Bank         Gellard Bank        Pasmore Bank        Thomson Bank
Bythesea Bank         Hodson Bank           Shutler Bank    
Butland Bank       Golledge Bank      Pavy Bank          Tindell Bank
Callender Bank        Hook Bank             Skuse Bank       
Bythesea Bank       Griff Bank (x2)    Pearl Bank         Turrell Bank
Cardwell Bank        Isidore Bank (x2)    Slatter Bank    
Callender Bank      Guiday Bank        Penning Bank        Uppill Bank
Carse Bank           Jenkins Bank          Sleway Bank    
Cardwell Bank      Gyllet Bank        Petheram Bank       Venables Bank
Cayzer Bank          Keen Bank             Snee Bank      
Carse Bank         Hagan Bank          Pike Bank          Vere Bank
Cheatle Bank         Knight Bank           Southcott Bank  
Cayzer Bank        Harp Bank          Pile Bank           Vickery Bank
Chyke Bank           Knyfton Bank          Stagg Bank      
Cheatle Bank       Haselshaw Bank      Polgrahan Bank     Wakely Bank
Clevely Bank          Lavington Bank        Stembridge Bank
Chyke Bank         Hecks Bank          Ponting Bank        Wakerman Bank
Clinton Bank          Lawrance Bank        Strike Bank    
Clevely Bank        Heward Bank         Popham Bank        Walter Bank
Coat Bank            Lazenbury Bank        Stround Bank    
Clinton Bank        Hewitt Bank         Preller Bank        Wanstall Bank
Columba Bank         Leir Bank (x2)       Sweet Bank      
Coat Bank          Hiett Bank          Pulling Bank       Warfield Bank
Cory Bank            Lipscomb Bank        Tatchel Bank   
Columba Bank        Hinckesman Bank    Quier Bank          Wickenden Bank
Crease Bank          Lomax Bank            Thomson Bank   
Cory Bank          Hitchcott Bank     Railton Bank        Wild Bank
Crosbie Bank          MacLaverty Bank       Tindell Bank    
Crease Bank        Hobden Bank         Reading Bank        Wiltshire Bank
Crosswell Bank        MacVicar Bank        Turrell Bank     
Crosbie Bank       Hodson Bank        Reed Bank          Winmill Bank
Dampier Bank          Maney Bank            Uppill Bank    
Crosswell Bank      Hook Bank           Rendell Bank (x2)  Wolters Bank
Davison Bank          Marshalsey Bank      Venables Bank   
Dampier Bank       Isidore Bank (x2)  Rexworthy Bank      Woolmyngton Bank
Deacon Bank          McCullough Bank       Vere Bank         
Davison Bank       Jenkins Bank        Rickett Bank (x2)   Zacharias Bank
Dobbs Bank           McDougall Bank        Vickery Bank    
Deacon Bank        Keen Bank           Rixon Bank
Doggrell Bank         Messiter Bank        Wakely Bank     
Dollis Bank          Moberly Bank          Wakerman Bank  
Donegan Bank          Mockridge Bank        Walter Bank       
Dummett Bank         Mornington Bank       Wanstall Bank  
Dustan Bank           Oatley Bank           Warfield Bank   
Eglon Bank            Ollerenshaw Bank      Wickenden Bank  
Everett Bank         Pasmore Bank          Wild Bank         
Farr Bank            Pavy Bank            Wiltshire Bank   
Fildes Bank          Pearl Bank            Winmill Bank    
Floyd Bank            Penning Bank          Wolters Bank   
Forshaw Bank          Petheram Bank        Woolmyngton Bank  
Fray Bank            Pike Bank            Zacharias Bank 
Garrett Bank          Pile Bank
== Group 4 ==

=== Clubs ===
=== Clubs ===
162 blocks have style c27, with 160 unique names.
162 blocks have style c27, with 160 unique names.
Club Addiscott         Club Graddon          Club Pattle     
Club Addiscott     Club Doone          Club Lewer          Club Ray
Club Aelred           Club Grundy (x2)      Club Perryman   
Club Aelred         Club Edgell        Club Littlehales    Club Raymond
Club Alcock           Club Gurney            Club Pettman     
Club Alcock         Club Ellacott      Club Ludlam        Club Riden
Club Applin           Club Ha                Club Pilbeam      
Club Applin         Club Fackerell     Club Luffman        Club Roach
Club Ayres            Club Haggie            Club Pilkington 
Club Ayres         Club Fishwick      Club Lutman         Club Ruddle
Club Balkwill         Club Halberry          Club Pirie       
Club Balkwill      Club Fray           Club Luttrell       Club Rush
Club Balmain          Club Hambridge         Club Plater     
Club Balmain       Club Furlonger     Club MacGilvray     Club Salde
Club Barter            Club Harding           Club Pomroy        
Club Barter        Club Gammon        Club Mannell       Club Shearston
Club Baum              Club Hardisty          Club Pooll       
Club Baum           Club Garle          Club Margetts      Club Sheehan
Club Beagly            Club Heathman          Club Preen        
Club Beagly        Club Garlick       Club Mark          Club Silverius
Club Belsten          Club Hector            Club Railton      
Club Belsten        Club Genin         Club Martland       Club Simpson
Club Bennetts          Club Hendrich          Club Ransford      
Club Bennetts      Club Gillett        Club Matcham        Club Sinclair
Club Bill              Club Hepplethwaite    Club Rawlins     
Club Bill           Club Gillings      Club Meloney       Club Sires
Club Borrer            Club Heskin            Club Ray         
Club Borrer        Club Godden         Club Mester         Club Slann
Club Boyland          Club Hilda (x2)       Club Raymond     
Club Boyland        Club Graddon        Club Methodius     Club Stibbs
Club Brennan           Club Hodge            Club Riden       
Club Brennan        Club Grundy (x2)    Club Michel        Club Story
Club Bridge            Club Holdsworth       Club Roach       
Club Bridge        Club Gurney         Club Middleton      Club Stribling
Club Brownsey          Club Hollyman         Club Ruddle        
Club Brownsey      Club Ha             Club Millerd       Club Sutton
Club Bullen            Club Holmes            Club Rush       
Club Bullen        Club Haggie        Club Missen        Club Synnot
Club Burston           Club Imber            Club Salde        
Club Burston       Club Halberry       Club Moxham        Club Talbot
Club Burton            Club Imeson            Club Shearston   
Club Burton        Club Hambridge      Club Northcote      Club Tempest
Club Butten            Club Jarvie            Club Sheehan     
Club Butten        Club Harding        Club Ormrod        Club Timewell
Club Cambridge         Club Kirkaldie         Club Silverius   
Club Cambridge      Club Hardisty      Club Oxford        Club Trezise
Club Camidge          Club Laver            Club Simpson      
Club Camidge        Club Heathman      Club Packe         Club Turford
Club Carlyle          Club Leakey            Club Sinclair   
Club Carlyle       Club Hector        Club Packham        Club Tyrrell
Club Chalderwood      Club Learcroft         Club Sires       
Club Chalderwood    Club Hendrich      Club Parfet        Club Underhill
Club Cheek            Club Lewer             Club Slann        
Club Cheek          Club Hepplethwaite  Club Parry          Club Upton
Club Chetwind          Club Littlehales      Club Stibbs     
Club Chetwind      Club Heskin        Club Pattle         Club Walmsley
Club Clayton          Club Ludlam            Club Story       
Club Clayton        Club Hilda (x2)    Club Perryman      Club Webber
Club Cohen            Club Luffman          Club Stribling   
Club Cohen          Club Hodge         Club Pettman        Club Whyppey
Club Columbanus       Club Lutman            Club Sutton        
Club Columbanus    Club Holdsworth    Club Pilbeam        Club Willy
Club Condon            Club Luttrell          Club Synnot     
Club Condon        Club Hollyman      Club Pilkington    Club Wine
Club Coollen          Club MacGilvray        Club Talbot     
Club Coollen        Club Holmes        Club Pirie          Club Witherell
Club Counsell          Club Mannell          Club Tempest    
Club Counsell      Club Imber          Club Plater         Club Wolfeius
Club Cradock          Club Margetts          Club Timewell    
Club Cradock        Club Imeson        Club Pomroy        Club Wolseley
Club Cuzner            Club Mark              Club Trezise    
Club Cuzner        Club Jarvie        Club Pooll          Club Woolaway
Club Deaver            Club Martland         Club Turford    
Club Deaver        Club Kirkaldie      Club Preen          Club Workman
Club Dedeystere       Club Matcham          Club Tyrrell    
Club Dedeystere    Club Laver          Club Railton        Club Wornel
Club Dewes            Club Meloney          Club Underhill  
Club Dewes          Club Leakey        Club Ransford      Club Wyke
Club Doman            Club Mester            Club Upton      
Club Doman         Club Learcroft      Club Rawlins       Club Wyles
Club Doone            Club Methodius         Club Walmsley    
Club Edgell            Club Michel            Club Webber      
Club Ellacott         Club Middleton        Club Whyppey    
Club Fackerell        Club Millerd          Club Willy      
Club Fishwick          Club Missen            Club Wine        
Club Fray              Club Moxham            Club Witherell  
Club Furlonger        Club Northcote         Club Wolfeius    
Club Gammon            Club Ormrod            Club Wolseley    
Club Garle            Club Oxford            Club Woolaway    
Club Garlick          Club Packe            Club Workman    
Club Genin            Club Packham          Club Wornel      
Club Gillett          Club Parfet            Club Wyke        
Club Gillings         Club Parry            Club Wyles        
Club Godden

Line 834: Line 813:
the Frith Hotel          the Patrick Hotel        the Yates Hotel         
the Frith Hotel          the Patrick Hotel        the Yates Hotel         
the Galloway Hotel
the Galloway Hotel
=== Museums ===
136 blocks have style c34, with 133 unique names.
the Abarrow Museum        the Emerson Museum        the Orledge Museum
the Akehurst Museum      the Fone Museum          the Pasker Museum
the Alcock Museum        the Frith Museum          the Pearsall Museum
the Antell Museum        the Furlonger Museum      the Pippard Museum
the Attle Museum (x2)    the Garland Museum        the Pitcher Museum (x2)
the Auton Museum          the Gelasius Museum      the Polwhiele Museum
the Backhouse Museum      the Goodday Museum        the Pownall Museum
the Bagley Museum        the Greenway Museum      the Pratt Museum
the Bilby Museum          the Grice Museum          the Prendergast Museum
the Blanning Museum      the Gullick Museum        the Pryor Museum
the Borde Museum          the Hamilton Museum      the Rabani Museum
the Boshier Museum        the Handley Museum        the Reginaldus Museum
the Bound Museum          the Haselshaw Museum      the Rex Museum
the Bowdich Museum        the Havercroft Museum    the Rousel Museum
the Browton Museum        the Hemphill Museum      the Ruck Museum
the Bugden Museum        the Hepworth Museum      the Sellar Museum
the Burn Museum          the Hervey Museum        the Shaa Museum
the Buswell Museum        the Higdon Museum        the Shehan Museum
the Bygrave Museum        the Higgin Museum        the Shillito Museum
the Cable Museum          the Hobbs Museum          the Shoebrooks Museum
the Caff Museum          the Horder Museum        the Simper Museum
the Cantrill Museum      the Hounsell Museum      the Sleeman Museum
the Catford Museum        the Hucker Museum        the Smart Museum
the Channell Museum      the Humphrys Museum      the Sparrow Museum
the Cheyney Museum        the Ironsides Museum      the Spong Museum
the Chitty Museum        the Ita Museum            the Spordel Museum
the Churchous Museum      the Jacquet Museum        the Templer Museum
the Cooney Museum        the Klimer Museum        the Thompson Museum
the Copeland Museum      the Lancey Museum        the Thorpe Museum
the Corkery Museum        the Lang Museum          the Thresh Museum
the Cowgall Museum        the Lentill Museum        the Truell Museum
the Cowley Museum        the Lewington Museum      the Tutcher Museum
the Coy Museum            the Lorgh Museum          the Unwin Museum
the Craddock Museum      the Low Museum            the Villar Museum
the Creasy Museum        the Lutman Museum (x2)    the Webbe Museum
the Crossing Museum      the Lynewraye Museum      the Wheelan Museum
the Crossman Museum      the Mackworth Museum      the Whitesides Museum
the Dillon Museum        the Manners Museum        the Whitty Museum
the Doble Museum          the Marcary Museum        the Wiley Museum
the Doone Museum          the Mees Museum          the Wilsdon Museum
the Doveton Museum        the Mester Museum        the Winwright Museum
the Dunlap Museum        the Montagu Museum        the Wistow Museum
the Dwyer Museum          the Nichols Museum        the Wyke Museum
the Eason Museum          the Nickells Museum      the Wykes Museum
the Eelms Museum
== Group 5 ==
=== Schools ===
170 blocks have style c36, with 169 unique names.
Abraham Grove School          Giblin Walk School            Partington Way School
Agatho Street School          Grandon Yard School          Pendell Grove School
Alcock Street School          Gush Way School              Pepperd Grove School
Ames Square School            Halay Walk School            Percifull Grove School
Ammonds Grove School          Halberry Alley School        Perryman Court School
Axtence Grove School          Hamlyn Yard School            Petherbridge Row School
Basket Grove School          Hansford Alley School        Pigeon Square School
Beacham Way School            Hardisty Alley School        Pilkington Way School
Beauchamp Way School          Harenc Yard School            Pilton Square School
Beaumont Place School        Hartree Walk School          Portnall Court School
Bingham Way School            Head Avenue School            Prosser Grove School
Blest Street School          Helier Yard School            Prye Square School
Bogie Street School          Hemmings Alley School        Ransford Way School
Bolton Grove School          Hepplethwaite Gardens School  Reay Square School
Bradbury Place School        Hiblett Walk School          Rickard Grove School
Brine Street School          Higginss Alley School        Ripper Court School
Brome Street School          Hoby Avenue School            Samuels Way School
Browncey Place School        Honnywill Road School        Saul Grove School
Buckler Way School            Horditch Alley School        Sayer Court School
Bugden Grove School          How Way School                Scadding Avenue School
Bunstone Place School        Howdell Walk School          Sealey Grove School
Burne Street School          Hyde Avenue School            Self Grove School
Burns Street School          Jarrett Road School          Shortis Way School
Burwold Way School            Jewell Alley School          Snooke Grove School
Cable Grove School            Josephine Street School      Somerville Avenue School
Cade Street School            Joyner Alley School          Spence Grove School
Campbell Way School          Jude Yard School              Spragge Way School
Candy Grove School            Keedwell Street School        Spraggon Avenue School
Cape Street School            Langmead Square School        Steager Way School
Carpendale Walk School        Langner Street School        Stern Court School
Cattle Way School            Lasder Alley School          Stibbs Grove School
Cheatle Place School          Lawson Alley School          Storrow Way School
Chubb Grove School            Lister Alley School          Sunderland Avenue School
Colfar Way School            Lovibond Square School        Tambling Row School
Cook Street School            Maddaford Square School      Theophan Row School
Coole Grove School            Mahoney Square School        Thirlby Avenue School
Corrie Way School            Malby Alley School            Tipton Way School
Coxwell Place School          Mallack Square School        Tobit Grove School
Culverwell Walk School        McCreadie Square School      Towker Way School
Dalwood Way School            Meaden Street School          Traves Way School
Dalzell Way School            Meecham Square School        Treasure Row School
Dawney Place School          Millard Square School (x2)    Tresidder Avenue School
Deakin Place School          Millerd Square School        Trick Grove School
Dement Place School          Mountstephen Grove School    Trivett Avenue School
Diaper Place School          Naylor Square School          Upshall Row School
Dinsdale Avenue School        Nolan Street School          Vacher Row School
Dodimead Avenue School        Nuttycombe Court School      Vaugham Avenue School
Drennan Way School            Oake Street School            Vaughan Avenue School
Drewe Way School              Odo Alley School              Vere Way School
Dunham Place School          Olding Gardens School        Wheare Avenue School
Edgecombe Yard School        Organ Square School          Whitcherell Street School
Fothergill Alley School      Parfet Square School          Whitelock Crescent School
Fritz Way School              Pargiter Court School        Whitin Avenue School
Furze Way School              Paris Gardens School          Wilkin Avenue School
Gait Way School              Parkhouse Grove School        Woodroffe Crescent School
Game Way School              Parsley Grove School          Woton Row School
Gibbes Walk School
=== Streets ===
1944 blocks have style street, with 1860 unique names.
Abarough Alley          Firth Square            Ord Row
Abbott Alley            Fish Lane                Orders Crescent
Abrahall Gardens        Fishlock Gardens        Orders Row
Abrahams Alley          Fitzmaurice Court (x2)  Organ Row
Ackland Crescent        Flambert Place          Orome Row
Acott Avenue            Fleay Street            Osbourne Terrace
Acreman Alley            Flemming Grove          Osmonton Walk
Adkins Yard              Flemmings Grove (x2)    Otero Row
Adrian Yard              Flowar Square            Otten Row
Akehurst Crescent        Flower Street            Owens Crescent
Alban Terrace            Foan Square              Owens Yard
Alberic Crescent (x2)    Fogwell Grove            Owsley Row
Albyn Avenue            Fooks Alley              Ozen Way
Albyn Terrace            Forde Lane              Paffard Alley
Alcock Crescent          Forshaw Grove            Paffard Terrace
Alcock Road              Fortt Lane              Palprey Alley
Alder Alley (x2)        Fortune Square          Papps Alley
Alfred Alley            Fowin Lane              Parden Road
Alkin Walk              Fowles Square            Pargett Walk
Allan Walk              Fox Road                Paris Crescent
Allerton Road            Foxwell Grove            Parker Alley
Alloway Crescent        France Road              Parker Avenue
Allwood Crescent        France Street            Parkinson Street
Alner Terrace            Francois Way            Parkman Alley
Alsoop Crescent          Frankland Place (x2)    Parr Row
Alsoop Yard              Fray Gardens            Parry Row (x2)
Altham Road              Freeth Lane              Pashen Alley
Amis Row                Freke Alley              Passley Alley
Ammonds Alley            Freke Square            Paterson Street
Amos Avenue              French Lane              Patten Alley
Anacletus Square        French Road              Patterson Lane
Andow Terrace            French Street            Pattin Avenue
Andow Walk              Fricker Gardens          Pattin Crescent
Androwes Crescent        Friend Street            Pattinson Crescent
Angus Walk              Frognal Grove            Pattinson Lane
Annesley Gardens        Frognal Square          Paul Yard
Anning Crescent          Fudge Lane              Pavitt Crescent
Appelby Crescent        Fullaway Grove          Pavy Avenue
Applegate Lane          Furber Street            Payne Road
Armstead Alley          Furneaux Way            Peach Row
Arundell Alley          Furnell Gardens          Peel Avenue
Ashenden Alley          Fursman Grove            Peerless Street
Ashford Walk            Furzey Road              Peet Crescent
Attewill Alley          Fynn Square              Peet Row
Attwood Road            Gagan Street            Pegg Crescent
Atway Terrace            Gage Lane                Pellatt Alley
Atwood Crescent          Gait Street              Pember Crescent
Atwood Yard (x2)        Gallimore Court          Pengelly Alley
Author Alley            Galpin Gardens          Peppe Road
Avery Avenue            Gamis Lane              Pepperd Terrace
Avery Walk              Gammon Gardens          Perace Avenue
Axe Row                  Ganden Street            Perren Road
Ayliffee Alley          Gapper Grove            Perrett Alley
Ayshe Alley              Gardner Grove            Perriott Street
Bacon Alley              Gargery Place            Perrott Walk
Badman Alley            Garland Gardens (x2)    Perryman Alley
Baggot Walk              Garland Way              Pers Yard
Baggs Yard              Garlick Grove            Pester Alley
Bainton Gardens          Garniss Gardens          Pettman Terrace
Baker Alley              Garratt Grove            Philip Avenue
Balchin Crescent        Garrett Grove (x2)      Philips Terrace
Baldwin Alley            Garrow Street            Phillipson Street (x2)
Baldwin Crescent        Garson Street            Philp Alley
Baldwin Road            Garven Square            Philpott Crescent
Bale Avenue              Gaskell Place            Piegsa Alley
Balle Crescent          Gatclin Place            Piegsa Crescent
Bampfield Street        Gatehouse Place          Pigeon Avenue
Bane Alley              Gautrey Way              Pile Avenue
Banger Alley            Gaze Alley (x2)          Pine Yard
Banger Walk              Gear Alley              Pippen Alley
Banjafield Road          Geddes Gardens (x2)      Piran Alley
Barber Alley            Geldeard Way            Pirrie Crescent
Barber Walk              Germain Gardens          Pirrie Road
Baring Walk              Getsom Square            Pittey Road
Barlow Road              Gibbens Gardens          Plater Crescent
Barnard Alley            Gibbes Gardens          Plowright Square
Barne Crescent          Gibbins Place            Plumb Crescent
Barnerd Gardens          Gibbons Grove            Plunkett Alley
Barns Alley              Gifford Place            Pobjay Road
Barns Crescent          Gilbert Gardens          Polgrahan Lane
Bartin Walk              Gilbert Way              Pollitt Terrace
Bascombe Gardens        Gilbey Gardens          Polycarp Terrace
Basher Alley            Gillycuddy Way          Pomroy Avenue
Bastick Crescent        Gilpin Grove            Ponsford Street
Bastick Road (x2)        Gimblett Way            Ponting Alley
Bateman Gardens          Giverd Street            Ponting Road
Bateson Alley            Glanfield Grove          Pooll Road
Batstone Lane            Glanfield Place          Portal Alley
Batt Walk                Glanvill Place          Portass Walk
Batton Road              Gleed Road              Porter Road
Bawler Walk              Glyde Street            Pothecary Lane
Bayford Gardens          Godfrey Gardens          Poulet Alley
Baylis Road              Godolphin Court          Poulet Road
Beable Crescent          Godolphin Grove          Pouncy Crescent
Beach Road              Godson Gardens          Pound Crescent
Beacham Gardens          Godwin Gardens (x2)      Pownall Walk
Beakes Crescent          Golden Street            Poynter Road
Beaman Alley            Goldney Grove            Prangnell Street
Bean Terrace            Goldring Way            Prendergast Lane (x2)
Beard Yard              Goodday Place            Press Row
Beater Alley            Goodfellow Way (x2)      Preston Alley
Beaton Alley            Goodland Grove          Pretty Alley
Beauchamp Lane          Goodwyn Place            Prew Avenue
Beaumont Lane            Goringe Place            Pridham Road
Beavis Crescent          Gosney Grove            Prigg Road
Becket Crescent          Gotch Square (x2)        Primrose Street
Becket Walk              Goverd Grove            Pring Road
Beckwith Square          Govier Street            Prisk Crescent
Becky Crescent (x2)      Grabham Way              Prisk Road
Bell Terrace            Grace Square            Pritchard Lane
Bellam Alley            Gracewood Place          Pulling Road
Bendall Alley            Grandfield Avenue        Pulling Terrace
Bendall Road            Grandier Square          Pulsford Terrace
Bendells Gardens        Grandon Grove            Purchell Crescent
Bengefield Street        Grannum Gardens          Purchell Terrace
Benjamin Lane            Grayland Square          Purt Avenue
Bennett Gardens          Grayland Way            Pye Yard
Bethell Crescent        Greenaway Grove          Pyle Crescent
Bewsey Walk              Greenaway Place          Quaney Terrace
Bhore Road              Greenhow Way            Quaney Walk
Bibby Alley              Greenleaves Avenue      Quantock Square
Bickersteth Gardens      Greenway Grove          Question Street
Bickle Alley            Greig Square            Quinn Crescent
Biddlecom Lane          Grenville Grove          Rabbage Lane
Biggs Alley              Gridland Way            Rackman Lane
Biggs Crescent          Griffen Gardens          Radnedge Street
Billett Gardens          Grigg Road              Raesin Street
Billows Alley            Grills Grove            Raggett Street
Bindon Walk              Grimmer Place            Ramsdale Street (x2)
Bingham Gardens          Grimstead Court          Ranahan Lane
Binney Walk              Gristwood Court          Randell Lane
Bioletti Road            Grizel Gardens          Rankin Crescent
Birgitta Gardens        Grove Street            Ransford Alley
Birinus Crescent        Grundy Gardens          Ranson Terrace (x2)
Birkett Alley            Guiday Gardens          Rather Street
Bishop Alley (x2)        Gulledge Way            Ravenhill Gardens
Bisshop Crescent        Gullick Grove            Ravson Street
Bissley Alley            Gullis Street            Rawle Road
Blabey Walk              Gully Road              Rawling Lane
Blackburn Alley          Gumm Alley              Raworth Crescent
Blackburn Lane          Gunson Gardens          Ready Alley
Blacker Alley            Gwilliam Place          Reakes Crescent
Blackholler Gardens      Gwinnall Place          Redfern Crescent
Blackmore Street        Gyles Square            Redpath Lane
Blagrave Square          Gyllet Grove            Redpath Street
Blakeman Lane            Gyllet Street            Reed Road
Blakey Road (x2)        Gynn Lane                Rees Crescent
Blanchard Square        Ha Gardens              Reginaldus Grove
Bland Road              Haag Square              Reid Avenue
Blandy Crescent (x2)    Haberfeild Row          Rennell Lane
Blann Alley              Habgood Way              Reyner Crescent
Blanning Road            Hacker Place            Rhoden Street
Blatcher Road            Hagerty Grove            Rhymes Alley
Bles Alley              Hagopian Way            Richard Lane
Blest Road              Haidon Place            Richardson Lane
Bletso Alley            Haig Square              Richings Street
Blockwood Lane          Haim Road                Riddles Crescent
Blunt Crescent          Halberry Grove          Ridewood Square
Bobbett Road            Hall Square              Ridge Alley
Bockett Gardens          Hallaran Grove          Riggs Alley
Boddy Road              Hallasy Grove            Riggs Road
Boddy Yard              Hallettt Way            Riggs Walk
Bodilly Gardens          Halliley Way            Rignall Street
Body Alley              Halse Square            Ripley Street
Boggis Crescent          Halsey Grove            Ripper Terrace
Bollans Alley            Hamblen Place            Rishton Square
Bolson Road              Hamblett Court          Ritchie Square (x2)
Bolwell Alley            Hamlen Gardens          Rixon Road
Bonning Alley            Hamlyn Way              Robens Street
Book Terrace            Handley Square          Roberston Gardens
Bornard Crescent        Handley Way              Roberston Street
Borrows Road            Hanham Way              Roberts Square
Borthwick Square        Hanney Place            Robertson Street
Boshier Alley            Hanney Way              Robinson Gardens
Boswell Alley            Harbord Place            Robinson Square
Boswell Gardens          Harden Gardens          Robotier Alley
Bourne Crescent          Hardie Grove            Robotier Gardens
Bousfield Lane          Hardinge Court          Roddoway Gardens
Bowditch Square          Harper Gardens          Rodham Terrace
Bowell Crescent          Harris Way              Roft Crescent
Bowers Alley            Hartleys Place          Rollason Gardens
Bowle Yard              Haskett Grove            Rollings Alley
Bowley Walk              Haskins Square          Rollinson Lane
Bowring Road            Haslock Place            Rousell Street
Boyer Alley              Haslock Square          Row Row
Boylin Walk              Haste Square            Rowe Crescent
Brabner Alley            Hatchard Grove          Rowse Road
Bradley Alley            Hathaway Way            Rowson Street
Bradnam Alley            Hathway Square          Roynon Terrace
Bragg Road              Hathway Way              Ruck Road
Bragge Alley            Hatson Place            Rudd Crescent
Brampton Gardens        Havercroft Avenue        Rudduck Lane
Brancker Road            Haw Square              Ruffer Street
Brely Alley              Hawke Street            Runcieman Street
Brendon Gardens          Hayce Street            Ruse Avenue
Brennan Gardens          Hayler Gardens          Rusher Alley (x2)
Brent Alley              Haynes Gardens          Rutt Avenue
Brentnall Street        Haywood Way              Rutt Road
Brereton Gardens        Head Lane                Ruxton Street
Brewin Crescent          Headford Court          Ryan Alley
Brewin Walk              Headford Grove          Ryder Alley
Bridge Road              Headington Avenue        Sage Terrace
Bridgeman Street        Healy Square            Sainsbury Grove
Bridgewater Gardens      Hearne Place            Sainsbury Way
Bridgman Lane            Heath Grove              Salisbury Way
Bridgman Square          Heath Square            Salter Lane
Brightwell Road          Heathman Place          Samborne Square
Brimson Crescent        Hebdidgh Grove          Sanctuary Lane
Brindle Gardens          Heckworthy Grove        Sanctuary Way (x2)
Brine Alley (x2)        Hedbitch Way            Sands Street
Britton Road            Heley Gardens            Sandy Alley
Broad Crescent          Helland Grove            Sankey Street
Broderip Road            Helland Way              Sanson Crescent
Bromilow Lane            Hellear Square          Savidge Alley
Brooke Crescent          Hellear Way              Sawday Street
Brookman Road            Helliar Place            Sawtell Alley
Brooks Walk              Helliar Square (x2)      Sayce Street
Brower Alley            Hellyer Place            Saywell Square
Browne Alley            Hemburrow Walk          Scadden Street
Bruce Yard              Heming Gardens          Scadding Street
Bruford Alley            Hemmings Way            Scallon Square
Bruford Gardens          Heneage Grove            Scanes Lane
Bruno Road              Heneage Way              Scanlon Street
Brunt Crescent          Henniker Grove          Scard Terrace
Bubwith Road            Henniker Place          Scarpendale Grove
Buck Avenue              Hensler Grove            Scarpendale Square
Bucke Alley              Hensler Place            Schalch Alley
Bucke Crescent          Hensler Way              Schandua Street
Buckoke Alley            Henslowe Grove          Scobell Street
Buckoke Crescent        Hepburn Way              Scovell Street
Budd Walk                Herapath Way            Screech Gardens
Budge Yard (x2)          Heywood Square          Scudamore Square
Budgell Gardens          Higgins Way              Seaman Lane
Budgen Crescent          Higgs Square            Seaward Gardens
Budgett Gardens          Hilda Gardens            Seear Street
Budgett Road            Hildebrand Grove        Seekins Square
Bugden Walk              Hilman Gardens          Seeney Square
Buglar Alley            Himbury Grove            Sellick Street
Buglar Walk              Himbury Place (x2)      Sellwood Gardens
Bulford Alley            Hinckesman Row          Selway Street
Bullen Road              Hind Road                Sendell Street
Buller Alley            Hindmarsh Court          Sequeira Gardens
Bullimore Lane          Hinks Gardens            Servatius Way
Bunney Road              Hinuber Way              Setter Crescent
Bunstone Lane (x2)      Hird Street              Sey Avenue
Burchell Road            Hiscock Grove            Sey Road
Burchill Lane            Hoard Gardens            Shaft Terrace
Burd Avenue              Hobbart Place            Shakelton Grove
Burd Terrace            Hobson Place            Shalmer Gardens
Burden Alley            Hockin Place            Sharland Square
Burne Road              Hodgkinson Avenue        Sharpe Street
Burnley Gardens          Hogyson Way              Shattock Street
Burredg Crescent        Hole Street              Shaw Road
Burtenshaw Lane          Holsgrove Walk          Shea Walk
Burton Walk              Holton Place            Shean Street
Bushen Walk              Honeyfield Grove        Shearn Crescent
Bushrod Alley            Hook Square              Sheat Crescent
Bustin Alley            Hope Lane                Sheate Lane
Butson Alley            Hopjohns Way (x2)        Sheil Terrace
Butt Avenue              Hormisdas Avenue        Sheppard Square
Butterell Street        Hormisdas Court          Sheridan Gardens
Buttle Road              Horsey Grove            Sheridan Lane
Byewell Crescent        Horwill Square          Sherstone Way
Bythesea Gardens        Hoskins Grove            Shickell Gardens
Cabbell Lane            Hounsell Court          Shickell Lane
Caddy Walk              House Grove              Shiell Square
Caff Crescent            Howes Square            Shiplow Alley
Caffin Alley            Howland Grove            Shiplow Square
Calcott Lane            Howland Square          Shippard Lane
Callender Square        Howland Way              Shipton Street
Callender Street        Howse Square            Shorenn Square
Caller Gardens          Hubbard Place            Shortis Street
Caller Road              Hudleston Walk          Shortland Square
Callistus Street        Huish Grove (x2)        Shortt Square
Calvert Lane            Huish Street            Shwalbe Alley
Camidge Gardens          Hulin Gardens (x2)      Shyar Terrace
Campain Road (x2)        Hulin Square            Sidney Lane
Canham Road              Humphries Walk          Silcock Street
Canning Gardens          Humphrys Way            Silley Crescent
Canning Lane            Hunn Road                Silverius Lane
Cape Alley              Hunt Road                Simister Lane (x2)
Caplen Gardens          Hurley Place            Simpson Square
Caplen Road              Hutchinson Grove        Sindercombe Court
Capper Alley            Hyde Street              Sires Street
Capper Road              Hylton Place            Skilliter Grove
Capps Walk              Ikiff Way                Skilton Street
Card Crescent            Ilderton Way            Slack Crescent
Carder Crescent          Imeson Grove            Sleeman Street
Carle Road              Imeson Place            Smail Terrace
Carp Yard                Inclesdon Avenue        Small Crescent
Carpenter Square        Inclesdon Walk          Smeeth Crescent
Carr Alley              Indoe Place              Smeeth Square
Carrott Road            Ings Street              Smethurst Lane
Carrott Square          Isgar Grove              Smith Terrace (x2)
Cartwright Square        Israel Way              Smither Alley
Case Crescent            Ita Road                Smithfield Court
Caselley Square          Izzard Square            Smyth Crescent (x2)
Caselley Street          Jacobi Way              Snell Terrace
Casely Crescent          Jaques Court            Snow Alley
Castle Alley            Jaques Grove            Snygge Lane
Castleman Lane          Jarman Court            Snygge Square
Cavendish Road          Jarman Place            Somerton Street (x2)
Cazalet Road            Jayne Place              Sorrell Square
Ceary Road              Jearum Place            Sorton Lane
Chafey Crescent          Jearum Way (x2)          Souden Square
Chaffe Road              Jefferson Way            Southall Street
Chaldecott Square        Jefferson Yard          Southcott Lane
Chandler Street          Jeffreys Walk            Spalding Gardens
Channing Lane            Jellett Walk            Spankling Way
Channing Street          Jelley Court            Sparkes Street
Chappell Alley          Jenner Place            Spear Street
Charles Road            Jenvey Court            Spence Crescent
Checketts Lane          Jepp Grove              Spencer Alley
Cheeke Alley            Jermyn Place            Splain Square
Cheesman Alley          Jesse Way                Spratt Square
Cheffe Crescent          Jeune Place              Spreat Lane
Cherrington Grove        Jillard Court            Springford Place
Chetham Gardens          Joachim Walk            Spurway Alley
Chetle Gardens          Jouxson Court            Spurway Street
Chetwind Street          Joycey Place            Squire Crescent
Chick Walk              Joyner Place            Stabbins Street
Chidley Road            Jude Grove              Stambury Gardens
Chidzey Lane            Julian Grove            Stambury Square
Chinnick Lane            Julius Court            Stammers Square
Chippett Square (x2)    Kean Grove              Stanbury Street
Chisholm Alley          Keefe Grove              Stanfield Way
Chisholm Lane            Keitch Avenue            Stanley Alley
Chitty Alley            Kelher Walk              Stanley Square
Chiver Road              Kellett Grove            Stanley Street
Chivers Road            Kellett Row              Stapleton Square
Cholmondeley Square      Kemble Court            Stark Alley
Chorley Road            Kemmis Walk              Starkie Street
Christian Road          Kemp Place              Start Crescent
Christopher Grove (x2)  Kempe Place              Staveley Street
Christopher Way          Kempson Row              Steads Crescent
Churchey Lane            Kempster Avenue          Steed Crescent
Chyke Crescent          Kemys Way                Steel Terrace
Clack Road              Kennea Way              Steele Crescent
Clanfield Road          Kennington Road          Stephens Square
Clapshaw Street          Kenworthy Row            Stevenson Lane
Clare Walk              Keppel Walk              Stewart Alley
Clark Walk              Ketnor Walk              Stiby Alley
Claston Gardens          Kevern Avenue            Stidson Square
Clavel Alley            Keyford Grove            Stidston Lane
Clavel Road              Kick Way                Stidston Street
Clavey Alley            Kidner Avenue            Stitson Gardens
Claxton Gardens          Kilburn Walk            Stobbart Lane
Claxton Lane            Kilpatrick Crescent      Stock Crescent
Claxton Road            Kirby Place              Stocker Square
Clay Road                Kirkland Yard            Stocker Street
Clearey Gardens          Kitting Row              Stonnard Lane
Cleaves Road            Kittle Avenue            Storrow Street
Cleland Lane            Kittle Walk              Stovin Square
Clementina Square        Klimer Walk              Stoy Alley
Clements Square          Knight Avenue            Stoy Terrace
Clerk Alley (x2)        Knight Walk              Stranger Square
Clifden Road            Knyfton Row              Strangways Grove (x2)
Clinch Road (x2)        Knyps Court              Stranks Street (x3)
Clissold Alley          Krinks Court            Street Lane
Clitsome Lane            Labarte Avenue          Stribling Square
Clitsome Street          Lacey Walk              Strike Street
Closs Road              Lacy Grove              Strong Lane
Coat Alley (x2)          Lacy Way                Strutt Square
Cobern Crescent          Ladd Court              Stuart Square
Cockayne Street          Ladner Row              Stuckey Street
Cockburn Alley          Laimbeer Avenue          Studham Square
Coffins Lane            Lance Way                Sturges Square
Colbourne Street        Lancey Row              Styles Street
Colles Crescent          Land Place              Summerhayes Grove
Colles Road              Landsey Avenue          Sunter Street
Collier Square          Landucci Yard            Surmon Street
Collinns Street          Langridge Row            Sutcliffe Grove
Colyer Road              Langrishe Alley          Sutcliffe Square
Comber Crescent          Langrishe Crescent      Swabey Street
Comer Alley              Lanhdon Way              Swaine Lane
Condon Crescent          Lanhdon Yard            Swansborough Grove
Connery Gardens          Lansdown Row (x2)        Sweet Crescent
Connolly Square          Lansdowne Alley          Swinnerton Street
Connor Alley            Large Avenue            Swyer Crescent
Connor Crescent          Lasder Avenue            Swyer Terrace
Connor Gardens          Latrobe Way              Sykes Terrace
Connors Gardens          Lavington Road          Symmachus Way
Connors Square          Lawie Court              Symmons Square (x2)
Conolly Square          Lawrence Avenue          Symonds Street
Conybear Lane            Lazar Way                Syred Crescent
Conybeare Square        Lazare Row              Tagg Alley
Cooke Crescent          Lazenbury Crescent      Tagg Terrace
Cooley Gardens          Lea Square              Talbot Gardens
Coome Road              Leakey Grove            Talbot Street
Cooney Alley            Leat Way                Tardew Square (x2)
Cope Crescent            Ledamun Way              Tarring Lane
Cope Yard                Leekey Grove            Tasker Street
Corkery Road            Leggatt Walk            Tatchel Lane
Cornish Lane            Leigh Avenue            Tatchell Lane
Corrie Crescent          Leith Walk (x2)          Tatler Gardens
Cort Road                Leo Grove                Tayler Gardens
Cosway Alley (x2)        Leofric Yard            Temperley Place
Cottam Crescent          Lerwill Walk            Templer Square
Couch Alley              Lessey Avenue            Tennant Square
Couling Lane            Lessey Row              Teresa Square
Councell Lane            Letham Walk              Tett Street
Counter Road            Lettey Avenue            Tharratt Way
Courtenay Road          Levett Grove            Theirs Street
Courtney Alley          Lewington Alley          Theobald Lane
Cowell Gardens          Lewitt Grove            Theodore Grove
Cowell Road              Lewitt Walk              Thom Crescent
Cowing Crescent          Ley Square              Thom Street (x2)
Cowley Gardens          Lillycrap Crescent      Thompson Lane
Cowlin Gardens          Liminton Crescent        Thomson Street
Cowlin Road              Liminton Yard            Thorley Lane
Coxwell Lane (x2)        Lindell Avenue          Thornton Grove
Coxwell Road            Lintell Avenue          Thornton Way
Coxwell Square          Lintorn Walk            Threadgould Grove
Coy Terrace              Lock Grove              Thresh Gardens
Coymer Alley            Locket Walk              Thurlow Lane
Craddy Road              Lomas Avenue            Thurn Street
Cradock Gardens          Loney Walk              Tibbotts Lane
Crampton Lane            Longman Avenue          Tibbotts Way
Cran Crescent            Longmate Yard            Tidd Alley
Craske Gardens          Loockyer Avenue          Tigwell Gardens
Creeber Lane            Lorenzo Yard            Tilke Lane
Creese Crescent          Loveiband Alley          Timbrell Lane
Cresley Road            Lovering Row            Timothy Gardens
Cresley Square          Lovibond Row            Timothy Square
Crick Walk              Lovless Yard            Tincknell Place
Cridge Road              Lowth Avenue            Tindell Square
Crofts Road (x2)        Luckcraft Alley          Tiplot Gardens
Crooker Lane            Lucy Way                Tiplot Square
Croom Alley              Ludlow Avenue            Tipper Street
Croom Walk              Ludwell Walk            Tipton Gardens
Crossman Square          Luff Court              Tomkins Square
Croxford Lane            Lumley Grove            Tomlinson Place
Cruickshank Way          Lutman Row              Toombs Gardens
Cruwys Road              Lynch Way (x2)          Toop Alley
Cui Terrace              Lyne Grove              Tope Alley
Culliford Square        MacDonald Avenue        Torrington Grove
Culmstock Square (x2)    MacNaghten Terrace      Torrington Square
Cummins Road            MacRae Way              Totterdell Square
Cupper Road              Mace Avenue              Towker Street
Curtice Lane            Maddaford Crescent      Towne Crescent
Curtis Alley            Magee Grove              Tozer Crescent
Cuthbert Square          Maher Grove              Tozer Lane
Cuzner Alley            Mahon Walk              Tracey Square
Dalley Square            Mallack Avenue          Tracey Street
Dallimore Gardens        Mallett Row              Trafford Square
Dallimore Square        Mallinson Alley          Trask Street
Dalwood Lane            Malton Way              Tratham Square
Dalziel Square          Manley Avenue            Tratham Street
Daniel Square            Mannell Crescent (x2)    Travis Gardens
Darke Alley              Mannell Row              Treasure Grove
Darnell Lane            Mannings Alley          Treasure Way
Daubeny Alley            Mannings Row            Trebble Lane
Davies Square            Manuel Walk              Tremlett Way (x2)
Davison Lane            Manuel Way              Tresidder Grove
Dawney Lane              Marcus Avenue            Trew Alley
Daynes Square            Margery Yard            Trigg Square
Dear Walk                Maria Avenue            Triggs Alley
Deed Crescent            Marke Avenue            Trim Crescent
Delaney Street          Marke Row                Trimble Lane
Delay Road (x2)          Marks Avenue            Tripick Street
Deller Road              Marshment Crescent      Trivett Square
Demack Square            Martha Avenue            Trivitt Street
Denbury Square          Marton Avenue            Trivola Street
Denham Gardens          Matheos Crescent        Troake Gardens
Denis Road              Mathew Walk              Trollope Lane
Denman Road              Mathew Yard              Tuchings Way
Denman Square            Matraves Alley          Turvill Street
Denmead Alley            Matthew Row              Tutcher Street
Denmead Street          Matthews Alley          Twitt Crescent
Denner Road              Matthewson Terrace      Tyack Lane
Denney Lane              Maturin Row              Underwood Way
Dering Gardens          Maud Court              Uttermare Square
Deusdedit Street        Maudley Avenue          Vagg Street
Devallibus Gardens      Maule Avenue            Vailes Lane
Devallibus Place        Maule Row                Valentine Row
Deveto Square            Maule Walk              Vann Alley
Devonish Square          Maunder Avenue          Veale Lane
Dibben Lane (x2)        Maunder Row              Veasey Lane
Dibbings Street          Mawdley Yard            Velvick Street
Dickenson Gardens        Maximillian Crescent    Ven Square
Dickin Square            Maxted Walk              Venner Grove
Digby Road              Mayer Row                Venner Way
Dimon Alley              Maynard Row              Verncomb Way
Dimond Gardens          Mayo Way                Vernoum Court
Dinham Gardens          McCommell Avenue        Vesey Square
Dinmead Lane            McCormack Avenue        Vesey Street
Dinwiddy Lane            McCormack Crescent      Vick Square
Dinwiddy Road            McCorquodale Crescent    Vick Street
Dismas Square            McCorquodale Lane        Victor Grove
Ditcher Street          McDonell Crescent        Villar Way
Dobin Alley              McEvoy Avenue            Vitalian Grove (x2)
Doddimeade Way          McKay Grove              Voisey Lane
Doddridge Gardens        McKinnon Crescent        Voizey Square
Dodds Alley              McMillan Row            Waddams Square
Doe Alley                McMurtrie Road          Waddams Way
Doggett Alley            McTier Way              Wadham Place
Doggett Lane            Meade Avenue (x2)        Wagland Court
Doig Alley              Meaden Way              Wakeley Grove
Dollery Street          Meads Avenue            Wakely Place
Doman Alley              Meatyard Road            Walden Place
Doman Road              Meecham Yard            Wall Street
Domet Road              Meeker Avenue            Wallace Way
Donagan Street          Meeker Yard              Wallen Place
Donegan Lane            Meleady Avenue          Walling Square (x2)
Donegan Street          Mellier Row              Walrond Grove
Donn Crescent            Melrose Crescent        Wardle Court
Donoghan Square          Meluish Yard            Ware Square
Doon Alley              Membry Walk              Warfield Place
Doran Road              Membry Way (x2)          Warford Way
Dore Alley              Membury Crescent        Warry Grove
Dorman Road              Menhennet Avenue        Watling Court
Dorrington Way          Mercer Walk              Watson Place
Doswell Lane            Merchant Road            Waugh Grove
Douch Alley              Merewether Road          Wayper Grove
Doveton Square          Merivale Road            Wedmore Square
Dovey Crescent          Merson Way              Wedmore Way
Downton Alley            Mesney Way (x2)          Weech Square
Doyne Crescent          Metcalfe Alley          Weeks Lane
Drewer Square            Metcalfe Row            Weeks Way
Drewitt Lane            Methringham Street      Weightman Place
Driscoll Square          Methringham Terrace      Weir Lane
Drury Gardens            Mickleroy Crescent      Wellington Avenue
Duckett Alley            Middleton Alley (x2)    Welsford Grove
Dudridge Street          Midelton Road            Welsher Grove
Duffill Square          Millet Avenue            Wescombe Grove
Dufty Gardens            Millet Way              Westley Court (x2)
Duggan Square            Milligan Crescent        Weston Court
Dullea Square            Millward Road            Wetherall Avenue
Dummett Street          Miltiades Alley          Wetton Court
Duncan Road              Minchington Terrace      Whalley Way
Dunlap Road              Minchinton Alley        Wheadon Way (x2)
Dunstone Square (x3)    Minifie Yard            Wheals Grove
Dupe Crescent            Mist Way                Wheelan Court (x2)
Durnford Road            Mitchener Alley          Whensley Place
Dutton Square            Moberly Row              Whicher Court
Dwyer Crescent          Mockridge Alley          Whish Grove
Eades Square            Modeford Row            Whitby Place (x2)
Eagan Road              Mole Avenue              Whitcombe Walk
Eagles Alley            Molesworth Terrace      Whitefield Grove
Earl Road                Monck Row                Whitelock Avenue
Earle Lane              Moncrieffe Alley        Whitesides Yard
Earle Square            Monks Walk (x2)          Whithed Way
Easthill Grove          Montgomery Walk          Whitin Street
Eaves Road              Mooney Way              Whitmarsh Avenue
Eaves Square            Moores Walk              Whitmey Way
Ebdon Gardens            Moorhouse Alley          Whyte Way
Eckett Street            Moorman Avenue          Wickenden Place
Edgcumbe Grove          Moorse Walk              Wickett Court
Edkins Square            Mor Grove                Wicklen Grove
Edmund Lane              Mor Way                  Wicklen Square
Edmund Square            Moreby Avenue            Wicklen Way
Edney Gardens            Morey Avenue            Wicks Way
Edson Lane              Morey Walk              Widdows Court
Edward Alley            Morley Avenue            Wigdahl Grove
Eelms Road              Morrish Avenue          Wigdahl Square
Eford Lane              Morriss Avenue          Wigdahl Way
Egan Gardens            Morriss Crescent        Wilbraham Row
Eglen Road              Moseley Row              Wilkes Street
Elder Gardens            Moudry Walk              Willey Court
Elderfield Grove        Mountain Crescent        Willey Street
Elers Lane              Mounter Crescent        William Way
Elford Street            Mountstevens Square      Williamson Row
Eligius Lane            Mullen Avenue            Willmot Way
Elin Crescent            Muller Avenue            Wills Grove
Eliot Lane              Muller Walk              Willy Square
Ellison Square          Mumford Avenue          Wilmott Court
Elmund Square (x2)      Munckton Row            Wilsdon Court
Elsworth Street          Mundy Walk              Wilsdon Grove
Emberson Grove          Murrell Crescent        Wiltshire Place
Empson Lane              Murtaugh Row            Windey Court
Enright Lane            Muxlow Way              Windey Grove
Ephrem Lane              Mycock Way              Windey Street
Ephrem Street            Nancolas Alley          Windham Grove
Erghum Square            Nash Grove              Wine Lane
Esain Road              Neagle Avenue            Winsley Court (x2)
Estlin Alley            Neot Avenue              Winters Square
Estlin Square            Nettleton Alley          Wippell Court
Estmond Square          Nettleton Road          Wippell Way
Etheldreda Way          Nettleton Terrace        Wiseman Grove
Evans Road              Neville Row              Witchell Grove
Evans Square            Newell Row              Wither Court
Ewer Crescent            Newmarch Road            Wither Grove
Ewerne Square            Newnam Avenue            Witherington Row
Ewins Gardens            Newstead Avenue          Wolff Way (x3)
Ewins Lane              Nich Avenue              Wollen Court
Ewins Road              Nicholls Crescent        Wolsey Grove
Ewins Square            Nickols Row (x2)        Woodford Grove
Eyles Square            Nicols Crescent          Woodley Court
Faber Street            Nikolai Row              Woodthorpe Row
Fackerell Square        Noakes Crescent          Wooley Place
Fagan Alley              Noakes Row              Woolfry Grove
Fagan Square            Noonan Yard              Woolley Grove
Fairbrother Avenue      Norgan Row              Woolly Street
Fairbrother Court        Normandare Street        Wootten Grove
Fairfield Way            Northcombe Alley        Worcester Row
Falvey Lane              Northcombe Crescent      Workman Square
Fane Gardens            Northup Crescent (x2)    Wormald Court
Farewell Grove (x2)      Norvill Row              Wornel Place
Farmer Square            Nositer Row              Worner Court
Farnol Lane              Nott Avenue              Worthington Court
Farr Lane                Notton Avenue            Wortley Court
Farr Road                Nowell Row              Woton Grove
Farr Square              Nowis Avenue            Wricht Court
Farrant Gardens          Nurten Row              Wulfstan Grove
Farrel Street            Oakeley Crescent        Wulfstan Place
Farrent Street          Oakley Road              Wyatt Grove
Farrington Way          Oaten Row                Wyche Way
Farrow Lane              Obern Crescent          Wynes Square
Fathers Square          Odingsells Crescent      Wynes Way
Faustina Way            Ogburn Alley            Yearworth Walk
Febrey Street            Ogburn Crescent          Yeates Way
Feldstein Square        Ogburn Road              Yendole Place
Fellowes Gardens        Oland Avenue            Yeriod Way
Feltham Street          Oland Crescent          Yorke Court
Fiddes Road              Old Grove                Yorke Grove
Fildes Lane              Oldroyd Alley            Youings Place
Finch Alley (x2)        Oldroyd Crescent        Zacharias Crescent
Finchley Grove          Ollerenshaw Gardens      Zinnecker Row
Finlay Lane (x2)        Oram Walk                Zinnecker Walk
Finnerty Gardens        Oram Yard                Zwanenburg Road

Latest revision as of 19:03, 5 December 2008


Yes, this page lists all the names used in Borehamwood, except for the Malls and the one named Railway Station. More stats and lists coming soon.

If you find a particularly amusing name, please add it to Amusing Locations in Borehamwood.

Group 1


437 blocks have style c2, with 411 unique names.

the Adey Building             the Frye Building             the Peryer Building         
the Adolphy Building          the Garland Building          the Phillipps Building      
the Agathius Building         the Gibbes Building           the Pickford Building       
the Allsop Building (x2)      the Giles Building            the Pierce Building         
the Alner Building            the Gimblett Building (x2)    the Pinchen Building        
the Amos Building             the Glode Building            the Pincoffs Building       
the Andow Building            the Godwyn Building           the Pincott Building        
the Androwes Building         the Golding Building          the Pitman Building         
the Angerstein Building       the Goverd Building           the Pitney Building (x2)    
the Annesley Building         the Griffiths Building        the Powys Building          
the Arbery Building           the Grose Building            the Prentis Building        
the Ashley Building           the Grundy Building           the Prinn Building          
the Bailey Building           the Gun Building              the Puckle Building         
the Bane Building             the Gurney Building           the Pullin Building         
the Barnett Building          the Gutch Building            the Purnell Building        
the Barrow Building           the Haag Building             the Pynny Building          
the Bartlett Building         the Hain Building             the Question Building       
the Basin Building            the Halberry Building         the Raggett Building (x2)   
the Batson Building           the Hale Building             the Rawles Building         
the Batten Building           the Hall Building             the Raynols Building        
the Baum Building             the Hames Building            the Reap Building           
the Beare Building            the Hamlyn Building           the Red Building (x2)       
the Beater Building           the Hamm Building             the Remigius Building       
the Beaumont Building         the Hanne Building            the Rickard Building        
the Belsten Building          the Haste Building            the Ridgill Building        
the Besant Building           the Hawke Building            the Ripley Building         
the Billingham Building       the Hawksley Building         the Risdon Building         
the Binney Building (x2)      the Hayte Building            the Robins Building         
the Birch Building            the Healey Building           the Robotier Building       
the Bissley Building          the Hellens Building          the Rodd Building           
the Bizzell Building          the Herrick Building          the Rodham Building         
the Blacker Building          the Herrington Building       the Rollings Building       
the Boardman Building         the Hervey Building           the Ross Building           
the Bockett Building          the Hewer Building            the Rourke Building         
the Bohin Building            the Hippsley Building         the Runcieman Building      
the Bone Building             the Hoby Building             the Rush Building           
the Borthwick Building        the Hodding Building          the Ryley Building          
the Bowell Building (x2)      the Holbrook Building         the Sanderson Building      
the Bowen Building            the Hollwey Building          the Satherley Building      
the Bowerman Building         the Holmyard Building         the Saunders Building       
the Bowers Building           the Horditch Building (x2)    the Schael Building         
the Bowyer Building           the Horler Building           the Sendell Building        
the Boyle Building            the Howe Building (x2)        the Seton Building          
the Brassington Building      the Hughes Building           the Shalle Building         
the Brazey Building           the Huish Building            the Shartman Building       
the Breeze Building           the Isgar Building            the Sheldrake Building      
the Brennen Building          the Israel Building           the Shiel Building          
the Brewin Building           the Jarman Building           the Shillito Building       
the Brice Building            the Jeffreys Building         the Shinner Building        
the Brimblecombe Building     the Jelly Building            the Shipp Building          
the Brimson Building (x2)     the Keeble Building           the Sillence Building       
the Briscoe Building          the Keetch Building           the Skardon Building        
the Broadfoot Building        the Kembry Building           the Skuse Building          
the Browne Building           the Kemmis Building           the Skyrme Building         
the Budmead Building          the Kemp Building             the Sloper Building (x2)    
the Burchall Building         the Kennison Building         the Snell Building          
the Burye Building            the Ker Building              the Snooke Building         
the Calland Building          the Kerby Building            the Snygge Building         
the Cawley Building           the Kershaw Building          the Somerfield Building     
the Chad Building             the Ketnor Building           the Spare Building          
the Chaldecott Building       the Kettner Building          the Sparks Building         
the Chanter Building          the Kiddle Building           the Sparrow Building        
the Chappel Building          the Kilburn Building          the Spong Building          
the Chetham Building          the Kind Building             the Spring Building         
the Chidley Building          the Klimer Building           the Spry Building           
the Claines Building          the Knowles Building          the Spurr Building          
the Clanfield Building (x2)   the Lang Building             the Stokell Building        
the Clyde Building            the Lathey Building           the Stokes Building         
the Cockell Building          the Lavis Building            the Stonnard Building       
the Cockle Building           the Lawson Building           the Strangways Building     
the Colesworthy Building      the Lazare Building           the Streets Building        
the Collier Building          the Learmond Building         the Sturges Building        
the Colridge Building         the Leave Building            the Sturmey Building        
the Colsworthy Building       the Leay Building             the Style Building          
the Comer Building            the Lecrus Building           the Styles Building         
the Connelley Building        the Leeson Building           the Sulley Building         
the Cooke Building            the Leo Building              the Summerhayes Building    
the Cookworthy Building       the Levett Building           the Swabey Building         
the Coollen Building          the Lillycrap Building        the Swaffield Building      
the Copeland Building         the Limberye Building         the Swonnell Building       
the Copleston Building        the Liminton Building         the Synnot Building         
the Coplestone Building       the Linney Building           the Tanner Building         
the Cornish Building          the Lippett Building          the Taplin Building         
the Cowan Building            the Littlehales Building      the Tarzwell Building       
the Crape Building            the Locock Building           the Tatum Building          
the Craske Building           the Lodder Building           the Taunton Building        
the Craze Building            the London Building           the Temperley Building      
the Crespin Building          the Loveless Building (x2)    the Templer Building        
the Cridge Building           the Low Building              the Tharratt Building       
the Crooker Building          the Loweth Building           the Theodore Building       
the Crosse Building           the Luellin Building          the Tidball Building        
the Crossing Building         the Lugg Building             the Tidy Building           
the Crowcombe Building        the MacVicar Building (x2)    the Tindell Building (x2)   
the Croxford Building         the Maiden Building           the Tintiney Building       
the Cui Building (x2)         the Malby Building            the Titley Building         
the Cullen Building           the Mallack Building          the Towker Building         
the Cupper Building           the Mallard Building          the Towne Building          
the Curtis Building           the Mallett Building          the Tredaway Building       
the Cuss Building             the Malpas Building           the Tribe Building          
the Cyril Building            the Man Building (x2)         the Trotman Building        
the Dade Building             the Maney Building            the Trotter Building        
the Dalgliesh Building        the Marriage Building         the Trout Building          
the Dannells Building (x2)    the Marshalsea Building       the Turland Building        
the Denney Building           the Mashman Building (x2)     the Tyley Building          
the Dewell Building           the McCommell Building        the Usher Building          
the Dill Building             the McCulloch Building        the Valentine Building      
the Dineen Building           the McDougall Building        the Varder Building         
the Dismas Building           the Meany Building            the Vaux Building           
the Dohoney Building (x2)     the Miles Building            the Voss Building           
the Doilling Building         the Mills Building            the Waddams Building        
the Domet Building            the Millward Building         the Wallace Building        
the Dotin Building            the Mitchard Building         the Waltham Building (x2)   
the Downe Building            the Monro Building            the Walwyn Building         
the Downing Building          the Montagu Building (x2)     the Wansborough Building    
the Dredge Building           the Morris Building           the Ware Building           
the Drewitt Building          the Mottershead Building      the Webbey Building         
the Duane Building            the Mumford Building          the Webster Building        
the Durban Building (x2)      the Nanning Building          the Weightman Building      
the Eades Building            the Nettley Building          the Westcott Building       
the Eccleston Building (x2)   the Northcombe Building       the Wester Building         
the Edgcumbe Building         the Nurten Building           the Wheelhouse Building     
the Edkins Building           the Nutt Building             the Whish Building          
the Elstree Studios Building  the Nuttall Building          the Whitehorn Building      
the Elton Building            the Odingsells Building       the Wilfrid Building        
the Ensor Building            the Osment Building           the Willey Building         
the Esain Building (x2)       the Ostrehan Building         the Willibrord Building     
the Estens Building           the Otero Building            the Willment Building       
the Every Building            the Paddon Building           the Wistow Building         
the Featherstone Building     the Paget Building            the Withy Building          
the Feldstein Building        the Papps Building            the Wollen Building         
the Fletcher Building         the Parham Building           the Woodham Building        
the Flower Building           the Pattle Building           the Woodroffe Building      
the Foan Building             the Pavy Building             the Woolmonton Building     
the Foley Building (x2)       the Pears Building            the Wortley Building        
the Fords Building            the Pearse Building           the Yandle Building         
the Fox Building              the Peel Building             the Yeeles Building         
the Freeguard Building        the Penny Building            the Zacharias Building      


140 blocks have style c4, with 138 unique names.

Aloysius Park           Evershed Park           Mussabini Park     
Ammonds Park            Farrow Park             Nowis Park         
Antheros Park           Feldstein Park          Ogborn Park        
Bailie Park             Forde Park              Olivey Park        
Barling Park            Forshaw Park            Organ Park         
Battersby Park          Frederick Park          Osmonton Park      
Beater Park             Galloway Park           Otero Park         
Beedall Park            Glister Park            Otto Park          
Bioletti Park           Griff Park              Pamphlett Park     
Birinus Park            Gullick Park            Parden Park        
Birmingham Park         Hallaran Park           Paynter Park (x2)  
Bissell Park            Hamlin Park             Pearson Park       
Blocksidge Park         Harbin Park             Peerless Park      
Bodd Park               Harries Park            Pettitt Park       
Boniface Park           Healey Park             Pierson Park       
Bousie Park             Hemmings Park           Pilgrim Park       
Brimblecombe Park       Hepplethwaite Park      Pittard Park       
Brodribb Park           High Park               Polkinghorne Park  
Brome Park              Hindmarsh Park          Ponder Park        
Buckler Park            Hole Park               Portass Park       
Bulford Park            Honeyball Park          Ramsay Park        
Bungay Park             Hope Park               Raynols Park       
Bunstone Park           Hubbard Park            Rodwell Park       
Buskin Park             Hurst Park              Roode Park         
Callender Park          Jacomb Park             Sainsbury Park     
Came Park               Jeune Park              Shaft Park         
Caselley Park           Keeble Park             Sherriff Park      
Cater Park              Kerle Park              Sliney Park        
Cheatle Park            Kettner Park            Snell Park         
Chivers Park            Keyford Park            Sugar Park         
Coghlan Park            Lafone Park             Sutton Park        
Collier Park            Lapley Park             Sweet Park         
Courage Park            Lathey Park             Tibbotts Park      
Courtenay Park (x2)     Lethbridge Park         Tinkler Park       
Cuss Park               Lovibond Park           Tonkin Park        
Derrick Park            Lumb Park               Toomer Park        
Dibben Park             MacLaverty Park         Tooze Park         
Dibsdall Park           Major Park              Tuckett Park       
Dimmick Park            Marshalsey Park         Vicarage Park      
Dobbyn Park             Martha Park             Wadman Park        
Dodd Park               Mattick Park            Wescombe Park      
Doneghue Park           Mico Park               Whitting Park      
Eagles Park             Middleditch Park        Witchell Park      
Eddington Park          Montgomery Park         Woollacot Park     
Espin Park              Morrish Park            Wrayfoot Park      
Eusebius Park           Mosedale Park           Wykes Park         


81 blocks have style c7, with 69 unique names.

St Adrian's Church          St Eusebius's Church        St Peter's Church         
St Agathius's Church        St George's Church          St Philomena's Church     
St Alban's Church           St Helena's Church          St Pio's Church           
St Alexander's Church       St Helier's Church          St Piran's Church         
St Anastasius's Church      St Henry's Church (x2)      St Remigius's Church      
St Anne's Church (x2)       St Herman's Church          St Richard's Church       
St Antheros's Church        St Hildegard's Church       St Rosalia's Church       
St Anthony's Church         St Irenaeus's Church        St Seraphim's Church      
St Augustine's Church       St Jerome's Church (x2)     St Servatius's Church     
St Basil's Church           St Joachim's Church         St Silverius's Church (x2)
St Bernard's Church         St Laurence's Church        St Simeon's Church        
St Birinus's Church (x2)    St Leo's Church             St Simplicius's Church    
St Caius's Church           St Luke's Church (x2)       St Sixtus's Church        
St Celestine's Church       St Marcellus's Church       St Soter's Church         
St Charles's Church         St Mary's Church (x3)       St Swithun's Church       
St Cyril's Church           St Maurice's Church (x2)    St Tarasius's Church      
St David's Church           St Methodius's Church       St Theodore's Church      
St Edmund's Church          St Neot's Church            St Tikhon's Church        
St Edward's Church          St Nikolai's Church         St Titus's Church         
St Eligius's Church         St Odo's Church             St Tydfil's Church        
St Elisabeth's Church (x2)  St Osyth's Church           St Wolfgang's Church (x2) 
St Elizabeth's Church       St Patriarch's Church (x2)  St Zacharias's Church     
St Ethelbert's Church       St Patrick's Church         St Zephyrinus's Church    


177 blocks have style c9, with 118 unique names. There are no fewer than 5 St Mary's Hospitals!

Abraham General Hospital (x2)    Marcellus General Hospital       St Joachim's Hospital (x2)     
Aelred General Hospital          Martha General Hospital (x2)     St Joan's Hospital             
Alberic General Hospital         Martin General Hospital          St Juan's Hospital             
Alcuin General Hospital          Miltiades General Hospital (x2)  St Jude's Hospital (x3)        
Alfred General Hospital          Monica General Hospital (x3)     St Linus's Hospital            
Alphege General Hospital (x2)    Nicholas General Hospital (x2)   St Louis's Hospital            
Ambrose General Hospital (x2)    Paschal General Hospital         St Mary's Hospital (x5)        
Arnold General Hospital          Pontian General Hospital         St Matheos's Hospital (x3)     
Athanasius General Hospital      Remigius General Hospital        St Maximillian's Hospital      
Blaise General Hospital          St Adalbert's Hospital           St Nikolai's Hospital (x2)     
Brigid General Hospital (x2)     St Agathius's Hospital (x2)      St Onuphrius's Hospital (x3)   
Bruno General Hospital           St Alban's Hospital              St Osyth's Hospital            
Callistus General Hospital       St Alexander's Hospital (x2)     St Paul's Hospital             
Celestine General Hospital       St Aloysius's Hospital (x2)      St Philomena's Hospital        
Clare General Hospital (x2)      St Anicetus's Hospital (x4)      St Piran's Hospital            
Cornelius General Hospital       St Anne's Hospital (x2)          St Porphyry's Hospital         
Cunigunde General Hospital (x3)  St Antheros's Hospital (x2)      St Romuald's Hospital (x2)     
Dunstan General Hospital (x2)    St Bartholomew's Hospital        St Simeon's Hospital (x3)      
Edward General Hospital (x2)     St Birgitta's Hospital           St Simplicius's Hospital       
Eleutherius General Hospital     St Birinus's Hospital (x2)       St Sixtus's Hospital (x2)      
Eligius General Hospital         St Boniface's Hospital           St Tarasius's Hospital         
Emelia General Hospital (x2)     St Charles's Hospital (x2)       St Theodore's Hospital (x2)    
Etheldreda General Hospital      St Christopher's Hospital        St Titus's Hospital (x2)       
Eugene General Hospital          St Columba's Hospital            St Tsarevna's Hospital (x3)    
Fabian General Hospital          St Cynllo's Hospital             St Victor's Hospital           
Gall General Hospital            St Daniel's Hospital (x2)        St Vincent's Hospital (x2)     
Hildebrand General Hospital      St David's Hospital (x3)         St Zosimus's Hospital          
Holy General Hospital            St Dorotheus's Hospital          Stephen General Hospital       
Hyginus General Hospital         St Emma's Hospital               Swithun General Hospital       
Ita General Hospital             St Eusebius's Hospital (x2)      Telesphorus General Hospital   
Jeremy General Hospital          St Faustina's Hospital (x2)      Teresa General Hospital (x2)   
Josaphat General Hospital (x2)   St Godric's Hospital             Tikhon General Hospital        
Julian General Hospital (x2)     St Gregory's Hospital (x2)       Tydfil General Hospital        
Julius General Hospital (x2)     St Henry's Hospital (x2)         Ulrich General Hospital        
Justin General Hospital          St Herman's Hospital             Urban General Hospital         
Lazarus General Hospital         St Hilary's Hospital (x2)        Veronica General Hospital      
Leo General Hospital             St Hildegard's Hospital          Werburgh General Hospital      
Lucius General Hospital          St Hormisdas's Hospital          William General Hospital       
Luke General Hospital            St Ignatius's Hospital           Wolfgang General Hospital (x2) 
Marcellin General Hospital

Group 2


161 blocks have style c10, with 149 unique names.

The Alexandra Tavern       The Gander                 The Pineapple
The Anchor                 The George Inn             The Plough (x2)
The Asparagus              The George and Dragon      The Plume of Feathers
The Assembly Rooms         The Gloucester Arms        The Prince of Wales (x2)
The Barley Mow (x2)        The Good Yarn              The Princess Royal
The Bat and Ball           The Great Western          The Punchbowl
The Beehive                The Green Man              The Queen's Arms
The Bell                   The Griffin                The Queen's Head
The Belmont                The Halfway House          The Radcliffe Arms
The Black Bull             The Hand and Flower        The Railway Guard
The Black Horse            The Hanged Man             The Red Lion (x2)
The Black Swan             The Hare                   The Reindeer
The Blue Boar              The Hobgoblin              The Reverend James
The Blue Lias              The Hogshead               The Rising Sun
The Bookbinders Arms       The Horse and Groom (x2)   The Rose and Crown
The Bowyer Arms            The Hundred Acres          The Royal Oak (x3)
The Bread and Roses        The Isis Tavern            The Royal Standard
The Brewery Gate           The James Street Tavern    The Royal Tiger
The Brewery Tap            The Jolly Crispin          The Running Horses
The Briar House            The King William IV        The Shepherd's Hall
The Britannia (x2)         The King's Arms            The Six Bells
The Butchers Arms          The Lamb and Flag (x2)     The Spitfire
The Carpenters Arms        The Ledger House           The Spring Hotel
The Castle                 The Lion                   The Stag's Head
The Cat and Fiddle         The Litten Tree            The Star
The Cherry Tree            The Load of Hay            The Star and Garter
The City Tavern            The Lock Inn               The Swan and Bottle
The Coach and Horses       The London Stone           The Talbot
The Courtoak               The Lord Hood              The Tap Room
The Crazy Bear             The Lord Nelson            The Tap and Spile (x2)
The Crescent               The Magdalen               The Taps
The Cricketers             The Marquis of Granby      The Three Goats Heads
The Cricketers Arms        The Montagu Arms           The Three Horseshoes (x2)
The Cross Keys             The Moon Under Water       The Trafalgar (x2)
The Crown and Horns        The Moon on the Hill       The Tramshed
The Deddington Arms        The Mother's Tavern        The Trout
The Dog and Bull           The Nag's Head             The Trumpet
The Dog and Duck           The Nelson                 The Unicorn Inn
The Duke of Wellington     The New Inn                The Victoria
The Duke of York           The Newt and Ferret        The Victoria Arms
The Eagle and Child        The Nut Tree               The Victory
The Falkland Arms          The Old Ale House          The Vines
The Figure of Eight        The Old Crown              The Wagon and Horses
The Flying Swan            The Old Swan               The Wheatsheaf
The Foresters Arms         The Old White Rose         The White Horse
The Fountain               The Oxford Arms            The White House
The Four Horsemen          The Pale Horse             The Wig and Pen
The Fox and Hounds         The Penny Black            The Wise Alderman
The Full Moon              The Pig and Fiddle         The Woodman
The Galleon Inn            The Pillars of Hercules


137 blocks have style c11, with 134 unique names.

Alfred Library          Frappel Library         Roles Library (x2)  
Apsey Library           Froom Library           Roncoroni Library   
Augarde Library         Gallington Library      Rousell Library     
Babey Library           Gawade Library          Runciman Library    
Bailie Library          Goddard Library         Salisbury Library   
Baring Library          Goodman Library         Scallon Library     
Barrett Library         Gowing Library          Scobell Library     
Bayford Library         Hake Library            Sevior Library      
Berham Library          Hallett Library         Sirl Library        
Birinus Library         Hannan Library          Soughton Library    
Blatcher Library        Haskins Library         Southey Library     
Blest Library           Healy Library           Sowler Library      
Boait Library           Hodson Library          Spear Library       
Boucher Library         Hopes Library           Spurrier Library    
Bramall Library         Isgar Library           Stagg Library       
Brazey Library          Jukes Library           Stovin Library (x2) 
Breeze Library          Kebby Library           Strafford Library   
Briggs Library          Kelley Library          Sturmey Library     
Britton Library         Kirwan Library          Sullivan Library    
Burges Library          Knollys Library         Sumsion Library     
Came Library            Langner Library         Sweetman Library    
Cape Library            Leach Library           Syme Library        
Cayme Library           Leader Library          Symmachus Library   
Chaffe Library          Lettey Library          Symonds Library     
Codrington Library      Ludlow Library          Tayler Library      
Corkery Library         Meteyard Library        Tennant Library     
Cornillon Library       Mickleburgh Library     Theodore Library    
Cosh Library            Moreby Library          Thorp Library       
Cowan Library           Morris Library          Tinney Library      
Cowen Library           Mountstephen Library    Toombs Library      
Craig Library           Needs Library           Travis Library      
Curwood Library         Northup Library         Trim Library        
Dann Library            Notley Library (x2)     Trimble Library     
Daubeny Library         Nurley Library          Tutcher Library     
Deaver Library          Patterson Library       Vagg Library        
Dibbin Library          Pender Library          Vellacott Library   
Dionysius Library       Picton Library          Warford Library     
Dodimead Library        Pius Library            Williames Library   
Eastwood Library        Poncione Library        Winters Library     
Edgar Library           Reeves Library          Witheroll Library   
Evershed Library        Remigius Library        Woodborn Library    
Farewell Library        Richings Library        Woodham Library     
Fenner Library          Riddick Library         Woolaway Library    
Fleming Library         Riglar Library          Wornel Library      
Flew Library            Rogers Library

Police Stations

144 blocks have style c12, with 143 unique names.

Adair Lane Police Station           Ferrington Alley Police Station     Pavitt Place Police Station       
Aldworth Way Police Station         Flaherty Terrace Police Station     Peel Square Police Station        
Angell Court Police Station         Gammon Walk Police Station          Perham Place Police Station       
Ayshe Lane Police Station           Gannett Terrace Police Station      Phelips Grove Police Station      
Batton Grove Police Station         Garland Terrace Police Station      Phillips Court Police Station     
Baverstock Avenue Police Station    Gear Row Police Station             Polwhiele Walk Police Station     
Beater Grove Police Station         Geddes Walk Police Station          Poncione Court Police Station     
Bewsey Grove Police Station         Geldart Terrace Police Station      Potts Way Police Station          
Billett Way Police Station          Gomer Avenue Police Station         Preller Grove Police Station      
Blencowe Avenue Police Station      Grimley Terrace Police Station      Pulling Grove Police Station      
Bolton Grove Police Station         Grinter Terrace Police Station      Pullinger Walk Police Station     
Bramall Way Police Station          Gyles Avenue Police Station         Purchas Grove Police Station      
Brinson Way Police Station          Haberfeild Lane Police Station      Reed Place Police Station         
Browncey Avenue Police Station      Haines Terrace Police Station       Retallick Avenue Police Station   
Budmead Way Police Station          Hancox Terrace Police Station       Rickard Walk Police Station       
Caines Way Police Station           Hanney Terrace Police Station       Rivers Court Police Station       
Caplen Way Police Station           Harvey Terrace Police Station       Ruck Place Police Station         
Cheek Grove Police Station          Herne Walk Police Station           Salter Walk Police Station        
Chicke Way Police Station           Herrin Terrace Police Station       Sayce Court Police Station        
Chiles Way Police Station           Hiskett Crescent Police Station     Schreiber Row Police Station      
Clarkson Row Police Station         Hoard Walk Police Station           Screech Row Police Station        
Clift Grove Police Station          Honeycombe Lane Police Station      Scully Walk Police Station        
Comes Grove Police Station          Honeyfield Lane Police Station      Shillito Avenue Police Station    
Corbin Way Police Station           Hoskins Crescent Police Station     Shorey Walk Police Station        
Cranton Avenue Police Station       Julie Crescent Police Station       Shute Court Police Station (x2)   
Crape Grove Police Station          Keele Alley Police Station          Southey Row Police Station        
Creek Grove Police Station          Keevil Road Police Station          Spridell Avenue Police Station    
Cuss Court Police Station           Kelreher Street Police Station      Stadling Avenue Police Station    
Custard Avenue Police Station       Lawley Lane Police Station          Sweetman Avenue Police Station    
Danilo Avenue Police Station        Lenox Road Police Station           Threadgould Terrace Police Station
Davie Way Police Station            Lovebridge Place Police Station     Tincknell Road Police Station     
Denning Row Police Station          Lovless Street Police Station       Tonkins Avenue Police Station     
Denty Way Police Station            Maher Lane Police Station           Toop Court Police Station         
Desmond Row Police Station          Mallard Square Police Station       Tregidga Row Police Station       
Dickin Avenue Police Station        Maudslay Way Police Station         Trick Walk Police Station         
Dimon Way Police Station            Maule Lane Police Station           Trood Walk Police Station         
Dobson Avenue Police Station        McCommell Place Police Station      Upsdale Row Police Station        
Dodd Grove Police Station           Menhennet Place Police Station      Urban Row Police Station          
Donoran Row Police Station          Montague Way Police Station         Valentine Terrace Police Station  
Dowsett Row Police Station          Mountain Way Police Station         Wakeham Crescent Police Station   
Eastmont Walk Police Station        Muxlow Street Police Station        Waldron Crescent Police Station   
Edgell Row Police Station           Nisbet Square Police Station        Walmsley Terrace Police Station   
Edghill Avenue Police Station       Nossiter Place Police Station       Wescombe Terrace Police Station   
Eley Way Police Station             Orders Way Police Station           Westway Crescent Police Station   
Ephrem Row Police Station           Parkhouse Walk Police Station       Woolmonton Lane Police Station    
Essell Row Police Station           Parkin Place Police Station         Worthington Street Police Station 
Evelyn Row Police Station           Parsley Grove Police Station        Wotton Road Police Station        
Farrow Avenue Police Station        Patton Place Police Station

Fire Stations

144 blocks have style c13, with 141 unique names.

Albyn Lane Fire Station           Galvin Walk Fire Station          Prankard Way Fire Station       
Baillie Gardens Fire Station      Gatehouse Row Fire Station        Prinn Lane Fire Station         
Balman Square Fire Station        Gidley Walk Fire Station          Pynny Lane Fire Station         
Balne Street Fire Station         Gooch Court Fire Station          Pysing Street Fire Station      
Baring Square Fire Station        Gridley Row Fire Station          Rawle Lane Fire Station         
Barley Square Fire Station        Gwinn Court Fire Station          Rayfield Way Fire Station       
Barnicott Grove Fire Station      Hamerton Row Fire Station         Reade Lane Fire Station         
Barrington Court Fire Station     Hansell Avenue Fire Station       Reap Street Fire Station        
Barter Square Fire Station        Harenc Row Fire Station           Revel Lane Fire Station         
Baum Lane Fire Station            Harrison Row Fire Station         Rex Lane Fire Station           
Blabey Square Fire Station        Heathcote Road Fire Station (x2)  Rhymes Way Fire Station         
Blacker Gardens Fire Station      Hewetson Row Fire Station         Riden Lane Fire Station         
Blanford Place Fire Station       Hickling Row Fire Station         Riggs Lane Fire Station         
Blunt Street Fire Station (x2)    Hiscock Avenue Fire Station       Ross Street Fire Station        
Boucher Gardens Fire Station      Hood Court Fire Station           Salter Place Fire Station       
Bourder Gardens Fire Station      Hutchins Row Fire Station         Sayer Way Fire Station          
Bransom Gardens Fire Station      Jesse Avenue Fire Station         Sellwood Place Fire Station     
Bray Lane Fire Station            John Row Fire Station             Shears Place Fire Station       
Britton Gardens Fire Station      Kelleher Terrace Fire Station     Sheat Way Fire Station          
Broadfoot Grove Fire Station      Kempson Crescent Fire Station     Shelley Way Fire Station        
Bromfield Grove Fire Station      Keys Avenue Fire Station          Sprackling Yard Fire Station    
Burbidge Place Fire Station       Ladner Crescent Fire Station      Standfield Yard Fire Station    
Byshop Square Fire Station        Lenthall Crescent Fire Station    Strang Place Fire Station       
Caple Square Fire Station         Lillycrap Lane Fire Station       Tagg Way Fire Station           
Caseley Place Fire Station        Lock Row Fire Station             Thorp Place Fire Station        
Castle Gardens Fire Station       Lynham Crescent Fire Station      Thorpe Way Fire Station         
Clerk Square Fire Station         Marden Terrace Fire Station       Timewell Walk Fire Station      
Comber Gardens Fire Station       Massey Terrace Fire Station       Tinney Way Fire Station         
Cowell Gardens Fire Station       McDonald Lane Fire Station        Tompkins Walk Fire Station      
Crobrow Place Fire Station        Meacham Crescent Fire Station     Totterdell Walk Fire Station    
Curme Square Fire Station         Meaden Terrace Fire Station       Towne Place Fire Station        
Cyril Square Fire Station         Meetcham Lane Fire Station        Trotman Place Fire Station      
Dann Square Fire Station          Minifie Crescent Fire Station     Tyson Place Fire Station        
Dinan Gardens Fire Station        Modeford Lane Fire Station        Uglow Way Fire Station          
Dollery Grove Fire Station        Mussabini Street Fire Station     Upham Way Fire Station          
Douch Gardens Fire Station        Neot Crescent Fire Station        Vacher Walk Fire Station        
Dudman Place Fire Station         Ogbourne Lane Fire Station        Vann Way Fire Station           
Dudridge Court Fire Station       Osyth Crescent Fire Station       Vaugham Yard Fire Station       
Dumphey Grove Fire Station        Oxley Crescent Fire Station       Waller Yard Fire Station        
Durston Grove Fire Station        Painter Lane Fire Station         Warrne Yard Fire Station        
Eagan Place Fire Station          Pardoe Street Fire Station        Welsher Walk Fire Station       
Eastmont Walk Fire Station        Parkes Street Fire Station        Wheddon Walk Fire Station       
Edmund Grove Fire Station         Parks Lane Fire Station           Whittingham Road Fire Station   
Eligius Court Fire Station        Phelan Street Fire Station        Whittle Walk Fire Station       
Elwes Place Fire Station          Pidgeon Lane Fire Station         Wolfendall Alley Fire Station   
Feaver Court Fire Station (x2)    Pigeon Street Fire Station        Wolsey Yard Fire Station        
Fleay Grove Fire Station          Powlett Lane Fire Station         Yeoman Row Fire Station         

Group 3


71 blocks have style c14, with 71 unique names.

Adalbert Cinema     Daniel Cinema       Jeune Cinema        Prye Cinema
Ayres Cinema        Dinham Cinema       Keene Cinema        Roadnight Cinema
Blanning Cinema     Dorvell Cinema      Kennea Cinema       Rumble Cinema
Borland Cinema      Dunscombe Cinema    Lomax Cinema        Schonlau Cinema
Bourne Cinema       Fielding Cinema     Louis Cinema        Sellwood Cinema
Bowdage Cinema      Finlay Cinema       Madill Cinema       Sey Cinema
Brely Cinema        Fitkin Cinema       Marcellus Cinema    Southerwood Cinema
Budgen Cinema       Gaiger Cinema       Missen Cinema       Steager Cinema
Bungay Cinema       Gautrey Cinema      Moggridge Cinema    Swanborough Cinema
Bunney Cinema       Gomm Cinema         Muller Cinema       Thicke Cinema
Byfield Cinema      Gough Cinema        Naish Cinema        Thurn Cinema
Cembrowicz Cinema   Graver Cinema       Nestle Cinema       Tutchen Cinema
Chatwin Cinema      Guiday Cinema       Nicols Cinema       Twill Cinema
Chetwynd Cinema     Haste Cinema        Odingsells Cinema   Ven Cinema
Chilcott Cinema     Hellier Cinema      Pavitt Cinema       Weksy Cinema
Clitsome Cinema     Hobson Cinema       Pink Cinema         Willia Cinema
Comerford Cinema    Honeyfield Cinema   Prentice Cinema     Woodley Cinema
Dancey Cinema       Horton Cinema       Prickett Cinema


137 blocks have style c15, with 136 unique names.

Aloysius Alley Garage        Downs Alley Garage           Marston Avenue Garage      
Ammonds Avenue Garage        Eaton Road Garage            Maybee Way Garage          
Ayre Yard Garage             Edward Crescent Garage       Michel Way Garage          
Barclay Alley Garage         Emes Alley Garage            Millbanks Yard Garage      
Barrat Avenue Garage         Evans Road Garage            Mogg Way Garage            
Bartin Avenue Garage         Exon Alley Garage            Neave Way Garage           
Bateson Alley Garage         Farr Road Garage             Neville Walk Garage        
Baxendale Crescent Garage    Farrand Square Garage        Nicholson Crescent Garage  
Besly Row Garage             Fellowes Lane Garage         Noakes Avenue Garage       
Bewsey Avenue Garage         Feltham Square Garage        Noblett Walk Garage        
Bindon Avenue Garage         Fewtrell Lane Garage         Paisley Crescent Garage    
Blakeman Road Garage         Fildes Gardens Garage        Parsons Crescent Garage    
Blom Walk Garage             Foley Crescent Garage        Passmore Alley Garage      
Blyth Row Garage             Ford Road Garage             Pearcey Crescent Garage    
Boait Row Garage             Freeth Gardens Garage        Penfold Crescent Garage    
Bone Walk Garage             Frith Crescent Garage        Popham Yard Garage         
Bowman Avenue Garage         Gallington Way Garage        Portnall Alley Garage      
Brentnall Crescent Garage    Garland Lane Garage          Pratt Walk Garage          
Brice Row Garage             German Square Garage         Putt Avenue Garage         
Brogan Avenue Garage         Golde Gardens Garage         Rayment Road Garage        
Broke Row Garage             Grayland Street Garage (x2)  Sanctuary Square Garage    
Browne Avenue Garage         Haggas Lane Garage           Schandua Street Garage     
Brundrit Road Garage         Hartley Street Garage        Schever Alley Garage       
Burrows Alley Garage         Hartleys Grove Garage        Shaughnessy Square Garage  
Byrant Avenue Garage         Hartree Street Garage        Sowth Alley Garage         
Cabble Alley Garage          Haste Square Garage          Stanser Alley Garage       
Carbin Alley Garage          Haw Crescent Garage          Stidson Alley Garage       
Castlehow Gardens Garage     Haygarth Grove Garage        Stockham Street Garage     
Chavasse Crescent Garage     Heskin Lane Garage           Stroude Alley Garage       
Chidzey Road Garage          Highmore Grove Garage        Swoboda Alley Garage       
Chinnock Crescent Garage     Hippsley Grove Garage        Tilly Road Garage          
Clift Avenue Garage          Howland Street Garage        Tompsett Square Garage     
Coat Row Garage              Hylton Lane Garage           Trotter Street Garage      
Cooney Alley Garage          Hyson Square Garage          Tryme Road Garage          
Cornish Road Garage          Jarratt Way Garage           Vacher Square Garage       
Crabbe Alley Garage          Jarrom Grove Garage          Wagstaff Grove Garage      
Cread Avenue Garage          Jeffries Place Garage        Westbrook Court Garage     
Crookshank Square Garage     Jervis Grove Garage          Whatmore Grove Garage      
Crossman Crescent Garage     Justice Way Garage           Whitehart Court Garage     
Cruwys Alley Garage          Keele Grove Garage           Winslade Grove Garage      
Dabinett Gardens Garage      Lambe Way Garage             Wolfgang Grove Garage      
Darch Alley Garage           Lawrie Place Garage          Woodborne Court Garage     
Darke Alley Garage           Leggatt Way Garage           Woodland Grove Garage      
Dibsdall Gardens Garage      Malpas Way Garage            Wooman Gardens Garage      
Dodds Alley Garage           Mannell Avenue Garage        Wrigley Square Garage      
Doel Avenue Garage


152 blocks have style c17, with 150 unique names.

Acott Towers              Garland Towers            Pring Towers           
Aris Towers               Garner Towers             Prye Towers            
Ashenden Towers           Giles Towers              Purchase Towers        
Atyeo Towers              Gooding Towers            Ravson Towers          
Augustine Towers          Haim Towers               Rawlings Towers        
Bater Towers (x2)         Hannam Towers             Red Towers             
Beedall Towers            Harewood Towers           Rex Towers             
Binney Towers             Harper Towers             Rishton Towers         
Blaise Towers             Hawksley Towers           Ruddle Towers          
Boobyer Towers            Haygarth Towers           Ruffer Towers          
Brabner Towers            Hodding Towers            Ruggevale Towers       
Bunston Towers            Hussey Towers             Rush Towers            
Cable Towers              Imeson Towers             Rye Towers             
Care Towers               Ingham Towers             Saltford Towers        
Carew Towers              Janes Towers              Samways Towers         
Carp Towers               Jaques Towers             Sargent Towers         
Cawley Towers             Johnstone Towers          Sawtell Towers         
Chandler Towers           Joseph Towers             Schever Towers         
Cheffe Towers             Kelloway Towers           Semple Towers          
Coat Towers               Kempe Towers              Shiell Towers          
Collier Towers            Kerridge Towers           Shiplow Towers         
Compton Towers            Keyford Towers            Sixtus Towers          
Connolly Towers           Lantrowe Towers           Snell Towers           
Cookson Towers            Laver Towers              Sonven Towers          
Coopey Towers             Lavour Towers             Southerwood Towers     
Creyghton Towers          Leach Towers              Spry Towers            
Cribb Towers              Leary Towers              Stranger Towers        
Crobrow Towers            Ledger Towers             Swansborough Towers    
Crofts Towers             Lilly Towers              Tabert Towers          
Davie Towers              Llewellin Towers          Taplin Towers          
Dennehy Towers            Mannell Towers            Theodore Towers        
Denton Towers             Mapstone Towers           Thristle Towers        
Doddimeade Towers         Margery Towers            Tompsett Towers        
Domet Towers              Melville Towers           Trevelyan Towers       
Dorotheus Towers          Mermagen Towers           Turpin Towers          
Duck Towers               Messiter Towers           Vallis Towers          
Dungey Towers             Milard Towers             Vezard Towers          
Ebbutt Towers             Mitchel Towers            Vincent Towers         
Ebsworth Towers           Nation Towers             Wadley Towers          
Edmund Towers             Neave Towers              War Towers             
Edridge Towers            Nettley Towers            Wason Towers           
Edson Towers              Norvell Towers            Whitehart Towers       
Feadon Towers             Osbaldeston Towers (x2)   Whitmarsh Towers       
Fenner Towers             Paterson Towers           Wickenden Towers       
Fennessy Towers           Perrior Towers            Wild Towers            
Fewtrell Towers           Pewters Towers            Willies Towers         
Finchley Towers           Piegsa Towers             Wilmott Towers         
Fishlock Towers           Pilcher Towers            Wisby Towers           
Forder Towers             Piper Towers              Wolfeius Towers        
Furzey Towers             Poulet Towers             Wray Towers            


164 blocks have style c21, with 159 unique names.

Abot Bank           Dobbs Bank          Knight Bank         Robbins Bank
Alder Bank          Doggrell Bank       Knyfton Bank        Sambone Bank
Allerston Bank      Dollis Bank         Lavington Bank      Sankey Bank
Arch Bank           Donegan Bank        Lawrance Bank       Saunders Bank
Augustine Bank      Dummett Bank        Lazenbury Bank      Scammell Bank
Austwick Bank       Dustan Bank         Leir Bank (x2)      Scully Bank
Balchin Bank        Eglon Bank          Lipscomb Bank       Sheat Bank
Bareham Bank        Everett Bank        Lomax Bank          Shepard Bank
Barling Bank        Farr Bank           MacLaverty Bank     Shutler Bank
Beach Bank          Fildes Bank         MacVicar Bank       Skuse Bank
Benger Bank         Floyd Bank          Maney Bank          Slatter Bank
Birch Bank          Forshaw Bank        Marshalsey Bank     Sleway Bank
Bird Bank           Fray Bank           McCullough Bank     Snee Bank
Blakeman Bank       Garrett Bank        McDougall Bank      Southcott Bank
Bowdage Bank        Garton Bank         Messiter Bank       Stagg Bank
Brashier Bank       Gaskell Bank        Moberly Bank        Stembridge Bank
Brazey Bank         Gatchell Bank       Mockridge Bank      Strike Bank
Budgell Bank        Gautrey Bank        Mornington Bank     Stround Bank
Budgen Bank         Gayler Bank         Oatley Bank         Sweet Bank
Burden Bank         Gelasius Bank       Ollerenshaw Bank    Tatchel Bank
Bustin Bank         Gellard Bank        Pasmore Bank        Thomson Bank
Butland Bank        Golledge Bank       Pavy Bank           Tindell Bank
Bythesea Bank       Griff Bank (x2)     Pearl Bank          Turrell Bank
Callender Bank      Guiday Bank         Penning Bank        Uppill Bank
Cardwell Bank       Gyllet Bank         Petheram Bank       Venables Bank
Carse Bank          Hagan Bank          Pike Bank           Vere Bank
Cayzer Bank         Harp Bank           Pile Bank           Vickery Bank
Cheatle Bank        Haselshaw Bank      Polgrahan Bank      Wakely Bank
Chyke Bank          Hecks Bank          Ponting Bank        Wakerman Bank
Clevely Bank        Heward Bank         Popham Bank         Walter Bank
Clinton Bank        Hewitt Bank         Preller Bank        Wanstall Bank
Coat Bank           Hiett Bank          Pulling Bank        Warfield Bank
Columba Bank        Hinckesman Bank     Quier Bank          Wickenden Bank
Cory Bank           Hitchcott Bank      Railton Bank        Wild Bank
Crease Bank         Hobden Bank         Reading Bank        Wiltshire Bank
Crosbie Bank        Hodson Bank         Reed Bank           Winmill Bank
Crosswell Bank      Hook Bank           Rendell Bank (x2)   Wolters Bank
Dampier Bank        Isidore Bank (x2)   Rexworthy Bank      Woolmyngton Bank
Davison Bank        Jenkins Bank        Rickett Bank (x2)   Zacharias Bank
Deacon Bank         Keen Bank           Rixon Bank

Group 4


162 blocks have style c27, with 160 unique names.

Club Addiscott      Club Doone          Club Lewer          Club Ray
Club Aelred         Club Edgell         Club Littlehales    Club Raymond
Club Alcock         Club Ellacott       Club Ludlam         Club Riden
Club Applin         Club Fackerell      Club Luffman        Club Roach
Club Ayres          Club Fishwick       Club Lutman         Club Ruddle
Club Balkwill       Club Fray           Club Luttrell       Club Rush
Club Balmain        Club Furlonger      Club MacGilvray     Club Salde
Club Barter         Club Gammon         Club Mannell        Club Shearston
Club Baum           Club Garle          Club Margetts       Club Sheehan
Club Beagly         Club Garlick        Club Mark           Club Silverius
Club Belsten        Club Genin          Club Martland       Club Simpson
Club Bennetts       Club Gillett        Club Matcham        Club Sinclair
Club Bill           Club Gillings       Club Meloney        Club Sires
Club Borrer         Club Godden         Club Mester         Club Slann
Club Boyland        Club Graddon        Club Methodius      Club Stibbs
Club Brennan        Club Grundy (x2)    Club Michel         Club Story
Club Bridge         Club Gurney         Club Middleton      Club Stribling
Club Brownsey       Club Ha             Club Millerd        Club Sutton
Club Bullen         Club Haggie         Club Missen         Club Synnot
Club Burston        Club Halberry       Club Moxham         Club Talbot
Club Burton         Club Hambridge      Club Northcote      Club Tempest
Club Butten         Club Harding        Club Ormrod         Club Timewell
Club Cambridge      Club Hardisty       Club Oxford         Club Trezise
Club Camidge        Club Heathman       Club Packe          Club Turford
Club Carlyle        Club Hector         Club Packham        Club Tyrrell
Club Chalderwood    Club Hendrich       Club Parfet         Club Underhill
Club Cheek          Club Hepplethwaite  Club Parry          Club Upton
Club Chetwind       Club Heskin         Club Pattle         Club Walmsley
Club Clayton        Club Hilda (x2)     Club Perryman       Club Webber
Club Cohen          Club Hodge          Club Pettman        Club Whyppey
Club Columbanus     Club Holdsworth     Club Pilbeam        Club Willy
Club Condon         Club Hollyman       Club Pilkington     Club Wine
Club Coollen        Club Holmes         Club Pirie          Club Witherell
Club Counsell       Club Imber          Club Plater         Club Wolfeius
Club Cradock        Club Imeson         Club Pomroy         Club Wolseley
Club Cuzner         Club Jarvie         Club Pooll          Club Woolaway
Club Deaver         Club Kirkaldie      Club Preen          Club Workman
Club Dedeystere     Club Laver          Club Railton        Club Wornel
Club Dewes          Club Leakey         Club Ransford       Club Wyke
Club Doman          Club Learcroft      Club Rawlins        Club Wyles


150 blocks have style c28, with 149 unique names.

the Acourt Monument (x2)  the Hanson Monument       the Percifull Monument  
the Andrew Monument       the Hartwell Monument     the Perrior Monument    
the Anstey Monument       the Hathaway Monument     the Potenger Monument   
the Appleby Monument      the Healing Monument      the Potter Monument     
the Ayliffee Monument     the Help Monument         the Pulling Monument    
the Baggaley Monument     the Honeyball Monument    the Pullinger Monument  
the Baillie Monument      the Hopjohns Monument     the Purser Monument     
the Bastard Monument      the House Monument        the Ramsden Monument    
the Batson Monument       the Howarth Monument      the Rathbone Monument   
the Bell Monument         the Hulme Monument        the Rawlinson Monument  
the Biddescombe Monument  the Hurdle Monument       the Rudman Monument     
the Bodilly Monument      the Hutchin Monument      the Saywell Monument    
the Bonville Monument     the Johnstone Monument    the Seager Monument     
the Boucher Monument      the Josephine Monument    the Sellek Monument     
the Branagan Monument     the Justin Monument       the Shartman Monument   
the Brely Monument        the Karnaus Monument      the Sidey Monument      
the Broderip Monument     the Kersley Monument      the Somerville Monument 
the Caines Monument       the Kilburn Monument      the Sparks Monument     
the Carbin Monument       the Knyps Monument        the Stranks Monument    
the Cari Monument         the Ladd Monument         the Studham Monument    
the Chad Monument         the Lanning Monument      the Sturmey Monument    
the Conolly Monument      the Lawrance Monument     the Summers Monument    
the Corless Monument      the Lessey Monument       the Swoboda Monument    
the Cort Monument         the Lethebe Monument      the Tagg Monument       
the Counsell Monument     the Lorgh Monument        the Tennant Monument    
the Croxford Monument     the Lovebridge Monument   the Theobald Monument   
the Cruwys Monument       the Low Monument          the Tinkler Monument    
the Dallimore Monument    the Lumber Monument       the Tolly Monument      
the Dean Monument         the Matheos Monument      the Tomkins Monument    
the Denty Monument        the Mattocke Monument     the Topleaf Monument    
the Dodington Monument    the Maunder Monument      the Townsend Monument   
the Dover Monument        the Maybee Monument       the Trollope Monument   
the Dungey Monument       the McCullough Monument   the Tsarevna Monument   
the Dyment Monument       the McKinnon Monument     the Uppill Monument     
the Elsworth Monument     the McLaren Monument      the Uzzell Monument     
the English Monument      the Mellier Monument      the Veresmith Monument  
the Enwright Monument     the Morle Monument        the Vigar Monument      
the Fir Monument          the Morriss Monument      the Vigors Monument     
the Fish Monument         the Mottershead Monument  the Wadden Monument     
the Fliney Monument       the Mulock Monument       the Walrond Monument    
the Foulkes Monument      the Mundy Monument        the Wardropper Monument 
the Foyle Monument        the Musgrove Monument     the Ware Monument       
the Gautrey Monument      the Mussell Monument      the Warman Monument     
the Gillam Monument       the Newbery Monument      the Wheare Monument     
the Gillman Monument      the Normandare Monument   the Whitcherell Monument
the Grimes Monument       the Odo Monument          the Wiles Monument      
the Gurden Monument       the Ogbourn Monument      the Williamson Monument 
the Hallasy Monument      the Open Monument         the Withyman Monument   
the Hamblett Monument     the Palterman Monument    the Wookey Monument     
the Hamlen Monument       the Pasker Monument


148 blocks have style c30, with 145 unique names.

the Arch Hotel            the Gatley Hotel          the Peterson Hotel      
the Atwood Hotel          the Gibbes Hotel          the Philomena Hotel (x2)
the Avery Hotel           the Godfry Hotel          the Pike Hotel          
the Baboneau Hotel        the Haggard Hotel         the Piran Hotel         
the Baillie Hotel         the Halfacre Hotel        the Polycarp Hotel      
the Bennett Hotel         the Hamblett Hotel        the Poynter Hotel       
the Blesley Hotel         the Handel Hotel          the Prentice Hotel      
the Bradley Hotel         the Harewood Hotel        the Prigg Hotel         
the Braund Hotel          the Hartree Hotel         the Promel Hotel        
the Breay Hotel           the Herapath Hotel        the Putt Hotel          
the Broadfoot Hotel       the Holt Hotel            the Pynny Hotel         
the Brookeman Hotel       the Honeyball Hotel       the Rainey Hotel        
the Bullimore Hotel       the Hopkinson Hotel       the Ravenhill Hotel     
the Burns Hotel           the Hubbard Hotel         the Rillie Hotel        
the Butterell Hotel       the Hulme Hotel           the Ruddick Hotel       
the Byshop Hotel          the Jefferis Hotel        the Ruggevale Hotel     
the Caddy Hotel           the Jillard Hotel         the Russe Hotel         
the Callender Hotel       the Kembry Hotel          the Sarell Hotel        
the Carrow Hotel          the Kennard Hotel         the Scarman Hotel       
the Chaffey Hotel         the Kingman Hotel         the Schreiber Hotel     
the Chalderwood Hotel     the Lambourn Hotel        the Sealy Hotel         
the Chorley Hotel         the Lane Hotel            the Selwood Hotel       
the Colborne Hotel        the Langmead Hotel        the Sequeira Hotel      
the Cornillon Hotel       the Langner Hotel (x2)    the Shelper Hotel       
the Cranston Hotel        the Lee Hotel             the Sivewright Hotel    
the Cross Hotel           the Levy Hotel            the Sleeman Hotel       
the Crowly Hotel          the Linley Hotel          the Spragge Hotel       
the Cruwys Hotel          the Lovell Hotel          the Stobbart Hotel      
the Derham Hotel          the MacKenzie Hotel       the Studley Hotel       
the Ditcher Hotel         the Mallack Hotel         the Summers Hotel       
the Dodd Hotel            the Mann Hotel            the Theirs Hotel        
the Donegan Hotel         the Marcus Hotel          the Tigwell Hotel       
the Doneghue Hotel        the Mawdley Hotel         the Tiplot Hotel        
the Donnan Hotel          the Millbanks Hotel       the Vallis Hotel        
the Dorman Hotel          the Minchinton Hotel      the Veresmith Hotel     
the Dowdney Hotel         the Mountstevens Hotel    the Verrier Hotel       
the Driscoll Hotel        the Murrell Hotel         the Vigar Hotel         
the Duffill Hotel         the Murtaugh Hotel        the Weaver Hotel        
the Edbrook Hotel         the Neagle Hotel          the Webley Hotel        
the Elder Hotel           the Needs Hotel (x2)      the Wilbraham Hotel     
the Elmund Hotel          the Nuttycombe Hotel      the Windle Hotel        
the Evans Hotel           the Oliver Hotel          the Witt Hotel          
the Farrand Hotel         the Ormrod Hotel          the Wolseley Hotel      
the Farrow Hotel          the Otero Hotel           the Wooley Hotel        
the Feltham Hotel         the Ozen Hotel            the Woollacott Hotel    
the Ffitch Hotel          the Pantling Hotel        the Wrigley Hotel       
the Forshaw Hotel         the Parden Hotel          the Wyse Hotel          
the Frith Hotel           the Patrick Hotel         the Yates Hotel         
the Galloway Hotel


136 blocks have style c34, with 133 unique names.

the Abarrow Museum        the Emerson Museum        the Orledge Museum
the Akehurst Museum       the Fone Museum           the Pasker Museum
the Alcock Museum         the Frith Museum          the Pearsall Museum
the Antell Museum         the Furlonger Museum      the Pippard Museum
the Attle Museum (x2)     the Garland Museum        the Pitcher Museum (x2)
the Auton Museum          the Gelasius Museum       the Polwhiele Museum
the Backhouse Museum      the Goodday Museum        the Pownall Museum
the Bagley Museum         the Greenway Museum       the Pratt Museum
the Bilby Museum          the Grice Museum          the Prendergast Museum
the Blanning Museum       the Gullick Museum        the Pryor Museum
the Borde Museum          the Hamilton Museum       the Rabani Museum
the Boshier Museum        the Handley Museum        the Reginaldus Museum
the Bound Museum          the Haselshaw Museum      the Rex Museum
the Bowdich Museum        the Havercroft Museum     the Rousel Museum
the Browton Museum        the Hemphill Museum       the Ruck Museum
the Bugden Museum         the Hepworth Museum       the Sellar Museum
the Burn Museum           the Hervey Museum         the Shaa Museum
the Buswell Museum        the Higdon Museum         the Shehan Museum
the Bygrave Museum        the Higgin Museum         the Shillito Museum
the Cable Museum          the Hobbs Museum          the Shoebrooks Museum
the Caff Museum           the Horder Museum         the Simper Museum
the Cantrill Museum       the Hounsell Museum       the Sleeman Museum
the Catford Museum        the Hucker Museum         the Smart Museum
the Channell Museum       the Humphrys Museum       the Sparrow Museum
the Cheyney Museum        the Ironsides Museum      the Spong Museum
the Chitty Museum         the Ita Museum            the Spordel Museum
the Churchous Museum      the Jacquet Museum        the Templer Museum
the Cooney Museum         the Klimer Museum         the Thompson Museum
the Copeland Museum       the Lancey Museum         the Thorpe Museum
the Corkery Museum        the Lang Museum           the Thresh Museum
the Cowgall Museum        the Lentill Museum        the Truell Museum
the Cowley Museum         the Lewington Museum      the Tutcher Museum
the Coy Museum            the Lorgh Museum          the Unwin Museum
the Craddock Museum       the Low Museum            the Villar Museum
the Creasy Museum         the Lutman Museum (x2)    the Webbe Museum
the Crossing Museum       the Lynewraye Museum      the Wheelan Museum
the Crossman Museum       the Mackworth Museum      the Whitesides Museum
the Dillon Museum         the Manners Museum        the Whitty Museum
the Doble Museum          the Marcary Museum        the Wiley Museum
the Doone Museum          the Mees Museum           the Wilsdon Museum
the Doveton Museum        the Mester Museum         the Winwright Museum
the Dunlap Museum         the Montagu Museum        the Wistow Museum
the Dwyer Museum          the Nichols Museum        the Wyke Museum
the Eason Museum          the Nickells Museum       the Wykes Museum
the Eelms Museum

Group 5


170 blocks have style c36, with 169 unique names.

Abraham Grove School          Giblin Walk School            Partington Way School
Agatho Street School          Grandon Yard School           Pendell Grove School
Alcock Street School          Gush Way School               Pepperd Grove School
Ames Square School            Halay Walk School             Percifull Grove School
Ammonds Grove School          Halberry Alley School         Perryman Court School
Axtence Grove School          Hamlyn Yard School            Petherbridge Row School
Basket Grove School           Hansford Alley School         Pigeon Square School
Beacham Way School            Hardisty Alley School         Pilkington Way School
Beauchamp Way School          Harenc Yard School            Pilton Square School
Beaumont Place School         Hartree Walk School           Portnall Court School
Bingham Way School            Head Avenue School            Prosser Grove School
Blest Street School           Helier Yard School            Prye Square School
Bogie Street School           Hemmings Alley School         Ransford Way School
Bolton Grove School           Hepplethwaite Gardens School  Reay Square School
Bradbury Place School         Hiblett Walk School           Rickard Grove School
Brine Street School           Higginss Alley School         Ripper Court School
Brome Street School           Hoby Avenue School            Samuels Way School
Browncey Place School         Honnywill Road School         Saul Grove School
Buckler Way School            Horditch Alley School         Sayer Court School
Bugden Grove School           How Way School                Scadding Avenue School
Bunstone Place School         Howdell Walk School           Sealey Grove School
Burne Street School           Hyde Avenue School            Self Grove School
Burns Street School           Jarrett Road School           Shortis Way School
Burwold Way School            Jewell Alley School           Snooke Grove School
Cable Grove School            Josephine Street School       Somerville Avenue School
Cade Street School            Joyner Alley School           Spence Grove School
Campbell Way School           Jude Yard School              Spragge Way School
Candy Grove School            Keedwell Street School        Spraggon Avenue School
Cape Street School            Langmead Square School        Steager Way School
Carpendale Walk School        Langner Street School         Stern Court School
Cattle Way School             Lasder Alley School           Stibbs Grove School
Cheatle Place School          Lawson Alley School           Storrow Way School
Chubb Grove School            Lister Alley School           Sunderland Avenue School
Colfar Way School             Lovibond Square School        Tambling Row School
Cook Street School            Maddaford Square School       Theophan Row School
Coole Grove School            Mahoney Square School         Thirlby Avenue School
Corrie Way School             Malby Alley School            Tipton Way School
Coxwell Place School          Mallack Square School         Tobit Grove School
Culverwell Walk School        McCreadie Square School       Towker Way School
Dalwood Way School            Meaden Street School          Traves Way School
Dalzell Way School            Meecham Square School         Treasure Row School
Dawney Place School           Millard Square School (x2)    Tresidder Avenue School
Deakin Place School           Millerd Square School         Trick Grove School
Dement Place School           Mountstephen Grove School     Trivett Avenue School
Diaper Place School           Naylor Square School          Upshall Row School
Dinsdale Avenue School        Nolan Street School           Vacher Row School
Dodimead Avenue School        Nuttycombe Court School       Vaugham Avenue School
Drennan Way School            Oake Street School            Vaughan Avenue School
Drewe Way School              Odo Alley School              Vere Way School
Dunham Place School           Olding Gardens School         Wheare Avenue School
Edgecombe Yard School         Organ Square School           Whitcherell Street School
Fothergill Alley School       Parfet Square School          Whitelock Crescent School
Fritz Way School              Pargiter Court School         Whitin Avenue School
Furze Way School              Paris Gardens School          Wilkin Avenue School
Gait Way School               Parkhouse Grove School        Woodroffe Crescent School
Game Way School               Parsley Grove School          Woton Row School
Gibbes Walk School


1944 blocks have style street, with 1860 unique names.

Abarough Alley           Firth Square             Ord Row
Abbott Alley             Fish Lane                Orders Crescent
Abrahall Gardens         Fishlock Gardens         Orders Row
Abrahams Alley           Fitzmaurice Court (x2)   Organ Row
Ackland Crescent         Flambert Place           Orome Row
Acott Avenue             Fleay Street             Osbourne Terrace
Acreman Alley            Flemming Grove           Osmonton Walk
Adkins Yard              Flemmings Grove (x2)     Otero Row
Adrian Yard              Flowar Square            Otten Row
Akehurst Crescent        Flower Street            Owens Crescent
Alban Terrace            Foan Square              Owens Yard
Alberic Crescent (x2)    Fogwell Grove            Owsley Row
Albyn Avenue             Fooks Alley              Ozen Way
Albyn Terrace            Forde Lane               Paffard Alley
Alcock Crescent          Forshaw Grove            Paffard Terrace
Alcock Road              Fortt Lane               Palprey Alley
Alder Alley (x2)         Fortune Square           Papps Alley
Alfred Alley             Fowin Lane               Parden Road
Alkin Walk               Fowles Square            Pargett Walk
Allan Walk               Fox Road                 Paris Crescent
Allerton Road            Foxwell Grove            Parker Alley
Alloway Crescent         France Road              Parker Avenue
Allwood Crescent         France Street            Parkinson Street
Alner Terrace            Francois Way             Parkman Alley
Alsoop Crescent          Frankland Place (x2)     Parr Row
Alsoop Yard              Fray Gardens             Parry Row (x2)
Altham Road              Freeth Lane              Pashen Alley
Amis Row                 Freke Alley              Passley Alley
Ammonds Alley            Freke Square             Paterson Street
Amos Avenue              French Lane              Patten Alley
Anacletus Square         French Road              Patterson Lane
Andow Terrace            French Street            Pattin Avenue
Andow Walk               Fricker Gardens          Pattin Crescent
Androwes Crescent        Friend Street            Pattinson Crescent
Angus Walk               Frognal Grove            Pattinson Lane
Annesley Gardens         Frognal Square           Paul Yard
Anning Crescent          Fudge Lane               Pavitt Crescent
Appelby Crescent         Fullaway Grove           Pavy Avenue
Applegate Lane           Furber Street            Payne Road
Armstead Alley           Furneaux Way             Peach Row
Arundell Alley           Furnell Gardens          Peel Avenue
Ashenden Alley           Fursman Grove            Peerless Street
Ashford Walk             Furzey Road              Peet Crescent
Attewill Alley           Fynn Square              Peet Row
Attwood Road             Gagan Street             Pegg Crescent
Atway Terrace            Gage Lane                Pellatt Alley
Atwood Crescent          Gait Street              Pember Crescent
Atwood Yard (x2)         Gallimore Court          Pengelly Alley
Author Alley             Galpin Gardens           Peppe Road
Avery Avenue             Gamis Lane               Pepperd Terrace
Avery Walk               Gammon Gardens           Perace Avenue
Axe Row                  Ganden Street            Perren Road
Ayliffee Alley           Gapper Grove             Perrett Alley
Ayshe Alley              Gardner Grove            Perriott Street
Bacon Alley              Gargery Place            Perrott Walk
Badman Alley             Garland Gardens (x2)     Perryman Alley
Baggot Walk              Garland Way              Pers Yard
Baggs Yard               Garlick Grove            Pester Alley
Bainton Gardens          Garniss Gardens          Pettman Terrace
Baker Alley              Garratt Grove            Philip Avenue
Balchin Crescent         Garrett Grove (x2)       Philips Terrace
Baldwin Alley            Garrow Street            Phillipson Street (x2)
Baldwin Crescent         Garson Street            Philp Alley
Baldwin Road             Garven Square            Philpott Crescent
Bale Avenue              Gaskell Place            Piegsa Alley
Balle Crescent           Gatclin Place            Piegsa Crescent
Bampfield Street         Gatehouse Place          Pigeon Avenue
Bane Alley               Gautrey Way              Pile Avenue
Banger Alley             Gaze Alley (x2)          Pine Yard
Banger Walk              Gear Alley               Pippen Alley
Banjafield Road          Geddes Gardens (x2)      Piran Alley
Barber Alley             Geldeard Way             Pirrie Crescent
Barber Walk              Germain Gardens          Pirrie Road
Baring Walk              Getsom Square            Pittey Road
Barlow Road              Gibbens Gardens          Plater Crescent
Barnard Alley            Gibbes Gardens           Plowright Square
Barne Crescent           Gibbins Place            Plumb Crescent
Barnerd Gardens          Gibbons Grove            Plunkett Alley
Barns Alley              Gifford Place            Pobjay Road
Barns Crescent           Gilbert Gardens          Polgrahan Lane
Bartin Walk              Gilbert Way              Pollitt Terrace
Bascombe Gardens         Gilbey Gardens           Polycarp Terrace
Basher Alley             Gillycuddy Way           Pomroy Avenue
Bastick Crescent         Gilpin Grove             Ponsford Street
Bastick Road (x2)        Gimblett Way             Ponting Alley
Bateman Gardens          Giverd Street            Ponting Road
Bateson Alley            Glanfield Grove          Pooll Road
Batstone Lane            Glanfield Place          Portal Alley
Batt Walk                Glanvill Place           Portass Walk
Batton Road              Gleed Road               Porter Road
Bawler Walk              Glyde Street             Pothecary Lane
Bayford Gardens          Godfrey Gardens          Poulet Alley
Baylis Road              Godolphin Court          Poulet Road
Beable Crescent          Godolphin Grove          Pouncy Crescent
Beach Road               Godson Gardens           Pound Crescent
Beacham Gardens          Godwin Gardens (x2)      Pownall Walk
Beakes Crescent          Golden Street            Poynter Road
Beaman Alley             Goldney Grove            Prangnell Street
Bean Terrace             Goldring Way             Prendergast Lane (x2)
Beard Yard               Goodday Place            Press Row
Beater Alley             Goodfellow Way (x2)      Preston Alley
Beaton Alley             Goodland Grove           Pretty Alley
Beauchamp Lane           Goodwyn Place            Prew Avenue
Beaumont Lane            Goringe Place            Pridham Road
Beavis Crescent          Gosney Grove             Prigg Road
Becket Crescent          Gotch Square (x2)        Primrose Street
Becket Walk              Goverd Grove             Pring Road
Beckwith Square          Govier Street            Prisk Crescent
Becky Crescent (x2)      Grabham Way              Prisk Road
Bell Terrace             Grace Square             Pritchard Lane
Bellam Alley             Gracewood Place          Pulling Road
Bendall Alley            Grandfield Avenue        Pulling Terrace
Bendall Road             Grandier Square          Pulsford Terrace
Bendells Gardens         Grandon Grove            Purchell Crescent
Bengefield Street        Grannum Gardens          Purchell Terrace
Benjamin Lane            Grayland Square          Purt Avenue
Bennett Gardens          Grayland Way             Pye Yard
Bethell Crescent         Greenaway Grove          Pyle Crescent
Bewsey Walk              Greenaway Place          Quaney Terrace
Bhore Road               Greenhow Way             Quaney Walk
Bibby Alley              Greenleaves Avenue       Quantock Square
Bickersteth Gardens      Greenway Grove           Question Street
Bickle Alley             Greig Square             Quinn Crescent
Biddlecom Lane           Grenville Grove          Rabbage Lane
Biggs Alley              Gridland Way             Rackman Lane
Biggs Crescent           Griffen Gardens          Radnedge Street
Billett Gardens          Grigg Road               Raesin Street
Billows Alley            Grills Grove             Raggett Street
Bindon Walk              Grimmer Place            Ramsdale Street (x2)
Bingham Gardens          Grimstead Court          Ranahan Lane
Binney Walk              Gristwood Court          Randell Lane
Bioletti Road            Grizel Gardens           Rankin Crescent
Birgitta Gardens         Grove Street             Ransford Alley
Birinus Crescent         Grundy Gardens           Ranson Terrace (x2)
Birkett Alley            Guiday Gardens           Rather Street
Bishop Alley (x2)        Gulledge Way             Ravenhill Gardens
Bisshop Crescent         Gullick Grove            Ravson Street
Bissley Alley            Gullis Street            Rawle Road
Blabey Walk              Gully Road               Rawling Lane
Blackburn Alley          Gumm Alley               Raworth Crescent
Blackburn Lane           Gunson Gardens           Ready Alley
Blacker Alley            Gwilliam Place           Reakes Crescent
Blackholler Gardens      Gwinnall Place           Redfern Crescent
Blackmore Street         Gyles Square             Redpath Lane
Blagrave Square          Gyllet Grove             Redpath Street
Blakeman Lane            Gyllet Street            Reed Road
Blakey Road (x2)         Gynn Lane                Rees Crescent
Blanchard Square         Ha Gardens               Reginaldus Grove
Bland Road               Haag Square              Reid Avenue
Blandy Crescent (x2)     Haberfeild Row           Rennell Lane
Blann Alley              Habgood Way              Reyner Crescent
Blanning Road            Hacker Place             Rhoden Street
Blatcher Road            Hagerty Grove            Rhymes Alley
Bles Alley               Hagopian Way             Richard Lane
Blest Road               Haidon Place             Richardson Lane
Bletso Alley             Haig Square              Richings Street
Blockwood Lane           Haim Road                Riddles Crescent
Blunt Crescent           Halberry Grove           Ridewood Square
Bobbett Road             Hall Square              Ridge Alley
Bockett Gardens          Hallaran Grove           Riggs Alley
Boddy Road               Hallasy Grove            Riggs Road
Boddy Yard               Hallettt Way             Riggs Walk
Bodilly Gardens          Halliley Way             Rignall Street
Body Alley               Halse Square             Ripley Street
Boggis Crescent          Halsey Grove             Ripper Terrace
Bollans Alley            Hamblen Place            Rishton Square
Bolson Road              Hamblett Court           Ritchie Square (x2)
Bolwell Alley            Hamlen Gardens           Rixon Road
Bonning Alley            Hamlyn Way               Robens Street
Book Terrace             Handley Square           Roberston Gardens
Bornard Crescent         Handley Way              Roberston Street
Borrows Road             Hanham Way               Roberts Square
Borthwick Square         Hanney Place             Robertson Street
Boshier Alley            Hanney Way               Robinson Gardens
Boswell Alley            Harbord Place            Robinson Square
Boswell Gardens          Harden Gardens           Robotier Alley
Bourne Crescent          Hardie Grove             Robotier Gardens
Bousfield Lane           Hardinge Court           Roddoway Gardens
Bowditch Square          Harper Gardens           Rodham Terrace
Bowell Crescent          Harris Way               Roft Crescent
Bowers Alley             Hartleys Place           Rollason Gardens
Bowle Yard               Haskett Grove            Rollings Alley
Bowley Walk              Haskins Square           Rollinson Lane
Bowring Road             Haslock Place            Rousell Street
Boyer Alley              Haslock Square           Row Row
Boylin Walk              Haste Square             Rowe Crescent
Brabner Alley            Hatchard Grove           Rowse Road
Bradley Alley            Hathaway Way             Rowson Street
Bradnam Alley            Hathway Square           Roynon Terrace
Bragg Road               Hathway Way              Ruck Road
Bragge Alley             Hatson Place             Rudd Crescent
Brampton Gardens         Havercroft Avenue        Rudduck Lane
Brancker Road            Haw Square               Ruffer Street
Brely Alley              Hawke Street             Runcieman Street
Brendon Gardens          Hayce Street             Ruse Avenue
Brennan Gardens          Hayler Gardens           Rusher Alley (x2)
Brent Alley              Haynes Gardens           Rutt Avenue
Brentnall Street         Haywood Way              Rutt Road
Brereton Gardens         Head Lane                Ruxton Street
Brewin Crescent          Headford Court           Ryan Alley
Brewin Walk              Headford Grove           Ryder Alley
Bridge Road              Headington Avenue        Sage Terrace
Bridgeman Street         Healy Square             Sainsbury Grove
Bridgewater Gardens      Hearne Place             Sainsbury Way
Bridgman Lane            Heath Grove              Salisbury Way
Bridgman Square          Heath Square             Salter Lane
Brightwell Road          Heathman Place           Samborne Square
Brimson Crescent         Hebdidgh Grove           Sanctuary Lane
Brindle Gardens          Heckworthy Grove         Sanctuary Way (x2)
Brine Alley (x2)         Hedbitch Way             Sands Street
Britton Road             Heley Gardens            Sandy Alley
Broad Crescent           Helland Grove            Sankey Street
Broderip Road            Helland Way              Sanson Crescent
Bromilow Lane            Hellear Square           Savidge Alley
Brooke Crescent          Hellear Way              Sawday Street
Brookman Road            Helliar Place            Sawtell Alley
Brooks Walk              Helliar Square (x2)      Sayce Street
Brower Alley             Hellyer Place            Saywell Square
Browne Alley             Hemburrow Walk           Scadden Street
Bruce Yard               Heming Gardens           Scadding Street
Bruford Alley            Hemmings Way             Scallon Square
Bruford Gardens          Heneage Grove            Scanes Lane
Bruno Road               Heneage Way              Scanlon Street
Brunt Crescent           Henniker Grove           Scard Terrace
Bubwith Road             Henniker Place           Scarpendale Grove
Buck Avenue              Hensler Grove            Scarpendale Square
Bucke Alley              Hensler Place            Schalch Alley
Bucke Crescent           Hensler Way              Schandua Street
Buckoke Alley            Henslowe Grove           Scobell Street
Buckoke Crescent         Hepburn Way              Scovell Street
Budd Walk                Herapath Way             Screech Gardens
Budge Yard (x2)          Heywood Square           Scudamore Square
Budgell Gardens          Higgins Way              Seaman Lane
Budgen Crescent          Higgs Square             Seaward Gardens
Budgett Gardens          Hilda Gardens            Seear Street
Budgett Road             Hildebrand Grove         Seekins Square
Bugden Walk              Hilman Gardens           Seeney Square
Buglar Alley             Himbury Grove            Sellick Street
Buglar Walk              Himbury Place (x2)       Sellwood Gardens
Bulford Alley            Hinckesman Row           Selway Street
Bullen Road              Hind Road                Sendell Street
Buller Alley             Hindmarsh Court          Sequeira Gardens
Bullimore Lane           Hinks Gardens            Servatius Way
Bunney Road              Hinuber Way              Setter Crescent
Bunstone Lane (x2)       Hird Street              Sey Avenue
Burchell Road            Hiscock Grove            Sey Road
Burchill Lane            Hoard Gardens            Shaft Terrace
Burd Avenue              Hobbart Place            Shakelton Grove
Burd Terrace             Hobson Place             Shalmer Gardens
Burden Alley             Hockin Place             Sharland Square
Burne Road               Hodgkinson Avenue        Sharpe Street
Burnley Gardens          Hogyson Way              Shattock Street
Burredg Crescent         Hole Street              Shaw Road
Burtenshaw Lane          Holsgrove Walk           Shea Walk
Burton Walk              Holton Place             Shean Street
Bushen Walk              Honeyfield Grove         Shearn Crescent
Bushrod Alley            Hook Square              Sheat Crescent
Bustin Alley             Hope Lane                Sheate Lane
Butson Alley             Hopjohns Way (x2)        Sheil Terrace
Butt Avenue              Hormisdas Avenue         Sheppard Square
Butterell Street         Hormisdas Court          Sheridan Gardens
Buttle Road              Horsey Grove             Sheridan Lane
Byewell Crescent         Horwill Square           Sherstone Way
Bythesea Gardens         Hoskins Grove            Shickell Gardens
Cabbell Lane             Hounsell Court           Shickell Lane
Caddy Walk               House Grove              Shiell Square
Caff Crescent            Howes Square             Shiplow Alley
Caffin Alley             Howland Grove            Shiplow Square
Calcott Lane             Howland Square           Shippard Lane
Callender Square         Howland Way              Shipton Street
Callender Street         Howse Square             Shorenn Square
Caller Gardens           Hubbard Place            Shortis Street
Caller Road              Hudleston Walk           Shortland Square
Callistus Street         Huish Grove (x2)         Shortt Square
Calvert Lane             Huish Street             Shwalbe Alley
Camidge Gardens          Hulin Gardens (x2)       Shyar Terrace
Campain Road (x2)        Hulin Square             Sidney Lane
Canham Road              Humphries Walk           Silcock Street
Canning Gardens          Humphrys Way             Silley Crescent
Canning Lane             Hunn Road                Silverius Lane
Cape Alley               Hunt Road                Simister Lane (x2)
Caplen Gardens           Hurley Place             Simpson Square
Caplen Road              Hutchinson Grove         Sindercombe Court
Capper Alley             Hyde Street              Sires Street
Capper Road              Hylton Place             Skilliter Grove
Capps Walk               Ikiff Way                Skilton Street
Card Crescent            Ilderton Way             Slack Crescent
Carder Crescent          Imeson Grove             Sleeman Street
Carle Road               Imeson Place             Smail Terrace
Carp Yard                Inclesdon Avenue         Small Crescent
Carpenter Square         Inclesdon Walk           Smeeth Crescent
Carr Alley               Indoe Place              Smeeth Square
Carrott Road             Ings Street              Smethurst Lane
Carrott Square           Isgar Grove              Smith Terrace (x2)
Cartwright Square        Israel Way               Smither Alley
Case Crescent            Ita Road                 Smithfield Court
Caselley Square          Izzard Square            Smyth Crescent (x2)
Caselley Street          Jacobi Way               Snell Terrace
Casely Crescent          Jaques Court             Snow Alley
Castle Alley             Jaques Grove             Snygge Lane
Castleman Lane           Jarman Court             Snygge Square
Cavendish Road           Jarman Place             Somerton Street (x2)
Cazalet Road             Jayne Place              Sorrell Square
Ceary Road               Jearum Place             Sorton Lane
Chafey Crescent          Jearum Way (x2)          Souden Square
Chaffe Road              Jefferson Way            Southall Street
Chaldecott Square        Jefferson Yard           Southcott Lane
Chandler Street          Jeffreys Walk            Spalding Gardens
Channing Lane            Jellett Walk             Spankling Way
Channing Street          Jelley Court             Sparkes Street
Chappell Alley           Jenner Place             Spear Street
Charles Road             Jenvey Court             Spence Crescent
Checketts Lane           Jepp Grove               Spencer Alley
Cheeke Alley             Jermyn Place             Splain Square
Cheesman Alley           Jesse Way                Spratt Square
Cheffe Crescent          Jeune Place              Spreat Lane
Cherrington Grove        Jillard Court            Springford Place
Chetham Gardens          Joachim Walk             Spurway Alley
Chetle Gardens           Jouxson Court            Spurway Street
Chetwind Street          Joycey Place             Squire Crescent
Chick Walk               Joyner Place             Stabbins Street
Chidley Road             Jude Grove               Stambury Gardens
Chidzey Lane             Julian Grove             Stambury Square
Chinnick Lane            Julius Court             Stammers Square
Chippett Square (x2)     Kean Grove               Stanbury Street
Chisholm Alley           Keefe Grove              Stanfield Way
Chisholm Lane            Keitch Avenue            Stanley Alley
Chitty Alley             Kelher Walk              Stanley Square
Chiver Road              Kellett Grove            Stanley Street
Chivers Road             Kellett Row              Stapleton Square
Cholmondeley Square      Kemble Court             Stark Alley
Chorley Road             Kemmis Walk              Starkie Street
Christian Road           Kemp Place               Start Crescent
Christopher Grove (x2)   Kempe Place              Staveley Street
Christopher Way          Kempson Row              Steads Crescent
Churchey Lane            Kempster Avenue          Steed Crescent
Chyke Crescent           Kemys Way                Steel Terrace
Clack Road               Kennea Way               Steele Crescent
Clanfield Road           Kennington Road          Stephens Square
Clapshaw Street          Kenworthy Row            Stevenson Lane
Clare Walk               Keppel Walk              Stewart Alley
Clark Walk               Ketnor Walk              Stiby Alley
Claston Gardens          Kevern Avenue            Stidson Square
Clavel Alley             Keyford Grove            Stidston Lane
Clavel Road              Kick Way                 Stidston Street
Clavey Alley             Kidner Avenue            Stitson Gardens
Claxton Gardens          Kilburn Walk             Stobbart Lane
Claxton Lane             Kilpatrick Crescent      Stock Crescent
Claxton Road             Kirby Place              Stocker Square
Clay Road                Kirkland Yard            Stocker Street
Clearey Gardens          Kitting Row              Stonnard Lane
Cleaves Road             Kittle Avenue            Storrow Street
Cleland Lane             Kittle Walk              Stovin Square
Clementina Square        Klimer Walk              Stoy Alley
Clements Square          Knight Avenue            Stoy Terrace
Clerk Alley (x2)         Knight Walk              Stranger Square
Clifden Road             Knyfton Row              Strangways Grove (x2)
Clinch Road (x2)         Knyps Court              Stranks Street (x3)
Clissold Alley           Krinks Court             Street Lane
Clitsome Lane            Labarte Avenue           Stribling Square
Clitsome Street          Lacey Walk               Strike Street
Closs Road               Lacy Grove               Strong Lane
Coat Alley (x2)          Lacy Way                 Strutt Square
Cobern Crescent          Ladd Court               Stuart Square
Cockayne Street          Ladner Row               Stuckey Street
Cockburn Alley           Laimbeer Avenue          Studham Square
Coffins Lane             Lance Way                Sturges Square
Colbourne Street         Lancey Row               Styles Street
Colles Crescent          Land Place               Summerhayes Grove
Colles Road              Landsey Avenue           Sunter Street
Collier Square           Landucci Yard            Surmon Street
Collinns Street          Langridge Row            Sutcliffe Grove
Colyer Road              Langrishe Alley          Sutcliffe Square
Comber Crescent          Langrishe Crescent       Swabey Street
Comer Alley              Lanhdon Way              Swaine Lane
Condon Crescent          Lanhdon Yard             Swansborough Grove
Connery Gardens          Lansdown Row (x2)        Sweet Crescent
Connolly Square          Lansdowne Alley          Swinnerton Street
Connor Alley             Large Avenue             Swyer Crescent
Connor Crescent          Lasder Avenue            Swyer Terrace
Connor Gardens           Latrobe Way              Sykes Terrace
Connors Gardens          Lavington Road           Symmachus Way
Connors Square           Lawie Court              Symmons Square (x2)
Conolly Square           Lawrence Avenue          Symonds Street
Conybear Lane            Lazar Way                Syred Crescent
Conybeare Square         Lazare Row               Tagg Alley
Cooke Crescent           Lazenbury Crescent       Tagg Terrace
Cooley Gardens           Lea Square               Talbot Gardens
Coome Road               Leakey Grove             Talbot Street
Cooney Alley             Leat Way                 Tardew Square (x2)
Cope Crescent            Ledamun Way              Tarring Lane
Cope Yard                Leekey Grove             Tasker Street
Corkery Road             Leggatt Walk             Tatchel Lane
Cornish Lane             Leigh Avenue             Tatchell Lane
Corrie Crescent          Leith Walk (x2)          Tatler Gardens
Cort Road                Leo Grove                Tayler Gardens
Cosway Alley (x2)        Leofric Yard             Temperley Place
Cottam Crescent          Lerwill Walk             Templer Square
Couch Alley              Lessey Avenue            Tennant Square
Couling Lane             Lessey Row               Teresa Square
Councell Lane            Letham Walk              Tett Street
Counter Road             Lettey Avenue            Tharratt Way
Courtenay Road           Levett Grove             Theirs Street
Courtney Alley           Lewington Alley          Theobald Lane
Cowell Gardens           Lewitt Grove             Theodore Grove
Cowell Road              Lewitt Walk              Thom Crescent
Cowing Crescent          Ley Square               Thom Street (x2)
Cowley Gardens           Lillycrap Crescent       Thompson Lane
Cowlin Gardens           Liminton Crescent        Thomson Street
Cowlin Road              Liminton Yard            Thorley Lane
Coxwell Lane (x2)        Lindell Avenue           Thornton Grove
Coxwell Road             Lintell Avenue           Thornton Way
Coxwell Square           Lintorn Walk             Threadgould Grove
Coy Terrace              Lock Grove               Thresh Gardens
Coymer Alley             Locket Walk              Thurlow Lane
Craddy Road              Lomas Avenue             Thurn Street
Cradock Gardens          Loney Walk               Tibbotts Lane
Crampton Lane            Longman Avenue           Tibbotts Way
Cran Crescent            Longmate Yard            Tidd Alley
Craske Gardens           Loockyer Avenue          Tigwell Gardens
Creeber Lane             Lorenzo Yard             Tilke Lane
Creese Crescent          Loveiband Alley          Timbrell Lane
Cresley Road             Lovering Row             Timothy Gardens
Cresley Square           Lovibond Row             Timothy Square
Crick Walk               Lovless Yard             Tincknell Place
Cridge Road              Lowth Avenue             Tindell Square
Crofts Road (x2)         Luckcraft Alley          Tiplot Gardens
Crooker Lane             Lucy Way                 Tiplot Square
Croom Alley              Ludlow Avenue            Tipper Street
Croom Walk               Ludwell Walk             Tipton Gardens
Crossman Square          Luff Court               Tomkins Square
Croxford Lane            Lumley Grove             Tomlinson Place
Cruickshank Way          Lutman Row               Toombs Gardens
Cruwys Road              Lynch Way (x2)           Toop Alley
Cui Terrace              Lyne Grove               Tope Alley
Culliford Square         MacDonald Avenue         Torrington Grove
Culmstock Square (x2)    MacNaghten Terrace       Torrington Square
Cummins Road             MacRae Way               Totterdell Square
Cupper Road              Mace Avenue              Towker Street
Curtice Lane             Maddaford Crescent       Towne Crescent
Curtis Alley             Magee Grove              Tozer Crescent
Cuthbert Square          Maher Grove              Tozer Lane
Cuzner Alley             Mahon Walk               Tracey Square
Dalley Square            Mallack Avenue           Tracey Street
Dallimore Gardens        Mallett Row              Trafford Square
Dallimore Square         Mallinson Alley          Trask Street
Dalwood Lane             Malton Way               Tratham Square
Dalziel Square           Manley Avenue            Tratham Street
Daniel Square            Mannell Crescent (x2)    Travis Gardens
Darke Alley              Mannell Row              Treasure Grove
Darnell Lane             Mannings Alley           Treasure Way
Daubeny Alley            Mannings Row             Trebble Lane
Davies Square            Manuel Walk              Tremlett Way (x2)
Davison Lane             Manuel Way               Tresidder Grove
Dawney Lane              Marcus Avenue            Trew Alley
Daynes Square            Margery Yard             Trigg Square
Dear Walk                Maria Avenue             Triggs Alley
Deed Crescent            Marke Avenue             Trim Crescent
Delaney Street           Marke Row                Trimble Lane
Delay Road (x2)          Marks Avenue             Tripick Street
Deller Road              Marshment Crescent       Trivett Square
Demack Square            Martha Avenue            Trivitt Street
Denbury Square           Marton Avenue            Trivola Street
Denham Gardens           Matheos Crescent         Troake Gardens
Denis Road               Mathew Walk              Trollope Lane
Denman Road              Mathew Yard              Tuchings Way
Denman Square            Matraves Alley           Turvill Street
Denmead Alley            Matthew Row              Tutcher Street
Denmead Street           Matthews Alley           Twitt Crescent
Denner Road              Matthewson Terrace       Tyack Lane
Denney Lane              Maturin Row              Underwood Way
Dering Gardens           Maud Court               Uttermare Square
Deusdedit Street         Maudley Avenue           Vagg Street
Devallibus Gardens       Maule Avenue             Vailes Lane
Devallibus Place         Maule Row                Valentine Row
Deveto Square            Maule Walk               Vann Alley
Devonish Square          Maunder Avenue           Veale Lane
Dibben Lane (x2)         Maunder Row              Veasey Lane
Dibbings Street          Mawdley Yard             Velvick Street
Dickenson Gardens        Maximillian Crescent     Ven Square
Dickin Square            Maxted Walk              Venner Grove
Digby Road               Mayer Row                Venner Way
Dimon Alley              Maynard Row              Verncomb Way
Dimond Gardens           Mayo Way                 Vernoum Court
Dinham Gardens           McCommell Avenue         Vesey Square
Dinmead Lane             McCormack Avenue         Vesey Street
Dinwiddy Lane            McCormack Crescent       Vick Square
Dinwiddy Road            McCorquodale Crescent    Vick Street
Dismas Square            McCorquodale Lane        Victor Grove
Ditcher Street           McDonell Crescent        Villar Way
Dobin Alley              McEvoy Avenue            Vitalian Grove (x2)
Doddimeade Way           McKay Grove              Voisey Lane
Doddridge Gardens        McKinnon Crescent        Voizey Square
Dodds Alley              McMillan Row             Waddams Square
Doe Alley                McMurtrie Road           Waddams Way
Doggett Alley            McTier Way               Wadham Place
Doggett Lane             Meade Avenue (x2)        Wagland Court
Doig Alley               Meaden Way               Wakeley Grove
Dollery Street           Meads Avenue             Wakely Place
Doman Alley              Meatyard Road            Walden Place
Doman Road               Meecham Yard             Wall Street
Domet Road               Meeker Avenue            Wallace Way
Donagan Street           Meeker Yard              Wallen Place
Donegan Lane             Meleady Avenue           Walling Square (x2)
Donegan Street           Mellier Row              Walrond Grove
Donn Crescent            Melrose Crescent         Wardle Court
Donoghan Square          Meluish Yard             Ware Square
Doon Alley               Membry Walk              Warfield Place
Doran Road               Membry Way (x2)          Warford Way
Dore Alley               Membury Crescent         Warry Grove
Dorman Road              Menhennet Avenue         Watling Court
Dorrington Way           Mercer Walk              Watson Place
Doswell Lane             Merchant Road            Waugh Grove
Douch Alley              Merewether Road          Wayper Grove
Doveton Square           Merivale Road            Wedmore Square
Dovey Crescent           Merson Way               Wedmore Way
Downton Alley            Mesney Way (x2)          Weech Square
Doyne Crescent           Metcalfe Alley           Weeks Lane
Drewer Square            Metcalfe Row             Weeks Way
Drewitt Lane             Methringham Street       Weightman Place
Driscoll Square          Methringham Terrace      Weir Lane
Drury Gardens            Mickleroy Crescent       Wellington Avenue
Duckett Alley            Middleton Alley (x2)     Welsford Grove
Dudridge Street          Midelton Road            Welsher Grove
Duffill Square           Millet Avenue            Wescombe Grove
Dufty Gardens            Millet Way               Westley Court (x2)
Duggan Square            Milligan Crescent        Weston Court
Dullea Square            Millward Road            Wetherall Avenue
Dummett Street           Miltiades Alley          Wetton Court
Duncan Road              Minchington Terrace      Whalley Way
Dunlap Road              Minchinton Alley         Wheadon Way (x2)
Dunstone Square (x3)     Minifie Yard             Wheals Grove
Dupe Crescent            Mist Way                 Wheelan Court (x2)
Durnford Road            Mitchener Alley          Whensley Place
Dutton Square            Moberly Row              Whicher Court
Dwyer Crescent           Mockridge Alley          Whish Grove
Eades Square             Modeford Row             Whitby Place (x2)
Eagan Road               Mole Avenue              Whitcombe Walk
Eagles Alley             Molesworth Terrace       Whitefield Grove
Earl Road                Monck Row                Whitelock Avenue
Earle Lane               Moncrieffe Alley         Whitesides Yard
Earle Square             Monks Walk (x2)          Whithed Way
Easthill Grove           Montgomery Walk          Whitin Street
Eaves Road               Mooney Way               Whitmarsh Avenue
Eaves Square             Moores Walk              Whitmey Way
Ebdon Gardens            Moorhouse Alley          Whyte Way
Eckett Street            Moorman Avenue           Wickenden Place
Edgcumbe Grove           Moorse Walk              Wickett Court
Edkins Square            Mor Grove                Wicklen Grove
Edmund Lane              Mor Way                  Wicklen Square
Edmund Square            Moreby Avenue            Wicklen Way
Edney Gardens            Morey Avenue             Wicks Way
Edson Lane               Morey Walk               Widdows Court
Edward Alley             Morley Avenue            Wigdahl Grove
Eelms Road               Morrish Avenue           Wigdahl Square
Eford Lane               Morriss Avenue           Wigdahl Way
Egan Gardens             Morriss Crescent         Wilbraham Row
Eglen Road               Moseley Row              Wilkes Street
Elder Gardens            Moudry Walk              Willey Court
Elderfield Grove         Mountain Crescent        Willey Street
Elers Lane               Mounter Crescent         William Way
Elford Street            Mountstevens Square      Williamson Row
Eligius Lane             Mullen Avenue            Willmot Way
Elin Crescent            Muller Avenue            Wills Grove
Eliot Lane               Muller Walk              Willy Square
Ellison Square           Mumford Avenue           Wilmott Court
Elmund Square (x2)       Munckton Row             Wilsdon Court
Elsworth Street          Mundy Walk               Wilsdon Grove
Emberson Grove           Murrell Crescent         Wiltshire Place
Empson Lane              Murtaugh Row             Windey Court
Enright Lane             Muxlow Way               Windey Grove
Ephrem Lane              Mycock Way               Windey Street
Ephrem Street            Nancolas Alley           Windham Grove
Erghum Square            Nash Grove               Wine Lane
Esain Road               Neagle Avenue            Winsley Court (x2)
Estlin Alley             Neot Avenue              Winters Square
Estlin Square            Nettleton Alley          Wippell Court
Estmond Square           Nettleton Road           Wippell Way
Etheldreda Way           Nettleton Terrace        Wiseman Grove
Evans Road               Neville Row              Witchell Grove
Evans Square             Newell Row               Wither Court
Ewer Crescent            Newmarch Road            Wither Grove
Ewerne Square            Newnam Avenue            Witherington Row
Ewins Gardens            Newstead Avenue          Wolff Way (x3)
Ewins Lane               Nich Avenue              Wollen Court
Ewins Road               Nicholls Crescent        Wolsey Grove
Ewins Square             Nickols Row (x2)         Woodford Grove
Eyles Square             Nicols Crescent          Woodley Court
Faber Street             Nikolai Row              Woodthorpe Row
Fackerell Square         Noakes Crescent          Wooley Place
Fagan Alley              Noakes Row               Woolfry Grove
Fagan Square             Noonan Yard              Woolley Grove
Fairbrother Avenue       Norgan Row               Woolly Street
Fairbrother Court        Normandare Street        Wootten Grove
Fairfield Way            Northcombe Alley         Worcester Row
Falvey Lane              Northcombe Crescent      Workman Square
Fane Gardens             Northup Crescent (x2)    Wormald Court
Farewell Grove (x2)      Norvill Row              Wornel Place
Farmer Square            Nositer Row              Worner Court
Farnol Lane              Nott Avenue              Worthington Court
Farr Lane                Notton Avenue            Wortley Court
Farr Road                Nowell Row               Woton Grove
Farr Square              Nowis Avenue             Wricht Court
Farrant Gardens          Nurten Row               Wulfstan Grove
Farrel Street            Oakeley Crescent         Wulfstan Place
Farrent Street           Oakley Road              Wyatt Grove
Farrington Way           Oaten Row                Wyche Way
Farrow Lane              Obern Crescent           Wynes Square
Fathers Square           Odingsells Crescent      Wynes Way
Faustina Way             Ogburn Alley             Yearworth Walk
Febrey Street            Ogburn Crescent          Yeates Way
Feldstein Square         Ogburn Road              Yendole Place
Fellowes Gardens         Oland Avenue             Yeriod Way
Feltham Street           Oland Crescent           Yorke Court
Fiddes Road              Old Grove                Yorke Grove
Fildes Lane              Oldroyd Alley            Youings Place
Finch Alley (x2)         Oldroyd Crescent         Zacharias Crescent
Finchley Grove           Ollerenshaw Gardens      Zinnecker Row
Finlay Lane (x2)         Oram Walk                Zinnecker Walk
Finnerty Gardens         Oram Yard                Zwanenburg Road