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After the battle the cleanup crew came and dumped the bodies. All of us caded. No exception. We needed this mall fortified for assault against a horde of 200 pissed off Zeds. Every platoon was in the mall. All working to keep it out of Zed hands. This will be the area of the largest battle that I have ever participated in. The battle for Giddings mall.
After the battle the cleanup crew came and dumped the bodies. All of us caded. No exception. We needed this mall fortified for assault against a horde of 200 pissed off Zeds. Every platoon was in the mall. All working to keep it out of Zed hands. This will be the area of the largest battle that I have ever participated in. The battle for Giddings mall.

   Uberlegen1: Alright Yankee, same shit, different building. We are to hold off here until the Zeds leave or we die. I don't plan on dying so the Zeds are out of luck on this debate. Everyone: HOOOAH! Uberlegen1: That's right. Now who am I missing? Wolldog: Pvt. Blake. Uberlegen1: Last known location? Wolldog: Creedy... Uberlegen1: Oh hell...get on the radio and see if anyone has word on him PJ. Woll check the mall and see if he didn't end up with another unit. G12002 go for restock. Everyone else man the cades. Restock if you need to. Everyone: Yes Sergeant!  
   Uberlegen1: Alright Yankee, same shit, different building.
We are to hold off here until the Zeds leave or we die.  
I don't plan on dying so the Zeds are out of luck on this debate.  
Everyone: HOOOAH! Uberlegen1: That's right. Now who am I missing?  
Wolldog: Pvt. Blake. Uberlegen1: Last known location?  
Wolldog: Creedy...  
Uberlegen1: Oh hell...get on the radio and see if anyone has word on him PJ.  
Woll check the mall and see if he didn't end up with another unit.  
G12002 go for restock. Everyone else man the cades. Restock if you need to.  
Everyone: Yes Sergeant!  

I looked everywhere but saw no sign of Blake. It felt like my first day in Malton all over again. Sgt. Thubin was now Capt. Thubin and was appointed a high role in commanding the USAI. He was loved by many and was always willing to help. PJ get Capt. Thubin on the radio. PJ: You sure? Uberlegen1: Do as he says. Thubin: Capt. Thubin of the USAI. Wolldog: I have a friend missing. Thubin: His last known location? Wolldog: Creedy. Thubin: If he isn't with you then he's most likely dead. Wolldog: It's Pvt. Blake. He was trained under you in boot. Thubin:...I'm sorry but if he's not with you then chances are he didn't make it out. I have a mission plan to go over now. I'll tell you if I hear anything. Wolldog: Thank you Captain. Yankee over and out.  
I looked everywhere but saw no sign of Blake. It felt like my first day in Malton all over again. Sgt. Thubin was now Capt. Thubin and was appointed a high role in commanding the USAI. He was loved by many and was always willing to help. PJ get Capt. Thubin on the radio. PJ: You sure? Uberlegen1: Do as he says. Thubin: Capt. Thubin of the USAI. Wolldog: I have a friend missing. Thubin: His last known location? Wolldog: Creedy. Thubin: If he isn't with you then he's most likely dead. Wolldog: It's Pvt. Blake. He was trained under you in boot. Thubin:...I'm sorry but if he's not with you then chances are he didn't make it out. I have a mission plan to go over now. I'll tell you if I hear anything. Wolldog: Thank you Captain. Yankee over and out.  

Revision as of 00:12, 30 January 2009

Part 1 - The beginning

USAI Soldier Pvt. Wolldog1

He received the name Wolldog in the Marine Corps. for his combat skills in arctic warfare and his need to be top dog of his class. His best and only friend at this time was Pvtblake of the U.S. ARMY INFANTRY. After the two parted ways for basic they decided to stay in touch. When he received an email from Blake saying he had been stationed at Fort Creedy in Malton and wanted him to come for his vacation time, he eagerly took the next private plane there. When he landed he arrived in Tollyton just outside the Friend Plaza Police Department. There was only one one was there. The pilot couldn't get an answer on the radio to any air traffic control. They stepped outside and saw the streets completely empty.

Wolldog: I told him to keep trying on the radio and that I was going to look inside the PD. As I went over I noticed the doors were locked tight, I had to go through a broken window. When I entered I found a group of about 20 people huddled together in a corner. I asked what the hell was going on. I got no answer. Next thing I hear is the pilot. He's shouting "Still no answer. I'm gonna shoot up a flare and hopefully someone will see it." The people shout "NO DON'T DO IT! YOU'LL ATTRACT THEM!" Next thing I hear is the pilot...screaming for his life "HELP ME! HELP ME! OH GOD! HELP ME!". I go to run out the window. Some people grab me. They said, "No stop! You can't help him now." I grab a gun off of one of them and say, Like hell I can't! I ran out with the 6 shot revolver. Standard police side arm. What I saw next was something I never expected to see. Three torn up corpses grabbing at the pilot with the flare gun in his hands. I fired a couple rounds at them. They went clean through them and hit the plane. Fuel started leaking out. I fired two more rounds and hit one straight in the head. Took him down. The pilot being bitten and clawed at, accidentally discharged his flare at the plane. The plane exploded and incinerated them all. Still in shock I run back into the PD.

After a few days at the PD I finally got all the information I needed. A zombie virus had completely taken Malton into hell and left it there. With my friend still out there I quickly grabbed all the ammo I could and headed to Fort Creedy in Pitneybank. I knew he was still alive. His training would keep him safe. Though nothing in our training ever had a "How to kill Zeds course" but we knew how to deliver a head shot to an enemy. As I headed there I saw a lot of damage. Hiding only to rest and avoid the hordes I made it to Fort Creedy. When I entered I was greeted by many soldiers. Most of them a cuts and bruises. All looked tired. Still no Blake. They told me that I had just missed him and that he was headed to the Spragge Building in Crowbank to assist a M*A*S*H unit. Right next to Tollyton. Great, I said, now I have to go back almost the same direction... One of the soldiers asked,"Do you have any military training?" I lifted my dog tags and said, 1st Force Recon. The soldiers then gave me a uniform and sent me on my way. When I got to Crowbank I noticed that there was a lot more zombies in this area. I said to myself, now what the hell would he be doing here? When I finally made it to the Spragge Building I noticed that it was too heavily barricaded for me to enter. Great... So I moved over to the St Piran's Church. It's enterable so I went in. I saw some writing on the wall that said "USAI entrance point" I looked in the back of the room and saw about 8 guys in a uniform with U.S. ARMY INFANTRY on them. The other 8 in the room were in a M*A*S*H unit. I asked them, anyone know a Pvtblake? A man walked up. He wore a pair of mirrored sunglasses, a ripped red beret, a set of scuffed Fort Creedy dog-tags, a gray tartan kilt and a pair of black boots. But the most striking feature of this tattered looking soldier was a Virgina Tech T-shirt with the words Orange Effect '04 written on it. He said,"SGT Thubin of the USAI. How can I assist you?" I told him I was looking for Pvtblake. He told me he was DI of fire team ROMEO and that Blake was in the next building over. At last I had found my friend.

After that Wolldog joined the USAI, fire team Sierra under the command of SGT Mechamonkey. Once he learned all he needed he left boot and moved to Bravo Platoon, Zulu team. After a promotion and one last transfer he ended up in Yankee team with Pvtblake. And the story continues...

Part 2 - Same shit, different building

USAI Soldier Cpl. Wolldog1

The battle is bloody. We have already lost 3 men and the night is still young. We are running out of ammo. I don't know how much longer we will hold out... Wolldog: What the hell could you be writing at a time like this?

I looked over at the man huddled in the corner writing on a dirty piece of paper. He looked up and said," Just my will. I want people to know what happened here." Well do it AFTER we are done fighting it! Now pick up your gun and get your ass over to that window.

We had still no word from Capt. Mordac. Our orders came from LTC. Lunchpail himself. Go to Starlingtown and defend the The Veryard Building with our lives. The Veryard Building is a NecroTech facility and the only one not destroyed in the suburb. The only way to get that area back to green was that building. Allies were expected to assist but we always plan to be alone just encase they never show. The NecroTech building makes the cure for the Zed Virus. I'd never used one before but I'd seen them used many times. Basically we are the grapes and the Zeds are raisins. The Zed virus turns a grape into a raisin, then the cure turns the raisin back into a grape. The needles can cure everything up to rotted flesh, but it can't cure the damage done to the brain. You need a NecroTech facility for that. Brain rotted Zeds are ones we didn't get to soon enough so the effects became more permanent. What's worse is Zeds with brain rot are stupid and it's hard for us to cure them.

It's been two days now and still no word from Pvtblake or Mordac. Only about 4 of us left now. Me Cpl. Pirate James,Cpl Russell Updike, and an ally from another unit. PJ has been with me sense boot. He was an assistant to the DI's but wasn't officially supposed to be there. After I graduated he fallowed me back to Bravo Platoon, Yankee team. He's a good friend and highly dependable. RU was a class clown but got serious when a job need to be done. He's a member of Zulu like I was before being moved to Yankee. The ally was a NecroTech scientist and wasn't ready for this battle. All of Yankee brought enough ammo to kill ten Zed hordes. He came with the hope that we would keep the Zeds out while he gathered needles for the cure. Didn't expect to need a gun. He was wrong...

(BANG! SMASH! BANG! SMASH!) Ally: They are breaking in! PJ: I'm working on it! RU: I'll help. (BANG! SMASH! BANG! SMASH! BOOM!) 3 Zeds enter: Harmanz! Wolldog: Open fire!

The flashes of gunfire go throughout the room. Wolldog, PJ, and RU with shotguns. I shout to the Ally, get those cades up before we are overrun! PJ fires two shots. (BOOM! BOOM!) First Zed goes down with a head shot. Russell and Wolldog fire at the second. (BOOM! BOOM!) Head shot and down. Third Zed: Die Harmanz! He rushes Wolldog. No time to reload he reaches for his fire axe. Zed: Arrrr! Wolldog turns into a spin juke and sideswipes the zombie in the neck with the axe. Cutting the head clear off. Wolldog: What's the status on the cades? He turns to see the scientist huddled in the corner again, only this time he has a gun in his hand...and is shaking... Wolldog: PJ, tend to the cades. PJ: What about him? Wolldog: I'll handle it. Just take care of the cades. Have Russell help you. I walk over to the man in the corner and say without a second thought, Give me your gun. He looks up at me, head shaking and says, "What?" I said it again, give me your gun. He hesitated for a second but eventually he complies. He handed me the gun, now I want you to sit here and continue your writing. He looks up and says, "okay..." I walk back over to PJ. PJ: is he gonna make it? Wolldog: Not sure but it will be a hell of a lot easier without this gun looking like a free ticked out of hell. Russell: Maybe we should try the radio again? Wolldog: No point. The Zeds took out the transmitter. PJ: I've got the cades up. Russell: I'll work on fixing the generator. We'll need this place lit if we want any needles coming out of here. Wolldog: You do that. PJ and I will man the cades.

Another day goes by and still no Blake or Mordac. I had Russell sent out to look for another transmitter. No luck so far. When he gets back I'll send PJ out so Russell can come back and rest. After that if we still have no luck then I will have to go, Russell will take my place on defense, and PJ will rest.

I told them both to keep an eye on the scientist. He was never the same after that last attack. Maybe the fear finally got to him. Whatever the reason, he was now a distraction, and a distracted soldier is a dead soldier. As I headed out to look for a transmitter some thing very odd happened. I saw no Zeds, not one. I looked around corner to corner expecting to be attacked. No zeds, not one. I thought to myself, what the hell's going on? Then I remembered the transmitter. I found a building that had one hooked up to it. I went in and turned on my radio. This is Cpl. Wolldog1 of the USAI. Can anyone respond? (Static) This is Cpl. Wolldog1 of the USAI. Can anyone respond? A voice responds, Hello? This is Fort Creedy Defense force. We are under attack by a massive horde of Zeds. They call themselves The Bash. Can anyone assist? They number in the hundreds. We need hel... (Transmission ends) This is Cpl. Wolldog1 of the USAI. Can anyone respond? New voice comes on. This is LTC Lunchpail. I am ordering all USAI personnel to move to Fort Creedy to aid in the defense. I repeat ALL USAI report to Fort Creedy to aid in the defense. I heard my orders. I ran back to the Veryard Building to get the rest of my team. The scientist stayed behind and continued to make needles. Seemed that was the only thing that made sense to him anymore. I handed him back his gun and said, this is for your Zed problems, not your life problems. We headed on our way to defend Fort Creedy. And the story continues...

Part 3 - The fall of Fort Creedy

USAI Soldier Cpl. Wolldog1

We made it out of the frying pan and into the fire. We had little ammo left so we took a detour to the Giddings Mall. What we saw we never was in ruins with over 200 Zeds outside and who the hell knows how many inside. I could only think of one thing to say,(frustrated tone) Nothing is ever simple is it. Russell and PJ together: No, not really. Wolldog: We have to get this Intel back to Creedy. Find a building with a transmitter. We found one but it was too close for comfort. Sage Way Railway building over from the mall. Every USAI knows that when the enemy is in range then so are you. With no ammo or backup we did not want to be in range of over 200 zeds. We have no choice. Head in. Looking inside we found the building to be in surprisingly good shape. PJ: The Zeds must be too focused on the mall to care about this building. Russell: I got Captain Mordac on the radio. He wants to know our location and status. Wolldog: Tell him we are knee deep in the shit at the Sage Way Railway Station. Mordac: Your where? Russell: Sage Way Railway Station. Mordac: What's the story on the mall? Wolldog: Ruined and not getting any better. We need ammo. Mordac: Hold your position. I'm on my way with Zulu. PJ: Uhhh...with all due respect sir. We are gonna need a lot more then Zulu. Mordac: No worries Corporal. All of Bravo is set up in that area. Zulu is currently in Byrne Auto Repair. Wolldog: We will still need more men Sir. Mordac: All USAI are on their way. We need to keep these buildings operational until they arrive or they won't have anywhere to dig in. Wolldog: Then first priority should be to recapture Boutcher Alley Police Dept, Halberry Boulevard Police Dept, and the Morrish (NT) Building. Mordac: We'll handle the Morrish Building. You take Halberry Boulevard Police Dept. Victor and Quebec teams will take Boutcher Alley Police Dept. Get to it Bravo! Everyone: Yes sir!

We had two problems, Zeds had Halberry Boulevard Police Dept and we had no ammo. We needed something to draw their attention. PJ: We could repair the Sprod Building and Heeks Motel. Wolldog: What would that do? Russell: If we put them to EHB each then it would make the Zeds in the PD leave to investigate. They'll think we set up a TACHQ in them. Wolldog: Then lets do it.

We all headed out and repaired the Sprod building, then the Heeks Motel. We put one generator in each and lit those bad boys up. Sure enough the Zeds couldn't resist. It even took some away from the Morrish Building. Once they fell for it we headed out to the PD. Wolldog: Repair and cade as fast as possible. We moved like lightning, for we knew the zeds would only fall for it for so long before they find out they were tricked. The PD was up and running. Now to find ammo. Grab what you can quick. We're about to have company. We looked for pistol clips, shotgun shells, and anything else that would aid in the defense. But the most important thing we needed now was man power. Three men can't hold off a horde of 200 something Zeds. (BANG! SMASH! BANG! SMASH!) I knew that sound all too well. We'd been discovered...

Get to the windows! PJ watch those cades! (BANG! SMASH! BANG! SMASH!) Stand back they're coming in! (BANG! SMASH! BANG! SMASH! BOOM!) Weapons free! (Multiple gun shots) HARMANZ! Gahrrr! PJ: There are too many! We have to fall back! Russell: Damn it! I'm out! Wolldog? Wolldog!

The Zeds had me. I'd been completely dragged out of the building. No ammo, no backup, and dying. I'd been bit multiple times and was starting to see things. I'd lost a lot of blood. I thought to myself, damn so this is it? This is my big moment? This is where my training has lead me? All of a sudden I hear a voice. Not Here Wolldog! Your not dying here! Not as long as I command Yankee! I looked up and saw myself being dragged back inside, fallowed by a blood trail. My blood. I looked to who the voice belonged to. It was Sgt. Uberlegen1, Yankee Lead. He pulled out a FAK and said, "Your going to be alright Woll." His voice was distorted. I could hear ringing in my ears. Uberlegen1 hadn't been with Yankee long but he was like me. He never gave up on a friend. Never. He liked me because he was also a shoot first, ask questions later kind of guy. In his absence he left me in charge of Yankee. He always expected great things from me. I knew I was dying. It was just a matter of how quick. Uberlegen1: Watch the cades. Don't let them catch us with our pants down again. Russell: Cades are up but we can't take another hit like that. Uberlegen1: We will if we have to. New orders are to guard this building to make sure our forces have a place to restock. Zulu has taken the Morrish Building and the other PD will be taken shortly. In the meantime I was ordered to take our new recruit Pvt. G12002 and the rest of you and hold this building. Russell your ordered to head to the Morrish Building and report back to Zulu. Russell: What about Wolldog? He won't survive another attack without another FAK. Uberlegen1: He's my responsibility. I'll take it from here. Russell nods his head and heads out the window. Uberlegen1: Private. Give your FAK to Wolldog.

I looked up at what appeared to be a locker room. Flak jackets and police uniforms all over. I started to get up. I felt the pain from all my stitched up injuries. Someone did an impressive job patching me up. I headed toward the door. Opened it and found a numerous amount of people. All survivors from groups all over. Mostly Creedy Defense forces. I looked for a familiar face and saw PJ manning the front door. He looked at me and said, "should you be moving around?" I said, what's going on? Who are these people? He looked at me with a serious face then said, "Creedy has fallen..."

Part 4 - From bad to good to badder still

USAI Soldier Cpl. Wolldog1

We had more people now but unfortunately why they were here bugged me more then the Zeds outside. Fort Creedy has fallen. I don't even know if Blake made it out. After all this time in Malton I finally for the first time realized where I was...and it scared me shitless. Hope is running out among the men. They think the Zeds are winning. A few of them even went AWOL and were never seen again. Even our higher ups were on edge. The other platoons had arrived not long after Creedy fell. They were busy in the Morrish Building trying to keep it out of Zed hands so we could start reviving people. Seemed like all we could do was board up and wait for the Zeds to leave. 200 or so Zeds is a tough job even for the USAI. We had groups from all over trying to get that mall back up. Not making much of a dent though. We needed a plan and we needed one now.

Uberlegen1: Glad to see your up and around again. Wolldog: Yeah that last one was pretty close. How's the new recruit doing? Uberlegen1: Pretty good. He's the one who handled you injuries. You'll have to thank him later. We've been ordered to move to the Sprod Building. Wolldog: What for? The building is useless. Uberlegen1: We need it for our next battle plan. We are taking all the buildings around the mall and we got stuck with that one. Wolldog: I just hope we don't get stuck IN that one. Uberlegen1: Yeah I hear ya. Well lets move out Yankee.

The plan was simple: attack the mall from all side simultaneously, kill the Zeds, dump their bodies out, and barricade the building. Uberlegen1: Kill, dump, and cade. Understood? Everyone: Yes Sergeant! We all knew we had to do this fast. Zeds only have brainpower to be mobile a few hours a day. We were going to strike them at their weakest time of day. 12 o'clock P.M. was that time. Zeds are active in morning or late afternoon the most. Very little at noon. Everyone took position.

Uberlegen1: When we get the Okay from HQ we move! It starts in! GO! GO! 

About 20 men fallowed behind us. All Creedy Defense Units looking for payback. We headed into the mall pushing through all the brain dead Zeds who hit the noon mark. We entered from the SE sector and after everyone was inside we unloaded on every Zed in sight.(Gun fire) Had to have been about 70. All brain dead and inactive. (More gunfire. Shell cases hitting the hard floor) No one cared that they weren't fighting back. No one cared for a challenge. This was strictly revenge...and it was good.

Uberlegen1: Everyone fire! Make sure not one is left standing! (Fires shotgun) 

PJ: I almost feel bad for them. (laughs) CDU: I don't. They can all die again! (Fires pistol) Wolldog: When are our reinforcements coming? (Fires shotgun) Uberlegen1: as soon as we take care of this mess. They'll take care of the body dumping. We just need to make sure they are all taken care of first. Sound good? Wolldog: Hell yeah it does. (Switches to pistol)

After the battle the cleanup crew came and dumped the bodies. All of us caded. No exception. We needed this mall fortified for assault against a horde of 200 pissed off Zeds. Every platoon was in the mall. All working to keep it out of Zed hands. This will be the area of the largest battle that I have ever participated in. The battle for Giddings mall.

 Uberlegen1: Alright Yankee, same shit, different building.
We are to hold off here until the Zeds leave or we die. 

I don't plan on dying so the Zeds are out of luck on this debate. Everyone: HOOOAH! Uberlegen1: That's right. Now who am I missing? Wolldog: Pvt. Blake. Uberlegen1: Last known location? Wolldog: Creedy... Uberlegen1: Oh hell...get on the radio and see if anyone has word on him PJ. Woll check the mall and see if he didn't end up with another unit. G12002 go for restock. Everyone else man the cades. Restock if you need to. Everyone: Yes Sergeant!

I looked everywhere but saw no sign of Blake. It felt like my first day in Malton all over again. Sgt. Thubin was now Capt. Thubin and was appointed a high role in commanding the USAI. He was loved by many and was always willing to help. PJ get Capt. Thubin on the radio. PJ: You sure? Uberlegen1: Do as he says. Thubin: Capt. Thubin of the USAI. Wolldog: I have a friend missing. Thubin: His last known location? Wolldog: Creedy. Thubin: If he isn't with you then he's most likely dead. Wolldog: It's Pvt. Blake. He was trained under you in boot. Thubin:...I'm sorry but if he's not with you then chances are he didn't make it out. I have a mission plan to go over now. I'll tell you if I hear anything. Wolldog: Thank you Captain. Yankee over and out.

Wasn't much hope of finding him. Situation was grim enough as it is. Zeds now numbered in the three hundreds. We had maybe 100 men in the mall and another 70 in the Morrish Building. We were holding, but who knows how long it would last...

(BANG! BANG! BANG! BOOM!) Uberlegen1: Load up right now! Move! Move! Move! (Running trough the mall) Status! What the hell is happening? PJ: NE side is under attack. Hundreds of hostiles. The horde grouped up and attacked it together. Uberlegen1: Damn it! Okay Yankee with me. Everyone else stay put. This may be just a decoy to get us all in one corner. Send that on the radio. All platoons send one team to assist. Everyone else stay the hell put.

Each side had about 25 men each. Each Fire Team has about 5 men tops. So only about 15 men were moving in to assist. 40 men against 300 Zeds. Just another day at work. Uberlegen1: Secure those doors! Everyone open fire! (Guns heard from all over) HARMAN!!! (20 Zeds running at Uberlegen1) Die you rotting freaks! (Fires his shotgun) Wolldog: Uber! (Fires twin pistols) Uberlegen1 had no time to reload. He went though his shotgun and four pistols. He's down to a fire axe. He swings rapidly at the Zeds. Bunting them if they got too close. He got the occasional scratch from the ones with good reach but all in all he was holding his own. I continued firing. Checking my fire as to not hit any friendlies. PJ and G12002 was group firing with shotguns.