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Yet more proof that Whalbergium > Adamantium.  Suck it Wolverine
Yet more proof that Whalbergium > Adamantium.  Suck it Wolverine

====For old Stuff:  [[Team_Zombie_Hardcore/archives|Team Zombie Hardcore archive]]====

= Talk About How Much We Beat Ass =

Tell Ghrol to contact me at - {{User:Vigeous/Sig}} 20:32, 17 August 2008 (BST)
Old stuff moved to keep it tidy, some of that shit was over 2 years old!--[[User:Dhavid Grohl|Dhavid Grohl]] 12:36, 20 March 2009 (UTC)

You guys should know, LUE disbanded. No need to have their tags in your name anymore ;) --{{User:Ashley Valentine/sig}} 17:25, 19 May 2008 (BST)
Just thought i'd say that after reading your entire wiki page, I fuckign agree - may TZH live on forever, and may The Suck die a long painful suffering death at the hands of The Awesomeness! --[[User:The Cop|The Cop]] 02:42, 2 June 2009 (BST)

==Papa Nixon==
== Group Subpages ==
I am deeply sorry that you were killed in Judge Road PD under my watch Papa Nixon and I hope it willnot happen again. If I had been on at that time I would have gladly revived you.--[[User:Zombiepatrol|Zombiepatrol]] 21:45, 12 May 2008 (BST)
:Dont worry we are used to B.Hunter douchebaggery and retardness... --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 15:52, 13 May 2008 (BST)

==Bounty Hunting vs. PKing==

I think you all know the difference between bounty hunting (which is hunting down PKers listed on the Rogues Gallery) and the kind of PKing that will actually get you listed on the Rogues Gallery. I'm fairly certain the distinction doesn't escape you, and that you all get how the system works and which is which. That being said, while I'm sure a lot of you have a red ass because I killed Whisker Biscuit in a legit and accepted bounty claim, that doesn't make me a PKer. Going around telling everyone I am is pretty childish, and actually killing me in retaliation is just putting more of you up on the Rogues Gallery (because you damn well bet I report PKs on me -- how else will I collect on that bounty?). I don't care if you hate me, I don't care if you spit on my name, but I do care if you take a shot at me out of some misguided attempt at vengeance. I don't think the lot of you want to be known as a PKer group, but if it keeps happening, you'd best bet you'll end up looking that way to anyone who reads the Rogues Gallery, and the Malton Marshals will start showing up to collect. I don't think you guys are all bad, so seriously, let's behave like adults, okay? Oh, and anyone who came after me should expect that I'll be along to claim on them, sooner or later. That's just how it is. -- [[User:Diano/Sejes_Rath|Sejes Rath]] 23:39, 6 May 2008 (BST)
:Thats funny how you B.Hunters use bountys as an excuse to random kill people, you killed one of us unprovoked, unattaked, looks like a typical pkill to me... What? Do you enjoy being shoot at?Do you expect us to do nothing while you shoot us?  --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 16:01, 13 May 2008 (BST)
::I expect you to take it like grown-ups. Apparently that's not happening. -- [[User:Diano/Sejes_Rath|Sejes Rath]] 17:16, 13 May 2008 (BST)
:::Boo fucking hoo... No one cares, you kill us you will get killed, simple.--{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 17:54, 13 May 2008 (BST)

==Invitation for dinner at Fort Perryn==
Please do not create pages about your group in the main namespace. Please do so in your group space (such as {{PAGENAME}}/YourPageHere). The page [[Team Zombie Hardcore's MOST SUCK Page]] has been moved to [[Team Zombie Hardcore/MOST SUCK Page]]. {{User:Linkthewindow/Sig}} 17:35, 6 July 2009 (BST)
Dear friends, i'm proud to invite you to the feast, we, ferals, are going to have there in next few weeks. Also, many major survivour groups are invited too, so siege promises to be not only tasty but also challenging.

==Yeah, you're TOTALLY not zergers== - Of course not. --[[User:A11an0n|AegisTyra]]
:A coordinated team attack is now zerging? Oh my. --{{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sigcode|LightSkyBlue}}-- 13:03, 15 August 2009 (BST)
::If Venter is a member of TZH, why doesn't he wear tags? Hm? --[[User:A11an0n|AegisTyra]]
:::Tags? Oh, so venter isn't a member of TZH? Then who gives a crap, you were on <18hp, he probably saw you and though he'd do it for the lolz. --{{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sigcode|LightSkyBlue}}-- 18:35, 15 August 2009 (BST)
::::Low-HP survivor = easy kill. Not much else to it. Seven minute difference, which would suggest it's not co-ordinated. Or at least as co-ordinated as some. {{User:Rorybob/Sig}}20:19, 15 August 2009 (BST)
:::::I just want to add, Vista sucks. --[[User:Christopher Whalken|Christopher Whalken]] 14:58, 17 August 2009 (BST)
:::Who the hell is venter? And how is that proof? And how does a moron suckfest like yourself not understand the concept that you're annoying and major lack of ball sack means that not just us... but other people also hate you. You vandalize wikis, you post pathetic points, and you probably have a steeeeve tattoo on your face. Suck one. --[[user:Duke_cage|Duke Cage]]
:Yeah, Aegis Tyra sucks at least three left nuts at once.  Anyone who doesn't know the truth of this is more than welcome to visit our "Most Suck" page and check it out.  This "proof" is about as flimsy as his sad excuse for a penis.  All small and shriveled and without and substance.  As opposed to my penis, which is like my awesomeness, wide and impressive, great in girth and (usually) hard as a fucking mountain.  Damnit, look what he did there?!  He drew penises into this conversation.  That wasn't the point.  We aren't supposed to talk about penises here, we are supposed to be talking about BALLS TO THE WHALLS!  See what I did there?  I rule.  AegisTyra needs to get bent.--[[User:Dhavid Grohl|Dhavid Grohl]] 12:54, 11 September 2009 (BST)
::It really does take a certain amount of courage to venture onto the internet so inadequately equipped for a battle of wits. I know you and Duke run half of TZH's zergs, Dhavid, but you don't count as "everyone" on the wiki yet. --[[User:A11an0n|AegisTyra]]
:::{{balls3}}{{balls2}} --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 20:25, 12 September 2009 (BST)

== An alliance, perhaps==

I saw in the Valkyrie's forum that you are against the LNTVC. This is good news both for you and for me. I'm chillpill1 and my group, Malton's Messengers, was hunted by them since we were a relatively new group and weren't prepared to be attacked. That is why I wanted to know if you were interested in working with my group to make the Late Night TV Crue a bad memory. If you do wish to have an accord, leave a message on my talk page. [[User:Chill|Chill]] 22:55, 21 February 2008 (UTC)
:Don't sweat it Aegis, I never doubted your courage.  I fully admit that you have the courage to come to battle me without any wit.  You do it all the time.  BURN.  And when I was talking about Everyone, I was more talking about DDR, and Rorybob, two people in no way connected to TZH.  Well, only connected in that they can hear your sucking from the other side of the wiki. Aegis ftl.  Now, is the baby going to cry about it?  How about the baby goes back to his discussion page and pouts some more, while deleting opposition posts that other people put on his page.  Poor baby, baby needs his binky.  What?  You failed to see the irony of deleting our insulting posts, while leaving some of your own on our discussion page?  Why am I not surprised?  Oh wait, I remember, because you're a butthurt wiki vandal.  Thats why. Go suck a doorknob somewhere else, I'm trying to make out with your sister, and your constant nut slurping is really loud and annoying. --[[User:Dhavid Grohl|Dhavid Grohl]] 19:29, 11 September 2009 (BST)  <--- Winner of this.
::Reading is tech, Dhavid. Oh, and if 2 people are everyone these days, what does that make the several dozen people who saw the proof of your group's zerging before you hurriedly took your photobucket down? What everyone will see here, Grohl, is that I have at least tried to maintain a modicum of civility, and you, and all your group who have posted here, have reverted to the old TZH the rest of Malton knows and despises - personal attacks from people who think knob jokes and calling someone gay is the height of internet humour. Until you removed it, there was concrete proof of your group zerging - and I have no doubt MM still has that proof. There is proof on archived versions of this page of your group members text abusing. Those group members have been removed in name, but are effectively still TZH members - "Whalberg River Patrol"? Who were you trying to kid with that one?
For all your fancy claims and attempts to return to Brainstock and to remake yourself here, you are no better than you have ever been. And trying to get the Spartans to kick me out in exchange for you not zerging us any more in an area which we're nowhere near? That's really classy. --[[User:A11an0n|AegisTyra]]

:Why thank you Aegis, I thought it was pretty classy myself.  I know all of my teammates who heard of it thought it was a great idea.  Because that a great way for everyone to win except you.  I mean, we win either way, but whats another great way to burn you.  Oh yeah, if we make it so even your "brothers" win too!  Its sooo much fun.

== [[E.N.D.]] ==
:And yeah, "MM" probably does have the proof. I said as much. And he's free to post whatever "proof" "he" wants. It wasn't the "proof" that was the problem.  And deep down, you know that. What he did wrong was post personal information. And it was wrong. To bring RL into a game like this, thats worse than TR and Zerging and being AegisTyra all put together into one.  Thats REAL life stalking.  And its creepy.  To think that you would support him.  To think that you would post rriiiiight after he did, voicing your grand support.  See, now no matter what you're a douche. Either you A) Know the guy and support his shitpiece actions and are a huge dick, or B) Don't know him but still support real life stalking, are yourself stalking our threads like an obsessed pre-teen, or C) you actually are him, and you are the biggest ass muncher of them all.  You lose across the board, everytime Aegis.  And I love how you're sitting at home reading this, grinding your teeth, your fists clenched and your pathetic excuse for a penis limp in your impotent rage. Your blood pressure is rising, as you are faced with your clear ineptitude. You are scrambling to think of things to say, other ways to hurt TZH, or me personally, because its all you can hope for. Its all you have left for your meaningless life, spent in the stupid quest to get back at those guys in the Jr. High locker room who made fun of you in the showers.  Guess what Aegis, we are not those guys.  We're just cooler than you. --[[User:Dhavid Grohl|Dhavid Grohl]] 19:52, 16 September 2009 (BST)
We here at E.N.D. are a nomadic survivor group that would like to help Malton by traveling through every town taking out any threat to returning our beloved city to its old glory. If we are in need, call upon us and will give our lives if we must, heal the sick, and return your loved ones to their living bodies. E.N.D. asks for an alliance with every survivor group. If all survivors can work in harmony, Together, our children will grow up to think zeds are only a ghost story.  

I come here offering a alliance. Please check out our [ wiki group page] and [ forum] Thank you for your time.
::::::Where have you been, Aegis? crude, vulgar jokes on the internet is the height of internet humor. Balls to the Whalls (<---redundancy)--[[User:SlegthVonDraco|SlegthVonDraco]] 04:38, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
:::I now refer you to this coupon: [[Image:One internetz.jpg]]

--[[User:XxPale HorsexX|XxPale HorsexX]] 20:29, 12 August 2007 (BST)

*{{Sel||Team Zombie Hardcore/Command}}

Thanks --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 16:05, 7 October 2009 (BST)

== Is their a forum for TZH ==
== O...M...G... ==

[[E.N.D.]] may be coming to [[South Blythville]], to help out with their [[LUE]] problem at [[Marven Mall]]. I was wondering if their was a forum to contact you at, in case you would like to your hads a bit dirty as well. At the moment, we have 2 members acting as scouts and helping out [[The Hazeldine Committee]].
I have not laughed so hard in forever! Loving yall's wiki! TZH, you have my blessing. --[[User:Firetwig|Firetwig]] <sup>[[Project Welcome|W!]]</sup> 03:07, 8 October 2009 (BST)

If you wish to contact us please visit our forum here []
== Hey ==
I started playing again like a day ago. Instead of the Beyonder my boy gave me his account, I am playing as Paedobear. --[[User:Paedobear|Paedobear]] 07:15, 3 November 2009 (UTC)

--[[User:XxPale HorsexX|XxPale HorsexX / XxCannon FodderxX]] 09:04, 15 October 2007 (BST)
== The Great Suburb Group Massacre '10. ==

{{Group Active!}}
One of your members or someone masquarading as a Team Zombie Hardcore PKed two USAI soldiers this morning in marven mall
Thanks --{{User:Michaleson/sig}} 23:01, 26 January 2010 (UTC)
[ Screenshot]
:Hell yeah! --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 20:08, 31 January 2010 (UTC)
By this guy
::I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing... --{{User:Michaleson/sig}} 17:23, 1 February 2010 (UTC)
[ Fleshpotter]

Is he actually TZH?
== USAI requesting alliance ==
[[User:Johnny Lunchpail|Johnny Lunchpail]] 14:53, 11 July 2007 (BST)

:[ Fleshpotter] came through Deakin Alley PD in Nixbank and PKed [ Wow wo wee wa] of the Windowshoppers today. Is he one of you?  Was this a valid kill? I ask because Wow wo wee wa has been nothing but nice to meTime at bottom of screen shot is PST: [ Screenshot of PK(?)] --[[User:RubyTuesday425|Ruby Tuesday]] 22:45, 20 July 2007 (BST)
Hey guys, SSgt. Metal Halide here. Listen, The United States Army Infantry is running an OP in South Blytheville, trying to keep the mall open for business.  I wanted to see if we can coordinate some zack ass kickin with you fine folksYou can go to this link: [] post alliance requestAppreciate your time.
--SSgt. Metal Halide 22:43, 6 May 2010 (BST)

== Is your Radio frequency still in use? ==


==AMC gives TZH some props==
I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience or it seems relatively stupid when put into context of your group, but it is our interest to treat all groups on the same level when doing these purges. A reply within 2 weeks will be greatly appreciated. -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/l}} 12:46, 25 August 2010 (BST)

In light of one of your boys bringing my ass back from the undead I've made mention of TZH's hardend cores on [[AMC Victimization]]'s wiki page, check out the notable accomplishments section if you want to see it. Keep burning down those stinky bastards, AMC looks forward to furthering the goal of a decreased zombie population with you in the future.

[[User:Mr Victimization|LAMOTU]]
We are still around.  Looking forward to using this frequency FOREVER!  BALLS TO THE WHALLS!--[[User:Dhavid Grohl|Dhavid Grohl]] 00:02, 26 August 2010 (BST)
:Fantastic. Stay hardcore, gentlemen. -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/l}} 01:35, 26 August 2010 (BST)

== The Plight of the BRRC! ==
==Like to help out South Blythville?==

The [[Brain Rot Revive Clinic]] is/was a small group based in South Blythville dedicated to reviving willing brain-rot characters who either desired to reform, or took BrainRot by mistake.  They were an honorable group, only asking for one of THREE NT buildings in South Blythville to call their own.  The BRRC were militant in no way, yet there were attacked and griefed by the Malton Skeet Club, a grifer group in the area.  To this day, almost one year later, the BRRC is still being griefed.  Team Zombie Hardcore won't stand for it, and neither should you.  Malton Skeet Club members are some of the worst that Malton has produced.  Second only to CuIt, and the Hellstorms in villany.  The MSC players are racist, they are griefers, and they are known sabateurs.  Help the BRRC by destroying these asshats.  LONG LIVE THE BRRC!  LONG LIVE THE BLYTHVILLES!  BALLS TO THE WHALLS!!!

--[[User:Dhavid Grohl|Dhavid Grohl]] 17:32, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
Hey there, I've sent you this because you're a survivor group. Please help us if you can, we'd really appreciate it.
If you can't help physically, you can always help by spreading the word ;) {{User:Dezonus/sig}} 10:53, 16 September 2010 (BST)
:We will help, just dont expect coordinated efforts we are not as active as we were before :). --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 23:27, 27 September 2010 (BST)

==GSGM 10 No.2==
{{Section Active!}}
South Blythville - Section reads as follows:
<br>"We have long been active in South Blythville. We have served in the protection and retaking of Marven Mall from hordes over five times. We have revived hundreds, healed even more, and continue to do our best to help the citizens of South Blythville. Currently, we is undertaking a private war against the MSC/BRRC for their actions in the past against TZH. We vow not to harm any citizen who does not do us harm first. Any questions can be directed to"
<br>Is this still true? {{User:Dezonus/sig}} 06:49, 19 September 2010 (BST)
:Yep. --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 23:22, 27 September 2010 (BST)
::Thanks :) {{User:Dezonus/sig}} 23:54, 27 September 2010 (BST)

==GSGM 2010 No.2==
{{Group Active!}}
Let me know ;) {{User:Dezonus/sig}} 06:53, 19 September 2010 (BST)
:Yes, still active, just not paying much attention to wiki stuff. --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 23:23, 27 September 2010 (BST)
::Thanks again =) {{User:Dezonus/sig}} 23:56, 27 September 2010 (BST)

== Photoshop Skillz ==
== contents ==

OMG! The Late Night TV Crue has drawn the ire of the mentally handicapped!
I checked out your page, and found that the large header you used for your intro actually makes the wiki's table of contents long and rather odd looking. If you're interested in removing this, just add '''<nowiki>__NOTOC__</nowiki>''' anywhere on your page. Alternatively, you could always just get that header and remove the header code and make the text big. Of course, you don't have to do either of these, just interested in giving a few tips if you're keen. -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 09:16, 14 January 2011 (UTC)

Please enlist a photoshop expert for your future slander.  Those pictures are kind of embarrassing...  (to you). I hope your buddies enjoyed the visit from Sarah Silverman and myself this morning in [[Marven Mall]]. I must say, it's annoying that your group was smashed to pieces by the zeds in [[North Blythville]]. I was looking forward to treating each one of your members to a heaping helping of hot lead truth.
==GSGM 2011==
<small>'''Please list suburbs you're actually active in.'''<br>This is a generic message and not directed at any particular group.</small> --{{User:Spiderzed/Sandbox/Sig}} 22:29, 22 January 2011 (UTC)

Good day, --[[User:Stephen Colbert DFA|Stephen Colbert DFA]] 18:22, 14 January 2008 (UTC)
:TZH is currently active in North Blythville, South Blythville, Brooksville, and Lockettside.  Thanks!  --[[User:Dhavid Grohl|Dhavid Grohl]] 21:10, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
::Processed for the two Blythvilles and Lockettsides. Please note that you weren't listed yet in Brooksville. As GSGM solely cleans up outdated listings, you'd need to add yourself there. --{{User:Spiderzed/Sandbox/Sig}} 21:15, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
:::Duke Cage here, just informing everyone that we are awesome. Those who aren't us are totally not. Boom! BTTW! --[[User:Duke cage|Duke cage]] 20:19, 20 February 2011 (UTC)

:::I think I look rather fetching in those pictures. They're the bestest ever!  Something to offend fat people, gay people, transvestites, pedophiles... really a masterpiece!!!  I think Dhave must have shot a little super-grape slurpee out his nose when he finished making those pictures.  I hope he didn't short circuit his computer, or get any icey coldness in his lap.  LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!--[[User:Sarah Silverman|Sarah Silverman]] 19:02, 14 January 2008 (UTC)
== A Flower on your Doorstep... ==

Be sure Mr.Colbert and Miss Silvermann to check our forum for various screenshots of your sorry asses being pwnt. They are totally epic.
Mr. Colbert did you like my "hot lead truth"?
Miss Silverman being double bitch slaped must hurt...Be sure to check our ss of you being killed twice in the same freackin' kill, Hardcore! --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 12:34, 15 January 2008 (UTC)

::::I think we have this conversation going on in too many places. I can't be bothered to check them all every day. Can we agree on one place?  I'm not planning to make a log-in at your forum, so not there.--[[User:Sarah Silverman|Sarah Silverman]] 15:52, 15 January 2008 (UTC)
Needles and pins, Needles and pins, When you get a decayed rose at your door trouble begins!
[[File:Rosedec.jpg]] --[[User:Killer Scarecrow|Killer Scarecrow]] 03:35, 16 September 2012 (BST)
Looks like Marky Mark is [ gonna be in Transformers 4], does this mean there might be some co-op with [[RDD]] down the road?--{{User:AnimeSucks/Sig}} 07:27, 10 November 2012 (UTC)

:::::The Screenshot part of the forums and some others are public-open you can view them there without having to register, besides I think grohl will upload them in our main page... not sure though... What place do you have in mind? Your talk page? LNTV crue page? --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 17:47, 15 January 2008 (UTC)
== Well, Hello TZH ==

It appears we are about to dance again, does it now?  I regret that the ranks of my team are a bit thinner than they once were, but I promise you some entertainment.  Hopefully you'll be a bit more clever than you were last time.  Kiss kiss, one and all! 

::::::HA HA HA HA HA!! OMG! I just checked in to find that I had been killed in my sleep.  What's funny about it is that it took '''three''' of them to do it.  I guess that's kind of fair.  Since I often kill three at a time.  Here's a nice little [ iwitness] of your silly antics.  --[[User:Stephen Colbert DFA|Stephen Colbert DFA]] 18:48, 15 January 2008 (UTC)
[[User:Sarah Silverman|Sarah Silverman]] 14:01, 11 December 2012 (UTC)

::::::::Correction... you are so easy to track that you got triple-pwned. Enjoy the screenshots... --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 19:18, 15 January 2008 (UTC)

==State of the Blythville address?==
[[Image:Electrasarah.jpg|150px|left]]'''WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE?'''  I left a message for Dhave, but his page looks like a ghost town.  No one replied to my missive above.  I said this to Dhave: ''I'm really upset with you and your group.  First you cause the Writer's Strike back in 2008, and now you're trying to cancel everything worth watching on TV?  I'm afraid we have to take issue with your folks again.  And even worse than that, as soon as we start trying to find you to have it out, you all go into HIDING!?  What happened to the TZH I used to know?  You hide now?  Have the [[Philosophe Knights]] turned you all into suckling babes?  Are you still butthurt from the beat-down we gave you five years ago? Man up, Dhave, this is not at all attractive.'' 

We've been working with the BQ for a while now and as such I'm on their forum a lot and I noticed that you guys were reporting some zed activity in N. Blythville. If you guys need anything let me know on our alliance section of the [[AMC Victimization]] talk page and I'll see what I can do for you. Balls to the Whalls boys!

-[[User:Mr Victimization|LAMOTU]]
::This goes for the rest of you too.  Over? Did you say "over"? '''Nothing''' is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough... [thinks hard] the tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go! What the eff happened to the TZH I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? "Ooh, we're afraid to go with you Sarah, we might get in trouble." Well just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Grohl, he's a dead man! Cobb, dead! Whalberg - '''DEAD!'''  We gotta take you bastards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons - but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.  We're just the guys to do it.  '''LET'S DO IT!!'''

== Thanks from Rotter's Relief ==

Cheers for your message on our site guys.  Its good to know that people are finally getting to grips with the fact we're not Zed Spies.  If a gung-ho, kick-ass bunch of rabid pro-survivors like you guys can see it, hopefully everyone else will soon too.
Kiss kiss! --[[User:Sarah Silverman|Sarah Silverman]] 21:02, 12 February 2013 (UTC)

Feel free to send your rotters over to us when Stanbury gets back on its feet and, so long as the [[Stanbury Mental Institute]] don't hold up our revives with their Currrrrr-azy PKing, we'll have you back in the land of the living in a second.
==The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2013==
We're doing some janitorial work on the suburb pages of the wiki. As part of that, we're double-checking in which suburbs each group is active. Currently, you're listed in one or more suburbs, in addition to using a radio frequency. If you would like to continue being listed, then please respond within the next month with the radio frequency you are using and a list of every suburb where you are currently active. If we don't hear back from you or we can't get the information we need, we'll be removing you from the lists, but you're welcome to re-add yourself later. If you have any questions, feel free to visit our [[The Great Suburb Group Massacre/2013|our information page]]. Thanks. --{{User:TripleU/Sig}} 01:32, 26 October 2013 (BST)
==Summer Vacationing in Malton==
:Because your group hasn't responded within a month, your suburb and radio listings have been removed. Feel free to relist your group. {{User:Bob Moncrief/Sig}} 16:46, 27 November 2013 (UTC)
Hey guys long time no speak. [[AMC Victimization]] has been out and about in Malton wandering around and getting eaten by interesting people..err..zombies, but now that things have calmed down a lot I was thinking about dropping by North Blythville and hanging out for a while with a couple of my lower level friends. You mind showing us the sites?
-[[User:Mr Victimization|LAMOTU]]
== PKers now? ==
Correct me if I'm wrong, Obi, but it looks like [ you killing DocDead] in Pippard today was entirely unprovoked, aside from some seemingly well deserved words.  If you are indeed a pro-survivor group like you claim to be I suggest you start acting like it.
--[[User:Dazaras|Dazaras]] 17:04, 18 May 2008 (BST)
:He deserved it as all the people I kill. Wanna bitch about it? Go to the RG staff because I dont fuckin'care what you think. --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 10:01, 28 May 2008 (BST)
== Cults Of Malton ==
It Is soley due to your unswerving dedication to Mark Whalberg that us in [[The Church Of The Beyonder]] wish to extend the hand of Awesomeness, and embrace His Balls Upon Our Great Ghetto One's Wall.  
I know we both follow different gods, but can't we ally in the SAKE OF RAWKIN THIS FUCKIN GAME?!?!?!?!?!!?!!
Let us know, and Keep Goin Balls TO THA WALLS
== War no more ==
Apparently, the Cheap Ass Survivors acted prematurely in our declaration of war on TZH. We have since rescinded this declaration and regret making it to begin with. Obviously, we do not wish to be caught in the middle of your current conflict. As such, please extend my personal apology to ScottW as I gunned him down a few days back. (If it makes you feel any better Scott, a bystander defended you and shot the crap out of me and I stumbled from the building bleeding profusely with only 16HP.) I have already pulled out of your area and expect my team members to do the same. Until they do I won't take offense to TZH members defending themselves when under fire. Now on to those pesky undead!
-GoodTimeCharlie 2:40am(EST) May 30th, 2008
== TZH members are fags? ==
[ ObiFirefighter said "Im claiming a bounty on your retardedness could you post this for me on brainstock btw rot dude is for fags..." (24 minutes ago) ].  I seem to recall somebody in your group had Brain Rot...  {{User:Swiers/Sig}} 22:51, 30 May 2008 (BST)
:What happen? Cant take a joke Xoof? Did my toolbox hurt your ego too? --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 11:19, 31 May 2008 (BST)
::Nice trick on the toolbox kill, actually, if that's what it was; as you can see from that link, the victim has no idea what the weapon was, just that it did 2 damage, so it coulda been a knife for all I knew.  As for the joke, guess I just missed it buried under the [ internalized and social homophobia.]  {{User:Swiers/Sig}} 23:03, 31 May 2008 (BST)
:::I took a SS as you can see on my wiki if you doubt and dude couldnt be a knife coz it would say "dude" stab you with a knife for 2 damage on another note and after I saw your Iwitness record it sucks that the victim has no idea wich weapon killed him/her takes all the fun away anyways I suppose it will be possible in the future to see what kind of the new weapons you were killed by. --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 11:03, 1 June 2008 (BST)
::::Would be nice, yeah.  Getting whacked with a toolbox is hella funny, if you know its happening.  I;ve never been killed with a knife (that I recal), so I;ve no idea what difference there may be.    {{User:Swiers/Sig}} 22:03, 1 June 2008 (BST)
== The Malton Globetrotters ==
The Greatest Sports team in the history of Malton would like to remind TZH that Snitches Get Stitches.  Come out and watch a game sometime and don't forget to SNACK STRONG! -- {{User:robotsinmyhead/sig}} - 31, May 2008
== [[The Great Suburb Group Massacre]] ==
{{Template:Group Active!}}
Currently the suburb in question is [[South Blythville]] but one response to this query will be all that is needed to protect your group link on all suburb pages. I know this is a random request but its for all groups regardless of size. Thanks.--{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 16:23, 24 July 2008 (BST)
:Confirmed. Thanks. --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 21:15, 24 July 2008 (BST)
== [[GIFD]] ==
The G.I.F.D. would like to conclude an alliance with your group. We need your help in [[North Blythville]] quickly!!!--'''[[User:Zyll|Zyll]]''' <sup>[[GIFD|<span style="color: blue; background-color:{{{3|transparent}}}">GIFD</span>]]</sup> [[Image:800px-Flag of France.svg.png|20px|Francais]] 14:15, 27 July 2008 (BST)
== Malton Uprising ==
I have come to understand that TZH does not like the RG or BHers, and therefore we would like to invite [[Team Zombie Hardcore]] to the [[Malton Uprising]] against the DEM. While no date has been set, the invitation is open. {{User:Secruss/Sig}}23:31, 16 August 2008 (BST)
== Heads up, TZH! ==
[] found in East Grayside, letting you know before he might get out of hand. {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig}} 02:51, 17 August 2008 (BST)
== NAP ==
The [[Browncoats]] would like to extend an offer to create a Non-Aggression Pact between our two groups. If interested, let me know either on my own talk page or that of the Browncoats. Cheers. --[[User:Blanemcc|Blanemcc]] 09:53, 14 September 2008 (BST)
: Thanks. Balls to the Whalls!--[[User:Blanemcc|Blanemcc]] 18:19, 1 October 2008 (BST)
== Some reinforcements ==
Noticed on Brainstock that the MSC have declared war on you guys again. We're on the way down to provide some support for a week to nine days, until we have to disappear for a PKer event. We shall return afterwards though --[[User:Blanemcc|Blanemcc]] 19:30, 15 October 2008 (BST)
== Your subpages ==
Your group subpages will be deleted if you don't add some content to them. They were posted on [[A/SD]] but we decided to hold off to give you a chance. If you don't want them deleted then either post on [[A/SD]] or let a sysop know. Thanks.--{{User:Nubis/sig}} 00:17, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
== [[The Northern Regiment]] ==
We're back to clear up the city. We could use the help of our allies for our great campaign. Care to come along for the ride? --[[User:Blanemcc|Blanemcc]] 16:46, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
== The Great Radio Group Massacre ==
{{Radio Active!}}
I know this is a random request, but it's for all groups regardless of size.
{{User:Linkthewindow/Sig}} 01:32, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
:Active, see my [[User_talk:Linkthewindow#Radio_Massacre.21|talk page.]] {{User:Linkthewindow/Sig}} 03:26, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
== Duke Cage is NOT a PKer ==
Rap Sheet: PKers killed: Tons <br>
Innocents Killed: None. <br>
Boundy: 0
== A few Concerns ==
It has come to my attention that you have been plaguing the malton college of medicine's neutral ground, st. george's hospital. and papa nixon put on quite a show, if i recall. he also continued to insult many groups, including my own, the "shitting spartans," seriously, shitting spartans? you could have done much better than that. Anyway, back on topic, the mcm neutral ground is a place for players to sit back for a a short time and relax, joke around, and enjoy the MCM's dinosaur cookies. Since you're totally toward hardcoreness, this may take some time to get over. i read some of your policies, and you call bounty hunters "poser pkers", to some degree i agree with you, but they are nothing like us normal pkers. but since you track down people who kill you, then kill them, doesn't that make you a bounty hunter? doesn't that make you a "poser pker?" since you're obviously against pking in general, you go against a lot of your policies here. do you care at all what other people think of your group? most people in game i've talked to say they hate tzh, and once or twice thanked me or a fellow pker for killing a tzh. I'm glad i was able to express a few concerns to you. --[[User:Leroy Jankens|Leroy Jankens]] 19:34, 30 December 2008 (UTC)
:Dear wiki users be sure to check [[User_talk:Leroy Jankens|this]]. --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 00:47, 31 December 2008 (UTC)
::Oh btw, the last pkill report filled against you on brainlesstock "oinkler i have found you worthy of a glorious death only sparta could deliver." indeed such a good and original taunt ... oh my... [/sarcasm] Is it just me or it seems like they all say the same things like bla bla bla for sparta111!!!!??? Balls to the Whalls.
::And yes saying that all the time is awesome byyaatch... Whalberg > Leonidas, this.. is... TZH's talk page chump! GTFO! --{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 01:12, 31 December 2008 (UTC)
::hm...i wouldn't call it a taunt. i think saying that they are worthy of a glorious death is better than HAH I SO FUCKING KILLED YOU BALL TO THE WHALLLSSSSS. you have the asshole pkers who always have to have a clever catchphrase before the kill, and you have the civilized pkers as to which i belong to, such as red rum, the spartans, and many other pking groups. i could have come in here and said MOTHER FUCKERS YOU BETTER FUCK OFF OR ILL MAKE YOU SHIT BRICKS, but that's not how it works in the real world. being a ten year old that has just finished watching southpark and has a new arsenal of cusswords doesn't get you far, my friends. so you may say what you like, you are further confirming what most people think of team zombie hardcore.--[[User:Leroy jankens|Leroy jankens]] 07:36, 31 December 2008 (UTC)
::: Ha ha cry more 50 yr old, we dont care thanks for posting a second time. Balls to the Whalls! -{{User:ObiFireFighter/sig}} 12:01, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 16:46, 27 November 2013

All hail Mark Whalberg!!! He has returned!

Please feel free to leave messages for the TEAM here

Don't like us? Tough. Because we're here to stay. Here is an "after" shot of the last asshat that messed with us... and he was a Mutant Jedi with an adamantium skeleton from another planet and a superhero family.


Yet more proof that Whalbergium > Adamantium. Suck it Wolverine

For old Stuff: Team Zombie Hardcore archive

Talk About How Much We Beat Ass

Old stuff moved to keep it tidy, some of that shit was over 2 years old!--Dhavid Grohl 12:36, 20 March 2009 (UTC)


Just thought i'd say that after reading your entire wiki page, I fuckign agree - may TZH live on forever, and may The Suck die a long painful suffering death at the hands of The Awesomeness! --The Cop 02:42, 2 June 2009 (BST)

Group Subpages

Please do not create pages about your group in the main namespace. Please do so in your group space (such as Team Zombie Hardcore/YourPageHere). The page Team Zombie Hardcore's MOST SUCK Page has been moved to Team Zombie Hardcore/MOST SUCK Page. Linkthewindow  Talk  17:35, 6 July 2009 (BST)

Yeah, you're TOTALLY not zergers - Of course not. --AegisTyra

A coordinated team attack is now zerging? Oh my. --DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION-- 13:03, 15 August 2009 (BST)
If Venter is a member of TZH, why doesn't he wear tags? Hm? --AegisTyra
Tags? Oh, so venter isn't a member of TZH? Then who gives a crap, you were on <18hp, he probably saw you and though he'd do it for the lolz. --DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION-- 18:35, 15 August 2009 (BST)
Low-HP survivor = easy kill. Not much else to it. Seven minute difference, which would suggest it's not co-ordinated. Or at least as co-ordinated as some. --RahrahCome join the #party!20:19, 15 August 2009 (BST)
I just want to add, Vista sucks. --Christopher Whalken 14:58, 17 August 2009 (BST)
Who the hell is venter? And how is that proof? And how does a moron suckfest like yourself not understand the concept that you're annoying and major lack of ball sack means that not just us... but other people also hate you. You vandalize wikis, you post pathetic points, and you probably have a steeeeve tattoo on your face. Suck one. --Duke Cage
Yeah, Aegis Tyra sucks at least three left nuts at once. Anyone who doesn't know the truth of this is more than welcome to visit our "Most Suck" page and check it out. This "proof" is about as flimsy as his sad excuse for a penis. All small and shriveled and without and substance. As opposed to my penis, which is like my awesomeness, wide and impressive, great in girth and (usually) hard as a fucking mountain. Damnit, look what he did there?! He drew penises into this conversation. That wasn't the point. We aren't supposed to talk about penises here, we are supposed to be talking about BALLS TO THE WHALLS! See what I did there? I rule. AegisTyra needs to get bent.--Dhavid Grohl 12:54, 11 September 2009 (BST)
It really does take a certain amount of courage to venture onto the internet so inadequately equipped for a battle of wits. I know you and Duke run half of TZH's zergs, Dhavid, but you don't count as "everyone" on the wiki yet. --AegisTyra
Vader Recommends Balls
I find your lack of BALLS...
Balls.png BALLS
Zombie Lord recommends you grow a pair.

--Obi + Talk!|TZH|MDK 20:25, 12 September 2009 (BST)

Don't sweat it Aegis, I never doubted your courage. I fully admit that you have the courage to come to battle me without any wit. You do it all the time. BURN. And when I was talking about Everyone, I was more talking about DDR, and Rorybob, two people in no way connected to TZH. Well, only connected in that they can hear your sucking from the other side of the wiki. Aegis ftl. Now, is the baby going to cry about it? How about the baby goes back to his discussion page and pouts some more, while deleting opposition posts that other people put on his page. Poor baby, baby needs his binky. What? You failed to see the irony of deleting our insulting posts, while leaving some of your own on our discussion page? Why am I not surprised? Oh wait, I remember, because you're a butthurt wiki vandal. Thats why. Go suck a doorknob somewhere else, I'm trying to make out with your sister, and your constant nut slurping is really loud and annoying. --Dhavid Grohl 19:29, 11 September 2009 (BST) <--- Winner of this.
Reading is tech, Dhavid. Oh, and if 2 people are everyone these days, what does that make the several dozen people who saw the proof of your group's zerging before you hurriedly took your photobucket down? What everyone will see here, Grohl, is that I have at least tried to maintain a modicum of civility, and you, and all your group who have posted here, have reverted to the old TZH the rest of Malton knows and despises - personal attacks from people who think knob jokes and calling someone gay is the height of internet humour. Until you removed it, there was concrete proof of your group zerging - and I have no doubt MM still has that proof. There is proof on archived versions of this page of your group members text abusing. Those group members have been removed in name, but are effectively still TZH members - "Whalberg River Patrol"? Who were you trying to kid with that one?

For all your fancy claims and attempts to return to Brainstock and to remake yourself here, you are no better than you have ever been. And trying to get the Spartans to kick me out in exchange for you not zerging us any more in an area which we're nowhere near? That's really classy. --AegisTyra

Why thank you Aegis, I thought it was pretty classy myself. I know all of my teammates who heard of it thought it was a great idea. Because that a great way for everyone to win except you. I mean, we win either way, but whats another great way to burn you. Oh yeah, if we make it so even your "brothers" win too! Its sooo much fun.
And yeah, "MM" probably does have the proof. I said as much. And he's free to post whatever "proof" "he" wants. It wasn't the "proof" that was the problem. And deep down, you know that. What he did wrong was post personal information. And it was wrong. To bring RL into a game like this, thats worse than TR and Zerging and being AegisTyra all put together into one. Thats REAL life stalking. And its creepy. To think that you would support him. To think that you would post rriiiiight after he did, voicing your grand support. See, now no matter what you're a douche. Either you A) Know the guy and support his shitpiece actions and are a huge dick, or B) Don't know him but still support real life stalking, are yourself stalking our threads like an obsessed pre-teen, or C) you actually are him, and you are the biggest ass muncher of them all. You lose across the board, everytime Aegis. And I love how you're sitting at home reading this, grinding your teeth, your fists clenched and your pathetic excuse for a penis limp in your impotent rage. Your blood pressure is rising, as you are faced with your clear ineptitude. You are scrambling to think of things to say, other ways to hurt TZH, or me personally, because its all you can hope for. Its all you have left for your meaningless life, spent in the stupid quest to get back at those guys in the Jr. High locker room who made fun of you in the showers. Guess what Aegis, we are not those guys. We're just cooler than you. --Dhavid Grohl 19:52, 16 September 2009 (BST)
Where have you been, Aegis? crude, vulgar jokes on the internet is the height of internet humor. Balls to the Whalls (<---redundancy)--SlegthVonDraco 04:38, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
I now refer you to this coupon: One internetz.jpg


ORPHAN.jpg Orphaned Page
The following page(s) were orphaned, meaning they weren't linked from any other page on UDWiki. For house-keeping's sake, we are adding the link onto the relevant talk page. If you don't want the pages anymore just post them on the Deletions Page. You aren't required to do anything, but we'd appreciate if it you kept the link on any one of your pages.

Please note that the link provided below will not remove the page from Orphaned Pages, so you'll still need to manually make a link for us. Thank you.

Thanks --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 16:05, 7 October 2009 (BST)


I have not laughed so hard in forever! Loving yall's wiki! TZH, you have my blessing. --Firetwig W! 03:07, 8 October 2009 (BST)


I started playing again like a day ago. Instead of the Beyonder my boy gave me his account, I am playing as Paedobear. --Paedobear 07:15, 3 November 2009 (UTC)

The Great Suburb Group Massacre '10.

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Thanks --Michalesonbadge.pngTCAPD(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ 23:01, 26 January 2010 (UTC)

Hell yeah! --Obi + Talk!|TZH|MDK 20:08, 31 January 2010 (UTC)
I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing... --Michalesonbadge.pngTCAPD(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ 17:23, 1 February 2010 (UTC)

USAI requesting alliance

Hey guys, SSgt. Metal Halide here. Listen, The United States Army Infantry is running an OP in South Blytheville, trying to keep the mall open for business. I wanted to see if we can coordinate some zack ass kickin with you fine folks. You can go to this link: [1] post alliance request. Appreciate your time. --SSgt. Metal Halide 22:43, 6 May 2010 (BST)

Is your Radio frequency still in use?

Lol thumbs up.jpg Thanks for the Reply!
Thanks Bro!

Because of your timely reply, your frequency reservation will be preserved.

I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience or it seems relatively stupid when put into context of your group, but it is our interest to treat all groups on the same level when doing these purges. A reply within 2 weeks will be greatly appreciated. -- LEMON #1 12:46, 25 August 2010 (BST)

We are still around. Looking forward to using this frequency FOREVER! BALLS TO THE WHALLS!--Dhavid Grohl 00:02, 26 August 2010 (BST)

Fantastic. Stay hardcore, gentlemen. -- LEMON #1 01:35, 26 August 2010 (BST)

Like to help out South Blythville?

SBR logo.png
Fixing what the Big Bash Broke.

The South Blythville Recovery Effort is a collaboration of individual survivors and groups working together to recover South Blythville to what it was before the Big Bash 3 come in and broke everything.

If you and/or your group are in the South Blythville area and would like to help, Please view this page, and/or contact Red Eyes-Dezonus-Red Eyes (talk)

Please forward this on, even if you don't wish to partake as we can use all the help we can get. {{SBRadd}} places this on your post ;)

Hey there, I've sent you this because you're a survivor group. Please help us if you can, we'd really appreciate it. If you can't help physically, you can always help by spreading the word ;) Red Eyes-Dezonus-Red Eyes (talk) 10:53, 16 September 2010 (BST)

We will help, just dont expect coordinated efforts we are not as active as we were before :). --Obi + Talk!|TZH|MDK 23:27, 27 September 2010 (BST)

GSGM 10 No.2

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Section Confirmed True.
The Section was confirmed to still be true. Thank you for your reply.

South Blythville - Section reads as follows:
"We have long been active in South Blythville. We have served in the protection and retaking of Marven Mall from hordes over five times. We have revived hundreds, healed even more, and continue to do our best to help the citizens of South Blythville. Currently, we is undertaking a private war against the MSC/BRRC for their actions in the past against TZH. We vow not to harm any citizen who does not do us harm first. Any questions can be directed to"
Is this still true? Red Eyes-Dezonus-Red Eyes (talk) 06:49, 19 September 2010 (BST)

Yep. --Obi + Talk!|TZH|MDK 23:22, 27 September 2010 (BST)
Thanks :) Red Eyes-Dezonus-Red Eyes (talk) 23:54, 27 September 2010 (BST)

GSGM 2010 No.2

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Let me know ;) Red Eyes-Dezonus-Red Eyes (talk) 06:53, 19 September 2010 (BST)

Yes, still active, just not paying much attention to wiki stuff. --Obi + Talk!|TZH|MDK 23:23, 27 September 2010 (BST)
Thanks again =) Red Eyes-Dezonus-Red Eyes (talk) 23:56, 27 September 2010 (BST)


I checked out your page, and found that the large header you used for your intro actually makes the wiki's table of contents long and rather odd looking. If you're interested in removing this, just add __NOTOC__ anywhere on your page. Alternatively, you could always just get that header and remove the header code and make the text big. Of course, you don't have to do either of these, just interested in giving a few tips if you're keen. -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 09:16, 14 January 2011 (UTC)

GSGM 2011

Stop hand.png Group Active? Request.
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information, groups are occasionally removed from the Suburb pages which they are no longer active in. We would like to know in what suburbs this group is currently active.

Please list the suburb(s) you are currently active in.

Please list suburbs you're actually active in.
This is a generic message and not directed at any particular group.
-- Spiderzed 22:29, 22 January 2011 (UTC)

TZH is currently active in North Blythville, South Blythville, Brooksville, and Lockettside. Thanks! --Dhavid Grohl 21:10, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
Processed for the two Blythvilles and Lockettsides. Please note that you weren't listed yet in Brooksville. As GSGM solely cleans up outdated listings, you'd need to add yourself there. -- Spiderzed 21:15, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
Duke Cage here, just informing everyone that we are awesome. Those who aren't us are totally not. Boom! BTTW! --Duke cage 20:19, 20 February 2011 (UTC)

A Flower on your Doorstep...

Needles and pins, Needles and pins, When you get a decayed rose at your door trouble begins! Rosedec.jpg --Killer Scarecrow 03:35, 16 September 2012 (BST)


Looks like Marky Mark is gonna be in Transformers 4, does this mean there might be some co-op with RDD down the road?--THE Godfather of Яesensitized, Anime Sucks Yalk | W! U! WMM| CC CPFOAS DORISFlag.jpg LOE ZHU | Яezzens 07:27, 10 November 2012 (UTC)

Well, Hello TZH

It appears we are about to dance again, does it now? I regret that the ranks of my team are a bit thinner than they once were, but I promise you some entertainment. Hopefully you'll be a bit more clever than you were last time. Kiss kiss, one and all!

Sarah Silverman 14:01, 11 December 2012 (UTC)


WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE? I left a message for Dhave, but his page looks like a ghost town. No one replied to my missive above. I said this to Dhave: I'm really upset with you and your group. First you cause the Writer's Strike back in 2008, and now you're trying to cancel everything worth watching on TV? I'm afraid we have to take issue with your folks again. And even worse than that, as soon as we start trying to find you to have it out, you all go into HIDING!? What happened to the TZH I used to know? You hide now? Have the Philosophe Knights turned you all into suckling babes? Are you still butthurt from the beat-down we gave you five years ago? Man up, Dhave, this is not at all attractive.

This goes for the rest of you too. Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough... [thinks hard] the tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go! What the eff happened to the TZH I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? "Ooh, we're afraid to go with you Sarah, we might get in trouble." Well just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Grohl, he's a dead man! Cobb, dead! Whalberg - DEAD! We gotta take you bastards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons - but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part. We're just the guys to do it. LET'S DO IT!!

Kiss kiss! --Sarah Silverman 21:02, 12 February 2013 (UTC)

The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2013

We're doing some janitorial work on the suburb pages of the wiki. As part of that, we're double-checking in which suburbs each group is active. Currently, you're listed in one or more suburbs, in addition to using a radio frequency. If you would like to continue being listed, then please respond within the next month with the radio frequency you are using and a list of every suburb where you are currently active. If we don't hear back from you or we can't get the information we need, we'll be removing you from the lists, but you're welcome to re-add yourself later. If you have any questions, feel free to visit our our information page. Thanks. --VVV RPMBG 01:32, 26 October 2013 (BST)

Because your group hasn't responded within a month, your suburb and radio listings have been removed. Feel free to relist your group. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 16:46, 27 November 2013 (UTC)