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Andrew Lennox
Starting Occupation: Military Medic
Group Membership: Bandit Queens
Goals: To survive and help fellow survivors.
Username: Andrew
More details: Urban Dead profile

Inside Andrew's Mind

October 10th 2006

It was an ordinary day, I had gotton out of Baisic Training for medics in the Corps about a month ago. They said they didn't need any troops for the present time but would call me in if they ever needed help. I had been reciving letters from my close friend from baisic. Her name was Anna Lee Teague. After a while the letters had stopped abruptly, she mentioned an assignment and I may be needed in the near future. Later today I recived a phone call, I was to be picked up by helicopter in just a few minutes. I had just enough time to grab my pistol, a first aid kit and a small backpack with baisic rations in it.Then the helicopter landed outside of my rural home. Inside I was assigned to enter Malton, a city overrun by the undead. I was assigned to enter and help any survivors I could. They briefed me on the situation of the city, these zombies,also called Zed by the city folk, where dangerous and I was to only kill if I needed to for my own survival. I also found out a Zed's bite could infect and, while in the city, if killed I would turn into a Zed. I questioned if there was a way to avoid becoming a Zed. I was told there where scientists called NecroTech workers and they had a serum to turn a Zed back human. I only hope I will never have to recive that injection.

October 11th 2006

I went with only a pistol and a first aid kit; I was a military medic, and I was going to the best I could, I was dropped by helicopter in greentown and immediatly was engaged with a zombie, i mange to hit it twice with my pistol but the other four shots missed. Then I remembered my instructions and ran, there was no way I could beat it in hand to hand combat. I began to head north in hopes of finding a group of survivors. After a couple hours of walking I found myself in Brooksville and found my way into the fire department and inside I found my dear Anna Lee Teague.She said she has stationed herself here to help a group of survivors, counting me there where thirteen. We went through baisic training together and she was practically like my mother, I would'nt have made it through with out her. We hope to go scavenging in the next couple of days.... I awoke to screams, there was a fellow survivor being dragged out into the streets by a Zed. It had broken down the very little barrier that we had, I would never forget their screams for help. Following instinct I chased the Zed down and began hand to hand only to recive a scratch, it was small, luckily I wasn't infected.I was able to tend to my wound with a first aid kit I had in my possestion....... I'm so tired now, i see the Zed following me inside but I can't stay awake. I hope Anna will be ok.

October 12th 2006

There was a fight today, The Zed had been killed and it's dead body thrown outside, I quickly closed the doors in hopes of keeping anymore out. A fellow survivor was able to build another barrier, I hope it holds. I went scavenging today, I found a mobile phone, a kitchen knife and a crucifix.I asked Anna Lee if there was a good use for the crucifix.She said there was no need for it.And i should leave it. I awoke to find that Anna had gone scavanging without a partner. I hope she's ok.I feel exausted, I think I'm going to sleep for a bit. After waking, I looked outside to see my worst nightmare come true, Anna Lee was being attacked, she had collapsed, she had gone scavaging and must have passed out from exaustion, right outside of the fire station. I could'nt help her I felt so helpless.There was so much blood, so many tears, and the screams will haunt my memories forever unless I can shove them down into the deepest riegons of my mind. I just hope she can find a NecroTech, I pray to god she does, maybe I should'nt have left that crucifix, maybe god was punishing me, my tears now blinded me, why had I agreed to go blindly into this living hell, maybe I'll just sleep, and when I wake up, this will all have been a horrible nightmare. I awoke to find that two Zed have found their way into the station I got bit, I'm infected, I moved to a nearby church in hops of finding refuge, for now, i'll just sleep.

October 13th 2006

I'm still in the church and no Zeds have made it in, the infection spreads and i feel weaker after each passing hour, I need to find a First Aid Kit, I need help. I travelled to the nearest hospital, i found it to be St. Johns Hospital, in hopes of finding a First Aid Kit or someone with one. Along the way, next to the police station I found a Kitchen Knife and a small calico kitten. She fits quite nicely in one of my side pockets in my backpack, so I kept her. My team said save the survivors, they didn't specify if they needed to be human or not. I'm getting weaker, the infection is steadily getting worse, I knew something bad was going to happen today, It is Friday the thirteenth after all.....I put my Pack in a small box to store in for the night,I also make sur eth elittle kitten wil be safe for the next few hours. I feel sleepy, i think I'll sleep for a while. There is a crash, the barricade is broken, I'm overwhelmed......the pain......the blood......everywhere......please......make it stop. I awake in a cemetary, I have no idea how I got there or whats going on, everything is looking brighter, I still feel weak, I think I'm just going to lay here for a while and rest, yes, rest is good.I was able to limp my way to the nearest church, there I was quickly treated by a few survivors and also defended until I was at full recovery.

October 14th 2006

Today I picked up my supply at the church ,the kitten was still alive, I've decided to name her Callie. After picking up my supply I was able to make it to St. Johns Hospital, I was hoping to find some First Aid Kits. But no suck luck. Some horrible has happened a survivor names Black Pox came into the hospital, he began killing everyone!!! He killed Anna in one blow before I could do anything, and I was shot in the leg a couple times and in the arm. Now I'm lying on the streets, I could'nt make it to another building, I think I'm going to sleep now, yes, maybe everything will be ok.

October 20th 2006

I awoke today in the cemetary, according to one of the Lab rats my immune system had a bad reaction to the injection and triggered a coma. A week long coma. I set out for a hospital. It had about twelve survivors in it. I was able to find some First Aid Kits and help out some of my fellow survivors.I feel like I'm getting better at this medic profession. There is another military person here. He says he'll be able to teach me how to jump from building to building one day. He says I need to get better at being able to survive on my own however. I cannot find Anna however. It saddens me. I hope she is ok. I found Callie the other day. She was in a trash can. I guess she took shelter. I'm glad however. Those big eyes seem to comfort me. I went back to the hospital. now there were only eleven people here, but thats ok, there is saftey in numbers.A zed got in, it bit me, it hurts really badly, but another medic was able to patch me up. I think I'll just go to sleep. I awake to the sounds of screams, The barricade was broken and already ten of the other survivors are dead or have already left, I tried to escape, one of the Zeds however grabbed my ankle. I tripped, another jumped on me, This time I wasn't going to endure the pain. I took my kitchen knife and plunged it into my chest....

December 19th

It's been a while, I've been wondering the streets of Malton the past two months dead. I'm pretty sure I haven't eaten anyone. I woke up far from Brooksville. I have no idea where I am. I have hunkered down in a hospital where I run a clinic for the living. I recived a radio message today. I heard Monica's voice, I'm glad she's ok. I haope someday we will leave Malton for good. Hopefully we will be alive as well