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Hello. This page is for in-game, in-character discussion with [[User:Hashk/Sophie Ames|Sophie Ames]]. Out of character matters are best discussed in [[User Talk:Hashk]]. This page has an [[User:Hashk/Sophie Ames/Archive|Archive]]. Please click on the '''+''' symbol above to add a new topic, or add your comment at the end of an ongoing topic to keep things tidy. I will reply in this same page unless you tell me otherwise. Ta.
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==Zombie town==
Okay here goes. There are two zombies outside Craddy, two outside the Humphrys Building, two outside Brimblecombe Auto Repair. One outside each of: the Fairfield Library, Windey Towers, the Brownton Building, the Hazeldine Museum, and Tudge Way Fire Station. There were no zeds outside the Roger Arms, so I tried it - there are two inside. And one inside Windy Towers. All of those ruined of course, as are the PD and the two fire stations nearby - no zeds outside those, but I didn't check inside. There are 11 standing in queue at Churchous Avenue.
The museum was empty and I'm running low on AP, so I'll wait a bit here, then try to reach you. --[[User:Hashk/Sophie Ames|Sophie Ames]] 06:38, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
:Sorry to be late had some trouble getting to my comp today wasn't sure were to put this lol. Hey Don't worry you didn't make me croass half of Malton I was in the area near fort Perryn doing revives there when the RRF evicted me I know I was behind on my rent but no where near that much. PKers are a real pain and they really enjoy putting me down Ive been copping a few PKs lately but don't we all if I see him Ill just even the score. I'm up just outside of Bastick Auto in case you were still wondering.--[[User:ZIPO|ZIPO]] 07:08, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
::Glad to hear from you ZIPO! But you did get my text message then, right? Otherwise I see how all this may be a bit weird for you haha. Got it, I'm hiding in a ruin nearby, almost out of ap, and about to make a run for Bastick. I'll revive you next, as soon as I build up some ap. Or, if Dub is still online, he may get to you sooner. And yeah, this page is getting pretty messy heh, I'll clean it up later today. --[[User:Hashk/Sophie Ames|Sophie Ames]] 07:29, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
:::No rush ill come to you if you like.--[[User:ZIPO|ZIPO]] 09:01, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
::::We seem to be good, so long as the Philosophe Knight doesn't go apeshit and try to PK us. We've got a good spot to rest up, grab some FAK's, I've got a decent amount of syringes still, and we can get back to max AP. I'll keep trying to contact survivor groups via their forums to rally support for a takeback of the suburb, unless we decide to head elsewhere. Either way, it's nice to have some backup - spent Dub's entire life being feral, before now. --[[User:DubStreet|DubStreet]] 20:41, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
:::::Yeah, well, I'm counting on him rather joining a civilised chat on high matters... praise knowledge, and all that haha. Hey, right back at you :) I'm somewhat of a newb, as you can see, but I was already getting tired of being me against everyone else. I say we work here a couple days and then decide what next. It's a bit frustrating, yes? Everybody seem to have left the game in this area. I have an alt in South Blythville, fighting the MOB, it's really different over there. Still, I would like to see at least one of the Penny Heights malls retaken, before moving somewhere else.  I'll keep an eye on us, I hope we can rest until tomorrow. Cheers! --[[User:Hashk/Sophie Ames|Sophie Ames]] 23:13, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Sorry about the noise, I cleaned up the page a bit, it was getting cumbersome to write here. All quiet in Penny Heights. I took a short stroll around, to check on things. St. Seraphim's been heavily barricaded, two survivors in there. Anderson is EHB and empty. Two in Blanning, EHB as well. Some of those chaps are really shady characters, but I guess that can't be helped. I'm going to take a nap. --[[User:Hashk/Sophie Ames|Sophie Ames]] 01:48, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
:Any data we can get on danger levels and such of resource buildings is excellent. I'm reaching out to various survivor groups who claim to specialize in taking back redzones, in the hopes that we can marshal a major force to hit the Heights. The lumberjacks have to be considered defunct at this point - they don't respond at all on their forum, and they haven't bothered to re-establish either of their radio frequencies. --[[User:DubStreet|DubStreet]] 03:12, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
::I feel fretful about that Philosophe Knight, Dub. He hasn't moved, I'm sure he raked enough AP by now to kill two of us. I mean, if he has the ammo. Speaking of which, it seems the PD has been repaired - your handiwork? Anyroad, I'm thinking of walking over to the War Crescent RP later today, reviving a couple survivors, and checking on the hospitals and surrounding buildings. Maybe even Lumber Mall, if I can rest a bit on the way. Perhaps we could find lumberjacks around, even if they don't check their own forum. Or LMS, for that matter. --[[User:Hashk/Sophie Ames|Sophie Ames]] 07:58, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
:::It's also possible he just hasn't been online. I haven't seen him move or do anything in like three days. Argh - I went searching in that police station. 12 AP, and I found one, exactly one, shotgun shell. Sigh. At least I have my trusty axe. --[[User:DubStreet|DubStreet]] 08:34, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
:::Latest update on the Penny Heights news page - "Suburb is ruined; just enough zeds to stop it from qualifying as a ghost town. Buildings all seem to be either gutted or at EHB. Mall filled with the living dead. The upper half of the suburb is almost totally deserted. -George Zip 03:51, 3 February 2009 (UTC)" I think we're fucked unless we can rally a survivor group to our assistance. We either get a large source of dedicated backup - perhaps DK13 is worth a try, they seem active and motivated and they live here in fryerbank, so presumably they don't want a ghost town on their northern border - or we move on. Without aid, I expect my last act in Penny Heights will be to shift the classification from the 'very dangerous' I originally gave it to 'Ghost Town', sadly. --[[User:DubStreet|DubStreet]] 08:37, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
::::Sorry to be last again it is getting harder and harder to get to a comp :(. I'm not actively hunting PKers but a mate of mine thinks the reason I might of been a target lately is apparently because a bounty hunter has a name similar to mine and they think I might be an alt. But anyway I see the situation in this suburb is bad but I believe it should start to calm down soon hopefully we just got to hold on.--[[User:ZIPO|ZIPO]] 08:53, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
:::::I just killed a zombie. Bloody hell, I'm still shaking. Dont laugh, you gits! It was my first one! :) Now I'm out of AP again of course. Sigh, it was nice to have 35 for five minutes. Hey ZIPO, glad you made it, and np, we don't have schedules or anything. And this suburb is recovering, but our target was Penny Heights, and that seems to be going nowhere anyway. How long do you intend to wait, Dub? --[[User:Hashk/Sophie Ames|Sophie Ames]] 16:13, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
:::::::I'll make one last effort to contact DK13. If that fails, I suggest we say goodbye to Penny Heights for now and find a fight that can actually use our talents. No point getting killed for a suburb that no one else will fight for, sad as it is to just have to abandon the place. --[[User:DubStreet|DubStreet]] 20:39, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
Just got your message, Dub. I'm a bit tied up at the moment heh, but I wanted to acknowledge that :) --[[User:Hashk/Sophie Ames|Sophie Ames]] 01:01, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
And in re: your last comment here: Fair enough. If it comes to that, I have to stay clear of South Bly, because of the alt there. Kempsterbank isn't too good either, because I'm not on best terms with a notorious zerger who is, among many other things, a big honcho for the Knights Templar. It's a long story, I'll tell you some other time. That place is too green to be any fun anyway. Other than those, I'm willing to go anywhere. The redder, the better.
In the meantime, I was thinking, maybe we could make the best of being working together, have a little fun, and perhaps improve our miserabl... ah, "underprivileged", situation, in this fair suburb. Yeah, I have a plan hehe. No trenchcoatery or grandiose strategery, I promise :D I'll tell you in a bit. --[[User:Hashk/Sophie Ames|Sophie Ames]] 01:48, 4 February 2009 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 18:57, 13 July 2009

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