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[[Category:Hoddmimis Holt]]
== '''" The only things we ask of our members are: do not kill other survivors without good reason;"''' ==
== '''" The only things we ask of our members are: do not kill other survivors without good reason;"''' ==
Just out of curiosity, does this seem inconsistent to you, or was having a survivor group that has been in the suburb since 2009 start to ask questions shown here: somehow "good reason" for a PKing with a false accusation here: ?  Huntress had Woodbury tags on and changed them to owner of club golding/woodbury ally after the PK. Quite frankly I would not be surprised if this is not the original Huntress- lots of parody alts and zergy types have suddenly appeared in Wyke Hills. I guess my point is why is it so important to fake your intentions?
Just out of curiosity, does this seem inconsistent to you, or was having a survivor group that has been in the suburb since 2009 start to ask questions shown here: somehow "good reason" for a PKing with a false accusation here: ?  Huntress had Woodbury tags on and changed them to owner of club golding/woodbury ally after the PK. Quite frankly I would not be surprised if this is not the original Huntress- lots of parody alts and zergy types have suddenly appeared in Wyke Hills. I guess my point is why is it so important to fake your intentions?
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[[File:Rosedec.jpg]] Needles and pins, Needles and pins, When you get a decayed rose at your door trouble begins. --[[User:Killer Scarecrow|Killer Scarecrow]] 05:27, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
[[File:Rosedec.jpg]] Needles and pins, Needles and pins, When you get a decayed rose at your door trouble begins. --[[User:Killer Scarecrow|Killer Scarecrow]] 05:27, 4 March 2014 (UTC)
== Come on now...we all know better ==
This statement :"''After The Wulves unexpectedly declared war on Woodbury, they have been decimated after a very short battle. The Wulves have seemingly retreated away from Woodbury and not even one member can be found within the town. This is an example of how Woodbury will not tolerate murderers or troublemakers and will act accordingly. Woodbury stands tall.''" is just silly. Be careful or you will be labeled a propagandist! Oh- wait, I forgot- the Governor IS a propagandist! Right, now I get it! Good one!--[[User:Belisarius17|Belisarius17]] 04:09, 8 May 2014 (UTC)
Well the old adage 'Never give up, never surrender' seems to fit pretty nice, but I'd also like to point out my current location... within the suburb.--[[User:Ghost Wolf|Ghost Wolf]] 17:11, 11 May 2014 (UTC)
:Then you are most likely a corpse or a biter, because these days on our suburb sweeps/scouts we never come across any Wulves members, other than a straggler here and there. Who, might I add, is swiftly dealt with by execution. By the way, according to my sources, you have about five or six (being generous, here) kills, while we have in the neighborhood of 30+ (counting multiple kills). Woodbury Militia can easily be found within the suburb, while it seems the "brave" Wulves have retreated. I'd say this "war" is long concluded. --[[User:The Governor|The Governor]] 17:29, 11 May 2014 (UTC)
:: maybe one month have not been long enough for me in wyke hills, but it seems to me that woodbury has only two supporters? spring heeled jack and the governor? woodbury seem a lot bigger, but maybe that is just because of all the spraypainting in the suburb. this feels like jerden and crowbank all over again! five or six kills is very impressive, but maybe i can convince you, as surgeon general, to see an alternate solution with woodbury v. wulves. governor, do check your emails!--[[Image:Anja_arnhem_signature.png|82px|Surgeon General of the City of Malton|link=User:Anja_Arnheim]][[Image:Pgg.png|12px|Anja|link=User:Anja_Arnheim/Anja_Arnheim]] 18:06, 11 May 2014 (UTC)
:::There are about 18 soldiers in the Woodbury Militia alone, not counting our civilians. Some members have decided against using the group affiliation. I believe in everyone doing what they think is right, so I refuse to force them to do this. The Wulves may call them cowards, but at least they are actually in the suburb, unlike most of the Wulves. Five or six kills may be impressive, but not when compared to over thirty. I answered your email, but don't know if it went through. Please let me know. Thank you. --[[User:The Governor|The Governor]] 18:34, 11 May 2014 (UTC)
:::: i answer your email again, yes, thank you. if it is easier to communicate for you, or anybody for the matter, i am always at --[[Image:Anja_arnhem_signature.png|82px|Surgeon General of the City of Malton|link=User:Anja_Arnheim]][[Image:Pgg.png|12px|Anja|link=User:Anja_Arnheim/Anja_Arnheim]] 18:43, 11 May 2014 (UTC)
:::::Actually, Gov, we would not stoop to name calling that would be uncivil and hypocritical. You should really not get yourself so worked up. Instead you might want to photoshop that MA Duce on your groups page so it won't shoot the horses....
:::::AH- Anja, you are such a good egg. You really should listen to Anja, Governor- There is a well respected voice. Now, it is very hard to see all the Woodies because they don't wear the colors and because it is a bit of a proxy war on their part.
:::::Well...Gov- how nice to see you on the Wiki, seems that is the only place I can find you these days! Actually, if you want to be truthful (which as a person who watches The Walking Dead, we know the Governor is most certainly not- but let's assume you can drop your roll play for a moment) it is BOTH Woodbury and the Wulves that you will find in short supply in Wyke Hills, with Ghosty being an exception (nobody pushes Ghosty around Gov- he just keeps coming). As for zeds (biters to you) there are almost none- So I should check with those "sources" of yours...especially since you are so seldom in Wyke Hills yourself, which is odd for a guy proclaiming "Final Victory" in a contest not even yet begun. Now that you are on the wiki- Lets get some ground rules shall we? It would be unseemly to have a scrape devolve into pointless claims of "neighborhood" body counts. Come on Gov- let us do this thing right! (By the way- I have photo records of most of the kills both ways because we use the Satphone to share them, and I have to tell you that you are WAYYYYY over in your estimates. Heck, we have not even started hunting you- the kills you are occasionally getting are from OTHER people you have brought against yourselves through your heavy handed treatment of the free groups of Wyke Hills. It makes sense that you would target the Wulves- anti Wyke Hills groups usually do and we are used to it. '''To tell you the truth we are glad you showed up friend; "We mostly deal with petty thievery and drunken brawls. Been too long since we've had a good bandit raid."''' But let me get to the point: You think the war is over. You are wrong, it has not started yet. This is not the end, or the end of the beginning to paraphrase Churchill. It is that you have finally gotten our attention.--[[User:Belisarius17|Belisarius17]] 19:08, 11 May 2014 (UTC)
::::::There you go with your self-righteous and pretentious claims. You really are a good role model for your group. Just because you say that the war has not started or ended doesn't make it so. The war started when your group "declared" what was allowed or not, as if you really had the authority, let alone firepower, to back up your so-called rules. Your members were decimated and failed to adequately defend themselves AND seemingly left the suburb. That sounds like a loss to me and anyone else with common sense. Your group seemed itching for a war with all the slander and accusations going around. But once war was brought to you, you seemed to back off pretty fast. Oh, and you can't find me? Mustn't be looking hard enough. If I was a snake, I would bite you. --[[User:The Governor|The Governor]] 21:43, 11 May 2014 (UTC)
:::::::I really love this wiki, so much drama at little truth most of the time. Gov, how about a little painful truth OK? You're all in Wyke Hills?  Really? Honestly? ''*sigh*'' How about no!  Gov, you hide in Hollemstown, I've personally seen you there twice, does Stampfordham cinema sound familiar?  Or how about Buttonville in the Bonning Cinema with your little genny killer Spring Heeled Jack, who looks so cute wearing his Wulves Tags (same with Carla Radames; like that tactic is going to fool anyone). OH BTW Carla is currently in Huchin Bank also Buttonville. Mind you Jack always stays in Buttonville, as does MiIIa and The'Huntress it seems.  KANE who claims to be an assassin ''*snicker*'' working for Woodsbury is also hiding in Buttonville right now; Club Hunt to be exact. Snoring Corpse is in the Lyne Cinema. A young black man and Avril Ramona Lavigne both Woodsbury groupies are currently in Telfer cinema in West Grayside.  KatthewI (why can't people make up original names, this just seems so zergy) is in Mowlam Bank again West Grayside. And all this information is from a notoriously slow Sunday (because of Mother's Day I am sure) of sightings sent to me from residents who sort of like to see me kill PKers.  Now the question is Gov; do you still wanna claim you're all in Wyke Hills? If so, might I suggest getting your group members a copy of the The DSS Map of Malton, because they all seem a little lost and unsure as to where Wyke Hills truly is. You may wish to have a look at said map yourself as well, it always helps to know where suburb boundaries are. --[[User:Raven Corvus|Raven Corvus]] 23:09, 11 May 2014 (UTC)
::::::::''Liar.'' --[[User:The Governor|The Governor]] 00:05, 12 May 2014 (UTC)
:::::::Really? Have I offended you? How odd. You seem to take every comment I make as a personal attack. That was not my intent- however your statements are such an....unusual interpretation of what I was trying to convey that I feel compelled to respond. This page is getting a bit unwieldy so if it won't upset you to much allow me to introduce a new header. One moment please then see below.--[[User:Belisarius17|Belisarius17]] 22:25, 11 May 2014 (UTC)
::::::::I wouldn't say offended, you just seemed misguided. I will admit I am not the best person to convey online conversations. Nothing like speaking face to face. --[[User:The Governor|The Governor]] 22:53, 11 May 2014 (UTC)
::::::::: Liar??  Might I be so bold as ask to which part are you referring to as a lie? Oh and be careful I just may have time stamped screenshots to provide as evidence (although I would have to edit out the personal information of the people who are kind enough to send me such information).  After all a huntress (a real huntress not your groupie plaything who calls herself one) never revels her sources. --[[User:Raven Corvus|Raven Corvus]] 00:20, 12 May 2014 (UTC)
:::::::::: That obviously went right over your head, genius. Keep your responses coming, it's a slow day and they're semi-amusing. --[[User:The Governor|The Governor]] 00:24, 12 May 2014 (UTC)
::::::::::: Well then if I missed your point then please do by all means be clear about what this alleged lie was I uttered.  Curious minds wish to know, or is this just another internet face saving tactic employed by so many who have nothing of value to offer. --[[User:Raven Corvus|Raven Corvus]] 01:19, 12 May 2014 (UTC)
:::::::::::: It's just a quote. Nothing more. Nothing less. If I hurt your brain IRL, I do apologize. --[[User:The Governor|The Governor]] 01:27, 12 May 2014 (UTC)
::::::::::::: Ahh I see, ->"It's just a quote"<-, hhmmm OK. No no no, my wee brain is just fine IRL no pain what so ever but your concern for my brain's welfare is quite touching. Obviously it's not on the "genius" level as you so kindly pointed out, but it serves me quite well in my day to day routine.
:::::::::::::Now don't mind me but I'm just going to go over some other "quotes" I distinctly remember reading on this wiki that for some strange reason I have been suddenly reminded of. --[[User:Raven Corvus|Raven Corvus]] 01:43, 12 May 2014 (UTC)
This is all humorous. So there is a war going on in Woodbury? When myself and my group The FoD walked through Woodbury it was more like Mayberry and the Governor was more of a Barney Fife. You see where was this Militia when I was in your town? Your Militia dropped their Woodbury tags and all of you scattered like roaches with the lights turned on. Needless to say we found you and your group a very disappointing group of floatsom. We will be sure to have to visit again some time. I don't think you learned your lesson Governor Fife... --[[User:Killer Scarecrow|Killer Scarecrow]] 14:24, 14 May 2014 (UTC)
:That's funny, because we don't even remember you. I remember a few scattered reports of PK's, but certainly not a big deal. I'm nothing like Barney Fife, but you must be like the Scarecrow from ''The Wizard of Oz'', seeing as you're so soft and cuddly. If you targeted us before April, we were nowhere near as organized as we are now, had a lack of communication (could be why we don't recall many, if any of your killings) and did have a hiatus to be better equipped. Also to level up newcomers to defend our town. If all murderers/PKers were like you, we wouldn't even have to worry, let alone defend ourselves. --[[User:The Governor|The Governor]] 23:35, 14 May 2014 (UTC)
Oh so very funny! Don't even remember? Well well! You my good sir insult me! Why I was gracious enough to entertain you with one of my rhymes! This just wont do! Let me jog your memory then!
Here is my rhyme -
Here is my favorite part This is when I blew your face off in the dark where you roaches hide when getting stomped on like the Floatsom you are -
And this is the part you wasn't able to hear but more a warning to the others of what happens to you when the Flowers of Decay come for you -
Now I don't want to call someone a liar <.<  and it may be just my ego talking... But how good sir can you say that THAT! Is not memorable! Ladies and Gentlemen I ask you to be the judge for yourself of this mans integrity from the evidence I lay before you!  Oh and Governor remember even in the dark the Bogeyman can still get you... --[[User:Killer Scarecrow|Killer Scarecrow]] 00:54 , 15 May 2014 (UTC)
:No, I honestly forgot all about that! Very forgettable. Please do try again sometime. And please have your group also kill every single WM soldier that you can find so I'm not up again and right as rain within the hour.
:Oh, and ''Bogeyman''? Seriously? I think you mean ''Tooth Fairy''. --[[User:The Governor|The Governor]] 01:20, 15 May 2014 (UTC)
::Some free advise for ya Gov.; ''You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't spit into the wind. You don't pull the mask off that old Scarecrow. And you don't mess around with the F.O.D''. --[[User:Raven Corvus|Raven Corvus]] 02:17, 15 May 2014 (UTC)
:::I just did. Question is; what's he going to do about it? Probably nothing. Or at least nothing meaningful. Oh, and I'm still waiting for you to kill me. I am very close by and haven't even seen you around. --[[User:The Governor|The Governor]] 02:22, 15 May 2014 (UTC)
::::Gov. you're not the only PKer in Malton and Woodbury is not the only PKing group in Malton.  There are other PKers and other PKing groups who have much more appeal in terms of reputation and bounty points then you and Woodbury. The young gentleman above with the scary mask and his cohorts would be one of them, the young lady you said you want to kill (on my talk page) and her friends would be another example. In fact in the grand scheme of things you're pretty much small potatoes in that regard. Plus I never said I was coming right away did I?  I never rush in when I am expected and I know that all good things come to those who wait. --[[User:Raven Corvus|Raven Corvus]] 02:45, 15 May 2014 (UTC)
:::::Small potatoes? In regards to what, PKing? We never claimed to be PKers, so save your rankings, woman. And I see yet ''another'' excuse from you in regards to not killing me. You're making me bored. In fact, everyone who supposedly wants me dead is failing massively in killing me. And you can't say that they "don't care" or "have more important things to do", because Woodbury obviously caught some (of the very few people who are still active) people's attention. Come on! Kill me and be killed! Wyke Hills is turning into a graveyard with ruined buildings and nothing but biters. Just from a simple mall attack sparking the fire. This wa
s just a little lesson, not even a test run. Imagine an all out assault! Welcome to Mayberry, indeed. --[[User:The Governor|The Governor]] 03:41, 15 May 2014 (UTC)
::::::I'm sorry did I make you feel special when I spoke to you? Did you get all giggy because someone finally paid attention to you after all these months?  So sorry that wasn't my intent, I didn't realize you where one of those know the type of guy who if you even glance in their direction they think you want them. Seriously, get over your "wee small" self, it is obviously a slow month and we're all rather bored.
:::::: Now as to being a PKer, yes you are and yes your group is a PKer group now. You and Woodbury have killed other survivors hence you have killed players (other than zeds) so you have earned the title PKer(s), embrace it, revel in it, take joy in the fact that you have started down a new and exciting road where the only redemption that awaits you if from the barrel of a gun or the pointy end of a knife. Of course I will not insult real PKers in Malton by comparing you to no no I would never insult them like that! You are without a doubt "small potatoes" in comparison, with little imagination and no real direction other than what is necessitated to sooth that bloated ego of yours.  And of course the less said about your sad pathetic little followers......the better.--[[User:Raven Corvus|Raven Corvus]] 13:34, 15 May 2014 (UTC)
::::::: this feels like [| new world order] all over again, except the governor has a brain. putting that aside though, if you want to be a pker, which is what you appear to be, go for it, and if you want to be a survivor, go for it. but i think you can manage your group a little bit better, and a good way to begin doing that would be to make friends, and stop fighting with the bounty hunters and the wulves. --[[Image:Anja_arnhem_signature.png|82px|Surgeon General of the City of Malton|link=User:Anja_Arnheim]][[Image:Pgg.png|12px|Anja|link=User:Anja_Arnheim/Anja_Arnheim]] 14:15, 15 May 2014 (UTC)

== Nothing like speaking face to face. ==
== Nothing like speaking face to face. ==

Latest revision as of 06:07, 12 December 2014

" The only things we ask of our members are: do not kill other survivors without good reason;"

Just out of curiosity, does this seem inconsistent to you, or was having a survivor group that has been in the suburb since 2009 start to ask questions shown here: somehow "good reason" for a PKing with a false accusation here: ? Huntress had Woodbury tags on and changed them to owner of club golding/woodbury ally after the PK. Quite frankly I would not be surprised if this is not the original Huntress- lots of parody alts and zergy types have suddenly appeared in Wyke Hills. I guess my point is why is it so important to fake your intentions?

The MOB, PKnights (arguably pro survivor), the Flowers of Decay- all hostile groups, are among the best in the game. And if you are going to take over a suburb, why not do it the right way like The Democratic Armed Republic of Independent Suburbs (DARIS). That really would be something big and clever. --Belisarius17 18:51, 14 February 2014 (UTC)

I was kind of hoping that would go ignored, but alas it has been brought up. TheHuntress acted on her own and without the approval of Woodbury. If I had been active before her, I would have gladly answered ScoutEric's questions. I informed all present NOT to attack any survivor groups unless attacked first. She should have gotten the message. I am aware of the "original" The Huntress and she swears it is not her, so be that as it may.
Regarding the questions, we are here for the best intentions of the suburb: Kill biters and PKers. Also, Lori is no longer a member of Woodbury. She is somewhere up north, I believe.
But in TheHuntress's defense, she was probably annoyed/enraged when she saw that Club Golding had been lit up yet again and that someone was (suspiciously to her, presumably) questioning us.
Also, what intentions are we trying to fake? We have taken the suburb as our home, and that is all there really is to it. The only human being I have killed was suspicious onlooker because he was repeatedly warned not to light up Club Golding. He was given a fair warning, and acted anyway.
Furthermore, we have no desire to kill anyone who doesn't join Woodbury. --The Governor 19:15, 14 February 2014 (UTC)
Well, you know, if your character was Daryl Dixon I would feel much better about the whole situation- but The Governor on the show is a smooth talking guy....who keeps fish tanks full of undead heads for lava lamps and his zombie daughter in a cage in a secret room. I am not even going to mention the ruthless ambush of National Guardsmen... or the fact that he shoots his own people see my point? However- given the the courtesy of your response I appreciate your explanation and thank you for your clarification. Now- in the spirit of do not have any fish tanks, right?--Belisarius17 20:57, 14 February 2014 (UTC)
Well, if I was Daryl I wouldn't have Woodbury, now would I? The fish tanks with heads were merely war trophies; things to look at to be a reminder of how the world has changed. Also, those National Guardsmen were a legitimate threat and you know it. You wouldn't like it if your people refused your orders, now would you? I don't think so.
And the only fish tanks with biter heads you'll find will be of our enemies. --The Governor 14:48, 16 February 2014 (UTC)

Objection and Suggestion

Just for the sake of the record this is what you just posted: "It is suggested that all of the surrounding buildings and squares (inside and outside) in Wyke Hills be tagged with our special graffiti message: Welcome to Woodbury. - The Governor. All members are encouraged to search for spray cans and make sure the tagline is sprayed around the entire town.If every square has our tag, it is suggested to start spraying directions to Woodbury in surrounding towns/suburbs. "

Again, just for the sake of the record, I will voice what I am certain will not be the last independent voice to object in Wyke Hills and simply tell you I find this is a clear violation of the "Like a good neighbor" clause of the Statefarm Wyke Hills Group Health Insurance Policy. I have notified the Department of Kevan of this violation and I fully expect your group to be sternly warned that there is a difference between being a good neighbor and being a good neigh-boor ( I would expect that to take place in a timely Urban Dead fashion....say...October...of 2017). I know that the potential loss of someones group health insurance may seem extreme but I will assure you that there are some excellent independent providers that would be accepted at Julie General Hospital, which I believe was one of the city's psychiatric hospitals (not that I have any prior knowledge of that- I wear the straightjacket because they were out of 44 longs at Buckley...that and it helps me

And once more just for the record, since you guys are, "here for the best intentions of the suburb", may I make a suggestion? Would you consider putting some useful information in your tags regarding cade levels and entry points along with your message of welcome? While "Welcome to Woodbury" has a fine prepackaged "Maybury RFD" feel to it- it really does not help the newbies find Entry Points, Revive Points or low caded resource buildings.

In the spirit of bonhomme and to welcome your prosurvivor group to Wyke Hills here is a handy map of the correct cade levels so you all can help your fellow survivors and low level players thrive in Wyke Hills!

Regards,- --Belisarius17 17:08, 17 February 2014 (UTC)

Not to be rude, but I honestly am not sure what you are saying. How is this a problem?
Most of our members already know about entry points and the like, so marking them are kind of redundant/boring. There is also not enough character room to add barricade levels to our tags. It is not against the rules to spray our tag everywhere we can.
We are already familiar with the barricade plan. It also seems someone has over-barricaded our church entry point to our mall. --The Governor 20:21, 17 February 2014 (UTC)
No offense taken- I was trying to be funny, so sorry if my quirky sense of humor confused the issue. If I might explain- It is a problem because not everyone in Wyke Hills is in your group-there are lots of independents moving through the burb all the time. Particularly, new low level players that you might want to recruit into your group will spawn in the burb and get stuck outside. Might I suggest "WelcomeToWoodbury-TheGov VSB"? Or "VSB entry-Thanks The Governor" Or "JoinWoodbury-ThroughThisDoor"?- I think there are 36 characters in the tag slot- but I might be wrong. A little experimentation would confirm that- also, about the overcading issue- this has always been a huge problem in Wyke Hills. Might I suggest you consider decading the darks near your safehouse or even better decading Club Golding itself? Those are ways that we have dealt with those problems in the past- and there are very few zeds in Wyke these days.
As a heads up- the following EPs are all overcaded at the moment so you might want to warn your folks. Cheers! --Belisarius17 20:57, 17 February 2014 (UTC)
I see now, sorry for being so serious. It's just that you can never tell who is joking these days. We will consider and try to incorporate barricade levels in our tags. Thanks for the suggestion. --The Governor 12:54, 18 February 2014 (UTC)

Unofficially, spamming messages and spray can graffiti over established cade levels, revive point notifications, and signatures of RR Clinics (which while not all groups support (establishing it's own discussion)), constitutes as griefing in some of the larger groups around Malton. Now Eric (AKA --Belisarius17 ) has made the Wulves position clear, but as a member of the Wulves, I would like to say that while it may not be a shooting offense like the poster below mine, this is getting out of hand.

A lot of new people, travelers, and wanderers use Wyke Hills (one of the reasons I chose it), and they need to know their information about barricade levels, entry points and the like. Claiming a suburb, even one that is gray on the map, doesn't often end well for people who fail to take the suburbs previous inhabitants to heart. They've been fighting over Fort Perryn (aka Fort Feral) for years and that's a zombie vs. human group fight.

Even if people start agreeing that Wyke Hills is now Woodbury (and most won't I'd venture to say), you should still attempt to keep in tradition with the 'rule set' adopted by most players for fair play, friendly paly, and the like. Elsewise we get to treat you like the 'Governor' and stab eyes out and the like with our katana's... which would be fun... just saying. But if this does keep up, it's on the DNR lists, and the black lists, and the gray lists and next thing you know your driving a tank to our Mall and demanding we let you live there, after we vacate to wherever the hell we want to.

Sincerely, concerned citizen and Wulves Operative, --Ghost Wolf 19:53, 23 February 2014 (UTC)


you folks need to stop covering other groups tags. You can refer to the suburb of Wyke Hills as whatever the hell you please, but quit smearing our turf with spam graffiti. Whatever rebuttal you have in mind, we're no less than 6 years senior to "woodbury" and would appreciate not having our toes stepped on. Jack S13 T! PC 06:03, 18 February 2014 (UTC)

Well, we don't care. If you take further action (i.e. shooting us), you will be reported as PKers. We've done nothing wrong. --The Governor 12:51, 18 February 2014 (UTC)
not caring sounds like an argument I would use. No, it shouldn't come to shooting - but who would you report us to? the DEM has no power in Wyke. Perhaps we can agree to some tagging boundaries. Jack S13 T! PC 15:56, 18 February 2014 (UTC)
Well even if there's no one to report you to, I doubt you would want to turn into murderers over a few spraycans. Would you? What kind of tagging boundaries do you suggest? --The Governor 16:08, 18 February 2014 (UTC)

I think a good starting point would be a minimum boundary of 1 block surrounding S13, and Wulves headquarters (St. Max, and Wolfendal Arms respectively). Obviously "Woodbury" is essential to your group identity, and I wouldn't want to suck the fun out of RP'ing and wot not. I'm sure there's a way we could divy up the rest of the burb too. suggestions? Jack S13 T! PC 15:17, 19 February 2014 (UTC)

What you said sounds reasonable. I would like a map made of what areas you want all to yourselves if it isn't too much trouble. If your groups ever disband or go inactive, we should then be able to tag those areas. All of this bickering can be avoided. We have enough to concern ourselves with in the form of biters and PKers. --The Governor 13:37, 21 February 2014 (UTC)
Yeah, I suppose I could do that. hell, I'd almost be willing to tag some areas "welcome to Woodbury, home of Section 13" I'll send a map in a couple days when I have time to put something together. Jack S13 T! PC 21:11, 25 February 2014 (UTC)

A Flower on your Doorstep...

Rosedec.jpg Needles and pins, Needles and pins, When you get a decayed rose at your door trouble begins. --Killer Scarecrow 05:27, 4 March 2014 (UTC)

Nothing like speaking face to face.

"I wouldn't say offended, you just seemed misguided. I will admit I am not the best person to convey online conversations. Nothing like speaking face to face. --The Governor 22:53, 11 May 2014 (UTC)" Well, now there is a reasonable proposition- I have been misguided most of my life. I quite agree that it can be amazing how you can try to state a thing and have it not quite come out correctly. So again, let me assure you that none of my statements are intended as personal shots at you. I am glad you play the game- we NEED people to play the game and I actually like your character as a "bad guy posing as a good guy". It is a good angle. And I bear you no ill will at all, however I do feel the need to make a couple of uncomfortable points here.

Let us start with the basics: "There you go with your self-righteous and pretentious claims." You know, I am pretty content to allow others to judge my actions and form their own opinions, so if you find me self-righteous and pretentious, hey, maybe you have a point. Unfortunately, you never seem to give me any feedback to rebut, or quotes to explain, so that makes it hard to argue very seriously your comment. This is a case in point: "self-righteous and pretentious claims." What exactly would those be? Be specific- because this should be quite a challenge given your own position. I find it extremely interesting that a person who is telling all the groups and individuals in Wyke Hills that he is now in charge (and here I will quote from your very own group tag: "Woodbury is EVERYONE in Wyke Hills" and your group box "Leadership: The Governor" and the text that you authored "Anyone who actively resides or stays in Wyke Hills is a member of Woodbury by default, regardless of what their group affiliation states"), and in fact that the very name of the suburb is changed to "Woodbury", has the naked audacity to level that particular criticism on anyone else.

"You really are a good role model for your group." Ouch! As Charles Barkley once said "I am not a role model..." Sarcastic personal attacks aside, I will tell you that I do not own, control, or even lead the Wulves. I was one of the original three members, it is true but we do not have leaders, as you, in your authoritarian model, are trying to bring to Wyke Hills- let alone "role models". We're an anarcosyndiclist commune, we take turns acting as sort of an executive officer of the week...

"Just because you say that the war has not started or ended doesn't make it so." I think I see your confusion here and I am to blame, so allow me to clarify: I said "You think the war is over. You are wrong, it has not started yet. This is not the end, or the end of the beginning to paraphrase Churchill. It is that you have finally gotten our attention." I see your point here, that sounds like I am telling everybody what is what but that is taken out of context. I was responding to your assertion that the war was over. I will own that mistake though so point to you on that one.

"The war started when your group "declared" what was allowed or not, as if you really had the authority, let alone firepower, to back up your so-called rules." I see you appreciate the irony of history here! You are absolutely correct! So you recognized the basis for the declaration and therefore you must see the similarities: How outrageous that document is that is the basis for all the free world. And the fact that a bunch of castoffs, malcontents and religious fanatics had the foolish notion that they could follow the principles of the Enlightenment ala John Locke against the British Empire's fire power is just amazing. (I do hope Mr Jefferson is not spinning in his grave over my editing) Once again- point to you ( and I am glad you get it)

"Your members were decimated and failed to adequately defend themselves AND seemingly left the suburb. That sounds like a loss to me and anyone else with common sense." Well, I am not sure what you consider decimated (In the Roman legion it meant killing each tenth man for a disgraced unit- bad times those were...)-I will say you folks sure did ruin a lot of resource buildings and you did kill several of the Wulves who wear the colors. But this happens in Malton all the time- at least it used to before the Zeds became an endangered species. Ever hear of the Dead 2.0? Now THAT was decimation! The Continental Army suffered losses of soldiers and material and withdrew across the river from Trenton- was that war then over? And if you want to call us "Brave" sarcastically then it is unsound to point the finger at us for using tactics to "adequately defend" ourselves- tactics that your group is using as we speak.

"Your group seemed itching for a war with all the slander and accusations going around. But once war was brought to you, you seemed to back off pretty fast. Oh, and you can't find me? Mustn't be looking hard enough. If I was a snake, I would bite you. --The Governor 21:43, 11 May 2014 (UTC)" Well, I agree that many in the Wulves see themselves as diametrically opposed to Woodbury. And no Gov, I cannot find you, which I have to tell you is "terribly vexing" for a guy named scouteric! I meant it as admiration, not anything bad at all. See: So take it for a compliment, sort of a "well played" comment. And please, no biting, I just got the bullet holes Bat Shadow gave me fixed.--Belisarius17 00:52, 12 May 2014 (UTC)

Well that is fair enough, I don't harbor ill will to you or anyone OOC, but I am a die-hard role-player and am usually in-character at all times. This is the internet and I feel no need to get personal with individuals.
As for the "pretentious" and "self-righteous" comment, I found it ironic how a supposedly tried-and-true-blue-good-guy group such as yours would try to boss others around about tagging, boundaries, etc. For a dictator such as myself, it's almost to be expected. But with The Wulves it seems a bit much.
I had no idea who your leader was, so my apologies.
The word "decimation" is probably a bit much, but I do have to keep Woodbury morale high. All people that are in the Woodbury Militia are suggested to sleep in dark buildings and spread out. It's a valid tactic that does make soldiers harder to kill. It's unfortunate that there aren't enough buildings that are able to be made dark in Wyke Hills, so that is the real reason that some are outside of the actual suburb. I did not believe this was why the Wulves were outside of the suburb, considering that many (or most) were found outside the suburb in regular buildings.
I am sorry to say that I cannot view the video right now.
Anything else to say/propose/etc.? --The Governor 01:22, 12 May 2014 (UTC)
Just this: Keep up the fight. I shall enjoy the contest and I hope you will too. And if the Zeds ever get back on their feet we may end up reviving each other! Cheers and well done.--Belisarius17 01:44, 12 May 2014 (UTC)