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Revision as of 06:50, 4 November 2009

ˈīˌkän :Aichon

Brief intro

I'm an Urban Dead player who first joined the game on August 15th, 2009. Despite being a relatively recent newcomer, I've made an effort to immerse myself in the game and the community and have already written several userscripts that can be used in Greasemonkey or GreaseKit. I've started to poke around the wiki as I slowly learn how to use it, since I had never really made a point of joining a wiki's culture before. You might see me occasionally on Developing Suggestions or elsewhere (I'm starting to get around a bit more, but still confine myself to just a few places on the wiki), though I haven't done too much around here yet, aside from helping out with the new barricade templates in a very small way.

In-game, I try to keep myself spread out and make an effort not to favor any one character or play style much more than any other. Right now, I'm compartmentalizing each character so that they act independently of the others and operate in regions that are far enough apart such that any information they gather is of no use to the others. Each of my characters is being played in a different style, so, if I munch on your brains with my zombie character, please don't take it out on my survivor character or assume that my survivor character is a zombie spy, because they aren't. Likewise, if you heal up my Opportunist character but, despite your best efforts, can't save them from the zombie horde, don't take it personally if that character turns around and munches on your brain the next day.

If you need to get in touch with me for some reason, the talk page is definitely the way to go, since I the check the wiki regularly. If you decide to stalk me for some reason and actually manage to get my cell number, please do me a favor and make sure that you pronounce Aichon correctly (it's pronounced as "icon") when you say "hi."


I'm currently a graduate Masters student studying Computer Science at Texas A&M University. I work with the Internet Research Lab (IRL) on projects related to web crawlers, and am currently designing and implementing an updated version of our IRLbot web crawler that is capable of operating on a server cluster. I've worked on software development in the space industry with various subcontractors for NASA (Lockheed Martin Space Operations et al.) and seem to have discovered an aversion for the red tape involved with government work. Despite that, I seem to be enjoying my state-sponsored employment as a Teaching Assistant for various undergraduate Computer Science courses, and have had the privilege of helping to instruct several hundred students at this point.

Before people start trying to hit me up for troubleshooting with their computer problems, you should know that I'm an ardent Mac addict. So, if folks were to ask me for troubleshooting help with their Windows/Linux boxes, I'd politely point out that part of my reason for using a Mac is so that I don't have to deal with troubleshooting and would then promptly ignore the request. I do support Mac users though, and am willing to help them out a bit. Unlike my more recent "switcher" brethren, I've been using Macs since the late 1980s, so I know my way around them pretty well, as long as I'm not asked about OS 10.5 or 10.6 quirks.


I'm running Mac OS 10.4.11 on an Aluminum PowerBook G4 1.67GHz DL-SuperDrive model. Though it's ancient by modern standards, with an outdated OS, I've intentionally chosen to use them since this is the latest Mac laptop model and the latest OS release that can still run Mac OS 9 games, of which I have quite a few that I enjoy still. Plus, despite its age, it still holds up remarkably well for almost all of my computing needs. My browser of choice when on a Mac is currently Safari, simply due to its speed and lack of bugginess, though in the past I was a big supporter of Firefox (when it was still called Phoenix/Firebird) and Camino (when it was called Chimera).

For those times that I do have to use a PC, I run Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition on a 3.6GHz Pentium 4 in my research lab. Not the greatest machine, but it works well enough, I suppose. I used to run a quad-core Xeon with 12GB of RAM, but I handed it off to another grad student since my research migrated to a topic that was less computationally intensive. Google Chrome is far and away my browser of choice on Windows, and I'm hoping it will give Safari a serious run for its money once it's officially launched for Mac.


As with most nerds I know, I enjoy video games in general. I enjoy a rather large number of genres (pretty much everything besides sports games), but am most enamored with games that have become classics or are likely to become classics at some point in the future. I particularly enjoy games that may have been passed over by the mainstream but have since come to be regarded highly within the gamer community. I maintain a backlog of my games with my collection, the ones I'm currently playing, and the ones I wish I had over at Feel free to contact me on there if you have any questions about games in my backlog.

I'm also a fan of anime. My tastes are a bit simpler when it comes to anime; I generally avoid series that span hundreds of episodes due to a perceived lack of quality, I don't watch hentai, and I usually only watch bigger productions (just because I'm not into the anime community enough to hear about most little-known series). Rather than going into more detail, I'll just point you to a listing of the series and movies I've seen over at Again, feel free to hit me up over there if you have questions about the stuff on my anime list.

Otherwise, I do a bit of coding for fun in my spare time, and at this point, I've dabbled in several dozen different programming, scripting, markup, and query languages, ranging from Fortran and Lisp to Lua and Postscript. Back when I played World of Warcraft, I spent some time tweaking existing addons and writing a few small ones of my own. Nowadays, I've taken to writing userscripts for Urban Dead. My userscripts have their own page, so I won't go into detail about them here. Suffice to say, I think they're cool, and it's a fun way to engage in Urban Dead's culture more often.

Don't even bother asking me about sports or music. To quickly summarize my stance on each of those, I don't care to follow sports and my music tastes consist pretty much of anime and video game soundtracks. Go figure.

You might see me around the Internet since I do tend to get around. These days, I go by the Aichon handle almost exclusively, but in the past I've used Anubis IV and Orison as handles at various sites and in various services.

About Me
800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
Aichon is American.
Mac.png Macintosh
Aichon is a Macintosh advocate, and has one of their own.
Sleep.jpg Pseudo Zombie
Aichon needs more sleep.
Teacup.jpg Etiquette
Aichon supports etiquette.
Smiley.png It's a Joke, OK?
Aichon supports the use of humor, even when other people don't get it.
E=mc2.jpg Logic and Reason
Aichon rates the power of Logic and Reason over a shotgun any day.
Urban Dead
Zergling.gif Alt user
Aichon has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.
Dead.gif Urban Dead
Aichon plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
Cash.gif UrbanDead Sponsor!
This user and/or group has contributed to the UrbanDead Beer Fund .
Dtip.JPG Don't Take It Personally
Aichon isn't crushed by criticism directed at him (or her) on this wiki. It's all cool.
Formatting Nazi.png Formatting Nazi
Aichon is a formatting Nazi and will fix your lists, indents, links, template calls or other wiki-code without asking.
NoLOL.png Grammar
Aichon supports the use of proper grammar and spelling on the Wiki.
Cookie.jpg A FREE COOKIE
Giles has given Aichon a cookie for his awesome barricade templates.