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Revision as of 01:38, 4 April 2011


Squad Leader

· Captain Josh Clark

Theme Song

One of a Kind

Contact Us



Team Xtreme

Team Xtreme is a group dedicated to taking the fight to PKers. We believe PKers are an even worse plague than zombies to Malton society. Our stated goal is to eliminate the threat PKers impose to the fine citizenry of our city. We use the Rogues Gallery as a tool to find the guilty and make them pay for their crimes.

Bounty Hunter.gif Bounty Hunter
This User or Group hunts and kills


Witnessing murders all around Malton, as well as, being occasional victims ourselves, we decided we could no longer sit idly by and allow this sort of deviant behavior to continue. We tried joining other groups only to find them either not active or coordinated enough. We banded together under the flag of our hatred of PKers and formed a group of our own, Team Xtreme was born.

In October 2008, Team Xtreme merged with the Cannonball Crew and became its dedicated Bounty Hunting squad. With new friends comes new war stories with PKers and that means more targets for us.

November 1st 2008 Team Xtreme Took Part In The All Saints Day Bounty Celebration with their bounty hunter allies The The Saints The goal was to kill PKers by smashing a wine bottle over the PKers head for the killing blow. Drunk bounty hunters in Malton, very fun.

In June, 2009 Team Xtreme took part of the Alliance 45 Showing that Team Xtreme are more than Bounty Hunters but also capable Zombie fighters. Look at the wiki page for all the details on the Alliance .45

(October, 2009 to November 1, 2009) Team Xtreme and their Bounty Hunter Allies put forth a great effort to prevent the Samhain Slaughter 3 it was a great attempt as we played cat and mouse across a few suburbs and the PKers resorted to setting up decoys. Finally setting in on Santlerville and the Dowdney Mall. Some good raids by the Bounty Hunters were made. But with the Bounty Hunters being out numbered and the local survivors not heeding the many warnings that were broadcast from radio's and with Bounty Hunters even running in the mall giving warning to all inside to either fight or leave. The inevitable happened and the Mall with all it's inhabitants were lost.

War on Dawn Patrol (Dec 2009 - May 2010) After a member of Dawn Patrol PKed Team Xtreme member Jimaine Dunwich in their declaration of war against Bounty Hunters, Team Xtreme waged a 5 month war on Dawn Patrol. Much blood was shed.

War on Heathers (May 2010 - July 2010) After Dr. schwan’s Research and Development Team heard of Team Xtreme's previous encounters with the PK group the Heathers Dr. Schwan invited Team Xtreme to Whittenside to help out. Team Xtreme gladly helps, and this leads to the Heathers man slaves and the Heathers them selves being brutally annihilated. This lead to a alliance between Team Xtreme and Dr. Schwan and his group. As well to Dr. schwan’s Research and Development Team winning a MMX Malton Murder Award for Best PKer Moment 2010: Heathers vs Dr. Schwan's R&D

Operation Damage Control (July 21, 2010 - Sept 12, 2010) Team Xtreme battle against Zombies in Vinetown and Gulsonside. This leads to a battle with the Zombie group Clubbed to Death showing once again that Team Xtreme are not just Bounty Hunters but also are zombie fighters. During the time in Gulson Team Xtreme did some awesome accomplishments with our Allies D.S. R&D, Knights Templar, and 41st Death Com We recaptured The Wetherall Building in NorthEast Gulsonside to fire off Operation Damage Control in style! We retook Club Wadman one of Clubbed to Deaths precious clubs. We reclaimed the precious Blesley Mall a few times over. The leader of CTD Hermann Munster was given a couple headshots by Team Xtreme leader Josh Clark The danger level which was red when Team Xtreme and Allies moved into Gulson dropped 2 levels while we were in enemy territory showing that when groups work together we can accomplish much. Due to some internal problems within Cannonball Crew and the lack of local survivor support, which would have helped to keep Gulsonside reclaimed... the Cannonball Crew and Allies withdraw from Gulson giving the reclaimed territory back to the zombies. Without locals wanting to help we can't help those who don't want to help themselves.

In October 2010, Team Xtreme and Cannonball Crew's Able Squad join as part of Skynet Defense Network to further gain more opportunities and for Team Xtreme to continue to prove they are more than just Bounty Hunters.

Operation Uplift (October 1, 2010 - October 22, 2010) Wyke Hills goes from Red to Green with Team Xtreme, the Wulves and D.S. R&D on the job. D.S. R&D manned the revive points, with the Wulves and Team Xtreme repairing the buildings, as well as Team Xtreme taking out the occasional PKer. Operation Uplift was a success.

October 28, 2010 Josh Clark officially launches his blog web show The Xtreme Zone, and on October 29, 2010 Officer Johnson debut's his show Killing With Style. Showing that Team Xtreme is moving forward and evolving to be the 1st Bounty Hunter group with a media outlet.

Operation LUE (November 15, 2010 - Nov 22, 2010)After the LUEshi's Rangers attacked and killed Skynet Defense Network members of the Cartel, Team Xtreme was dispatched to face the PKers head on. After 8 days of battle the LUEshi Rangers concede like gentlemen. It was a fun fight and we thank them and look forward to the next time we meet on the battlefield.

Operation Blindside (January 19, 2011 - January 28, 2011) Skynet Defense Network troops along with Fort Perryn Defense Force, Anti Zombie Squad, KT, MR, C4NT, WULVES, MCDU, The Fortress, DR SCHWAN'S R & D, and Z.A.L.P. Troops worked together fixing up Whittenside against the Feral Undead in the area. Team Xtreme members joined in to provide support against PKers. Two Heather Goons were located and killed by Team Xtreme. Then the rest of the time no other PKers were sighted. It was a boring time for the Team Xtreme members and other Bounty Hunters invited along. We prepared for a bloody battle, but was disappointed. The SDN and Allies were fighting the FU and holding the Zombies at bay. Team Xtremes own Josh Clark even participated in helping to repel FU forces back out of Colglough NT, and helped his Allies stop in the Fort and retake and Kill Zeds before leaving the area. Every objective was achieved by SDN and Allies. Whittenside was taken and held for 11 days, Fort Perryn was reclaimed and held for 3 days, Both Anne General Hospital and Colglough Nt was reclaimed and held for 3 days. This mission was a success and a Big One Finger Salute to the FU

Operation Corps Grinder (March 3, 2011 - March 26, 2011) Skynet Defense Network invites Team Xtreme to Ridleybank in anticipation of a PK war against the death cultists of the RRF the Gore Corps. Team Xtreme was excited to participate in a fight against the Gore Corps in their home turf, but was let down big time. It was more like Team Xtreme against the Bore Corps, as they did not even put up a fight. The Gore Corps hid in dark buildings in and around Ridleybank, as Team Xtreme moved in for the kill. Team Xtreme's Josh Clark and Inevitable Betrayal cleared Evershed Cinema of 4 PKers to kick off the op. Jimaine Dunwich got a kill on Lord Moloch in a great kill. More kills against the Gore Corps fallows with unhelpful being the final kill of the op. With near zero casualties on the Team Xtreme side, victory is declared and Team Xtreme moves on to their next mission. Hoping the next one will be more exciting and a greater challenge.

Operation Time for a Bloodbath (March 29, 2011 -



To join Team Xtreme, your character must be pro-survivor and not be a PKer, GKer, RKer, zombie or zerger. Contact us at our forum or here on our Talk page.





Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)


Bounty hunters are expected to abide by the following rules when executing a PKer:

1. Confirm Mr. PKer is indeed a PKer.
Check the Rogues Gallery for a current bounty. Note that KOS (Kill On Sight) offenders should be targeted first as they are the most dangerous.

2. Locate and Injure Mr. PKer.
Shoot, stab and bludgeon Mr. PKer until he is very low in health (e.g. 5 HP or less).

3. Inform others of the execution (a.k.a. The Warning).
Before delivering the death blow, you must inform everyone in the room why you are executing Mr. PKer. For example you could say, "Mr. Dirt Bag is a PKer and on the Rogues Gallery." Then you would provide a link to their Rogues Gallery page as proof. Proof is extremely important as you don't want a witness to file a report on you as being a PKer.

4. Execute the guilty.
Finish off Mr. PKer and take a screenshot. You can use Iwit, UDWit or Dumbwit

5. Dump Mr. PKer's body outside.
Don't allow Mr. PKer to stand up as a zombie and wreak havoc. Remember to wash your hands too.

6. Report your successful bounty hunt.
Go to and click the Report a PK button (note: The same form is used for bounty claims, as well) The submission form defaults to load a saved file from your computer. If you took a manual screenshot, just browse to where its saved and click 'Upload' If you took an Iwit, UDWit or Dumbwit, click "upload URL" and copy the screeny URL into the field and click submit. Enter in the required info. With manual screenshots, you have to note the killer, victim and time. You can either type in their names or paste in their UD ID. The RG will auto select the names, so you will know if you have the name right. With Witness shots, some of the information is already filled in for you. Submit the report.

7. Share your tale.
Regale your comrades with your war story and rejoice in knowing there's one less PKer on the loose.

You can also check out this Bounty Hunting Video Guide Here -

TeamXtreme Magazine.jpg


We don't farm XP by killing zombies at revive points. We believe it is a mistake to over barricade buildings that are meant to be entry points. We are against Zerging and prohibit its use for all members.

Our Allies can show support by putting this template on their Wiki page. Template:TX Ally


Saint.JPG The Saints
Genesis 38:10

What they did was wicked in the LORD's sight; so The Saints put them to death.

Foxhoundlogo.jpg FOXHOUND Ally
This group is an ally of FOXHOUND and recieves the benefits of their friendship and protection.
Anti-zombie Squad
This user or group supports the Anti-zombie squad


Redskull.jpg Violence is quicker
Both diplomacy and violence solve problems. But violence is quicker.
Gun.jpg Bang!
Team Xtreme wants The Heathers to die.


These are not real members of Team Xtreme

Deathslap - Falsely claims to be a member of Team Xtreme because we kill him a lot

XTREME Josh Clark - Is a parody of a TX member created by the Heathers.


Team Xtreme supports the Bounty Hunters Guild

Team Xtreme supports Zerg Hunters Unlimited

Antiph.JPG PH Extermination
This User or Group supports the elimination of PH in the Southern Suburbs of Malton.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward Supporter
This User or Group Pays It Forward.
Get a revive, give a revive.

Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.

Mpd.png PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.

A Brain.jpg Brainstock User
This user posts on Brainstock.

World.jpg Malton Wide
This group operates on the whole area of Malton!

Beatbejesus.jpg Beat The Bejesus
This Person or Group Knows That Sometimes You Just Gotta Beat The Bejesus Outta Somethings...

Colt45.jpg Alliance 45
This user or group is associated with Alliance 45

AllSaintsday.jpg All Saints Day
Team Xtreme Took Part In The All Saints Day Bounty Celebration On November 1st 2008

Team Xtreme listens to and loves Uncle Zeddies Radio Survivor!

Mz banner 234 60.jpg

Team Xtreme supported Mitt Zombie for President in the 2008 Election