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===January 2009===
===January 2009===
===January 23rd===
Marven mall breached in at least the SE and SW corners, it's definitely lost for now. Currently there are 29 zeds with one survivor in Marven. Clubs Penfold and Doran are still holding out with EHB, but it won't take much to breach Doran. Preston NT building is currently fighting for control with 15 zeds and close to 30 survivors fighting it out inside. Gotch PD is gone, Lovelock PD is still active at VHB but with the small amount of survivors inside it won't take long to fall.
Numbers of zeds and survivors are rapidly changing, with there being over 70 zeds in Marven last night, but they must have moved on to the surrounding buildings overnight into this morning. I'll update once my AP restores a little unless someone already has. --[[User:Private Howlrunner|Private Howlrunner]] 11:41, 23 January 2009 (EST)

====January 22nd====
====January 22nd====

Revision as of 16:43, 23 January 2009

Suburb of South Blythville
Mornington North Blythville Brooksville
Wykewood South Blythville Greentown
Ruddlebank Lockettside Dartside
Update South Blythville's Danger Level
View Danger Center

South Blythville's location in Malton

Resource buildings in South Blythville

Latest EMR:
z: 0~i: ***
p: BMay 16

Update EMR

{{User:DangerReport/Isgar Towers [26,75]|template=SuburbMastStatus}}

[[User:DangerReport/Isgar Towers [26,75]|Update Mast]]

Known groups in this suburb:
— Survivor Groups —
— Zombie Groups —
— Hostile Groups —
  • Only freelance killers...
— Historic Groups —

Key buildings in South Blythville:

Malls: Marven Mall
NecroTech Buildings: 4

(26,70) (29,72) (27,74) (23,76)

Police Departments: 3
Hospitals: 0
Fire Stations: 1
Bulletin Boards: unknown
Others: Schools 1, Churches 2, Auto Repair 3, Railway Stations 1
Suburb Number: 73
Scales.png Please remember to keep this article neutral.

South Blythville is a suburb of Malton. It is located in the south-west of the city, in the centre of South West District One.

Resource Buildings

Fire Stations


  • None

NecroTech Facilities

Police Departments


Bulletin Boards

Revive Points

Recent News

Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.

January 2009

January 23rd

Marven mall breached in at least the SE and SW corners, it's definitely lost for now. Currently there are 29 zeds with one survivor in Marven. Clubs Penfold and Doran are still holding out with EHB, but it won't take much to breach Doran. Preston NT building is currently fighting for control with 15 zeds and close to 30 survivors fighting it out inside. Gotch PD is gone, Lovelock PD is still active at VHB but with the small amount of survivors inside it won't take long to fall.

Numbers of zeds and survivors are rapidly changing, with there being over 70 zeds in Marven last night, but they must have moved on to the surrounding buildings overnight into this morning. I'll update once my AP restores a little unless someone already has. --Private Howlrunner 11:41, 23 January 2009 (EST)

January 22nd

Survivors and zombies are struggling for control of the suburb resources; Lovelock PD and Gotch PD have been breached with fighting going on right now, reports of zombies inside Marven Mall have been confirmed; Nitch Building NT has also been breached. Exact numbers of combatants (Survivor&Zombie) at these locations fluctuates too quickly for an accurate analysis or prediction. Detective Lane grate E.W.P.D SW-1 District 00:36, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

A horde of zombies has descended upon the Preston Building (Necroteck Building) and are actively downsizing the work force within. Active Zed groans are attracting increasing numbers of feral Zeds to the scene. Tinzien - 13:08, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

January 21st

Zombies have fully cracked open the SW and SE corners of the Marven Mall. The generators in both areas have been destroyed and the radio mast was about to fall. The SW corner has about 90 bodies strewn about the area and the body count is quickly building in the SE. --Tinzien 08:11, 21 January 2009 (EST)

January 20th

Zombies have been intermittently breaking into Marven Mall since last night, groaning and dragging survivors out over the past 12 hours. Several casualties have been noted, but local NecroTech activities continue unabated at this time, and revives seem to be going on unhampered. Unfortunately, more and more zombies appear to be gathering at Marven Mall, for what seems to be heading to a colossal fight between the 200+ survivors and zombies from different groups as well as ferals. --FLZombie 18:13, 20 January 2009 (UTC)

January 19th

As of this writing, both NT facilities near Marven Mall are in zombie hands: the Pippard Building is ruined, with 17 zombies inside; the Preston Building just fell, and has 8 zeds inside. The situation evolves rapidly, don't rely on these numbers. Marven Mall itself was attacked earlier today, though the zeds were repelled quickly by resolute survivors. There are dozens of bodies lying around the area, i.e. 67 just outside Preston. Also ruined, as seen by this reporter, are Club Doran and Mear Cinema. Further coordinated strikes are almost certain. The MOB's grim handiwork is probably better followed through their Locator. --Hashk 05:25, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

Saint Ethelbert's Church has been cracked open like a nut and there is at least one groaning zombie inside calling others to feed! (1/19/09 1115 EST) -- Tinzien

January 15th

After intense fighting and perseverance, the valiant survivors managed to eject MOB zombies from both NecroTech facilities. Cleanup operations are in force, and preparations are under way to repel what promises to be a vicious counterattack by very hungry zombies that have not seen this level of resistance in several months of destruction. It is not clear if zombie numbers are rising gradually in the suburb, as ongoing groans may have attracted more zeds to the area. --FLZombie 23:27, 15 January 2009 (UTC)

January 13th

The MOB is in town. Pippard NT has fallen, at least two dozen zeds inside. No word yet what's the next target, but this burb will likely go to red soon. --Hashk 21:45, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

January 12th

Pippard NT appears solidly in survivor hands and is at VSB as specified by the barracade policy [1] --DangerDan 15:11, 12 January 2009 (UTC)

January 2nd

The Pippard NT building has fallen. The number of zeds inside has been as high as 39 but looks to be down to around 19. There is no obvious affiliation to any horde though the MOB is known to be in the area. --Smades 10:54, 2 January 2009 (UTC)

January 1st

Lots of zombies now in the suburb, ussally 3-5 zeds outside every couple of buildings and 5-20 zeds outside PDs,Hs and NTs. Suggest change to Moderate, because i dont know how to. --Montana8 12:12, 1 January 2009 (UTC)

Confirming zed situation on the streets, and at least 27 just overran Mudford Plaza PD. Changing to Moderate. --Hashk 21:49, 1 January 2009 (UTC)

I'm in the Pippard NT Building. I didn't notice them on an early scanning run, but there must be about 40 of them outside. Send help and bring syringes. Lot's of em. --Funkster 23:06, 1 January 2009 (UTC)

Active Groups

Please add any new groups in alphabetical order

The Blythville Gang

We are extremely active in this suburb. Comprised of members of RAWK, the 9th Infantry, and others, we are running very active revive points in South Blythville at both Park Walk and at Gee Avenue. We are also policing the neighborhoods and maintaining a radio station on 27.99 MHz.

The Department of Emergency Management

Officers of the Malton Fire Department, Malton Police Department, and Malton Forensics Unit assigned to DEM district SW-1 (North Blythville, Wykewood, South Blythville, Greentown and Lockettside) patrol this suburb frequently and assist with resolving emergencies.


We are here and we have a plan. At first we will only be recruiting. We would like to remind you fine people we are not Mercenaries. We do not think too highly of ourselves, we were just told to pick a home, here it is and we plan to grow here. We are a pker group, there is no allusion about that. Still we are small, we do not wage war or organize unless it is a special project, which can include killing zombies to protect our home.

The Invaders Nexus

We have set up base in South Blythville and are helping to rid the suburb of zombies.

Malton College of Medicine

Malton College of Medicine makes daily medic runs into South Blythville. We also offer revive support to the residents of South Blythville.


We are here to darken up your day. Regardless of how much we like to think highly of ourselves, we will still kill you without even thinking twice about it. That means you, "Hitman".

PEZ United

We have returned after a one year break to again bring safety to the suburb of South Blythville.

The Renegades

We are a dedicated group and have a safe house in South Blythville, Atway Auto Repair. We work very hard to rid the suburb of zombies and Pkers. We broadcast on the frequency 26.11mHz. We are closely link to PEZ United

Special Zombie Extermination Squad

If you have an Emergency, Problem, Request, or comment contact us. We are the Zombie Hunters of Malton.

We are stationed here to protect the suburb from the living dead, we have set up a safehouse in the Rutter Motel. Anyone who likes to join contact Soldier UDW

Team Zombie Hardcore

We have long been active in South Blythville. We have served in the protection and retaking of Marven Mall from hordes over five times. We have revived hundreds, healed even more, and continue to do our best to help the citizens of South Blythville. Currently, we is undertaking a private war against the MSC/BRRC for their actions in the past against TZH. We vow not to harm any citizen who does not do us harm first. Any questions can be directed to

The Vanguard

We operate in South Blythville as a warning organization against the zombie threat, and other such dangers to citizens of South Blythville.

Block Statistics

  • Large Buildings
  • Malls : 4
  • Normal Buildings
  • Police Departments : 3
  • Churches : 2
  • Museums : 2
  • Arms : 1
  • Banks : 5
  • Buildings : 10
  • Necrotech Buildings : 4
  • Schools : 1
  • Fire Stations : 1
  • Towers : 3
  • Cinemas : 4
  • Auto Repairs : 3
  • Motels : 3
  • Libraries : 3
  • Warehouses : 1
  • Junkyards : 1
  • Clubs : 3
  • Railway Stations : 1
  • Factories : 1
  • Empty Blocks
  • Parks : 4
  • Car Parks : 2
  • Cemeteries : 1
  • Wastelands : 5
  • Monuments : 3
  • Streets : 33
  • Roads : 2
  • Avenues : 6
  • Rows : 4
  • Streets : 2
  • Lanes : 3
  • Walks : 1
  • Allies : 3
  • Crescents : 2
  • Groves : 1
  • Plazas : 3
  • Squares : 2
  • Ways : 2
  • Places : 1
  • Boulevard : 1

Barricade Plan

Please see South Blythville Barricade Plan for more information. Barricade plans are not intended to display the current state of a building's barricades, but rather the level to which survivors agree a building should be barricaded under normal conditions.

Barricade level tags should contain the TinyURL for the barricade plan,

Suburb Map

The Malton Suburb of South Blythville
Marton Park Munckton Bank Slocombe Street Atway Auto Repair Elson Way the Panes Building the Hazeldine Building Woolfry Row Lenthall Plaza Smallwood Cinema
a carpark wasteland Deverell Walk Fire Station the Honeyfield Motel Busfield Towers Porcher Auto Repair the Lawrance Building Ebbutt Square Robins Cinema Athay Boulevard
Mudford Plaza Police Department Gregory Park Obern Towers Dabinett Library a warehouse the Moodborn Museum Gee Avenue
Land Bank Driscoll Avenue the Pippard Building
St. Caius's Church the Veel Building Galbraith Lane Bobbett Street the Rutter Motel Brymer Auto Repair Harnap Bank Sedgbeer Park Studley Row Mear Cinema
a cemetery wasteland Bennet Cinema Rome Grove Dingley Library a junkyard St. Ethelbert's Church the Preston Building Club Doran the Brely Building
Purchell Road Linck Bank the Crawley Building the Tomkyns Motel the Seager Monument Shiplow Library Isgar Towers Club Penfold Somerside Plaza
Pattison Park
Bertrand Avenue Cridlin Avenue Park Walk
the Nich Building Doswell Lane Lovelock Plaza Police Department Folaquier Place Gotch Plaza Police Department Marven Mall Marven Mall
the Dommett Museum Lutterell Place School Brownsey Alley Marshalsea Plaza the Harington Monument wasteland Gibb Road wasteland Marven Mall Marven Mall
the Lawrie Arms the Simkins Monument Ridley Crescent Morton Square Bastable Alley Fearey Avenue Matcham Way Staddon Crescent Voules Square Railway Station Duckett Lane
Rudduck Row a carpark Sankey Bank Burdwood Alley wasteland Club Balchin Nurton Avenue Shinner Row the Brinklow Arms a factory