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I've heard not much of this Karth Salvage, other than he's a total badass.
I've heard not much of this Karth Salvage, other than he's a total badass.

Revision as of 20:58, 5 June 2009

My Story

A while back I joined the Irish marines. I excelled in placing and defusing explosives so the military offered me a chance to be the demo specialist on a covert ops unit. I accepted. The years came and went as I fought in undisclosable locations. Then in 2005, there was the Malton incident. My team was taken to the Malton border. Our mission was to destroy a train loaded with C4 ,just sitting in Shillito Drive Railway Station, so that no civilians could get a hold of it. We mounted up on a jeep and went out, the streets were almost completely deserted, except for the snow...and a handful of school children. Our orders were to leave everyone we encountered, but I couldn't leave them. We stopped to radio for an evac, and one of the girls collapsed on the floor. Her body attracted some Zs to our position. I panicked and opened fire. I put a whole clip into one of them and it didn't slow down. James got a lucky headshot on one of them. I yelled for my squad to aim for the head. Too late. They were close enough to grab now, the children ran away and I found myself under a pile of corpses. The next thing I remember, like I was watching myself from a third person view. I know I mauled many innocent people, I still have nightmares about those people. Sometimes it was my own men I was attacking, in others I was descending on my mother while she was trapped in a corner of my childhood home. Then one day I had a stroke of luck, someone jabbed me with something sharp while I was hunting in a fancy office building. Before I reacted my knees buckled and my entire body felt like it was being ripped apart and stitched back together. I woke up in a sick bay of sorts, with a huge headache. The burning summer sun was shining in my face. I felt several bullet scars on my body. I got up from the bed and noticed a small bump on the door frame to my left. It was a shoulder. Tensing for a quick scuffle I turned the door and pinned the abomination against the wall, I was aiming to snap it's neck. As fast as I had turned the corner I let go of her neck, it was a lady, a young one, with a dirty, no, bloody white coat and glasses. In her hand was a revolver and under her coat I could see the unmistakable bulge of a shotgun. She giggled and told me, in a sweet voice "don't worry, the place is heavily barricaded, nothin's getting in here, atleast...nothing without some imagination" Her gaze rested on my legs and she giggled some more. I was stark naked, and I hadn't realized it. I grabbed the old sheets from the bed inside the room I had been sleeping in and turned it into a toga. My head ached. I told her about my mission, and asked how long I'd been out. Her lips turned into a wide grin, and she laughed. "I know the explosives you're talking about. I raided that train almost three years ago" I was damned if I was going to believe that, but she filled me in on everything that had happened since my mission all those years ago, and none of it sounded like bullshit. I found some food in the cafeteria and a pair of pants in a closet. Later in the day she handed me an old revolver and told me to go to Fort Perryn, I was supposed to head there after completing my mission. It took nearly 30 hours to get there, twice I had to stop and rest, both times I was assaulted by zeds. At Perryn, well not exactly AT Perryn, but inside some sort of bank, I joined up with an American combat unit who had been fighting to reclaim the Fort. This unit consisted mainly of volunteers from the 82nd Airborne Division, and a few civilian units sent in after their original crew had been annihilated. I've spent nearly 9 months in that unit since then. --Dunstan 02:53, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

Post Script: Check out the discussion page.

My Thingabobs

01 AIRBORNE RECRUIT.png I'm from the 82nd!
This user is from the 82nd Airborne Division
Trench coat.jpg Trenchcoater
This user finds no irony in 20 shotguns and katanas.
Awesome.png Awesome
This user/group is awesome!
Male.jpeg Male
This user is male.
Calendar.jpg Calendar
Today is Friday, 27 Sep 2024

Gun.jpg Trigger Happy
This user has guns. Do not cross them.

I've heard not much of this Karth Salvage, other than he's a total badass.

Karth.jpg Karth Salvage
is nothing but a myth!
I refuse to believe.

Red Mage.gif Roleplaying Notice
Notice: This User or Group enjoys the RPG aspect of MMORPGs, the category of games that Urban Dead falls into. As such, there is probably quite a bit of roleplaying and/or creative writing on this page and in said User/Group's in-game actions. In other words, if you think the difference between IC and OOC is "One has an 'I' and the other has two 'O's," buzz off.