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group_membership=around 20|
group_membership=around 20|
group_leaders=Field-Marshal Robert de Bruce|
group_leaders=Joint Leadership|
group_goals=Bringing peace to Malton|
group_goals=Bringing peace to Malton|
group_recruit=open to any and all Survivors|
group_recruit=open to any and all Survivors|

Revision as of 19:31, 9 October 2009

The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
Abbreviation: RHR
Group Numbers: around 20
Leadership: Joint Leadership
Goals: Bringing peace to Malton
Recruitment Policy: open to any and all Survivors
Contact: our forums

The Black Watch

The Black Watch or Royal Highland Regiment (RHR) is a military group seeking bring peace to the city of Malton either by eliminate all zombies or finding an alternative, however we shall not sleep so long as survivors live in fear for their lives. (Just to point out, although we are The Black Watch, our abbreviation is RHR)


The Black Watch has been formed in sight of repeated Zombie infestation and the resulting survivor deaths in once peaceful neighbourhood. Our base of operations are to be announced.

We are not at open war with PKing groups however if any of our members are PKed we will take our revenge, as a one per one system. If continually attacked by members of a certain group or if they declare war on us then we will declare war back on that one group, as our motto goes Nemo Me Impune Lacessit which is Latin for "No man touches me with impunity". We will not go after GKers but will take action against Zergers.

We are always in need of recruits, and are open to everyone so long as they are survivors (Not necessarily a survivor at the time of application but pro-survivor in the way you play). The Black Watch does things differently from other groups, we don't order you about, tell you where to kill, sleep etc everyone in the Black Watch are friends and we only use group structure to keep everyone moving and getting things done. We're not super strict or formal, and we always welcome a laugh but we do try to get the job done.


Note: If you lack the skills to enlist in any of these divisions you will be put on Trainee status until you are able to join the division of your choice.


The Red Line

The Infantry are the main fighting force of the Black Watch it is their job to carry out the main fighting of the group. They must carry lots of guns as well as a crowbar or fire axe. An infantry should have skills of at least Free Running, Advanced Pistol Training (or Training in both Shotguns and Pistols). The Infantry division is actually split in two, one being the Fighting Infantry (Described above) the other being the Engineers, Engineers simply need a few less guns and instead a tool box and/or generators and fuel. Engineers don't necessarily get less action as it's their job to clear and prepare buildings.


File:800px-Flag of the Red Cross.svg.png

The back bone of the RHR, Medics are the ones who heal, and revive fallen and wounded soldiers. All Medics should carry an abundance of First Aid Kits as well as Revivification Syringes to be used on RHR personnel, however if members are in no immediate danger and a hospital, NT or Mall is near by Medics are encourage to heal and revive other non members to ensure the peace. A Medic only needs the skill Lab Experience.

Moss Troopers

Guy in a Gilly Suit

Moss Troopers (Also known as Woad Raiders) are the scouts of The Black Watch, their job to go ahead and scout out; Zombie numbers, Barricade levels and relative safeness of a suburb. Only a few Moss Troopers are needed, a Moss Trooper Should have Free Running and at least pistol training. A Scout should always have either a Fire Axe or Crowbar to lower cades if needed, as well some weapons and possibly a generator with fuel.

It is recommended that in descriptions of members you write something about a sgian dubh (A Scottish traditional knife that was commonly worn in your sock or under your arm). It's our thing.

Our Tartan

This is our Tartan


Everyone starts at Trainee until assigned to a Division, if you have the skills for the one you want then will be placed in it almost immediately (Not in the case of Special Forces) Each Division has it's own list of ranks that ascend parallel to each other.


            Sargent***/ Paramedic*** /Scout Leader***
                (Depends on your Division)
            Captain****/ Head Surgeon**** /Woad Raider**** 
                (Depends on your division)  
 Field-Marshal*****/ Chief Medical Adviser***** /Chief Woad Raider*****
                  (Depends on your Division)

The Stars simply indicate level of seniority and power. If you join the Special Forces then your title. will be the last one you had, for example if you were going from Paramedic to Special Forces your title would remain as Paramedic until you are promoted to head of the Special forces Chief Woad Raider.


This is a list of the expected roles members must carry out based on their rank.

Trainee: Train, chose a Division.

Private* (Infantry): The dirty work, kill Zombies where needed.

Private* (Medic): The dirty work, Heal and revive where needed.

Private* (Moss Trooper): The dirty work, Scout where needed.

Corporal** (All): Same as Private, you've just gained more trust. You may be asked to lead/help individual Privates or Trainees.

Sergeant*** (Infantry): Lead sections of the Infantry, help Captains command the Infantry.

Paramedic***(Medic): Leading sections of the Medics, help Head surgeon command the medics.

Scout Leader*** (Moss Troopers): Organize small scouting parties, help the Woad Raiders command Moss Troopers.

Captain**** (Infantry): Takes orders directly from the Field-Marshal, carries out said orders and organizes whole Infantry Structure. May act as an Ambassador.

Head Surgeon**** (Medics): Takes orders directly from the Chief Medical Adviser, carries out said orders and organizes whole Medic Division. May act as an Ambassador.

Woad Raider**** (Moss Troopers): Takes orders directly from the Chief Woad Raider, carries out said orders and organizes scouting parties, gives information to the Chief Woad Raider or even the Leader of the group. May act as an Ambassador.

Field-Marshal***** (Infantry): Makes most military decisions, commands all Infantry, confers with Chief Medical Adviser and Chief Woad Raider.

Surgeon General***** (Medics): Makes all medicine and revivification decisions, commands all Medics, confers with Chief Woad Raider and Field-Marshal.

Chief Woad Raider***** (Moss Troopers) Commands all Moss Troopers, confers with Chief Medical Adviser and Field-Marshal Makes all scouting decisions.

Leader of the Group****** (Any) The leader may be either Field-Marshal, Chief Medical Adviser or Chief Woad Raider, The Leader can Veto anyone and anything, however usually the leader should and will take advise from other members.

November Reform

Due to a dip in members the RHR will be making some changes to their ways of doing things, first we shall be selecting a suburb to stay in as a home. this will be done to keep our group together. Next we will be changing our recruiting methods and third we will create a more defined policy on things such as PKing.

Policies we Follow

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.



The Black Watch has chosen to settle down in a specific suburb and carry out its operations from there.


August: The RHR has spent the last month in Mid East Malton, Primarily Tollyton , Roftwood and Stanbury Village and with the help of allies have held back the RRF from the SE and rebuilt, Woodrofe Mall, Hildebran Mall and Nichols Mall (well for a while).

September: The RHR has traveled to the NW of Malton and repaired many of the gray suburbs there.



On June 28 2008, at 12:28 AM The Streltsy declared war on us for no true reason other than that we are pro survivor and weaker than them. If a member of the Streltsy is seen he is to be killed on sight.

The next day their leader The Almighty Todd offered to make truce if the RHR ended all recruitment campaigns, Robert de Bruce turned down the offer as this would cripple the Black Watch and the Streltsy had not even fired a blow.

On July 25 2008 a member of The Black Watch in confusion of our policies attacked and killed a member of The Browncoats which resulted in a war starting on July 2.

Some time in June of 2009 the Black Watch entered a war with Cobra and ejected them from Eastonwood


In early July of 2008 a temporary Alliance was formed between The Black Watch and Paradox to work on missions in Tollyton.

On July 22 2008 The Black Watch formed an alliance with the Army Control Corps.

on July 23 2008 The RHR formed an alliance with The 22nd Regiment.

On August 11 an official alliance was made between The Black Watch and The Kilt Store (They gave us new Kilts!).

In mid August the RHR and Paradox began to work together and now have a formal alliance.

Battle Poem

Because of course nothings manlier than a poem.

   'Scots, wha hae wi' Wallace bled,
    Scots, wham Bruce has aften led,
    Welcome tae your gory bed,
    Or tae Victorie!

    'Now's the day, and now's the hour:
    See the front o' battle lour,
    See approach proud Edward's power -
    Chains and Slaverie!

    'Wha will be a traitor knave?
    Wha will fill a coward's grave?
    Wha sae base as be a slave?
    Let him turn and flee!

    'Wha, for Scotland's king and law,
    Freedom's sword will strongly draw,
    Freeman stand, or Freeman fa',
    Let him on wi' me!

    'By Oppression's woes and pains!
    By your sons in servile chains!
    We will drain our dearest veins,
    But they shall be free!

    'Lay the proud usurpers low!
    Tyrants fall in every foe!
    Liberty's in every blow! -
    Let us do or dee!' '

That was a poem written by the Scottish Poet Robert Bruns, it was written in the language Scots below I've written a translation.

   'Scots, who have with Wallace bled,
    Scots, whom Bruce has often led,
    Welcome to your gory bed
    Or to victory!

    'Now is the day, and now is the hour:
    See the front of battle lower (threaten),
    See approach proud Edward's power -
    Chains and slavery!

    'Who will be a traitor knave?
    Who will fill a coward's grave?
    Who's so base as be a slave? -
    Let him turn, and flee!

    'Who for Scotland's King and Law
    Freedom's sword will strongly draw,
    Freeman stand or freeman fall,
    Let him follow me!

    'By oppression's woes and pains,
    By your sons in servile chains,
    We will drain our dearest veins
    But they shall be free!

    'Lay the proud usurpers low!
    Tyrants fall in every foe!
    Liberty is in every blow!
    Let us do or die!' 


TBWMascot.jpg Joe Boi
Joe Boi is the official mascot of The Black Watch

(Even if he mysteriously disappears every once and a while)

Scotland flag.JPG Scottish
This user is Scottish.

Crusadesbanner.jpg Survivor Crusade
This user or group believes that after what the survivors did when they banded together in the Battle of Giddings, they should band together again and go on a Crusade to take something dear from the zombies and put them on the defensive.

Scarface al pacino.jpg Scarface
You wanna play games? Okay, I'll play with you. You wanna play rough? Okay! Say hello to my little friend!

Tactics.jpg Strategy Maker
This user is great at making strategies to get out of sticky situations even if things seem hopeless.

Aspyinourmist.png No Spying
"They knew everything, there is a leak from the inside, its real, smoke'em out" This user/group hates spying

Zerg.jpg Zergers Suck
This user believes that there is no such thing as griefing a Multi abuser, they deserve everything they get.