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<center><b>Commander:</b> [[User:Morrigana|<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Morrigana</span>]](HK) </center>
<center><b>Commander:</b> [[User:Morrigana|<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Morrigana</span>]](HK) </center>
<center><b>Lieutenant:</b> Jim McCloud (CW)</center>
<center><b>Lieutenant:</b> Jim McCloud (CM)</center>
<center><b>Sergeant:</b> Sir Darin (CW)</center>
<center><b>Sergeant:</b> Sir Darin (CW)</center>
<center><b>Vigilance Overlord:</b> ---</center>
<center><b>Vigilance Overlord:</b> ---</center>

Revision as of 18:19, 30 March 2011

Dark Watch
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DW Banner.jpg

Team Dark Watch

Commander: Morrigana(HK)
Lieutenant: Jim McCloud (CM)
Sergeant: Sir Darin (CW)
Vigilance Overlord: ---
Havoc Lord: Anne Tardew, Avatorous
Havoc Knight: ---
Campaign Master: Oscar Raines
Campaign Warrior: Holy Pac man, Woadraidr, Mercinus3, Dr. Sergio, arnie small
Chief Assault Officer: Boocatbutterbee, Miejoe
Assault Officer: Aliahnnyah
Batallion Ranger: --
Conflict Trooper: Frank Keyz, SuperSteef, Thatcher Morrison, AjamesM, Torr22
Deployment Soldier: Piccon003, coolbuddyabhinav
Engagement Squaddie: Becky Bondage
Freedom Fighter: --
General Enforcement: FearfulPinata

Walk of Fame - Former Dark Watch Members
  • Lieutenant Dedun(CW)
  • SmokeyDawn (DS)
  • Perrin the Wolf (HK)
  • Tycoonbosh (AO)
  • Chakurakid (AO)
  • Daniel181 (HK)
  • Commander Warlord (AKA FireWarlord) (HL)
  • Lieutenant Brian Flynn (AO)
  • Larinthian (AO)
  • Oryx Clarke (ES)
  • AvaroMesa19 (GE)
  • XxXLegendXxX (GE)
  • Michael Markus (AO)
  • PrepH (HK)
  • NEVCE (ES)
  • John Alcar (CAO)
  • Georgus Filafonte (AO)
  • Sgt Lenimen (CAO)
  • Private Mendoza (CAO)
  • Bored01 (CAO)
  • Carroot (DS)
  • Kanx (DS)
  • Crynosis (DS)
  • Joey Raven (ES)
  • Bob Boberton (HK)
  • Kevin Tarot (CW)
  • Fayruz (BR)
  • Faustus CS Felix (CAO)
  • Thomas Koerte (DS)
  • Dr. Goodchild (AO)
  • Warbird108 (DS)
  • Zeke Nafien (BR)
  • Kai Selbstlos (GE)
  • Commander ziptrickhead (VO)

The Dark Watch Motto

Dark Watch - About The Team

Dark Watch is comprised mostly of battle-hardened warriors with a few relatively recent graduates. As such, it is an ideal learning environment in which tactical details and strategies are actively reviewed and discussed. Currently led by Commander Morrigana since December 20010, this team is known for their good humour, deadly efficiency on the battle field and impressive individual careers. The leadership is fun, tactically sophisticated, and supportive. Identifying individual member's strengths and learning styles and helping them to build a career they can enjoy and be proud of is a priority.

Dark Watch - A Complete History

Dark Watch was originally opened in January 2007. Dark Watch's first Commander, NuAgeTechno, was a recruit that Jensonson had originally signed up from the streets. After sifting through a host of squad name options created by Fortress members NuAge settled on the mysterious and bone-chilling name of Dark Watch.

Unfortunately the first few months of Dark Watch were rocky. They lost commander after commander, and without the dedicated leadership they required Dark Watch was dissolved in July 2007. Following this, Dark Watch members were reassigned to other units within The Fortress, and many in The Fortress assumed the team would never rise the glory envisioned by those first loyal members. Unexepectedly, less than six months later, Dark Watch rose again like a Phoenix. With the passion of its former members burning bright, and the substantial talent of several new recruits, Dark Watch was re-opened under the command of FireWarlord. Soon after a talented young soldier by the name of Dedun was named as Lieutenant and helped Commander Warlord organize and get the team back on their feet. Regrettably, after a messy and unfortunate zombie accident in April of 2008, Dedun was forced to retire and a recently transferred member, Anne Tardew, was named as the next Lieutenant. Commander Warlord and Lieutenant Tardew led the team to their established greatness over the next 8 months. Together, with their outstanding team they completed some fantastic feats, such as fighting back The Dead and a two month siege at Caiger Mall. In December 2008, Warlord stepped down after an epic 325 days as commander. Soon after, Anne Tardew was named Commander of Dark Watch and Morrigana was named as her Lieutenant. The team has continued to thrive under their leadership. Anne Tardew ran the team for 9 straight months before stepping down. Ziptrick head them rose to take her place and Kevin Tarot was promoted to the position of Lieutenant. In November 2010, LT Kevin Tarot left Dark Watch to become a Drill Sergeant in Boot Camp. 3 weeks later Commander Ziptrickhead announced his intention to step down and join the general ranks in Dark Watch. In December of 2010, Morrigana was promoted to the commander of Dark Watch naming Jim McCloud and Sir Darin as her Lieutenant and Sergeant respectively. Is this end of the history of Dark Watch? Not at all. Check back as the story continues...

The Dark Watch Awards

What are The Dark Watch Awards?

The Dark Watch Awards are a series of awards awarded at the end of each quarter of the year. (January, April, July, October) The awards are to recognize the hard work and achievements of individual members who go above and beyond the call of duty. Each award has a different set of criteria to qualify an individual for the award. The awards are varied to reward those who choose different careers, whether it be infantry, healing, engineering or any other. Additionally, the team votes on chooses their VIP for the quarter. The Commander also chooses a recipient who he/she believes is worthy of Dark Watch VIP status for their work, commitment, and loyalty to the team.

Below are the recent recipients of The Dark Watch Awards for the quarter ending January 2011.

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She has been one of the most dedicated medical personnel this team has ever seen. Whenever a revive, or a FAK is needed she is there to save the day. This has earned her the title of 'FAK'er Extraordinnaire' and certainly she is! Congratulations Alia!!


His receiving this award is probably a shock to no one. His epic repair during the Elves vs Reindeer OP not only put him into a coma for a few days, but was the deciding factor on who won that OP. (Elves! GO US!) Merc, always willing to take on new challenges and seek out new danger may be no stranger to repairs, but this epic repair will now be remembered for years to come. Congratulations Merc!!!

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Oscar Raines
He may be a tad bit.. err... crazy at times when it comes to his obsession with his tinsel (not to mention he is also the deity in a cult in his spare time), but that works in our favour as the zeds ALSO tremble in fear! During the Flaming Fireworks Zombie Extravaganza, Oscar killed a zombie with just a length of tinsel! This epic feat as secured his spot in the Dark Watch Hall of Fame. Congratulations Oscar!!!


He is receiving the Hero of The Day Award due to his selfless sacrifice to protect our own LT Jim from certain death in the midst of a zombie hoarde. While Jim was attempting to complete his Zen ABA, zombies swarmed him. Woadraidr came to the rescue, trying to meatshield Jim in the open in an attempt to save his life. While Jim sadly fell to the hoarde of zombies, Woad's above and beyond actions to come to the aid of his teammate will ALWAYS be remembered. We are very luck to have him on our team. Congratulations Woad!!!

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Dr. Sergio
The doctor is one of the quieter members of the team, but that does not mean I don't notice the absolutely outstanding work and commitment he puts in everyday. Ever since he has returned to the team from his shore leave it has been evident that his presence was severely missed. Whenever a task needs to be done, Sergio is there to and willing to help. Whether it is revives, clearing a building, cading or just generally helping out when needed, Sergio always completes the task with high skill and respect. He regularly attends RTS, and also reports on his daily actions. This team is better with you here, and for this reason and many other I am honoured to be able to present you with this award. Congratulations Sergio!!

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She is your choice, Dark Watch, as the team VIP. While it was absolutely outstanding to see all the nominations, appreciation and votes for your fellow teammates, there was one who gathered slightly more votes than the rest. (Yes, this was a close race!) Miejoe is a hardworking, extremely dedicated and loved member of this team. Dark Watch would not be the same without her, and that is shown by how many people voted for her as this quarters VIP. Mie's fun, happy personality and creativity keep everyone smiling from ear to ear. Combined with her all her hard work with the team and around the forums, it should be no surprise that Miejoe is our VIP! CONGRATULATIONS Mie!!!

Dark Watch - Operations

Famous Dark Watch Operations Coming Soon!

10 Most Recent Dark Watch Operations

Operation: BOGO
Dark Watch goes shopping in Whittenside in this mission. Instead of raiding the malls like pre-quarantine moms during Black Friday, they raided Fort Perryn, successfully reclaiming it. Then we all bought new left shoes for ourselves.

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Operation: Colour Burst
The team gets festive as they light zeds like fireworks and partying in the light. Then they get down to business and restore Peppardville to its former glory.

Operation: Elves Vs Reindeer
Christmas has come and to celebrate the Fortress has come together for a friendly competition. The two teams split and compete to gain the most points over 3 different suburbs; Shackleville, Tollyton, and Stanbury Village. The match ending with a victory for the Reindeer and thanks to Dark Watch's mighty effort with an extremely high repair taken on by Mercinus3.

Operation: I Do
Dark Watch gets married in a large ceremony. Then the newly wed couples test their vows of "Till death do us part" with a honeymoon in Riddleybank.

Operation: Murderball in Quarlesbank
Dark Watch heads to Pitman's Mansion to attend a ball hosted by Mr. Body. The purpose is to meet with Mr. Body, who claims to have discovered valuable information that he wishes to share with us. When he is mysteriously killed, Dark Watch faces the daring and danger task of uncovering the truth about his death and the secrets of the Fortress's arch nemesis Lord Pitman.

(Sorry Image is not yet complete) Dark Watch moves over to reclaim Tynte Mall in Pimbank. Welcome to the Dark Watch Kenya Dance Party.

(Sorry Image is not yet complete) Dark Watch races to catch up with the Big Bash 3 and attempt to bring its rain of terror to a grinding halt.

Secret Operation: The Judge Crusades
Dark Watch was sent to the suburb of Lockettside to wage a psychological war, with spray cans, against the powers of the Judge Tempest, one of Pitman's five judges.

Operation: Veni, Vidi, Vici
Dark Watch and Battlehawks duel it out in a race to claim the most points and buildings in the legendary suburb of Riddleybank. Through confusion and conflicting ideals, Dark Watch persevered and came out with not only the most points but the most territory, but not the most connected territory. The winner of the duel has yet to be declared, but in the Dark Watch barracks we know who really won.

Operation: Speedy Resolution
(Sorry summary and Image are not yet complete)

Dark Watch Photo Gallery


This picture was taken for the annual Fortress Anniversary Party in 2008. From left to right:
Brian Flynn, Larinthian, Michael Markus, Morrigana, bored01, Bob Boberton, Anne Tardew, Warlord, PrepH, Sgt Lenimen, Jacob VonNaasz, Daniel181, ziptrickhead, chakurakid

This photograph was taken during the epic battle that was Operation CS: Salvation in and around Caiger Mall.

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This picture was taken in Tardew Row, Ridleybank after the victory by Dark Watch in the Operation: Veni, Vidi, Vici.Right to Left:
Back/Middle: Ed Flayer, Mercinus3, Faustus C S Felix, Jim McCloud, Dr. Goodchild, Woadraidr, Sir Darin, Dr. Sergio, Boocatbutterbee, Ziptrickhead, Pokeblink

Front: Morrigana, Fayruz, Kevin Tarot, Anne Tardew, Mindlessidiots, Jacob VonNaasz

Dark Watch - So You Want To Join?

  • 10. Now with 30% more Vitamin C!
  • 9. Pyrotechnics expert, Bob Boberton satisfies your daily recommended conflagration allowance.
  • 8. Two Words: Jello Shots!
  • 6. Sometimes Commander Tardew sleeps in the nude
  • 5. Challenging, tactical operations
  • 4. Frequent precision real-time strikes
  • 3. Dark Watch Awards for achievements in the battlefield
  • 2. Close camaraderie
  • 1. Opportunities to develop tactical expertise, leadership and style

The Identity, Style and Expectations of Dark Watch Members:

Dark Watch has become known as a finely tuned, experienced combat squad with a proclivity towards jello shots and naked twister parties. We employ regular Real Time Strikes which certainly contribute to our efficiency and success but are not a requirement for individuals to excel. Superior organization and tactical leadership has created an outstanding record of success as Dark Watch has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to accomplish tasks previously thought possible only by much larger squads. The team is tight and communicates primarily via MSN Messenger, but daily forum posts are expected to maximize efficiency, coordination and vigilance.

How We Roll

As I am sure you know, RTS’s, or Real Time Strikes, are a crucial part of any combat teams day to day activity and here in Dark Watch we have a few for you to choose from.

  • Got a thing for needles? Love the thrill of rushing to the aid of a bleeding victim? Then maybe Jim McCloud’s Medical Spearhead RTS is just for you. Get your adrenaline pumping while saving the people of Malton. Join in spearheading medicine from Monday through Friday.

  • Syringes not really your style? Do you have more of an Itchy trigger finger? Like, an extremely itchy trigger finger? Then do we have something for you, Sir Darin’s Combat RTS. Load up your gun, grab some extra clips because we all know you will need them, and get ready to bring the rain down on those walking rotters. So blow zombies away on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at the Combat RTS.

  • Now, I know what you’re thinking, “But this is just the weekdays, isn’t there anything over the weekend?” Well you’re in luck, because we know that everybody wants a little fun over their weekends and what is more than gunning down a bunch of zeds then downing some jello-shots to celebrate. Then try out The Weekend Worst RTS, we are the best at being the Worst nightmare for a Weekend party going zed. Come join us on Saturdays for a party that will truly rock your brains out, you don’t want to miss this.

  • For those caffeine crazed folk and insomniacs, we have something special for you, Morrigana’s Night Owl RTS. Burn the midnight oil on the zombies’ head, tell some ghost stories around the campfire, use your guns to play laser tag with the zombies, or go Rambo on those hordes. So come on and join the Watchers as they slip through the dark to do what they do best, saving lives and kicking ass, every Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

  • Having been in Dark Watch for over a year, I can say that it has been and still is a great time. My first Combat Team, I really can't see myself anywhere else. With a great CO and Lt, operations go smoothly. There are almost daily real time strikes to keep the team together and make operations more efficient. It may be all business during the RTs, but there's always time for fun afterwards. Don't let the mini parties fool you; Dark Watch knows how to get some serious work done!-- ziptrickhead

  • Dark Watch - The best Combat Team in all of the Fortress. I have learned so much. Especially the importance of knowing which suburb you're in, and to always to have an EP. The leadership in DW is exceptional, Commander Tardew is one of the best ever. It's also one of the most tight knit groups and is one of the most comic also. Our RT sessions are never dull. And as for whopage, we're the best. We're not the biggest CT, but we are the most efficient. Oh and were the best at lighting Malton. Being the head engineer, I can take some credit, but most of it goes to the other DW engineers and our scouts telling us what NT's or PDs need power. All in all, I can't say I have seen a better CT. --Jacob VonNaasz

  • I've been in Dark Watch since only a month after it reopened at the start of 2008, and let me tell you, after a whole year of working with the squad, I'm already missing it after ten days on vacation (ABA holiday!). Anne's been more than just a Commander or Lieutenant for most of us; she's been the heart of our team, always present to say hello and always leading the charge in RTs. Over the course of '08 we grew to be the largest team in the Fortress (for however brief a time) and we still pack a solid punch wherever we choose to deliver it. Watch your back, zeds, the Watch might be in town... --Bob Boberton

Dark Watch - Current Leadership

File:Rainbow29.gif Commander Morrigana: December 8, 2010 - Present

Commander Morrigana (Havok Knight) began her career in The Fortress on March 31, 2008, and inspired by a member of The Fortress and Dark Watch, Larinthian, she requested to be assigned to the same team. Granted this, Morrigana quickly found a place serving under Commander FireWarlord. When Warlord stepped down from his post as CO, his successor, Anne Tardew appointed Morri as her Lieutenant. This was a post she held until September of 2009, when, due to real life issues, she was unfortunately forced to step down. Thankfully, on December 8, 2010 she was able to take up another leadership position as the commanding officer of Dark Watch, and although she is relatively new to this position, she is already well loved and respected by her coterie of Watchers. Well-deserved that love is, as she has already led us through four zed-crushing operations (each one accompanied with much playful banter and unsolicited drinking.) With Morrigana, every day brings a new laugh, and a new round of assorted jello shots, so on behalf of all of us at Dark Watch, I say, "Hit Me!"

Dark Watch - Past Leadership

  • Commander NuAgeTechno - 8 Jan - 14 Feb 2007 (37 days)
  • Commander Studz - 23 Feb - 9 Apr 2007 (45 days)
  • Commander Charlie Mon - 19 Apr - 15 May 2007 (25 days)
  • Commander Tommy Crowbar - 15 May 2007 - 29 Jul 2007 (75 days)
  • Commander FireWarlord - 13 Jan 2008 - 3 Dec 2008 (325 days)
  • Commander Anne Tardew - 11 Dec 2008 - 4 Sept 2009 (266 days)
  • Commander Ziptrickhead - 4 Sept 2009 - November 21, 2010 (443 days!!)