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*It's not that I think you're a right cunt. --[[User:Dann|Dann]] 14:50, 17 May 2006 (BST)
*It's not that I think you're a right cunt. --[[User:Dann|Dann]] 14:50, 17 May 2006 (BST)
*It's good to know you don't think that, after all the times you called me a cunt I feared you truely believed it. If your allies don't say something if they kill us we will just think they are pkers and they'll be reported as such. Dr.Love Duke 16:37, 17 May 2006 (BST)
*It's good to know you don't think that, after all the times you called me a cunt I feared you truely believed it. If your allies don't say something if they kill us we will just think they are pkers and they'll be reported as such. Dr.Love Duke 16:37, 17 May 2006 (BST)
*Multiple uses show conviction. --[[User:Dann|Dann]] 14:50, 17 May 2006 (BST)

Revision as of 18:09, 17 May 2006

Join: Dartside Whiners

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The GA

The GA have nothing to do with this Lutari. If we had wanted to kill you before the battle Goliath could have done for you last night dann. Dr.Love Duke 12:34, 14 May 2006 (BST)

  • I pretty much knew that, since the psycho's been attacking us since before this challenge. On the other hand, what I think Dann's talking about is those spies you sent over beforehand (not lutari). --V2Blast 21:42, 14 May 2006 (BST)
  • lutari has been spotted staying a block away from where McSmash was spotted. Coincidence? I think not. --Dann 17:30, 15 May 2006 (BST)
  • What spies are you talking about V2? Dr.Love Duke 19:53, 15 May 2006 (BST)
  • People that have been following us into different buildings. Are you going to lie and say you haven't used spies? --Dann 21:33, 15 May 2006 (BST)
  • We haven't actually,but I see your allies can be called in

"V2Blast attacked you for 4 damage. (05-16 05:20 BST) Bocaj Claw said "War's a female dog. Sorry about this but your group is in a war with an ally of mine." (05-16 07:43 BST) Bocaj Claw attacked you for 8 damage. (05-16 07:44 BST) ...and again. (05-16 07:44 BST) Bocaj Claw attacked you for 4 damage. (05-16 07:44 BST) ...and again. (05-16 07:44 BST) ...and again. (05-16 07:44 BST) Bocaj Claw attacked you for 3 damage. (05-16 07:44 BST You have been killed."

Dann can use alts to kill us and he talks about honour. He attacked us outside of Dartside after demanding the battle be fought there. He has proved himself to be a coward and an imbecile at every turn. I am suprised he has any followers at all given his limited mental capcacity. No doubt he will delete or change this message as soon as it is posted. Dr.Love Duke 13:25, 16 May 2006 (BST)

  • I said you were stupid before, but this is beyond a joke. You're a total moron! Bocaj Claw is leader of Evil Army of H2G2, not my alt. We've established you can't read properly, but fuck me, get some fucking glasses! As for honour, when have I claimed we have any? I'm a working class fella, aim for the balls is what I say. This ain't a tea party douchebag, it's a fight. We don't want to play fair, if you can't handle that, run along with your Pith helmets and fuck off. But that said, I've not used my alt to attack once. Bocaj is a entity seperate from me. As for using allies, all's fair in love and war, my friend. Now, I know for a fact, you've been using spies. And no, not just lutari. We've been followed, and someone that knows the group you've befriended to follow us, told us they were aware of them spying. So don't give me that bullshit of honour, when you've been checking out prior to fighting. You going to tell me it's coincidence faces we've never seen suddenly start following us wherever we went? Imbecile? I'm not the one getting fucked at the minute mate, DW seem to be kicking your arse, you've killed one of our members, we've killed you and Goliath twice now. If anything, it's fucking genious what I've done. Lastly, I don't think you're one to call me up on having limited mental capacity, our tactics have certainly been more well thought out than yours, hence 4 kills to your measley 1. Think this is a case of sour grapes. Tonight, we will be crowned winners, and you will be crowned, in every sense of the word, losers.

I end in the words of Jim Carrey "La-hoo-zzer". --Dann 15:00, 15 May 2006 (BST)

Dann my learned friend you are quite mistaken, loveduke never claimed that Bocaj was your alt. He was referring to the fact that you killed me as Dann, when i returned the favour you said it didn't count as he was your alt, make up your mind man. That said the fact that people you have never seen have been showing up in Dartside is no concern of ours, last time I checked a lot of people played this game, one can hardly be expected to know them all. Lastly I would just like to express my genuine admiration towards you, the levels of hipocrisy, cheating and general insanity you have displayed since the start of this affair has left me breathless. Your failure to display even the smallest amounts of intelligence, tact or grace has led me to believe that you yourself must be long descended from aristocratic blood, my hat goes off to you sir.

I to would like to end with a qoute from Jim Carrey "Riddle me this riddle me that, who's afraid of the big black bat". Never a truer word spoken. Goliath Mcsmash

By the way I count the score as 3-2 to the GA. I was killed by someone you admit is not in your group, your alt is listed as dartside whiners, I killed alfonso and goliath killed doovoo. If you don't want to count your alts then its 2-0.What does this sentence mean dann. "We've been followed, and someone that knows the group you've befriended to follow us, told us they were aware of them spying." What group have we befriended to follow you?Dr.Love Duke 19:26, 16 May 2006 (BST)

  • My alt, Dann(two apostrophes) scouted, who you killed. He did nothing more. Dann(three apostrophes) who is my main did the killing. It's true I would have killed you with Dann, as all my charecters are called Dann. My alt, Dann(two apostrophes) doesn't have DW in the group section, as he's not apart of the group. That is my main. The alt hasn't any group in his group section, so get it straight before you claim these falsities. Deny it all you wish that you haven't asked a group of people in Dartside to spy on us, but I don't believe you. I know it has been going on.

I ask, what have I been a hypocrite about, secondly, how is using someone to scout outside of the suburb I'm in cheating, and what insanity have I displayed? Melodramtic or what. Well if I'm so unintelligent, why have I bested you every time? I've managed to kill you twice now, using Dann(three apostrophe), one of the leaders, yet you've not managed to catch me. I have utilised the area, and outsmarted you several times now, yet you can't admit it, can you? The GA aren't hiding they are crybabies very well, grow some balls and stop moaning.

As for the score, I've killed you twice, so it's mathimatically impossible to be 2-0. The allies fight under us, so their kills count in our favour. So that's two kills of you, by me, one by a ally, and another by a ally. That counts to 4-2. 2 better than you, I believe.

Enough of the bitching, I've had enough of hearing you moan about every last thing. Either piss off, or take it like the girls you are.

PS. Where is this bat we're scared of? Absmyal choice of quote I say. --Dann 19:47, 16 May 2006 (BST)

There has only been 1 kill by your allies.If there has been 2 the second didn't tell anyone. I still don't know what group we're using to spy on you. If kills by allies count and you think Lutari is involved with us isn't the score about 6-4 to the GA? Dr.Love Duke 23:03, 16 May 2006 (BST)

  • I love how I'm a hypocrite, yet when we're whooping your arse, you say lutari does count. Although you've denied it for about 2 weeks. So either he is with you, or he isn't. And if he is, you can't ever bring up the matter of honour, because he'll have been spying and attacking prior to you arriving in Dartside. Make your bloody mind up.
    I have killed Goliath twice,
    Bocaj Claw killed you once,
    A ally killed one of Parfit.

That makes 4 to your 3 (Alfonso, Julia, and DooVoo). So we're winning. --Dann 09:14, 17 May 2006 (BST)

Make that 5, I just killed Kazoomba. --V2Blast 12:29, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  • Lutari is still not one of us I was merely posing a question. Kingofhar can be added to our score. One of our members reports being attacked by Dann(2apostrophe) so I think we'll be counting him as an ally, hence 5-5. Dr.Love Duke 12:42, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  • You may add Alfonso to our score also. Dr.Love Duke 13:03, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  • The score is 5-4 to us. It seems you lost someone today. I'm going to stop arguing, but for the last time, read what I'm saying. I. Have. Not. Used. A. Alt. To. Kill. What bit of that don't you understand. Also, how could I? Dann(two apostrophe) is dead, and has been for two days, not to mention he's in Brooke. That's about 3 'burbs away. Can you not post on here again, obviously didn't read the enough of the bitchin' bit of my post. --Dann 13:47, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  • It may be that our man mis-counted the number of apostrophe.The score is 5-5,if you count your allies kills. Alfonso, Julia, DooVoo, Kingofhar and Alfonso again by the GA. You claim an allies killed parfit. Whoever did kill him never said anything about your group so if you can't name this ally it does not count. Dr.Love Duke 14:15, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  • Phillip, and they don't need to say they are a ally of us every time they kill one of you. Where's your apology for being wrong about me then? --Dann 14:18, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  • Apology? It's not that I think you might be lying wait it is that.
  • It's not that I think you're a right cunt. --Dann 14:50, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  • It's good to know you don't think that, after all the times you called me a cunt I feared you truely believed it. If your allies don't say something if they kill us we will just think they are pkers and they'll be reported as such. Dr.Love Duke 16:37, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  • Multiple uses show conviction. --Dann 14:50, 17 May 2006 (BST)