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Archived Mirror Writer Applications

Writer Application

Not sure how much time I can devote to this, but I'm signing up to be a writer for the Malton Mirror. If I come up w/ any "scheduling difficulties," however, then I may have to withdraw this application. --Specialist290 04:05, 28 March 2007 (BST)

Not to worry... This isn't a constant thing... just spew out whatever article you want for the paper, feel free to contribute whenever you can, right now the update rate is once a month so things will be mellow. Just make sure, the article is about something that is actually occuring ingame and is not biased, as long as you meet that and everything is well written your article(s) will make it in. --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 22:24, 28 March 2007 (BST)


Spec290 suggested I apply, and I admit I've taken a liking to the Mirror. I'd be glad to help out by writing some articles, if you'll have me. --James Ennis 20:35, 9 May 2007 (BST)



I'll write for the Mirror. I have an in with the newly-elected zombie mayor of Malton, and some contacts over at MCDU, as an ex-member.

I'm waiting on a revive, since I prefer to cover the news as a person. No history of PK or GK.

As an RL journalist, I can help improve the quality as a copy editor, as well.

Cheers Jonathan Frey


Hail there! I have noted that the Malton Mirror needs writers to submit headlines for the paper, and I'm willing and ready to step up. I've submitted a piece of my work on the Malton Mirror classifieds section, for review and analysis by the editors. Should I join, I believe my focus would be providing stories on the ever-relevant Caiger Mall and surrounding areas. However, I could provide news from across the city if so desired. I hope that you can make use of my services by picking me up as a writer for the Malton Mirror. --Davurnium 16:29, 31 May 2007 (BST)

Article Post Archive

Mayor of Malton: Primary Results

Harmanative Party

  1. Karloth Vois - 24
  2. Tovarisch Khruschev - 17
  3. Richard Nixon's Head - 5
  4. None of the Above - 2
  5. SteelVortex2 - 2

Dylan Mann - 1

Zombiecratic Party

  1. Bullgod / Murray Jay Suskind - 66 / 66
  2. Huey P Long - 21

YagWatch: Battle in Yagoton Intensifies

With the recent arrival of the Eastonwood Ferals onto the scene, the battle for Yagoton has heated up. Zombies standing outside the Whatmore Building now number more than 60, with a possible toal of well over 100 undead in the area. This development, however, has not seemed to have drastically changed the situation, as survivors continue to repel breaches and living humans inside the building continue to number above 100.

The primary concern for survivors right now is apparently a shortage of supplies. Revivification syringes remain abundant for rather obvious reasons, but numerous attempts to retake Bale Mall, also in the vicinity, have failed, and while many other nearby resource buildings are often taken by survivors, they rarely make it through the night. Consequently, guns have fallen silent while their owners turn instead to reliable melee weapons, and many survivors languish as they await a slow death by infection. Many survivors have turned to making out-of-suburb supply runs to stock up on items such as First Aid Kits for several days, then returning to the fray.

An additional problem, as supplies continue to dwindle, is combat-reviving. Many survivors, unaware of the consequences of their actions, have turned to reviving active zombies in order to rapidly clear out a zombie breakin. It is noted that a zombie revived in such fashion may often turn violent, destroying generators and causing general mayhem before eventually rejoining his friends outside.

Despite these twin problems, however, the defenders continue to maintain high expectations for their defense. The siege has already been ongoing for more than two weeks now, and the situation shows no signs of changing for the worse.

Wow, you wrote all this? We can put the election coverage on your blog, the yagwatch on the radio and feature yagwatch on an updated issue later this month... provided it has not become out of date... I can always update it for you though... :) --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 21:24, 21 April 2007 (BST)

Yeah, I had a little extra free time this afternoon. I'll go ahead and add the election-thing to my news blog. As for the rest, go for it :) --Specialist290 03:44, 22 April 2007 (BST) (P.S.: What frequency does the Mirror use for its radio program? I'm guessing the DHPD freq, but I could be wrong.)

The Radio is wiki-based... however I am DJ Mundane on Radio Free and give news updates from the mirror there... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 07:08, 22 April 2007 (BST)

Archived Comments


lissen... i apologise... i was mostly just being a bitch... a) partly my own bad mood... but also b) from the outside, this tiff between the DHPD and the Dead is very annoying and very frustrating. understand that i am as neutral as possible in this whole DHPD/The Dead thing... and often find the behavior and actions of both your group and the Goons... well... frustrating... i think i'm going to be very blunt here, and say this... i believe that the way the DHPD often handles things brings a lot of the abuse you take from the Goons on, makes it worse... and it's frustrating because I do not believe the Goons are acting well themselves -- they are assholes and bullies. However... at the same time... the thing is... IMO they are often DEAD RIGHT on some issues... in fact, underneath the bullshit, the Goons have actually brought a lot of good things to this game, and actually if you're able to look at objectively have acted in many ways GAWD FORBID, in their twisted way, as better members of the community than many others out there... but, they are still jerks, no doubt about it, and much of what they do really is NOT acceptable... so you can see, then, why dealing with this conflict as an outside can be frustrating? anyway, no hard feelings, again i'm sorry for being a bitch, man... no worries, okay? --WanYao 16:14, 9 April 2008 (BST)

it is okay, I understand... but as for the goons... open your eyes man... they are pulling a wool over your eyes... they might have forced the mods to get up and work on the cleaning of the wiki... but they have done so only to cause pain... the ends can not justify the means... they are killing us man... if the DHPD goes... I will never touch UD again... and neither will most of the others... the only reason we're still around is because of the friendships we've made in the group... it has made us more resilient than any other group against the dead... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 16:24, 9 April 2008 (BST)

PS: Deadtanian has been editing the suburb descriptions, constantly removing the "This burb is part of the DMZ" we were allowed by Hagnat-5 and Gnome... what should I do? should I report him? --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 16:32, 9 April 2008 (BST)

Thats probably the best idea. Or take them to arbitration. --Nitro378 T JNL 16:35, 9 April 2008 (BST)
Well, it's not like members from both groups came to an agreement that lets you keep your silly little DMZ crap but not in the NPOV section. Oh wait, yes we did. So if you want it, make a subsection for it but keep your stupid shit off the NPOV. And we'll go ahead and make sure it stays where it belongs, okay? --́我́罪 16:42, 9 April 2008 (BST)
We never agreed; and the dead would never compromise with us... Laughing Man, you seem to be signing under a new name... chic... I like it... do me a favor though... stay off my page... You have something to say... post it in DHPD or Dunell Hills talk... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 16:48, 9 April 2008 (BST)
Lissen... all of you... DMZ propaganda does NOT belong in the NPOV section. You need to accept that. And quit giving your opponents fuel to antagonise you. I told you, you bring some of this on yourselves... This is an example of that. IMO, no matter what I think of the Goons, they are right on this issue... Let it go, and pick your battles. But I don't have time for this... Later. --WanYao 16:53, 9 April 2008 (BST)

Mistaken PK Identity

Damnit, I read the message you left on the Cheap Ass Survivor's Wiki after I unleashed hot lead into you. Sorry about that, we'll call a truce from here on out. --HotShotX 00:56, 12 February 2008 (EST)

Not... cool... *croak* --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 05:59, 12 February 2008 (UTC)

Non-commissioned officer

Hey what up. I was wondering how I could help you guys like be a non-commissioned officer. I am already in a group but I want to help secure West Becktown. So drop me a line.--Dag00 15:00, 21 December 2006 (UTC)

Just post your info under where it says on the deputy roster in the wiki, on the uppill precinct page. --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 15:56, 21 December 2006 (UTC)

Um... Thanks?

No problem dude, I've been wondering how to fix it up... besides it's kinda your page... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 17:25, 23 November 2006 (UTC)

I've taken the liberty of making the pictures look uniform and cleaned up the coding a little. I hope that you don't mind. --Leutinuet Benjamin 17:00, 23 November 2006 (UTC)

I see that you've updated the Foxtrot page. I'm glad that you're taking an interest and I have no problem with it, but now the pictures look inconsistent. Some have been left the way they were and others have acronyms added to them. Will you finish this at a later date, or would you rather me do it. Thanks. --Leutinuet Benjamin 04:28, 23 November 2006 (UTC)

Dunnel Hills Police Department

  • Rubix41 Err...Hi! Rubix41 Calling! I was thinking that you might want to get a DHPD number. If you would like one, please come to the internal switchboard and register your number! It's in the Internal Affairs section! (You may want to be careful with the ALT that you have on the roster man!)

Channel 4 News Team

That's a nice picture you've got! I took the liberty of making some changes in Photoshop so it fits better with the News Team's general thing. Stay Classy! --Ron Burgundy 07:41, 12 July 2006 (BST)

Heh... if you're looking for news, Ackland Mall just got taken down by a good 300 zombies from the Big Bash. The Channel 4 News Team and our friends in the area probably have something like 60% casualties from the whole thing and are on the retreat for the first time in our history. We'll be back, though- back and stronger! I took down the Malton Mirror image, since I think it's distracting from the News stuff that I'm covering. Normally, that's not a problem, but now there's some important info regarding revive zones and where to regroup to be spread about the city. I'll put it back up, maybe somewhere else, at a later date. You may want to consider making a separate wiki page for your updates to keep a happy relationship with the community. Good luck, though- and keep me posted. By the by, I'm not sure if you know this, but the News Team is a completely separate entity from the DHPD. We just worked closely in the past and maintain good relations.  :) --Ron Burgundy 04:25, 16 July 2006 (BST)

Sorry to disappear on you for a while, like that! If you're still looking for news, here's something for ya about the News Team (you read it here first!) The Channel 4 News Team will soon be moving to South Blythville's beautiful Marven Mall- probably within the next day or so. I'll get the wiki updated soon. We're going to set up a base of operation in the SW and do what we can to undo the city-wide destruction from the Big Bash, having regrouped appropriately in the City Zoo. Ackland and the like will have to wait, as taking Central Malton is picking a fight while moving southwest is responding to one. Hope that helps the Mirror! Stay Classy! --Ron Burgundy 08:50, 29 July 2006 (BST)

Oh dude, you are a god! Odin shall be pleased and the nameless intern shall rejoice! Thanks for the update. -Stay classy! --MartyBanks 17:57, 29 July 2006 (BST)

It's up on our wiki page now. I tire of the zoo! Also, I reverted the rondrag.jpg thing. It's a damn good photoshop job, but I just don't think it fits very well with the rest of the News Team thing. Thanks, though! It's always nice to have another creative hand on things!  :) --Ron Burgundy 02:17, 30 July 2006 (BST)

Really? I've been getting some distressing reports from the Caiger folks, but from what I've seen, Caiger is doing just fine. They had 500 survivors in one corner before the attack on the mall proper started and they've still got 500 in there. True, the NTs are dropping like flies, but if the zombies outside spread themselves out to all the local NTs, they won't have enough to hit the mall proper and they'll be lost! I mean, two in Darvall Heights, two in Chudleyton, two in West Becktown, four in East Becktown... with help from Caiger and locals there holding NTs, I can't see that there'd be a problem! Of course, this is Caiger that we're talking about, so lots of people won't leave. I guess I'll put something on the wiki suggesting it, see if I can use those one or two hundred hits a day to help! I'll probably get that out later tonight, but until then, you stay Classy and keep me in touch with how things go at the local NT! --Ron Burgundy 17:07, 6 November 2006 (UTC)


Could you please stop spamming the entirety of the suburb pages with your image? I realize you are happy you created a spiffy gif, but it isn't either recent or important news to much of any suburb at all. Please refrain from mass-messaging pages like so. --Karlsbad 16:12, 12 July 2006 (BST)

Reply: Got ya, sorry... from now on I'll post it only on Channel 4 and DHPD... —The preceding Template:Wikipedia comment was added by MartyBanks (talkcontribs) .
Secondly, the wiki-community requires there to be a signature after a reply, usually "--~~~~", but any form that uses the four tilde marks (a wiki code that creates an automatic signature and time-stamp) is accepted, up to and including a custom template that includes the three tildes being used (which is only a timestamp code). Otherwise I spend my time tagging the Unsigned template to yer posts. --Karlsbad 02:24, 13 July 2006 (BST)
P.S. sorry to focus and/or jump on you, just trying to getting things cleaned as they need to be.
I did i quikie, so sue me, lol. yeah i kinda forgot... anyway Sorry, guys. I didn't mean anything malicious by it. I won't spam the wiki again, If you want to check on the Malton Mirror, i be updating it's status intermittently on the Channel 4 News Hotline and DHPD Radio Free. Thank you for understanding. --MartyBanks 18:01, 23 July 2006 (BST) Marty Banks 00:09, 13 July 2006 (BST)
Well, three tildes is only the name. Five is only the timestamp. Also, link your name when signing. You can use the Sign.png button if you're a slow typer. –Xoid MTFU! 17:55, 23 July 2006 (BST)

Great... they caught me... I'm a renegade oh no!!! lol, Thanks dude I actually did not know that or that there was a button... I'm also new, not as new as Aiko Shimizu but... Anyway thanks... Have a good day, i gotta go i have zed's on my tail. --Marty Banks 18:01, 23 July 2006 (BST)


I swear to god...if you spam the suburb pages again like that I will eat your children. Sonny Corleone WTF 02:44, 13 July 2006 (BST)

Yes, your children. I'll eat them on toasted white bread with mayonase. And your spam was deleted from suburb pages. Sonny Corleone WTF 05:01, 13 July 2006 (BST)

okay good, that means I don't have to clear it myself... anyway don't forget the french onion soup... --Marty Banks 00:12, 13 July 2006 (EST)

I'm more of a Clam Chowder kind of guy. Not really into the French Onion. Though if they do not have Chowder I do settle for the FO. Sonny Corleone WTF 05:19, 13 July 2006 (BST)

LOL, have a goodnight dude. I look forward to seeing you on the field of battle. also feel free to read the Malton Mirror. PS: I also have a liking to clam chowder. --Marty Banks 00:21, 13 July 2006 (EST)

Why have you raised Yagoton danger level?--Thari 19:35, 21 July 2006 (BST)

You mentioned vandalism?

Please, report things like that to M/VB. –Xoid MTFU! 06:25, 11 November 2006 (UTC)

Okay, thanks dude... hey were you at the Fall of Caiger? I'm bumbed, but it must have been wicked.... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 06:30, 11 November 2006 (UTC)
Yup, I was there. My first real mall siege… any siege other than a Caiger focused one seems hollow in comparison. My first ?rise as well. Great fun. –Xoid MTFU! 07:19, 11 November 2006 (UTC)


I fixed that police station page you were fooling with.--Gage 02:47, 23 November 2006 (UTC)

Hey thanks!!! --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 02:50, 23 November 2006 (UTC)


I've made a category for those brave survivors who put "love thy enemy" into practice in these harsh, harsh times. Buddhagazelle 01:15, 9 April 2007 (BST)Buddhagazelle

Hey, great additions to the Christianity page. I've tweaked some of what you wrote (take a look, make sure it's OK?) and will work on a kiZombie translation as time allows. Buddhagazelle 17:45, 9 April 2007 (BST)Buddhagazelle
I'm glad I could help, it being easter and all... I was originally worried because although the organized church in malton doesn't exist there are still many christians in the city, many are level headed survivors or zombies... I also wanted to add some more detail to the document, it was a great start but needed some background information to support it... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 19:30, 9 April 2007 (BST)
Do you mean there's evidence of Christian prayer, worship or practice happening within Malton, or do you mean that many survivors are played by flesh & blood people who are themselves Christians? Buddhagazelle 20:30, 9 April 2007 (BST)Buddhagazelle
Kinda both, there are survivors in the game who keep a crucifix with them and they will admit they are christians. Like I said, there's definitely christianity in Malton, it's just not organized in any real way... it's just that some Maltonites carry that with them from their real lives making it a part of the character they play. So, I think both... really something like this would remove some people's attachment to religion while at the same time attracting others to it. We'll need to accept that fact if we want to make an unbiased article... and I wish I could get in a real-time wiki chat so we could collaborate better on this page. --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 20:37, 9 April 2007 (BST)


when exactly are we gonan do the interview, also, hey, do you know how to make lots of tempaltes cause i need somebody that knows how to really do that, thats not my area is wiki formats.--Darkmagic 22:21, 9 April 2007 (BST)

If you want we can do it on the news radio right now... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 02:19, 10 April 2007 (BST)

ok, and, do you know how ot make templates?--Darkmagic 02:21, 10 April 2007 (BST)

no, sorry... you wanna head to the Malton Mirror and have me begin? --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 02:24, 10 April 2007 (BST)

i guess.--Darkmagic 02:26, 10 April 2007 (BST)

Okay, all set... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 02:33, 10 April 2007 (BST)

Dunnell Hills Pics on Mirror

Just curious, but do you use some sort of program to create those pics, or are you just taking them from another source (game, etc.)? Not that I'm going to go all Wikilawyer on you if it's the latter, just trying to get an answer for a question that's been bugging me for a bit. --Specialist290 21:06, 17 April 2007 (BST)

They are assorted images from different games and movies... they are publicly available on the internet... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 21:27, 17 April 2007 (BST)
Ah, nifty. Thanks for the info. --Specialist290 21:48, 17 April 2007 (BST)
I do use some of my own, photoshop images but; i usually use those images as generic placeholders for anything not warranting a custom job... PS: have you seen the nickname and blog i made for you on the mirror? --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 21:50, 17 April 2007 (BST)
Yep, just trying to figure out what to do w/ it ;) (Not as in "get rid of it," of course...) --Specialist290 21:52, 17 April 2007 (BST)

New Malton Skete

Thought you might be interested in this page off the back of your conversation on the Christianity talk page - Fuster 21:32, 24 April 2007 (BST)


This is probably the most action filled current event update I've yet seen, and I've been to Blackmore 1 & 2.--Labine50 MHG|MEMS|DHPD 04:57, 13 May 2007 (BST)

Yes... Yes it is... and it's exactly what happened to us... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 04:59, 13 May 2007 (BST)

Re: No May Issue

I haven't been working on it too much either, but I'll try to throw something together. Thanks for the heads-up. --Specialist290 21:43, 31 May 2007 (BST)


Ignore the goons. Attacking them only serves to both feed their lust for attention and open you up to being insulted. They won't listen to reason or anything - so don't bother. --Cyberbob DORIS CGR U! 09:25, 30 November 2007 (UTC)

That's good advice Marty, leave 'em be. We'll settle this in Malton. --Banana reads Scoundrell for all of Yesterday's News, Today! 01:13, 2 December 2007 (UTC)
Okay... I was just having a bit of fun... but I'm done... best stop it now before it goes too far... Thanks for the concern guys... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 04:20, 2 December 2007 (UTC)