Shades of malton

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Revision as of 02:14, 16 September 2008 by Bdamack (talk | contribs)
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Shades of Malton
Abbreviation: SoM
Group Numbers: 10
Leadership: 3 (Bdamack, Shade0095252, Khorneoperator)
Goals: see our mandate
Recruitment Policy:
Contact: or

THE SHADES OF MALTON Are you looking for a team that watches your back? Tired of constantly working alone, accomplishing little to nothing? So were we. We are a tight group of survivors. We have a set number of members that are fully dedicated to possible goals (not unrealistic goals like wiping out the zombie menace or stopping all player kilers) and to making sure that even the lowest level member becomes an expert in no time. The key difference between us and other groups (large or small) is that we are all about communication. You'll find that our rank structure is not based on level, but on talking to other members. Upon entering our team, you will choose a career that will offer you more opportunities to work with a team, increase your XP and level, and the opportunity to move up in our groups ranks. As you increase in rank, so does your responsibility, respect, and the number of people who will follow your commands. Again, we are only looking for persons who can take orders, because if you can't follow orders, no one will follow yours.

We're a new band dedicated to hit and run style tactics on a large scale to remove the zombie infestation starting from light to heavily infected zones as we grow stronger and while we arent asking for utter extermination we are hoping to keep at least some area green and frightening to the zombie hordes

post on our forum here with details


1. Fight and find a new base of operations

2. Find recruits to continue our guerilla war

3. Wage full out war on the infestation

See why we fight here: Shades of malton/History

Squad Listings:

HDU is open for newcomers to train in contact Bdamack (Mac Eldridge). SRRT is now accepting applications, message PrivateFirstClass to join. Rover always remains open for more solo Shades. Feel free to join and leave as you wish, contact Khorne25 (Khorneoperator). SCU is not open at the moment. Sorry if you wish to be a scout, please find a squad to attach to.



The Home Defense Unit is a squad dedicated to keeping our HQ area clean of threats and training newcomers. This is finally becoming fully functional. Led by Bdamack at all times.


The Scouting and Communications Unit is a squad for scouting and establishing Border Ops. This is not operational at all yet.


Special Raid and Rescue Team strikes at the threats and relieves survivor safehouses. Led by PrivateFirstClass at all times. Under division FRSO.

Rover.jpg Neutral Stalker2.jpg

Rover is a group for more freelance members, of mainly combat specialists but we accept anyone under our wing for training. A strong belief in freedom and flexibility. Led by Khorneoperator at all times.

Squad Overview (READ if confused)

This is a simplified overview of the squads for the first timers:

HDU = HQ and surrounding area patrol squad

SCU = target finders

SRRT = deep patrol

Rover = loners and specific target elimination, also for more inactive members

If you want to compare it to a military system:

HDU = training academy and base defense

SCU = recon


Rover = designated marksmen

Combat Ranks

Triumvir - The Shades are organized and led by a Triumvirate (3 men rule). Each Triumvir is a powerful but responsible leader. While not technically a combat rank it is worth mentioning here.

Ar general.gifGeneral Leader assigned.the next best thing behind leaders

Administration Leader assigned. All units have a say in suggesting a new admin for review by the leaders and the generals. generally speaking the admins are here to keep all parts of our groups running smoothly. we do not expect admins to run to a hole and run things from there though they may if they choose admins are also like battle commanders they will be looking for gaps or holes in the enemies defenses and reporting that to radio operators through meta gaming techniques they are also partially updating the wiki as far as members and current operations.

Ar captain.gif

Unit Captain Administration/general suggested leader assigned. Must have personal radio, construction, radio operator and Zombie Hunter skills. Major combat experience preferred. Please state which unit you would like to command. You will have up to 2 Lieutenants working under you.

Ar 2ndlt.gif

Unit Lieutenant Must have personal radio and basic firearms training or Hand-to-Hand training. Moderate Combat experience is preferred. You will serve under and receive orders from the captain of your chosen unit. You will have a Sergeant under your command.

MC Sgt e5.gif

Unit Sergeant Must have personal radio and some form of self defense. You will work with a Lieutenant to achieve orders from the Captain of your unit. Should the lieutenant be unavailable (dead or otherwise) you will take command of the Operation. You will have up to 3 Privates working under your command.Sergeants will be the more or less trainers of their privates, while we want you to gain experience we also would like for those with more experience help those with less. you will be assisted by your commanding Lieutenant and special showing of care towards your underlings would be grounds for a possible promotion to a Lieutenant the same is true for lieutenants to captains and captains to administration or General so in short by advancing your underlings you advance your self also.

MC pvte2.gif

Private Entry Rank. You will be assigned as a specialist in the area of your choice (Propaganda, Close Quarters Combat, Medic,Radioman, etc) but you can take on any role. You will work under one of two sergeants to complete orders given by the Captain of your chosen unit.



EMRU is not a functioning unit like the combat squads. It keeps track of medics and revivers and the squad they are attached to. Construction is handled by HDU and if possible anyone else with Construction.

Non-Combat Ranks

Doctor (ADMINISTRATION assigned. Must have all medical skills. Personal radio is required. You will work closely with Captains, so outside communication is essential. Military will retake hospitals, over which you will be responsible for the maintaining and serving in. You will have up to 2 medics under your command. You are free to persue other activities at the same time (zombie hunting, scavenging, etc). Your rank carries the same weight as Captain. He will be monitoring EMRU status.

Medic must have first aid or Diagnosis. You will work under an assigned doctor. You're job will be to maintain hospitals, heal survivors, and level up, so that you can become doctor. You are free to pursue other activities at the same time (zombie hunting, scavenging, etc). Your assigned doctors will pass on information about locations of injured survivors. You may be requested to go on operations as squad medic.

Scientist You must have skills and equipment required to revive a member of the undead. Your job will be to keep a Revive Point up and running. You are free to pursue other activities. You will be assigned to a squad of choice.


post on our forum at in the join the shades thread. tell us what position you would like to be assigned, and reason you feel you are suitable for the position. FOR HIGHER RANKING POSITIONS WE WILL REVIEW YOUR PROFILE AND RESPOND WITH OUR ANSWER. Also if possible which squad you would like to join.

You can find us in-game at: we are currently moving around we will let you know once you have joined


No large scale plans in motion at the moment. Looking to fill squads to minimum capacity first.


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THE SHADES OF MALTON DISCUSSION UNDER THE User:shade0095252 talk and discussion page

our allies so far are: The Gamers Haven, and Red Cresent Research Facility


Name Rank

shade0095252           Commander in Chief,Founder 
Mac Eldridge           Home Defense Unit Captain
simkilla               Private Private 2.jpg 
Khorneoperator         Force-Commander (Rover Squad Leader)
PrivateFirstClass      FRSO Commander (S.R.R.T. Team Leader)
Matthew Giles          General General 2.png
Skinny Bones Jones     Sergeant Sarge 2.jpg 
 Dr_Janjakko            Head Doctor Medic 2.gif
Rambo71                Private Private 2.jpg 
burnin flames          Private Private 2.jpg 
sirhatter              Private Private 2.jpg  

a big thanks to mac for all the work hes done for the shades wiki

Khorne came in and tidied things up... Thats what he does...

and Skinny_Bones_Jones re-organized everything so all the group listings were under Shade of Malton.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

River.gif River Tactics Supporter
This User or Group supports River Tactics.

Killer.jpg PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.

Jihad1 380.jpg Jihad!

This Group Supports Jihad Tactics.