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Suburb of Owsleybank
Border Dunell Hills West Becktown
Border Owsleybank Molebank
Border Grigg Heights Reganbank
Update Owsleybank's Danger Level
View Danger Center

Owsleybank's location in Malton

Resource buildings in Owsleybank

Latest EMR:
z: 10-i: ---
p: FAug 09

Update EMR

Phone Mast: (3,44)

Dobin Auto Repair


Update Mast

Known groups in this suburb:
— Survivor Groups —
— Zombie Groups —
— Hostile Groups —
  • Only freelance killers...
— Historic Groups —

Key buildings in Owsleybank:

Malls: none
NecroTech Buildings: 2

(0,44) (6,49)

Police Departments: 1
Hospitals: 2
Fire Stations: 3
Bulletin Boards: unknown
Others: Schools 4, Monuments 5
Suburb Number: 41

Owsleybank is a suburb of Malton, located on the western edge of the city. Before the outbreak, Owsleybank was known for its sleepy streets, flanked by countless auto shops.

Resource Buildings

Fire Stations


NecroTech Facilities

Police Departments


  • none

Bulletin Boards

Revive Points

Revive Requests

Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)

Recent News

Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.

March 2009

March 25th

NecroWatch reported in from the Challes Building. A recent scan had revealed that there were 29 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 4 zombies were at Victor General Hospital over in Grigg Heights. The remaining detected zombies, which were 3 or fewer in number, were scattered across the area. --Mobius

March 16th

NecroWatch reported in from the the Woodborne Building today. A scan revealed 15 zombies within range of the facility. Of these, 4 were gathered at Leggetter Library, and all others in groups of 2 or fewer scattered about the suburb. Combined with the scan reported from the Challes Building yesterday, the danger level has been downgraded to Moderate. ~ extropymine Talk | NW | 4Corners 05:47, 16 March 2009 (UTC)

March 15th

NecroWatch reported in from the Challes Building today. A recent scan had revealed that there were 35 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 7 zombies were at the Challes facility itself and 4 zombies were at a factory. Meanwhile over in Grigg Heights, 3 zombies stood at Forshaw Drive. The remaining zombies, which number in the 1's and 2's, were scattered across the area around the facility. --Mobius 15:27, 15 March 2009 (UTC)

March 2nd

After weeks with no sightings, the following groups have been removed from Owsleybank's group listing.

Please re-add these groups if they are still active. Linkthewindow  Talk  11:04, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

I spotted a Rotters Relief member just over a week ago in this general area. Please re-add them. --Johnnyduece JJ Kid / St Aden / TS 16:23, 4 March 2009 (UTC)

Group Involvement

The survivor group DHPD considers this suburb part of their six-suburb Dunell Military Zone.

Revive Points

The Woodborne Building [0,44] is a rot revive location maintained by Rotter's Relief and SHOULD NOT BE BARRICADED.

Barricade Plan

Owlsleybank has a Barricade Plan, which can be found on its own page here.

Suburb Map

The Malton Suburb of Owsleybank
a warehouse Leggetter Library a junkyard Parkhouse Way Fire Station the Hyson Museum Varder Walk the Pile Building the Hellyer Building the Cribb Building Smallwood Plaza
Goodson Square the Armastrong Monument the Barber Building Borthwick Alley Hopes Row St. Columbanus's Church wasteland Mains Alley the Troakes Museum the Cother Museum
Bird Boulevard a carpark wasteland Hazzard Walk Deed Lane wasteland the Dennis Motel Jervis Auto Repair Club Burns Caff Road School
Hardie Square Garson Row Polley Way the Pers Monument Garland Library Aloysius General Hospital a carpark McNamara Drive
Tailer Row Hawtrey Alley
the Woodborne Building the Dawney Building wasteland Dobin Auto Repair Sankey Boulevard Holide Way Eelms Avenue the Goode Building Howard Auto Repair Ruggevale Walk Police Department
Ellicott Place Railway Station Hodgkinson Drive Dalgliesh Cinema Beale Library Matcham Square Railway Station Vesey Cinema McCullough Avenue a carpark the Crosswell Building Verrell Crescent
Waller Auto Repair Thirlby Walk Randell Boulevard a carpark Wild Place Griff Drive School the Pitts Museum a carpark Mitchard Park a junkyard
the Sendall Monument Howord Way Percifull Plaza Bisshop Square the Dunning Motel a factory Cudworth Alley Harewood Library Harington Boulevard Much Boulevard
a junkyard St. Daniel's Hospital wasteland the Willison Building a junkyard a factory Shattock Plaza School Scudamore Plaza Fire Station the Duncan Monument a carpark
Kittle Alley School Boyer Boulevard Railway Station Prideaux Street Fire Station Wilshe Drive Comitty Alley the Whyte Monument the Challes Building Collis Library Lye Alley the Russel Museum