Umbrella Biohazard Containment Service/Containin' Weekly/Article 5

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Revision as of 17:06, 26 August 2009 by Nubis (talk | contribs)
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Important Notice

As this is the UBCS' paper, expect inside jokes.


  • Mega Gets Lipo!
    • Handsome Devil Megameh allegedly went under the knife friday to lose some weight. When asked about it, he blamed the media for saying he looks fat in red.
  • Haliman Shouts To The World!
    • Haliman was found in the streets shouting "Haliman is not retired!" to passersby. Everyone was asking "Who's Haliman?"...
    • ...Including Haliman himself.
  • FOXHOUND Receives A Break.
    • Resident butt-of-every-joke FOXHOUND received a break from being made fun of these past two weeks.
  • FOXHOUND Sucks.
    • <Insert witty joke here.>
  • Raven And Skouth Spamathon!
    • Raven and Skouth have been asked to spam as much as possible in the UBCS olympics.
    • This supports the theory that Haliman is in-fact senile.

Meet an Ally

This week: STARS!

STARS are some pretty cool guys. They are based in East Grayside, and have been there for the past three years! Led by fearless leader John Killah, the STARS are at war with their most hated enemies. The pink flowers.


  • Most Annoying Forum Member'
    • Imthatguy - A random PKer that got lonely and decided to register.
  • Creepiest Member
    • Colonel Krauser - For the blueberry fap-fest.
  • Fail of the Week
    • Haliman - For sleeping outside for nine hours with hungry zombies... And surviving.

You Know You're A UBCS Member When...

...You're obsessed with Dead Frontier.

...You tell Li you love him.

...You help Haliman find his dentures.

Group Photo

UBCS Group Photo.png

From left to right:

Enzyte Bob, Raven, Krauser (Undead Watcher), Ronar and Amy Perfect, Li, William, Treb, Snakeyes, Lord K, Haliman.

From the senile old man's office

Out of retirement. Added a group photo. Enjoy!


This Week's Editors

--Haliman - Talk 02:41, 18 June 2009 (BST)