
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 11:27, 29 October 2009 by RinKou (talk | contribs)
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I played UD back in the day as a pure survivor. Forgive me, I was young and stupid. As of current, I'm playing three dual natured characters, and fully support the dual nature policy. Because, goddammit, that's what a zombie apocalypse is supposed to be like, right? I'm vehemently anti-group, despite the fact that people really would form them, just because groups tend to force one-sided playing.

I thought about making a PKer, but decided that'd be no fun since I'd never really get to be alive since I'd get tagged and all that.

Hey, these things happen, right? Whatever.


Onozuka Komachi was already taken, so I went ahead and used western order for all my accounts. I don't know why. I hate western order. This makes no sense. I make no sense. Also, I cannot format wiki page.

Well, I guess it makes some sense, since I chose the names that sounded best in western order.

-Komachi Onozuka

-Dr Eirin Yagokoro (She also has a spiffy PKnights page here)

-Iku Nagae

-Alice Sato (Doing the UD Lunatic Mode Challenge!)

I also had a Sanae, but she was in Borehamwood, so...

The man behind the UD account, or shameless self-advertisement and glorification.

Ryan Koyanagi is a creative writing major, film minor attending the University of California, Riverside. Not because he couldn't get into UCI, just because it was the only UC with a creative writing major. He has been twice Daily Deviated on DeviantArt and is currently slated to release a serial in the magazine Another Dream, starting with the January 2010 issue. Despite starting several projects with commercial and amateur artists, not one has yet to come to fruition. He's a lazy bastard like that. He's also on the writing team for a small indie platformer, but has no idea how much he's free to discuss about that.

He's also doing absolutely nothing with his life. His hobbies include, but are not limited to, talking about himself in the third person.

You can read his stuff here . He's been meaning to get a website up and running, but has a bad case of the procrastinations. That and the no-good-with-computer bit.