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General Information

Joined: 2008-02-26 01:19:01
Character Details:
Current Level: 41
Current Status: Alive
Location: Nomadic
Group: ACC

Filler Filler Filler

History before arriving in Malton

Sentar was born on December 5th, 1987 just across the city line of Philadelphia. He was the second of two children (Hictok and Sentar) born to fairly wealthy parents. His father had served 23 years in the armed forces and instilled the values in the boys that took root and guided their lives. They went to great schools, received the best education, were active in sports, the arts, and enjoyed all that is expected of a good childhood.

The two boys, especially Sentar, leaned closely to the military which their father helped nurture. The boys were raised to shoot from age eight and actively went hunting, trap and skeet shooting, played war games, and other such things. The family had a general arsenal at home which the boys learned off of. They learned tactics and military history as well as preformed mock battles and wars. Through scouting, both boys gained more outdoors experience as well as instruction in drilling, marching, and the bond of brothers.

Sentar was actively pursuing applying to the Naval or Military academies, but changed his choice in his senior year as he went to a civilian college, though he did partake in ROTC. As the problems in Malton increased, Sentar and a few of his classmates volunteered for a deployment to the destroyed city. It was dangerous and foolish, but they all knew the risks. The desire for adventure, action, and to help humanity in this hell on earth was too much to pass up.

Upon arriving outside the city, Sentar's fireteam was chosen for the first stick to go in. He climbed into the Blackhawk along with his long time friends Bear69 and SubLYMonaL. They headed out over the city, unsure of their future.

History while in Malton

Sentar's first memory in the city was landing outside of the Hudson Place PD (61,73) in Wray Heights. The drop had not gone well and Sentar had lost all of his equipment, save his uniform and the pistol on his vest. What small briefing they had been given was no match for what Sentar found as he pulled himself out of his harness and into the barricaded police department. Fear, squalor, death, hatred... it engulfed the city. Those survivors who had formed together were still no match for the onslaught that had chased them for years. Sentar could not stand it any longer and left.

Shortly upon reentering the streets, he first saw the undead. A lone zombie was scuffling toward him. Instinct took over as his M9 was leveled at the creatures torso and soon lead met rotten flesh as the monster fell. The blood and bile sprayed from it as it collapsed. Until now, the sight of the thing had not reached Sentar. The urge to vomit overwhelmed him as he stepped back toward the PD and tripped on the curb. As Sentar reached to pick up his firearm, he noticed the zombie stand again. Fear came over his body as he tightly gripped the M9 and emptied the entire clip into the beast, dropping it a second time. The cruel and harsh reality of the situation came to him quickly.

Sentar rejoined those still in the PD. He vainly searched for supplies, but found nothing as a horde approached their building. Many fled, leaving their position indefensible. Sentar was smart enough and followed suit. Exodus across the south, pass Fort Perryn, and up north into Dulston and Treeweke Mall with the second Big Bash. For over a month, he fought to combat zombie and murderers alike until he was gravely wounded and infected as the mall fell. Another flight followed. South through the central wastelands, across Ridleybank, to Buckley Mall. Here Sentar reunited with his brother, Hictok. The brothers stayed there for a few weeks before moving out to the north... to Nichols. Shortly before they left, Sentar heard of a survivor group, the Army Control Corps, and applied.

During the siege of Nichols Mall (May-June of 2008) the brothers held relentlessly from beginning to bitter end. During their fight, they were reunited with two members of their team, Bear69 and SubLYMonaL. It was here that Sentar officially joined the ranks of the ACC. From that moment, the rest is history. Sentar is now a proud member of the Army Control Corps and follows Phoenix, Echo 2, on all missions.

Other Information

Profile - Sentar's Profile

Day's Since last death: 0 (11/18/08)

Notable Streaks: 69 days, 41 days, 55 days

Status - Alive

Malls Visited: 14 (Ackland, Blesley, Buckley, Caiger, Dowdney, Hildebrand, Joachim, Mitchem, Nichols, Pole, Stickling, Treweeke, Tynte, and Woodroffe)

Other places of interest: Fort Creedy, Fort Perryn, Kersley Mansion, Alner Mansion, St. John's Cathedral, St. Luke's Cathedral, Clapton Stadium, Flyode Stadium, The Blackmore Building

Proud survivor at:

March 2008 Siege of Treweeke, Battle of Barhapolis (Nichols Mall), July 2008 Siege of Fort Perryn, August 2008 Retaking of Hildebrand, September/October Siege of Caiger 5th of November 2008

ACCsmall.gif Army Control Corps
This user is an active operative of the Army Control Corps.