UDWiki:Open Discussion/Community Portal News Usage

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Featured Article

Edsonbuildingœ.jpg Located in the North-West corner of Lukinswood, the Edson Building is the direct gateway to three other suburbs: East Becktown to the North, West Becktown to the North-West and Molebank to the West. After the outbreak, the Edson Building was abandoned and quickly fell to the undead hordes. All records of the time between 2005 and 2008 are now lost, but it seems that by the end of that year, the building had been partially restored and was inhabited from time to time. (more...)

Community Projects

This month in Urban Dead history: September

  • September 7th, 2005: UDWiki is created.
  • September 8th, 2007: The millionth character is created.

See the other September events from UD history...

I've been looking for ways for the wiki to promote in-game events from battles to comps to travels, since the games numbers and organisation has been declining. I think over the last 3 years I've seen the wikis community become much more wiki-centric rather than accessible and useful for the gamers.

The above template appears on the main page and has usually been connected to the highly worked on but seldom used Community Portal of UDWiki. It generally has been solely used to announce Wiki projects, but recently has had a small resurgence thanks to personal user projects that ask for help, and other cool things such as the current Mayor of Malton event.

But how far could this go, to add a bit more flavour to the in-game presence to the wiki again? Should the Big Bash 3 be allowed an update once every 2weeks in the page even though it's just a touring group? I would like to think so. What about Axe Hack's Third Manhunt? as a fun community event would it be able to just give a quick notice out to the wiki for people who are interested? I'd like to think maybe, and I know the bias is obvious but this is just an example.

We use the page for Wiki-centric roleplaying events like Mayor of Malton and it's proved hugely popular so far. Does anyone else think we could extend this opportunity to more game-centric things, in a lighthearted and positive way (no one would want it to turn into another recruitment page) for in-game events? Perhaps we could split it up into two boxes, one for ingame and one for wiki, but since the updates for either are few and far between it's probably better looking if it just stays the way it is.

The only reason I'm making a big fuss out of this is because I'd love to just start doing it now, but there needs to be boundaries and I guess this would be the best non-official, positive way to discuss it. Perhaps something as simple as arbitration can be used if a big dispute happens (which will happen eventually, knowing people on the wiki) to simply decide whether something should or not be on the main page. A set of guidelines could help this perhaps. I think since the death of Current Events this would be a good replacement.

What do you all think? Do you think there is a bit of potential for more in-game... not "advertising", but "updating" or "informing"? I feel we're in a good position to start bolstering a positive game driven community thing here. --

05:55, 24 June 2010 (BST)


I think there is certainly potential for it, but we need to think of some way of defining what is okay and what is not. Something like the Manhunt I think should be there, but I wouldn't think Big Bash 3 would be appropriate short of a blurb saying something like Survivors have spotted Big Bash 3! They'll be visiting you before you know it!

I suppose the way I see it is that the "articles" should not be things that need to be updated. --Maverick Talk - OBR Praise Knowledge! 404 06:31, 24 June 2010 (BST)

Yeah. The way you worded a potential Big Bash message is simply roleplaying, which is much similar to the way Yon treated Mayor of Malton, which I think is a good thing to add to something like UD imo. -- 09:00, 24 June 2010 (BST)

I like this quite alot (anything to bring players back to the game), but I have three words in opposition. Battle. of. Krinks.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 08:57, 24 June 2010 (BST)

Frankly Ive been using the portal for my own wiki ends for years. How about, minigames and major events. Fine. Both the Manhunt and Bigbash effect multiple suburbs. The major pk events involve hundreds of players. Krinks, did not. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 09:55, 24 June 2010 (BST)

As far as I'm concerned, Krinks only took place on the arbitation pages. The Big Bash, Manhunt, etc, I agree should be added though. Oidar 10:35, 24 June 2010 (BST)

I like the reception so far, it ties in lots with what I think. However, should there be a definite line to help in BB3 but stop Battle of Krinks? Or should such a matter be solved via conflict arbitration? Personally I'd trust Arbies, and it'd be a much more personal judgement than having to abide by guidelines determining what can be on the main page, but the process could be streamlined by quantitative guidelines. --

10:47, 24 June 2010 (BST)