User:Fae Sidhe

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APRIL 2011

SHACKLEVILLE - Slept in the Swithun General Hospital. Lots of people so no agent movements that I know of.. no zeds breaching. Was the first good sleep in a while. Still had nightmares from The Village though. Will I ever escape that first siege experience?
Helped heal up a survivior that got busted up a little bit by the zeds and then grabbed some FAKs I found in a back closet storage room. Managed to locate two pistol clips at the police station too. So much better than a shotgun, in my opinion..
Heh. The funny thing is, though.. I stumbled into the local NecroTech and came upon two syringes. I found two extractors close by as well. When I tried to access their computer system, all I got was an error message about clearance. Hell, I'm in the military.. or was.. so I can understand that. An attempt to hack the grid only got me a video of a doctor...... He was an attractive doctor so I probably stared longer than I should have before I realized the video was live, and he was talking to me. Heh. Silly me. --- Fae Sidhe 01:46, 14 April 2011 (BST)
SHACKLEVILLE - Woke up in The Village with a zed on top of me. Could smell his rancid breath -- granted, zeds don't actually breathe but the stench is there regardless.. He got me on the upper arm, and I'm pretty sure it's infected judging by the puss and the burning sensation. Starting to think the insomnia is becoming beneficial. If they do manage to eat me alive, I'll be too delusional to care. This is the second time I stopped to catch an hour or two. Note to self, do not sleep in The Village.
Shoved the corpse off and bucked it straight west. Buildings became unfamiliar and realized I managed to get into the western suburb Mockridge Heights. I withdrew back to Swithun General Hospital in Shackleville to clear the infection and heal.
It seems Shackleville is starting to feel like home. Perhaps I can navigate through Mockridge Heights to Galbraith Hills to investigate The Village's north western corner for the The Fortress. I have not seen any signs of the the Department of Emergency Management lately here. Does the proximity to The Village, Kempsterbank, and, more importantly, Ridleybank deter organized groups from keeping stable posts? Rotter's Relief tried and while I still don't know exactly whose side they're on, most of the ones in The Village are probably zed food. All that remains is their blood smeared graffiti and ruins. --- Fae Sidhe 02:13, 13 April 2011 (BST)


Stanbury Village - Decided to investigate The Village again and make my way to the northwest quadrant. Found more ammunition for my shotgun at Daynes Alley Police Department. I hate shotguns, but pistol clips are rarer. I found a pistol with 4 left in the clip and scavenged it just before a zed broke a weak spot in the barrier. I should've known better, I guess. I didn't hear it so it must have been pretty damn weak spot to begin with. I got a few shots off it -- the pistol clip gone now as well as a shot off the shotgun. Helped a survivor get back on his feet and then kicked it out of there. St. Maria's Church is under attack... St. Augustine's Church is ruined.
Shouldn't be surprised here. Unlike Kempsterbank, I have a sort of nostalgia for The Village.... and the nightmares it gives me when I get an hour or two of sleep between bouts of insomnia. --- Fae Sidhe 03:18, 12 April 2011 (BST)


SHACKLEVILLE - Found ammunition in a police station. Was walking among buildings and slipped. Ran into a lone zed, but I saw him first because he didn't react. Not a revivification point.. Unloaded the newly supplied ammunition from my pistol clip into his head. Dead zed.
Ran into rumors of a group called The Fortress that did a few operations in the northern part of The Village and into Ridleybank. If I remember right, though, Ridleybank is a stronghold for a rather aggressive zed group. Do I risk it to search for an organized group of survivors? --- Fae Sidhe 02:59, 11 April 2011 (BST)
SHACKLEVILLE - Got a transmission on 27.55 that Dobbs is under attack and falling. I was just at that Nectrotech about two days ago on my way OUT of Kempsterbank. Seems I chose a prime time to clear out. Pole Mall is also under attack again. Not quite sure where that is though, by assumptions I think it's south of Kempsterbank in West Grayside if I remember the map of the area correctly. --- Fae Sidhe 22:32, 9 April 2011 (BST)
SHACKLEVILLE - Finally reached Shackleville's outer edges again. Can't say it was a pleasant time in Kempsterbank. It's gotten crowded with survivors here again though. Safety in numbers but also less supplies and more likely to draw zed attention. Gonna spend another day or two, stock up on ammo now that I'm restocked on FAK after a pause at St. Mateos' on the edge of Kempsterbank and Shackleville.
Perhaps I should try some target practice on the Shackleville / Village border. After that freakish zed and his skin, I think I need to get more familiar with the gun. It's not exactly military standard issue.. --- Fae Sidhe 05:35, 9 April 2011 (BST)


KEMPSTERBANK - I think I was tracked by the same zed I unloaded on yesterday. These things are supposed to be stupid, but I guess that's a lie with organized units spreading. Thankfully, just made it with some scrapes. An axe to the head by another survivor finished the job I did on it yesterday.
I'm not extremely religious, but I read this zed fiction book before all this shit went down about smart zeds that were actually demons inhabiting the bodies of the dead in the first stage of the apocalypse. Maybe they're demons. Wouldn't that be funny if this was truly the path to judgment?... I'm starting to sound like a death cultist. I need to get the hell out of Kempsterbank. --- Fae Sidhe 15:15, 8 April 2011 (BST)
KEMPSTERBANK - Made the mistake of pausing for a rest and FAK resupply so close to St. Ferrerol in Titus. The barricades came down, and the zed came in. Blew my rest of my ammo, but not before infection set in for three of us from bites. Managed to clear all three of us of infection, but there's nothing else that could be done -- whatever was on that Zed's skin, and I'm guessing the bloated flesh -- made fighting with anything except a gun worthless.
Need to get the hell out of Kempsterbank. --- Fae Sidhe 21:00, 7 April 2011 (BST)
KEMPSTERBANK - Traveled down south into Kempsterbank to check out the last call from a few days ago. That and, I hate to say this, when a zed force moves through, they have no use for supplies. More than anything, I just wanted to check for survivors.
Wish I hadn't. For supposedly being extremely friendly for survivors, that's no longer the case. It's quite the opposite of Shackleville. St. Ferrerol hospital was in ruins. I stopped by to bandage up a few infected in southern portion.. The puss was spreading fast, but I managed. One was beyond saving, but I couldn't take his life. Just couldn't do it. Even as a zed, he has a chance of revivification. Course, that's assuming he would want to come back...
Going back to Shackleville. Despite a large number of hospitals, most are down here. They need all the supplies they can get. --- Fae Sidhe 14:55, 7 April 2011 (BST)


SHACKLEVILLE - Woke up with a start and a pain in the calf. I checked myself over to see if I was bit -- just as a precaution. Maybe I didn't realize it in the adrenaline the last day or two. Nothing. Turned out to be a muscle cramp. I think they call them charlie horses or something. Another night successfully survived... for what that's worth.
Lots of chatter over the radio to the south. From what I can tell, a survivor base fell in the next suburb down. It's very quiet here. I've managed to restock pretty nicely. I found two fuel cans even and, because I appreciate the constant human presence, I filled up a few generators to keep the lights on and the radio transmitter running.
I can't stay here forever though. I might head south to scout the issue. I think there's a mall there. Maybe I'll find a pair of heels for kicks. Be a nice change with warmer weather approaching if impractical.. but this suburb, at least for the moment, has been pretty safe. I'd estimate maybe 50 different people occupying the heart. Nice to see living faces after what happened in The Village even if, at least for the moment, I keep my distance. I still find it difficult to penetrate cliques.. and, quite frankly, I fear agents after the incident in The Village too.
I have not seen any more sign of the MES... I am beginning to wonder just how far away they actually are in their next base. --- Fae Sidhe 01:20, 6 April 2011 (BST)

SHACKLEVILLE - Saw the lights go out at Doig Fire Station. Thought maybe the generator went out --- there's not a lot of zeds in this area. It's why I chose to rebuild supplies and rest..
Instead, there's a zed standing over a dead body. He's wearing a flak, but I get off some shots.. finish him off with an axe. Don't know who his victim was but really sucks to be him. Put the bodies outside. I don't have the supplies to rebuild that building. --- Fae Sidhe 00:57, 5 April 2011 (BST)

SHACKLEVILLE - I located a portable radio earlier today on the 27.55 MHz. The juice left in it was pretty good, and it's helping to keep me informed. A police station in another suburb fell. I don't know where that was, but it wasn't here. Recommend retreat and regroup. I guess it's going pretty badly.
I did manage to take out a zed outside the revive points. Truth be told, all trained for human-to-human combat but never tested in a zed situation. I wasn't really meant to be used for that, but I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. I am not sure how I feel about it. That used to be someone's family. --- Fae Sidhe 22:02, 4 April 2011 (BST)

March 2011, Summary, Shackleville & Stanbury Village, Back Information

The first couple days at the new base Op were promising. However, the slaughter was bad. The encampment was surrounded. An agent blew our cover. Ever since they discovered a higher organizational pattern in the brain of some zeds, people have been kinda scared. Well, more scared. I mean, seriously. Dead people coming back to life. Even those of us with training to handle it... Well, shit, man. They didn't train us to handle this.
Somehow ended up in the Malton suburb of Shackleville. It was pretty quiet except for the occasionally groaning. Saw a flare up to the north and followed it, hoping to find someone alive and friendly.
I should have known better. Followed it right to a zed horde surrounding the Lorenzo Hospital just inside The Village. Was a nightmare siege, and I watched them ruin the building and listened to the screams of the defenders from the roof of the Kersley Mansion. Fuck.
Two survivor were with me, but I was uneasy. There was something odd about them, especially when one pulled a gun on me. Had a flashback of that mother fuckin' agent. Here I was, without a gun, and so I managed to just barely escape. Kid wasn't that good at building hopping, I guess. I guess it pays to be a forward scout sometimes -- you learn how to move.
Two agents in two weeks, and still recovering from that first fuck over. Low on FAKs, and I wasn't going to get any thing from Lorenzo.
Catherine Hospital faired little better at first look. A local group, Rotter's Relief, moved into Mosley, and that helped keep it mostly in survivor hands though the swarm grew bigger and bigger every day outside both resources. I can't tell if Rotter's Relief is a bunch of zed sympathizers with some agents mixed in or just legitimately caring about bringing people back to life and respecting people who wish to remain dead. Either way, some zeds don't respect what they're doing judging by the swarm growing outside looking for dinner.
Catherine fell first. That, too, was just a replay of Lorenzo Hospital. Fuck, man. Mosley fell next as did the base op for Rotter's Relief at the moment. Still not sure about them.
Got fucked up at Catherine's fight. I got out of there alive though -- which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for some others. Ran into a guy from the Malton Emergency Services (MES). That group definitely warrants more investigation, especially the firefighters... but there is no fire station in The Village.
After watching Catherine over run and Mosley's lights go out, I headed back south and into Shackleville. Maybe I'd have better luck there for supplies and finding a member of MES's Firefighters. Fae Sidhe 19:45, 2 April 2011 (BST)