Talk:The Great Suburb Group Massacre/2013

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Almost that time again

Hey y'all, since we didn't have a GSGM last year, I went ahead and created the one for 2013. It seems these normally get off the ground in late January, but I'm actually really free right after New Years. Does anyone object if I get this started shortly after the first? Bob Moncrief EBDW! 14:45, 18 December 2012 (UTC)

As Aichon asked last year, do we need one this year? Most of the victims of GSGM where 1-5 man survivor groups that edited the wiki for a few weeks, then vanished from the face of the earth. There has been a distinct shortage of them ever since. I applaud your enthusiasm (and it strengthens my impression that you may be sys-op material), but I doubt that there is a need for it currently. -- Spiderzed 21:45, 18 December 2012 (UTC)
Using what I call the Pitneybank test, I would say schedule it for the end of 2013, not the beginning. If you're after a horrible job, I've got one for you. --Ross Less Ness Enter Stranger... 22:49, 18 December 2012 (UTC)
Although having it annually is (and I think everyone agrees on this) a terrible idea and a waste of time, I don't like the idea of having one every twelve months for two-plus years and then waiting almost thirty-six months for the next. The game (and wiki) aren't dying that rapidly, I hope. I also did read through Aichon's (and others') comments from last year, and I do think things need to be done differently this year. I think that Aichon's questions are ones that need to be discussed and addressed. But I'm of the opinion that it's better to discuss these things now and make a clear plan, rather than declare GSGM a boondoggle and shunt it off eight to twelve more months.
Other notes: I tried locating the discussion "in Iscariot's userspace" that Aichon refers to here, but I can only find this brief discussion and an even briefer one above it. Can someone point me in the right direction? And Ross, if you have any horrible jobs, feel free to drop them on my talk page and I'll see if I can get to them. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 23:05, 18 December 2012 (UTC)
Here's the discussion in Iscariot's namespace I was talking about. What you need to be aware of is that the first GSGM occurred when Pitneybank had something like 50 groups listed in it. The list was unusable. The second GSGM came before we were ready, but it was still necessary since the lists had grown unwieldy again, though it was mostly just maintenance, not the massive cleanup that the first one had been. Every one since then has been of questionable necessity, since the group listings are still very usable, and the number of new groups being added to them is matched rather closely by the number being removed, since folks have been good about maintaining the lists on their own these last few years. I tend to agree with Ross that later in 2013 would probably be ideal.
That said, I do think it's a good idea to plan things out in advance, so we should definitely hash out the issues and set a date in late 2013, that way no one jumps the gun this time and we can finally (and perhaps for the last time, honestly, since I doubt we'll need any more after this one) do it right. Aichon 01:26, 19 December 2012 (UTC)