I've been playing Urban Dead for almost 5 years now and I pretty much concentrates on rebuilding, revival, healing and shooting zombies on Urban Dead as well as resource building status reporting here on this wiki.
I'm mostly traveling alone and not in any group but do say hi if you see me in game.
Current activities
15 May 2013 - Can someone please explain to me how did a group of blowhard zeds got hold of Mitchem Mall? My alt was stationed in Vinetown and was still alive despite them keep trying to break in and failing. He finally died after being killed by feral zombies in Shearbank (and now I can finally level up his zombie skills). This is disappointing.
8 May 2013 - I'm hanging around Molebank for anyone who needs revivification. Putting this up will probably get me killed but whatever. The party's here.
4 May 2013 - I'm still watching the DEM revivification request system so if you need a revive do put up a request. Unfortunately I can only fulfill some of the request and it might sometimes take up to 2-3 days due to the distance I had to travel plus ensuring enough AP that I don't die after reviving cause everyone is overbarricading for no reason. If you want a quicker revive (not necessary by me + if you're not a survivor dedicated to only a certain suburb) do head towards the greener suburbs where revives are aplenty (but please only leave a request once you decided on a RP).
Broadcasting in a mall? Still there after an hour? Boasting after one kill? This almost makes me miss Red Rum/Lord Curton's/Philosophe Knights who at least have some class while pking. This is just.... awkward.
I'm so bored I feel like turning my alt into a Pker. It seems like most old groups have retired and I'm not sure I'm suitable for the rigidity of survivor groups (Is DEM still functioning? I rarely see them now. I liked 404: Barhah not Found but I think they're retired. Someone should let me know what group is still functioning). I'm just bored.
3 May 2013 - Giddings Mall has been recaptured but there are a lot of zeds, mostly rotters lurking around, so the situation is very shaky now. There are still about 3 to 7 zeds in each section of Fort Creedy and about half of the buildings around it are ruined. RRF is now attacking outwards from Pitneybank towards neighboring Richmond Hills-Havercroft area.
2 May 2013 - It would be nice if players stop moving around when they've put up a revivification request on DEM. I traveled all the way down to West Becktown only to see they've moved to another RP. Just. Why.
29 April 2013 - The MOB is now attacking Lockettside-Dartside area so any newbies would be advised to not stay around that area but honestly, without the Dead and their PK group around, it's been pretty peaceful lately. It's hard to die when survivors outnumber zombies 2 to 1.
7 July 2011 - Members of GC have been parachuting into RB around Santlerville so it most probably means they are migrating towards Santlerville-Heytown now. Certain survivors who have been napping around the green zone area need to find a shelter asap. I know that some vet survivors have been overbarricading in safe zones and it's hard to find a safehouse but do stay nearby a below HB building if you're new. I've seen 4-5 survivors in 9 blocks napping peacefully outside. Uhm no. And get Free Running for the first skill you can buy. There's no point powering up everything else when you can't even nap without getting killed in a few hours. East Boundwood survivors should also watch out, zombies are definitely gathering nearby. Certain green suburb should also stop being overconfident (not mentioning which one in case zombies are watching) because zombies are attacking a few RBs already.
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