The Bear Patrol

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The Bear Patrol
The bear patrol.jpg
Abbreviation: TBP
Group Numbers: 4
Leadership: Bear Anderson
Goals: Mess with the Bear, you get torn to shreads
Recruitment Policy: Any PKers
Contact: The Den

The Bear Patrol is survivor group dedicated to protecting themselves from anyone and everyone.


The Bear Patrol originated back in mid-2012. Bear Anderson and his friend Chance Norton were both trying to survive, and based themselves out of the Malton Zoo. After a few months of trying to integrate into the survivor groups there, the two of them found that they were doing a lot of work for not much reward, so they decided to pack it in and head off on their own. Along the journey, they came across a few others, before settling in Tapton, more specifically, the Bainton Arms.

The Bainton Arms is home and Den of The Bear Patrol, but this was not always the case. It was previously home to Phil's Freaks, although it was somewhat abandoned for years by them. Despite this, many people still tried to claim it as Phil's Freaks HQ, despite none of them being members of Phil's Freaks themselves.

Originally Bear and his friends came through, looking to rest up after spending months on the road after departing the Malton Zoo. Despite coming in peace, The Bear Patrol were greeted with hostility, and attacked. Possessing a fight or flight mentality, with a tendency to lean towards the former, the Bear Patrol attacked back. After many years of battles, the Bear Patrol finally won out, and the Bainton Arms officially became the Den for their Sleuth.

Active Members

Alpha: Bear Anderson - "Bear holds all authority within those that are in his lands, and those that associate in his sleuth. He decides what is right for the sleuth, therefore those that are within his clan must abide by his rules or harsh consequences will be upheld. Bear is the strongest in the sleuth, because he protects it."

Beta: Chance Norton - "Chance holds authority over the sleuth as well, and is considered co-alpha of the pack. He is usually be summoned when the Bear is gone, leaving the him to do Bear's duties. Chance isn't as strong as Bear, but is more powerful than those that are below him."

Gamma: Graham Bearclaw - "Graham acts as an advisor for both Bear and Chance, and usually holds a respected title over the rest of the sleuth. He has done many honorable acts in the past, which has lead to him becoming Bear's most trusted friend. Graham is just as important as both Bear and Chance, and all others in the sleuth respect him. Graham isn't as powerful as the Bear or Chance, however, but is more powerful than those that are below him."

Vision: Darryl Grimes - "Darryl has reached the highest rank that he can currently obtain. Having this rank is an honor, and with this rank, Darryl is seen as the number one solider in this sleuth. He is also stronger than those that are below him."

Epsilon: Position Vacant - "The Epsilon's are seen as some of the best soldiers of the sleuth, they are warriors who has proven themselves over previous missions, and ranked up accordingly. They answer to Darryl Grimes when on the battlefield, but are able to give commands to all those below them."

Zeta: Position Vacant - "The Zeta's are seen as the up and coming soldiers of the sleuth. They are starting to make a name for themselves from previous missions, and are slowly ranking up accordingly. They answer to Darryl Grimes, and the Epsilon's when on the battlefield. They are able to give commands to all those below them."

Delta: Position Vacant - "The Delta's are the lowest ranking, yet they possess authority over the omegas. This is the starting point for all new members of the sleuth. This is the starting rank for all new members. Doing well here equals promotion."

Previous Missions

Sadly after years of peace, the Bears have been forced to return to their old ways. Billybobz the resident zombie from Phil's Freaks has returned, and refuses to leave. The Bears engaged in the following missions to attempt to get him to leave.

1. Operation - Nice Guys: Started by asking politely, this did not work.

2. Operation - Force: The Bears continued to killy Billybobz and remove him by force. Billybobz retaliated by re-animting, tearing down our barricades, then just standing in the Bainton. Whilst he did not attack the Bears directly during this time, his tearing down of the barricades left the Bears exposed to other zombies, many of whom came in and killed members of the Bear Patrol.

3. Operation - Us or Nobody: The Bears then sacraficed two of their own, and ransacked their own home. The mentality behind this was that Billybobz would leave as a result of the Bainton being destroyed. Instead, he proceeded to stand their, and laugh at the Bears.

Current Objective

The Bears feel they have no other option that to engage in

4. Operation - Apocolypse: The Bears will now kill random Tapton locals, until Billybobz not only leaves the Bainton Arms, but Tapton all together. The Bears apologies to all past and future victims, but they ensure that they let them know proir to their demise, that it is all Billybobz fault for not leaving. This is not the plan the Bears wish to employe, but Billybobz has left them no other choice. If any Tapton residents have an issue with this, they are encouraged to go to the Bainton Arms (45,74), and to ask Billybobz to kindly leave town. The hope is that his presence causes enough of a distrubance, that all Tapton residents turn against him, and runs him out of town. It's about time that that stupid zombie is held accountable for his actions. Regular mission updates are broadcast on frequency "26.04"

Operation - Apocolypse Current Death Toll = 36

List of Victims

Z Doggy Dogg Pace McGuiness Mindblower Cardinal Bennison ElLinOus
WickdAwesum Wilburfor Sahasarala El Minja The Daed
Nate Tee l'ame du argent Beanito la chupitos Miss Lawson
Lady Croft Jericho Draugr justp 8M6Qss Mozilarmy
Lee Thall KirbyE ace1994cl2 Nx7xz3N GoodCatto
Chinese Flu Bandrin Andrew Benroe Zeon705 RfLDhv
RikiSan tactical llama 69 chaos ryan

Unknown/Un-recorded x 3

The random killings stop, when Billybobz leave's Tapton!!!