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I have two accounts in urban dead, Angusburger and Diemk2

Update: I have a new account angoose, but i'm lazy so i am not going to talk about him.

Socks.gif Socks
This user or group thinks all sockpuppets are not inherently evil.

My opinions:

Combat revival is cheap. Don't do it. Riddleybank is best left to zeds, they are to many of them to do anything else. The forts should ALWAYS be kept on VSB for poor newbie survivors to seek refuge in. The pricks that overbarricade malls and hoard all the stores are FUCKING TWATS!


September 7 2008: Currently moving through Osmondville, with intent to reach my other accout in Gulsonside. I am curently a zed... and infected

September 8 2008: Reached the Graveyard by Blesley Mall, and am waiting for revival.

September 10 2008: REVIVED!!! Reached Northcote fire station and got healed.

September 11 2008: 9/11... now thats over with, i have found out that this fire station is full of JUNK! LOADS of old radios, fire axes and flare guns, picked up one of each.

September 12 2008: LETS PK!!!!!!!! DIE LOSER!!!! PK RAMPAGE!!!!!!

September 18 2008: Havent updated in a while, basicly I wanted to become undead, and set off for Riddleybank. Halfway there i decided to go and join my other profile at Fort Perryn. Then I got killed, etc. and decided to attack the fort instead. And that is where I am now, attacking barricades for XP.

September 19 2008: got combat revived... I HATE THAT SHIT! So i wnt indide and PKilled, then went outside and got zombified again.

September 23 2008: Smashed up barricades in buildings around Perryn, but couldn't get at the tasty humanz inside.

September 27 2008: Smashed repeatedly at fort perryn, no difference =(. I am going to get lurching gait ASAP.

September 30 2008: yay! broke open a hospital with tasty humarnz inside!


September 7 2008: Living in Northcote Avenue Fire Station, by Blesley mall.

September 8 2008: Ventured south to kill a few zeds.

September 10 2008: Returned to Northcote, noticed a zombie build up in Osmondville.

September 11 2008:I basicly did waht Angusburger did, but noted that a PKer had moved in, and destroyed the generator...GRRRRRRRR!!!!

September 12 2008: Hung around, asked Blesley mall why they are such jealous bastards for not letting us in, didnt get a reply. Then decided, oh what the hell! And made a journey to fort peryn, in Pennville, got halfway, and took refuge in a junkyard.

September 18 2008: went to Fort Perryn, and joined survivors there. I go out usually and attack zeds for XP.

September 19 2008 purchesed Free Running, not to sure how to use though. The explored base, picked up a few FAK's.

September 24 2008: wandered around fort, chatting to guys about the bad old days when there were hundereds of zeds knocking...etc etc

September 27 08: Killed few zeds.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Shootmess.jpg Shoot the Messenger
This user or group follows the strategy of Shoot the Messenger.

Combat reviving this user's character is a good way to eat a bullet.

Balance scale.jpg Fair Tactics Player
This user has signed the Coalition for Fair Tactics Player Pledge.
ShootTheMedic.png Anti-Combat Reviver
This user dislikes the strategy known as 'Combat Revival'.