Mob/MOB Locator

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The MOB Locator
Militant Order of Barhah.gif
Abbreviation: MOB Loc
Group Numbers: All zambahz welcome!
Leadership: Jorm & his commanders of BARHAH
Goals: BARHAH!
Recruitment Policy: Shamble to where the MOB is, join in the fun.

Az harh zambah ranrah? An n!b ah zahm brazzarah (or zazzarah) rabb? Habba b!g hangrah? Mahb haz bra!nz! Mahb haz BARHAH! Gam an barg zahm, zambahz. Hazzah!

Translation for the Zamgrh-impaired: "Is your zombie lonely? In need of some brotherly (or sisterly) companionship? Very hungry? MOB has food! MOB has BARHAH! Come and get some, friends. Hallelujah!"

What is the MOB Locator?

The Militant Order of Barhah is well known for keeping its bahbah zambahz well nourished -- helping them grow quickly into strong, scary, ruthless brain-eating fiends. But MOB also loves ferals in general.

The MOB Locator is a tool for all feral zombies, bahbah or b!g mama/papa alike. In return for helping us meet our objectives -- and to show survivors what zombies working together are capable of -- the MOB Locator will help you find a constant supply of fresh, juicy, and (usually) ripe bra!nz.

All you need to do is look at the map below and follow the trail of red to MOB's current location. Once there, listen for the Feeding Groans and join us in giving survivor-kind the glorious gift of BARHAH!

The most up-to-date information on MOB activities can be found in the announcements section. You can also check out the Militant Order of Barhah forum at for more detailed information on what the horde is up to.

Where is the Militant Order of Barhah?

Current Suburb Location

Bright Red = Current location of the MOB
Dark Red = Previously visited suburbs


Current Suburb Activities Map

Pink = Currently under attack
Gray = Ruined

The Malton Suburb of Ruddlebank
the Bozon Monument Hansel Hotel ruined Club Meteyard Ruined Jack Way the Dudden Building the Connelley Building Roncoroni Place Dolbridge Street Hammond Place Poncione Grove
Grabham Square wasteland Wyke Grove Fire Station Ruined a junkyard Jarman Lane Corp Boulevard Railway Station the Holmes Arms Suter PD Ruined Knapp PD Ruined wasteland
the McLellan Arms Latcham Street Clough Way Tuckwood Walk Pember Grove Handley Towers the Rabjohns Hotel St. Emma's Church the Baillie Hotel the Cheeke Building
St. Maximillian's Church Breeze Street Carpenter Avenue wasteland Edward General Hospital Ruined Ashbee Avenue the Coopey Building a cemetery Major Cinema Hinckesman Bank
the Rees Building Selway NT Ruined Delay Way Sly PD Ruined Puckard Bank Dungey Way the Furzer Building a factory Horditch Lane the Broadway Monument
the Hobby Building Dirkinson Street Duport Grove Railway Station Ruined Combs Lane St. Piran's Church Ruined a cemetery Dudden Bank the Panes NT Ruined Jerrad Park a factory
a carpark Biffen Lane wasteland the Greatorex Building Hind Bank Green Drive School Atwood Row Mico Boulevard wasteland Peppe Park
Ralfe Towers Rodeney Bank the Bhore Building Gover Bank ruined Lynham Cinema ruined a warehouse a warehouse Brabner Square the Shearn Building Argent Place
Strange Alley Fire Station Greenleaves Alley Cosens Auto Repair the Honeybone Museum ruined Hulin Dr Fire Stn ruined the Dufty Building Baldwin Square Hugh General Hospital a warehouse Haslam Crescent
the Dobson Museum Wellington Way Tikhon General Hospital ruined Club Rodham Brocbury Drive Marke Avenue wasteland the Lawson Arms Sainders NT ruined Etheldreda Gen Hosp *under attack


This area is for official announcements, please refrain from commenting here unless you are a representative of The Militant Order of Barhah. Archived announcements can be found here.

24 July 2008 - MOB is hitting building after building in this suburb. NTs, PDs, FSs are getting ruined and repaired on a daily basis. Thanks to the helpful survivors, we keep getting repeat meals at several spots around town. :D Ferals from nearby Wykewood are welcome to join in the fun, so go forth and spread Barhah! --FLZombie 04:10, 25 July 2008 (BST)

21 July 2008 - The Militant Order of Barhah has sent advance teams into Ruddlebank, in preparation for a full-scale assault on this suburb, and spread Barhah to all unbelievers!--FLZombie 17:51, 21 July 2008 (BST)

Public Strike Times

The secret to The MOB's success rests on its efficient, coordinated strike groups. Below are strike times for when getting past 'cades is tough. If you cannot make these times, you may still be able to find harmanz that we have tenderized to low health and dragged outside. Listen for the groans.

  • The Bra!nz Liberation Front - 00:00 GMT (8:00pm Eastern, 5:00pm Pacific)
  • The Inquisition - 03:00 GMT (11:00pm Eastern, 8:00pm Pacific)
  • The Barhahry Corsairs - 13:00 GMT (9:00am Eastern, 6:00am Pacific)
  • Bairn Ceatharn - 16:45 GMT (12:45pm Eastern, 9:45am Pacific)

(Times in North America may change with seasonal DST adjustments.)

If you would like to attack with the Militant Order of Barhah in person, join us during one of our strike times in our IRC channel by using one of the options below:

Visitors are always welcome in the IRC -- except during strikes. However, if you're a feral wanting to feast with the MOB, hop into the IRC and let us know beforehand. We'd love to meet you!

How do I join the Militant Order of Barhah?

This one is easy! Just head for the current location. Add "Militant Order of Barhah" in the group field of your profile. Don't forget to sign up at and join MOB's s00per sekrit forums! And don't be shy to join us on IRC at #mob.

Finally, if you have a Wiki account here, please show your support by adding this nifty template to your User or Group page:

Militant Order of Barhah.gif Militant Order of Barhah
The MOB is coming...

To see who rolls with the MOB, check out the MOB Squad list.

Other Resources for Zombies