User talk:Sexylegsread

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All posts that were here, that now aren't here, can be found in the Archives. 2007 or 2008

New Posts/Rules

  • New posts at the bottom of the page, use that little + button at the top of your screen.
  • Always sign your posts.
  • Remember that I enjoy wiki wars, so if you have a problem, please tell.
  • Refer to me as "Sir" or I will delete your posts.

  • kidding, btw.


COME ON MSN LOL--Nallan (Talk) 10:41, 27 August 2008 (BST)

Bobs Rant

Before you go off decrying people as newfags, keep in mind that you actually don't know how long exactly they've been around for. I am actually in a better position to be calling you a newfag than the reverse, believe it or not. There are three reasons for this:

  1. You display classic newfag behaviour - oh-so-rnadomlololololol circlejerk sessions with your fuckbuddies,
  2. I've been around on 4chan since a couple of weeks after it first began; while I don't have concrete proof that you haven't been around for longer by your behaviour I'm happy in assuming you haven't, due to both the above and the fact that
  3. You don't know the real origin of DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS; a fairly basic and well-known meme.

kthxbai --HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS 16:56, 2 October 2008 (BST)

"I've been around on 4chan since a couple of weeks after it first began". That, right there, shows me that you are a butthurt newfag who needs to come to my user page to show the whole wiki community that you indeed are not a newfag, and that you are 4chan for life. Dude, I don't give a fuck when you started lurking, really. Just don't bring your /b/ shit to the UD wiki, it's not really humourous, and it makes me cringe whenever I see it. I do not need to prove how long I have lurked any imageboard, I can still state that what I think on this wiki, and I will continue to do so.
Oh, and in response to the "oh so rnadomlololol" comments, maybe you aren't the most successful troll on this wiki, eh bob?--CyberRead240 17:02, 2 October 2008 (BST)
You have the nerve to try and play the "you're obviously insecure" card after being the one to bring up newfaggotry in the first place? Are you always this stupid, or do you save your special person moments for the internet? I'm terribly interested in knowing. --HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS 17:09, 2 October 2008 (BST)
Claims of newfaggotry do not need to come from an oldfag. I am not an oldfag. I am 18 years old and I was not active online at the time of 4chans inception. I, personally, as well as many others who I frequently interact with believe that posting on other forums and wiki's as if you are on /b/ is an act that is somewhat similar to, if not entirely, newfaggotry. Don't get me wrong here, I don't question your length of time spent on /b/ or 4chan in general. I believe that even the oldest oldfag can be a newfag from time to time. The short of it is, leave /b/ talk for /b/, it's not supposed to be flaunted around in other forums/similar.
Basically, I don't care what you do, or how you troll, be it funny or not, I cringe when I see people talk like they are on /b/ on this wiki, other forums, and IRL. Go about your business, and stop being so butthurt about my accusations. No doubt you will want the last word on this, if it is worthwhile, I will continue this conversation with you, but otherwise, good day.
Sorry for the late reply, I have my HSC in two and a bit weeks, therefore distracted.--CyberRead240 17:33, 2 October 2008 (BST)
A few things.
  • I am also 18, and have VCE coming up.
  • I agree (shock horror!) with where you're coming from WRT people trying too hard by using chanspeak. Where we differ is that my signature is not intended to actually be "chanspeak" - I first encountered the quote on bash and thus in my mind it has always been a bash type of thing.
Good luck with your exams dude, despite all the raging tonight/this morning, exams fucking suck. Thankyou mini-wiki-wars for making me feel like I am spending constructive time at my computer.--CyberRead240 17:48, 2 October 2008 (BST)
That's the second thing we can agree on. ^_^ --HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS 17:50, 2 October 2008 (BST)
He's 18? God! Why do people keep telling me he's 12! Now I won't feel so strange when I suggestively attempt to meet Bob in real life. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 06:52, 9 October 2008 (BST)
IRL* --Nallan (Talk) 07:13, 9 October 2008 (BST)

GTFO MY TALK PAGE OMG--CyberRead240 15:53, 9 October 2008 (BST)


Its' my subtle plot to make a historical archive of the grim explosion and get it voted as historical. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 10:14, 10 October 2008 (BST)

i will vote it keep into oblivion. Also, I have a screenshot that will make you fucking rage harder than you ever have before.--CyberRead240 14:05, 10 October 2008 (BST)


This is just temporary, like an april fools day sig, except in october :) so the old one will be back soon. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 06:03, 20 October 2008 (BST)

I like dis one, it's cute, like you x) --xoxo 06:16, 20 October 2008 (BST)
Aww you... DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 06:26, 20 October 2008 (BST)


Ya, well I don't like it much so if I ditch it for something better in the near future I'll tell you DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 00:01, 22 October 2008 (BST)


DanceDanceRevolution ya its a cool link. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 00:20, 24 October 2008 (BST)

Yeah saw that, was gonna save it but didn't think you'd care if it went. --xoxo 00:29, 24 October 2008 (BST)


Stop hand.png

Please do not spam admin pages with large images on this wiki. If you continue this behaviour, your editing privileges will be revoked. This is your last warning. -- boxy talkteh rulz 08:48 24 October 2008 (BST)


Stop hand.png

Please do not internet on this wiki. Continuing this behaviour may possibly lead to some kind of "off the record" soft warning. Maybe.

--Nallan (Talk) 09:29, 24 October 2008 (BST)



Stop hand.png

Please do not internet on this wiki. Continuing this behaviour may possibly lead to some kind of "off the record" soft warning. Maybe. Stop this behaviour, pretty please?DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 13:37, 24 October 2008 (BST)


You have been banned from editing this wiki for 24hrs for carrying on disagreements on the main admin pages. -- boxy talkteh rulz 03:46 26 October 2008 (BST) 03:46, 26 October 2008 (UTC)