User:Lesley Drake

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"Scientae Inter Arma Spiritus"

"In the Spirit of Science and Arms"

Lesley Drake
Joined: 2009-01-29
Class: Military
Current Level: 2
Current Status: Alive
Location: Classified
Groups: Shades of malton

Lesley Drake

His mottos include "In the Spirit of Science and Arms" and "Lets Splatter Brain Matter!"


Name: Lesley Arthur Drake

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Birth date: Sixth of July, 1989

Zodiac: Cancer

Class: Medic

Level: 2

Group: Shades of malton

Rank: Private

Skills: First Aid and Free Running

Equipment: Pistol (6), Spraycan (2), First Aid Kits (1)

People Healed: 36

Pre-Malton Life

Born to British couple, Scott and Elizabeth Drake in the late eighties (1989) Lesley was the middle child having both an older and younger sister. His childhood was fairly uniform, not an academic overachiever his focus was more towards sport and for a time he was a long distance runner and hurdler. Lesley's athletic career lasted until he eventually lost interest in the sports when he hit the age of sixteen, much to his parents disgust he rebelled like most teenagers. Although Lesley's rebellion was more or less just breaking his 7:30 curfew and hanging out at his mate's place overnight, to say the least Lesley was not the favorite child.

He and several of his friends decided that it'd be a good idea to volunteer for the war effort in their backyards in the neighboring city of Malton, they entered a streamline training course. Using his prior knowledge of first aid, attained through various classes his parents made him take he became a medic. Once their month long training was complete they were shipped in to aid the 1st Medical Battalion when things started to go terribly wrong.

History in Malton

Basically recording from the day he entered Malton to the day he dies...

Escaping from the wreckage of his downed transport moments before it was engulfed in flames, Lesley is the only survivor of the reinforcements meant for the 1st Medical Battalion. Not only the fact that he was left alone and without adequate supplies, he also had to make the trek from Reganbank to Penney Heights. Stumbling away from the smells and screams of his barbecuing comrades, Lesley soon found himself searching a local hospital for supplies. He managed to gather enough for several first aid kits before he continued on, making his way down to Mornington. While he spent his first night in the Chidley Row fire station he encountered his first patient, a bizarre civilian who kept rambling about how the zombies weren't going to get his shoes. After treating the man, Lesley thought it best to keep on traveling while attempting to avoid any contact with the undead. At the advice of the civilian Lesley avoided the suburb of North Blyville and headed yet again to the south ending up in Wykewood, where he had his first run in with the undead. Sure he didn't need to get involved but it was his duty to intervene, as the zombie was attacking civilians. He didn't have any ammunition to spare at the time so all he could manage to do was heal the civilians before continuing down to yet another hospital.

During the night he witnessed a barricade being erected and was quite impressed, he decided if he was able to survive in this hell hole he'd definitely try and pick up that skill. In the morning after gathering some more supplies from the various supply cupboards and wards with medicine still remaining within them, Lesley once more set off in the hopes of making it to the 1st's. While traveling through South Blyville he encountered several survivors who he aided by sacrificing all his medical supplies, unfortunately for him as he attempted to get into the hospital at Tapton he was barricaded out. This left him without refuge or a place to gather supplies, as the sun fell in the sky he rushed into a neighboring suburb, Kempsterbank where he took refuge in a building that could only be described as dingy. The survivors within looked relatively malnourished but they seemed friendly enough but kept their distance.

The next morning without a farewell to the survivors, Lesley took his leave when there appeared to be no zombies outside or in the immediate area. He traveled through several suburbs without having any close run ins with a zombie it was quite an uneventful day, so he made some decent progress and from what he gathered from an information board he was closing the gap to Penney Heights. At the time Lesley had entered Vinetown, with the information he know had he decided that by the next day he'd have made it to the rendezvous point. Lesley just hoped that the 1st's would still be waiting, he had no idea where they were stationed just to where they told command to send the reinforcements. That night he found himself barricaded within a bank, that evening he found out survivors were just as dangerous as the undead who roamed the streets.

Lesley woke to screaming, outside the bank were two survivors one of whom were screaming at the other survivor who without hesitation just raised their shotgun and pumped a couple of rounds into the other man's chest. Lesley was shocked and a little concerned, the zombies would be on their way soon but with someone crazy like that in the neighborhood he'd have to be extra-cautious. He fled through the back of the building, jogging until he reached a church that looked safe enough and accessible. Utterly exhausted now he hauled himself up into a gap in the churches roof which was oddly low for a church, he put that down to modern architecture and the fact he used the pews as a sort of ladder.

The evening passed by without event and he managed to drift into an uneasy sleep. The screams of his friends were interrupted by the fist that came in contact with his face, Lesley recognized the man as military he was a Private. The man when noticing that Lesley was awake promptly fled, bizarre things were happening and this Privates madness was proof of it. During the daylight hours Lesley remained indoors attempting to avoid any other crazy survivors, zombies he could handle but shooting ordinary civilians well Lesley wasn't sure he could do that. As dusk began to fall Lesley was surprised to find a woman inside the church offering to heal him, he only really had a contusion but he wouldn't deny help that offered it freely.

Once more he found himself being attacked by a lunatic, thankfully a doctor just happened to stumbled in on him and tended to his wounds. Lesley learned that the 1st was no longer at the rendezvouz point, so he was at a loss now unsure of what to do. The Doctor supplied him with an answer, the Shades of malton were currently recruiting members into their organisation. Lesley was interested in this but he told the doctor he'd still have to check out the hospital in Penney Heights in a hope that his unit was there. When he arrived he found numerous survivors but no Medical Battalion, he gathered up some medical supplies for first aid kits and waited the night before returning to the church. Lesley hoped that the good doctor would stop by again to recruit him into the Shades.

After meeting once more with the Doctor Lesley is convinced that joining the Shades would be best, so joining the Doctor he learns the only entry to their safehouse is through the roof so he must jump. At that point all those years of athletism came back to him and he made the jump, Lesley was kind of proud about his ability at least he had some sort of skill. The next few days were spent gathering medical supplies and healing the wounded and once more he felt some sort of security, he wished his mates had lived to see this.

After leaping from building to building or crossing unstable walkways between them, Lesley found himself in yet again another hospital. The place was filthy, gore and debris all over the place. The debris albeit had been put to good use, piled high against any entry into the hospital making it nigh impossible to force your way in. Inside this place were numerous survivors each had seen more then their fair share of death and agony, yet they continued to scrounge up what they could and administer the many patients who wandered in through the second storey accessway. Lesley almost felt bad about taking what precious little supplies they could spare, they said it'd be a month till the next drop and it'd be best to grab what you could when you could. Lesley took the bare minimum and decided if he came across anyone who needed more help then he could provide he'd drag them back to the hospital and let them help out the poor bastard. With that he said adeu and went out on a house call, so to speak.

Tending to the few people he found during the daylight left Lesley feeling strangely satisfied, perhaps there was hope yet maybe he hadn't made such a horrible mistake. Here he felt a sense of purpose he hadn't attained on the outside, if he ever got the chance he'd get in touch with the military so maybe his mum would know he was alright. Right now though his thoughts would remain on the present, he knew his only true goal would be to survive.

Regardless of his goal, Lesley still had a rather grievous encounter with a zombie on his return from the wastes. It was almost dark, somehow time had slipped by and it was already dusk. Lesley was running back to the safehouse when he was jumped by a zombie who almost got the better of him. Thankfully a fellow Shade was nearby and saved his life, Lesley managed to drag himself inside a nearby church where he patched himself up before passing out.

Medals Earned

Outstanding volunteer ribbon.gifNato Ribbon.gifNational defense ribbon.gifShades Occupation Ribbon.gifObstacle Course Achievement.gif