Talk:DSS Red Zone Support

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Revision as of 08:19, 10 February 2009 by DubStreet (talk | contribs) (→‎Penny Heights: Toning down language, adding sig.)
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Group Page

Very basic page setup done, so we have a place to discuss the full page construction work as it progresses. --Sophie Ames 22:52, 6 February 2009 (UTC)

Our Mission

I'm beginning work on a mission statement for our organization - once I've got a little more time, I'm going to grab one of the existing group templates and modify it for our use, to make the page a little more attractive, since an inviting group page is our second best recruitment tool - the best, of course, being ourselves and our actions in the field. --DubStreet 12:15, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

Grand. I just shuffled some things a bit, make them more readable (well, imo anyway). I actually like the current page. It presents the group briefly (good intro, Dub), then cuts the nonsense and provides actual useful information for people surviving in the zone we're working in. I find that quite distinctive. Refreshing, in fact, very different from the more common, barely readable, self-referential, ego wanking you find out there.
Go ahead with the template. I've got to say, to tell the truth, I quite like it as it is, with the default look - I'd just add a neat small logo. See it's light and quick, explicitly designed to load fast and be easily readable, you don't have to learn to use the bloody page just to find something there. But yeah, I'm sort of an ergonomics fundamentalist haha, I'm well aware people do care for colour. So beautify it by all means. --Sophie Ames 17:15, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

You know, tactically, we're learning something here. I'd been going about things all wrong, trying to rally enough support to take back the whole suburb at once -that was the wrong way to go about it. What we needed was one significant public step towards re-establishing the suburb - in this case, Lumber Mall. Retaking that mall, and publicizing it over the local airwaves, was the critical action that began to rally survivor assistance. From that point, all we had to do was begin to retake, repair, and repower the most essential critical infrastructure elements and other survivors began returning to assist with the cause. I'd say this is a damned good tactical template for us to use, whichever Red Zone we hit next --DubStreet 08:47, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

That sounds reasonable. I mean, I wouldn't really know, I'm a newbie hehe, but it does make sense. Though I don't think it'd be too easy for us alone to take a swarmed mall, even working together, and I do think what you did before Lumber made a difference. There's no way to know, but I have the feeling all the noise you made while you were searching for help actually woke people up, even if they didn't bother to answer. We really don't know who took Lumber back, even if you kicked the last zed and I built the last barricade - maybe doc knows since he learned the news first. But anyway, so, we go for one initial high profile success, make a lot of noise about it, then help people help themselves. Not the worst M.O. I can think of. --Sophie Ames 16:33, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Penny Heights

Moving conversation here then. Current stock, repeating from my talk page: 5 syringes, 2 FAKs, 2 shells, 11 bullets. 30 AP. --Sophie Ames 05:14, 10 February 2009 (UTC)

I'm fairly similar, supply wise - 5 FAK's, 31 AP, 3 needles, 4 shells, 6 bullets, no reloads. With our ammo situation, if we don't have any other muscle backing us up, we should focus on combat revives, I think. We could each take down two zeds and have enough time to get to cover. Downside is, if they're all dedicated zombies, rather than opprotunistic or dual natured, we've just made four or five new GK/Spies. --DubStreet 06:00, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Speaking of which, I just noticed the grafitti inside Odo: a bad paper cut = zed spy, PKer, and griefer. KOS. I'm almost sure I've seen "a bad paper cut" recently, maybe even inside Odo, listening to us rallying people and such. They may be reading this page, for all we know - both our profiles link to here now. Oh, and we still need gennie and fuel, if we're going to jab rotters. --Sophie Ames 06:06, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Fuck! We suddenly have much more immediate concerns - Dr. Chris is in Sully Bank, with a RRF spy "BRAINS BRAINS I WANT BRAINS" and Buffygirl, a PK. Worse, I think he's asleep. I've got to off them or he's toast. --DubStreet 06:12, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Zip here again. I still think we should have an HQ. Hear me through on this: it's not supposed to be permanent, but it would be really good to have a base of operations that we could go to each night so we don't get killed. And when I say "we," I mean "me." "Oh my God, they killed George!" "You bastards!" Anyway, I have just oodles of ammo but I miss whenever I shoot. Still have five FAKs; I'm still in the factory. I don't have enough AP to do anything else until tomorrow. -George Zip 06:13, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Oh, hell - I just noticed they killed the gennie. It's now a dark building. My accuracy is going to be through the floor. --DubStreet 06:13, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Bloody hell! Get back when you're out of ammo, I'll try to finish them. Of course, I'll shoot even worse. 10% worse, or so I think. With you in a minute George --Sophie Ames 06:18, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Dub! ZIPO is back online. He's near Craddy, and confirms: it's EHB and lit. --Sophie Ames 06:20, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
There's no point. With the accuracy stats in a dark building, I'll burn out all my ammo before either one is down to half health. Won't help Mycroft, but it will bring them to Odo after us. Either have to get a gennie for that building, or we have to get mycroft the hell out of there. Upside is that their accuracy is just as bad. With ZIPO's confirmation, maybe we should relocate to Craddy. We'll have better defenses there and more experienced people to work with - NT's are usually the hangout for higher level players, if they don't choose an inconspicuous non-resource building, like a factory. --DubStreet 06:26, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Sigh. We can't do anything else, right? Well. Let's go then. Might as well revive ZIPO while I'm there. --Sophie Ames 06:32, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Hey, lets try messaging doc in his wiki. Maybe that'll wake him up. --Sophie Ames 06:36, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
He's still at 60 HP. That BRAINS character was online more recently than doc, didn't hurt him. Could it be just a coincidence they're there, and not explicitly targeting him? --Sophie Ames 07:05, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
It could be anything. I don't know if he has a reputation in wider circles that would make him a target. He was the one who announced the reopening of Lumber Mall, apart from that, who knows. Frankly, I'm kind of baffled by BRAINS. Who would revive somebody from the RRF? And what the hell would he be doing alive? With a name like that, it's not like he's much of a spy - if he came in my safehouse I'd be plugging him as soon as I woke up. I'm going to wait in Odo a while longer, I want to be next door in case they do make a move so I can at least try to help. --DubStreet 07:08, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Fine then. Staying with you, unless you want me to check on Tomkyns or Craddy or something else. You know, this isn't the first (allegedly) RRFer I've seen revived lately. Could be Gore Corps. I believe he's just another PKer, though - one of the many you saw in Lumber, just holed up where he can't be hunted easily, building up AP for his next raid on the mall. Doc's in EST I seem to remember - that's 2:30 AM right now I think. Slim chance of him waking up soon. --Sophie Ames 07:33, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, I've been thinking about that. I'm genuinely concerned about seeing several PK's and at least one RRF member holing up in places, near survivor centers, where they'll be harder to attack. I'm going to hit Lumber and put out a general warning over the airwaves - there's a chance they're doing exactly what you said, just living close to their food source and sleeping, but it might also be preparation for a larger offensive. I'm going to try and get some ammunition, I'm damned low, and we may be in the need of some firepower soon. --DubStreet 08:15, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Alright, I just burned through 5 AP on the radio to put out a warning. This may make us targets in Odo, if any of them know we're here, but it's better than them catching people entirely unawares - and with enough people aware of their den, hopefully we can purge the bastards. --DubStreet 08:19, 10 February 2009 (UTC)