Scurvy Scroungers

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Scurvy Scroungers
Abbreviation: ScS
Group Numbers: 30
Leadership: Mogwick, Ebineezer Shifton
Goals: To controll New Arkham
Recruitment Policy: Email the Scroungers at the listed address, and try to contact them in game about a trial membership.

The Scurvy Scroungers are a group of highly organized zombies located in New Arkham. Formed up to organize the New Arkham zombie forces, the Scroungers have been in opperation since early 2008. They are led by their direct leader Mogwick, and their tactical advisor Ebineezer Shifton. They formerly maintained a base of opperations, in western New Arkham, generally in The Mitchener Building, where they coordinated their assaults from. Following the massive assault on their organization, the Scroungers have been left tattered and destroyed, and have been forced to relocate.

Group Organizational Structure

The Scroungers maintain a highly organized internal structure, enabling them to launch highly successfull raids against superior forces. Their efforts are coordinated through their leader Mogwick, though general strategies and attack patterns are often created by Ebineezer Shifton.


The Scurvy Scroungers are devoted to organizing New Arkhams zombie population, and bringing the zone firmly under zombie controll. They plan coordinated attacks on the various resources buildings in New Arkham, but generally keep their activities within that suburb.

Enemies and allies

The Scurvy Scroungers have squared off against a number of human groups with various levels of success. Before solidifying their status in New Arkham, and a few time there after, the Scroungers went toe to toe with CAPD, and Legion of the Octopope. Since then, the Scroungers have done battle largely against New Arkham survivor groups, such as The Bartenders of New Arkham. Recently the Scroungers have butted heads with several new survivor groups which have invaded New Arkham, and once again have found themselves fighting their old enemies in the South West alliance.

The Scroungers enjoy no allies to date, but their own numbers, as well as organizational skills and tactics make them formidible in themselves. A few terrorist survivors have pledged loyalty to the Scroungers and are known to support their efforts with terror attacks such as generator and barricade smashing, ect.

Recent attacks from the South West alliance have destroyed the Scroungers, crippling their ability to remain active in New Arkham.


Coming Soon

Important Members

Gerald Studabaker, Ebineezer Shifton, Mogwick, Maron Deldibon, Balthczar, InChr1st, Shiek2002, Tayshaun Prince, Pirim.