April Fools Massacre

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Revision as of 23:05, 21 May 2009 by Michaleson (talk | contribs)
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The following groups took part in this event::

Flowers of Disease . Philosophe Knights · Creedy Guerilla Raiders · Columbine Kids . Browncoats . Brotherhood of the Reckoning . Spartans . The Skorpions . GENTLEMEN


All Fools Day.


Who's doing this?
PKA & it's associates.

Kill everyone we see that day.

Recruitment Policy
1. Be a PKer.
2. Be willing to slaughter every soul in the Mall.

3. Only one PKer per player.

Giddings Mall, Pitneybank

When: Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

Coverage of the Event

This poem was broadcast over the radio just prior to the celebration.


In the times of yore, the Celtic peoples of the British Isles celebratedHalloween a very different way. Instead of candy and costumes there was vast amounts of feasting, harvest, and huge fires. Livestock were slaughtered and preserved in preperation for winter, people and livestock were purified by fire, and vast pagan worship was observed. Today, the world has commerciallized and bastardized glorious Samhain. To cleanse the sacred day of Samhain, we have slaughtered in Hildebrand Mall and given back to the glorious pagan gods in October of 2007. Bonfires were lit that night and the festivities were merry. The PKA used the flames of these fires to light their own individual hearths from a common flame, thus bonding our families together for a stronger future.


Mrpunch.jpg April Fools Massacre
This user or group pranked survivors in Giddings Mall on April 1st, 2009.
{{April Fools Massacre}}

List of Practical Jokes

The following unhappy survivors got a bit of cheer upping.

Begin each kill report with a new number (#). Post the Screenshot or if one is not available the profile of your victim, then sign it using your user page. This will assist us in keeping tabs on the running total of kills.

  2. medico4 by Bobby Pegleg
  3. Redfields by Bobby Pegleg

Reports still coming in...