Stanbury Village

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Suburb of Stanbury Village
Barrville Ridleybank Pimbank
Galbraith Hills Stanbury Village Roftwood
Mockridge Heights Shackleville Tollyton
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Stanbury Village's location in Malton

Resource buildings in Stanbury Village

Latest EMR:
z: 0~i: *--
p: DMay 21

Update EMR

Phone Mast: (55,56)

The Sertin Building


Update Mast

Known groups in this suburb:
— Survivor Groups —
— Zombie Groups —
— Hostile Groups —
  • Only freelance killers...
— Historic Groups —

Key buildings in Stanbury Village:

Malls: Nichols Mall
NecroTech Buildings: 2

(59,55) (51,57)

Police Departments: 2
Hospitals: 2
Fire Stations: 0
Bulletin Boards: unknown
Others: Kersley Mansion, Bunney Street Police Department, Schools 2, Churches 4, Auto Repair 1
Suburb Number: 56
Scales.png Please remember to keep this article neutral.

Stanbury Village is a suburb of Malton, located in the center of the city. Before the outbreak Stanbury was relatively unremarkable, mostly visited by shoppers patronizing Nichols Mall, and its famous Kilt Store. There was a steady stream of local gossip caused by the resident billionaire and Necrotech founder Willum J. Kersley, but his mansion in the South-East is now ransacked, the onyx walls and countless hot-tubs marred with dried gore, the cellars gutted by fire and littered with unidentifiable equipment. Several sites in Stanbury were planned for development and urban renewal, but since the outbreak these have simply lain empty as wasteland.

Records of Stanbury history have been recorded in books, in the Brome and Stribling Libraries, as well as in artifacts found in the Batson Museum. A few passages of Stanbury Village history can be found here.

As a central location it is prone to repeated re-conquering by various human and zombie groups, but its proximity to Ridleybank makes it generally quite unsafe for survivors.

Resource Buildings

Fire Stations

  • none


NecroTech Facilities

Police Departments


Bulletin Boards

Revive Points

Recent News

Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.

June 2009

June 4th

25.96 MHz: "... about sixty in Stanbury Village ... maybe a dozen outside Nichols Mall ... a few buildings with lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... Nichols Mall has lights on ... the Moseley Building has definitely fallen ..." (5 minutes ago) --Niall9408 11:08, 4 June 2009 (BST)

May 2009

May 27th

Nichols Mall is up. Come and get your kilts!--Anne tardew 01:59, 28 May 2009 (BST)

May 17th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Stanbury Village, counted maybe seventy outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a few buildings with lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... the Went Building is out of action ..." --Eve Amedeus 08:37, 17 May 2009 (BST)

May 11th

Nichols Mall is overrun with a count of 10 zombies inside. The 2 NT buildings are in ruins with 5-10 zombies in and outside of them. Daynes Alley Police Department is barricaded but has 10 zombies out side of it and unpowered. The Sertin Building(Phone Mast) looks good but unpowered with noone inside. Catherine General Hospital is under siege by a large swarm and unpowered. most of stanbury is ruined, unpowered and do not have radio transmitters. The larges swarms scouted were near Catherine General Hospital, Daynes Alley Police Department and by Yeoman Park.--Chronocalamity 03:26, 12 May 2009 (BST)

May 8th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Stanbury Village, counted over a hundred outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... the Moseley Building is looking wrecked ..." --Eve Amedeus 18:09, 8 May 2009 (BST)

April 2009

April 26

Both Northern Corners of Nichols Mall are ruined whilst the remaining survivors in the Southern Corners are now under attack. Even with no power though it's still possible to grab a new kilt if you're quick enough!--Fausta Gummings 11:30, 26 April 2009 (BST)

April 24

Several breakins at Nichols Mall NE Corner as survivors continue to hold on to the recently retaken Mall while updating their satorial elegance (being fitted for a good kilt). Currently the NE corner is breached with 7 zombies inside. One can only assume they've never visited the Mall before as the one and only Kilt Store is in the SW Corner.--Fausta Gummings 22:45, 24 April 2009 (BST)

April 23

Over the course of a few days, a large horde, consisting of over 30 undead, have descended upon Nichols Mall. Survivors are putting up quite a resistance.

March 2009

March 26th

Today, NecroWatch reports from the Went Building. The scan revealed 168 zombies in the scanning range of the facility. By far the biggest horde of 29 zombies were at Lorenzo General Hospital, 18 zombies were spread over Nichols Mall and 12 zombies were at the Betty Building. 6 zombies were at the Went Building itself and another 6 were at Club Bartin. Furthermore, 9 zombies were at Mayo Row Police Dept and 5 at the Truell Museum in the Suburb of Roftwood, with another 9 zombies at Turpin Road, a revivication point. -- -Alka Selzer- [ Talk - Map - Stuff 08:53, 26 March 2009 (UTC)

March 25th

NecroWatch reports from the still ruined Moseley Building. The scan revealed 56 zombies in the scanning range of the facility. Of those numbers, 9 were at the Moseley Building itself, 9 at Daynes Alley Police Dept and 5 more at Beacham Cinema. The remaining zombies were scattered across the area in numbers of 1 to 3. -- -Alka Selzer- [ Talk - Map - Stuff 11:40, 25 March 2009 (UTC)

March 21st

The NW corner of Nichols Mall has been breached by significant numbers of zombies for the first time in weeks, after frequent minor break-ins. Currently there are 15 zombies inside and 57 outside, among a pile of 74 corpses. Resistance is ongoing in the NW corner. The other sectors are occupied by large number of survivors, but all sectors are unlit, making it hard to distinguish the darker clan tartans for the Kilt Store's esteemed clientele. Employees of The Kilt Store are engaged in showing out the undead tartanophiles as well as providing healthcare and the gift of life for all kilted customers.--Mallrat 06:14, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

March 14th

Rotter's Relief is placed back into the suburb group listings. Rotter's Relief is always an active group, but it rarely appears so in the wiki. Do check out our forums if urgent.--Natakaasd 08:58, 14 March 2009 (UTC)

March 3rd

These groups have been removed from Stanbury Village's group listing in accordance with the The Great Suburb Group Massacre

--YoHohoTalk 06:55, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

Barricade Policy

Revive Points/Information

Note: FANNY/MANNY is using DEM Revive request for Maxwell Walk.
  • Yeoman Park [58, 55] - Maintained by the SSZ
Note: The SSZ Allies are using the DEM Revive request tool for Yeoman Park. The Kilt Store use their own revive thread
  • The Moseley Building [51, 57] - Brain Rot clinic maintained by Rotter's Relief

Radio Frequency

know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 26.17 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: Variable

Suburb Map

The Malton Suburb of Stanbury Village
the Corfield Arms Rebus Plaza the Heard Building Whetcombe Park the Christie Monument Rumble Crescent wasteland Mannell Walk Guell Bank Gooden Street
the Higgs Arms Bunney Street Police Dept Axworthy Square Pound Place School Hillier Walk the Stollery Building wasteland Halsey Auto Repair Holdsworth Towers wasteland
wasteland Sheil Park Lyman Square a junkyard Club Brine Bently Towers Boyd Bank Brougham Way Nichols Mall Nichols Mall
the McCulloch Building Stanbury Place Toms Road St. Ambrose's Church a junkyard Bateman Way Brome Library Stribling Library Nichols Mall Nichols Mall
Clear Street Wickenden Grove the Modeford Building St. Eusebius's Church Duffill Alley Burgess Street Maxwell Walk
a warehouse Hatwell Place Anstruther Alley
Stampfordham Avenue the Carr Arms Markey Square a cemetery Lacy Cinema Beacham Cinema the Dann Hotel the Batson Museum Yeoman Park
the Went Building
Club Twycrosse Catherine General Hospital St. Augustine's Church Dorey Walk wasteland the Sertin Building Salvage Row Club Bartin Forse Walk School Frye Way
Maddaford Grove the Moseley Building
Dix Row St. Maria's Church a cemetery Skemp Road a factory the Sprackett Building the Cabell Arms the Betty Building
a junkyard Wiseman Place Rowson Cinema Daynes Alley Police Dept a warehouse wasteland Back Place School Kersley Mansion Kersley Mansion Lorenzo General Hospital
the Tomalin Building wasteland Templeton Crescent Johnstone Towers wasteland Youings Towers the Hervey Building Kersley Mansion Kersley Mansion the Higgs Monument