Department of Emergency Management/Council

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DEM Badge.jpg Department of Emergency Management DEM Badge.jpg

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Malton Marshals | Malton Civil Defense Unit

Strategic Partners: Black Berets | FANNY | Fortress | Knights Templar | U.S. ARMY INFANTRY

UBP | Sacred Ground Policy | Pay It Forward | RESCUE | River Tactics | No Random Revives

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Staffed by the command personnel of the DEM's various member agencies, the DEM Leadership Council exists to coordinate the efforts of those groups, discuss and define overall policy, resolve inter-agency disputes, and direct the DEM's diplomatic policy (reviewing alliances, partnerships and membership requests). In general, all rules and decisions made on a DEM-wide basis are the purview of the Council. It is intended as a place where the leadership can speak with complete frankness on any subject and act as a set of checks and balances for each other.


In general the Leadership Council strives to reach decisions by overall consensus - if this cannot be reached, the DEM Chairperson is the final arbiter in his or her role as the DEM's chief executive, unless their decision is overturned by a 2/3 supermajority veto of all voting council members. In the absence of a chair (due to retirement, mishap or other circumstances) the Leadership Council assumes command of day to day operation of the DEM pending the selection of a new chair by council election.


At present the DEM Leadership Council consists of:

Dem small.png DEM Command
DEM Chair
DEM Academy Commandant

BriAnna Blackmoor
Allison Wolf

Pinjet3.jpg Axes High
First Among Equals
First Among Equals

Claude Garrison
Hardcore Rockabilly

File:Mci small.png Malton Central Intelligence
MCI Director

Cutting Satire

Mcdu small.png Malton Civil Defense Unit
MCDU Ground Forces Commander
MCDU Second in Command
MCDU Chosen Unit Commander

Leon Limburger
Annie Kat

Mems small.png Malton Emergency Medical Service
MEMS Chief Medical Officer
MEMS Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Darth Medicus

MFD GroupIcon.jpg Malton Fire Department
MFD Fire Chief
MFD Assistant Fire Chief
MFD Battalion Chief (Eastern)
MFD Battalion Chief (Western)

roger atthill
Choppers McGeee
Blazing Saddle

MFUGroupIcon.JPG Malton Forensics Unit
MFU Chief of Forensics
MFU Head Coroner (NE)
MFU Head Coroner (NW)
MFU Head Coroner (SE)
MFU Head Coroner (SW)

Angyalka Nerezz

Maltonmarshals small.png Malton Marshals
Malton Marshals Liason

Myers MD

MPDGroupIcon.jpg Malton Police Department
MPD Commissioner
MPD Deputy Commissioner
MPD Superintendent (NE)
MPD Superintendent (NW)
MPD Superintendent (SE)
MPD Superintendent (SW)

Jack Byrnes
Tom Reed
Marc Sweeny
Checkered One
Mark McCormick

In addition to these seats, all past council members are welcome to participate in council discussions in a non-voting capacity.


The best way to reach the DEM Leadership Council is via the public communications section of the DEM forums. For individual council members, please refer to the DEM contact page. In doing so please be aware that in order to allow all council members to weigh in on an issue, council decisions will take some time - typically at least a couple weeks for something other than an utmost emergency.