
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 05:14, 26 August 2009 by Degree7 (talk | contribs)
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This guide helped me a lot when I started out as a eginner zombie. But what was extremely ueful that I found imperative later on (and was not in this guide) was the advice of listening to feeding groans. That is the best way for beginners to find fresh meat when they´re just starting out. It would be helpful if emphasis was placed on listening to them to garner XP in this guide.--Degree7 06:14, 26 August 2009 (BST)

"If you can't find anywhere good to hide, try near an unimportant building like a library or a bank, or even out in the open so long as you're not near survivors or other zombies." - is this everyone's experience? I've always found myself safer in a large group of zombies, that it's unlikely for all of them to die or move away, overnight. Maybe I've just been in less rigidly-policed suburbs, though. --Spiro 17:25, 21 Oct 2005 (BST)

By the way, I'd like to say for the record that, in the spirit of the Wiki, I really like the edits others have done to this document. Made it a lot cleaner, easier to read, and more informative. --Xiombarg 06:28, 24 Nov 2005 (GMT)

I completely agree, Spiro. I feel safer in a large horde when I log out. In fact, I make sure to take a swipe at someone, to ensure that I'm not at the top of the attack list when a hunter comes by. --mjconnor10 12:44, 16 Dec 2005 (EST)

Memories of Life

I do have to argue that taking MoL so late may not be the best idea anymore. I started out a corpse a while back, and it's almost impossible to find any survivors out of doors now. I've joined hordes to take down barricades, but then I can't open the door and by the time someone else takes action, the barricades are reinforced. It's become so frustrating, I'm taking MoL as my third skill. Anyone else noticing this? -- Kesh 01:53, 13 December 2006 (UTC)

I find this whole guide abit false. MoL should be in the first few skills you gain. also hording is beter then being a feral, you level alot quicker, meet new zambahs, get a good meal almost every time your on and generally have alot better time then being a feral. Zaneus 04:24, 14 April 2007 (BST)