Talk:Malton Medical Staff

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Though we prefer to be talked to in-game, we also welcome comments, suggestions, requests messages and notes here too. Or you can visit our Forum!

Talk Archive I

Start below this point, please.


One of yours, OmnusOmega? Some people be taking this game waaaay to seriously? The MoB is here, just like your group, to have fun playing a zombie apocalypse RPG. Sure, things can get a little, ahem, racey at times, what with all the azz grabbang and bananas and such :P ... But this fellow is taking it all a little too far, n'est pas? Thanks for your time. BARHAH! --WanYao 17:43, 27 May 2008 (BST)

Didn't title this

Concerned Roftwood Citizen: I would like to report Eligius General Hospital and its current crew, for ignoring its duties and the barricades there. One of your group members has made a snide remark after I had repaired the barricades from light to heavy. Please speak with those stationed at that post on performing duties better and courtesy to others. I have read everything about your group and understand your codes and procedures I was in a hurry and just upgraded as quickly as I could, daemon13 is the one who shoul be told to be more courteous due to his remark. I respect what you are doing for Malton, but aside from duty, respecting others should come first. I am not a fan or looking for a group, I am currently freelancing and making rounds killing zeds and healing as I go. I am making reminders and warnings for others to gather at stratigic locations, thank you for what space I have used and the time for reading this reoprt. --SWAT01 June 4, 2008 00:41 (BST)

You did not come in and repair the cades, you came in, upped the cades from VSB++ to heavily, got rid of the cade instructions on the wall then ordered us to leave them at heavily for the defence of roftwood. I admittedly was rude in my reply, but in any other building you would probably have been shotgunned. Eligius is a managed building that has withstood many attacks before and will again. --daemon13 19:33, 4 June 2008

The Great Suburb Group Massacre

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Currently the suburb in question is Roftwood but one response to this query will be all that is needed to protect your group link on all suburb pages. I know this is a may seem a stupid request but its for all groups regardless of size. thank you --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 10:56, 28 July 2008 (BST)

We're here. We're not queer. Get over it. --Omegaomnus 20:04, 28 July 2008 (BST)

Yes, we are indeed still active. Thank you for checking, though I imagine Roftwood will look quite lonely when you're done with this. --Maisy Queen of the Ziggurats 16:10, 29 July 2008 (BST)

Looking for Group

Hello again, MMS! It's your old pall, Inkface. I just recently re-awoke in Malton, and found myself without a clue as to where you are. Is the staff still hanging about Roftwood in our usual haunts? I'd check myself, but I've got a Hospital down in Gulsonside I'm caring for right now, and don't want to leave unless I know I'm heading towards you guys. Hope to hear from you soon, --Inkfingers 22:52, 11 August 2008 (BST)

We're here, and we've gots a forum. Go there to rejoin. Unless I'm late...--Jallus 00:52, 16 September 2008 (BST)
You're super late, Jallus..cause i'm pretty sure if you look in the hospital we're in now..Inky will be there. --Maisy Queen of the Ziggurats 21:50, 16 September 2008 (BST)

The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2009

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

Thanks.--ScouterTX 22:13, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

I can say beyond reasonable doubt that they are active. I'll tell one of their members on IRC tonight to reply, to make this more "official". Linkthewindow  Talk  02:00, 14 February 2009 (UTC)
Indeed we are active, and as wacky as ever! *Dances* --Saralan Talk 404 ZHU 02:54, 14 February 2009 (UTC)
Thanks! --Lois talk 10MFH 22:35, 2 March 2009 (UTC)