Umbrella Biohazard Containment Service/roleplay

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Roleplaying Section

Now Playing:

Iron Hearts 2

"The single most looked forward to RP in UBCS History.... The Galaxy is overcome with war. The events of the first Battle of Iron Hearts have left the Galaxy fractured and broken. The invention of the Mass Produced Mecha (MP) have given the galaxy a new tool for war.

Chose a nation to support, or go for it on your own. Harness into a mech, fight on the front lines, combat from the shadows, control a space or land vehicle…the decisions are up to you. Forge your heart in the fires of war... Iron Hearts 2.

The Station

Short horror RP. Setting is in space, on a space station, and inspiration is drawn from Alien (+ all the following movies), Dead Space and the likes.

All Hope is Gone

The year is 2017. A 7 year war has just ended with the crushing of world's centralized government. The Great Dragon Campaigns have left the world in Anarchy. There is lawlessness everywhere. What you do is your choice.


The dead walk in the fair city of Clearview. The police and the military have failed and only a handful of survivors can hope to survive the horror of the undead Genesis

For a full and up to date list of RPs visit the forum Here