The Battle of the Beer Pit

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"The MOB is in your PD, eating your friends in blue."

-The Status Report of Ayliffe Street Police Department after the opening of the Battle.

"Well my friends, it's rather sad, *Sniffle*... but it appears we have to throw the Piano out the window to crush them,"

-A BAR member.

"Poop just hit the fan. God help us."

-Another BAR member.

"The MoB normally takes 3 days to ruin a burb on their own, this is day 4 and the RRF are here aswell, keep it up gents! Lets show em that Rolt Heights is not like the other suburbs. Show them what a bunch of drunks can do,"

-Father O' Keefe

Battle of Beer Pit
Date October 9th, 2010 - October 13th.
Place The Rolt Heights/Gibsonton Border and Rolt Heights
Result Pending
Groups in the order they arrived
The Burchell Arms Regulars, Big Damn Heroes, Rolt Heights Vigilante Patrol.

U.B.C.S, Pending, Pending,

Ferals, MOB, Browncoats, Legends of Darkness, RRF.
BAR Leaders MOB Leaders

Beer, a noted Piano, and several Survivor Groups. 35+ BAR, 20+ Civilain

Large amounts of feral zombies, MOB Strike Teams. 60+ MOB, 50+ Feral, 10+ RRF

Nearly all Civilians and 2/3s of the BAR members, suburb destroyed and Red. 60 recorded combat revives, 72 confirmed kills, and a lot of AP sapped MOB members

While the original fight started on a Friday, the actual Battle itself opened with the fall of Ayliffe Street Police Department to the Militant Order of Barhah. The Battle of Beer Pit, as opposed to the Bear Pit, was a conflict between the Suburb Survivor Groups of Rolt Heights, and the MOB. In the Early Stages, the surprising use of complicated Survivor Tactics brought an odd flavor to the fight. Extensive use of flanking Cade Strafing, River Tactics and Rat Tactics early on held the MOB in South Rolt Heights and Gibsonton for an extended period of time, primarily due to the efforts of the then highly alert Burchell Arms Regulars.

An occurrence of note during the Battle is that 10/10/10 at 10:10AM and PM occurred.

Late Warnings

The Burchell Arms Regulars, as well as the other Active Survivor Groups in the area, only realized the presence of the MOB a day before the MOB entered the Border to Rolt Heights, and laid siege to Ayliffe Street Police Department. With surprising speed, the BAR sent out requests for aid and built a Cade Strafe Wall around the southeast border. The other Survivor Groups scrambled to prepare for the oncoming onslaught.

The MOB, after thoroughly trashing Gibsonton, made their way North and were met by these early pit stops. The Cade Strafing continued for the next three days.

The First Wave

Ayliffe fell to the first wave. Buckled under the stress, a lucky few made their way out and back to the Burchell Arms. Continuing to work diligently, the BAR managed the nearby revive point, Otto Street. Buildings fell, and were retaken multiple times during the day.

A strike team under the MOB was assembled during this time, and while most Survivors slept, they quickly tore down and destroyed all nearby NT's except for the one in Rhodenbank. Taking the Blow, the BAR, under immense pressure and AP-crippled, now took turns cading. A BAR member, Albom, was sent out with the rest of the revive crops to get their hands on Syringes to aid their comrades.

Back down in the Suburb, daily break-ins and building sacks became somewhat common. Stretched thin, the BAR held buildings indiscriminatingly due to orders to abandon high profile targets, except the Burch. The efforts did serve to spread the MOB out more.

The Second Wave

Moving around the BAR's defenses, the MOB sacked everything north of their position. The BAR continued to Cade Strafe, while awaiting replies from their allies. When by half the day no reply had come, it was official and accepted that no help would come. The BAR and other survivors were alone, with the splintered other groups around them.

By Nightfall, Schreiber Police Department had fallen, killing many survivors inside that stood to fight due to massive numbers. Several more places fell subsequently. Just when it all seemed to falter, the revive corps came home with much needed needles and relief.

The Third Wave

By this time the RRF had joined in on the MOBs merry sack-fest. By the Fourth day, the Burch fell to their paws. Wiping a tear from their eyes, the BAR members continued to cade strafe knowing that they still had a job to do, and possibly if they could hold out, that they would either receive aid or turn the MOB away, disgruntled that even their efforts combined with the RRF had not finished them.

Though by this time half of the members had died, a select few had been awaiting to spring from death and had preserved, adding continuation the fight. On that odd Fourth day, the BAR rallied in the south with what remained of them.

The Fourth Wave, with a little surprise

The suburb, stubbornly resisting Red, prompted swift and wraithful actions amongst all participating Zombies, and every last safehouse was taken down but the Eades Building one square south of Rolt Heights, a Railway station in Rolt Heights, and a Junkyard. When all of these fell later in the day, the MOB was satisfied and the Suburb proceeded to turn the color of their work - red. With this, they began moving out.

What was not expected however was that Dunningwood sprouted back up remarkably quick, with a working NT supplying needles. Back at Otto street, a good portion of the BAR had been secretly waiting, revivifying, for the right moment to launch a counter-attack for a cleanup. The rest were either in Dunningwood, or the South.

On the last, quiet morning on October the 13th, after the storm, only one place remained unruined, a lonely junkyard. All was still that morning, and zombie, body, and survivor shed a tear and, hats off, mourned in silence for what had been done and what significance that the heroes of the Battle had shown. The silence continued for the remainder of the morning, even with those separated from their companions, stowing away AP.

Then, with a mighty cry of defiance, the BAR sprung back into full gear with nearly all members alive and well, initiating the counter attack.

The significance of what had been done during that time as a learning experience was what truly set apart what had occurred in previous suburb sackings. The evolution of tactics amongst the group, in time, would mature. The experience of such an odd, and different flavored Battle would not be forgotten, and therefore it was put here for safe keeping for all to remember, and learn from.

And the merry drunks lived happily ever after.