
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 22:16, 16 December 2010 by D4rkH4wk (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to my awesome little records page! This is where I'll be slowly moving my kill records to.

Who I am? I'm ziv, a.k.a, D4rkH4wk - Affiliation? I don't affiliate. I kill.

I played some UD back in 2007, as a pro-survivor in the Caiger Mall area, trying to help out with some sort of mini-siege we had at the time,
Returned to play UD in 2008, as a pro-survivor again, and afair, on DHPD, for a while...
Returned to play again in 2009 as a trigger happy Bounty-Hunter, again for awhile.
And now, I've returned once more in 2010, this time, as a PKer! :D

Enemies? Non! I have no enemies, only good friends I play with all the time!... Oh, killing doesn't count? :<

I am currently promoting the great religion that is Pastafarianism... and cookies! But only chocolate chip ones!
If you feel offended by said religion, do let me know and something will be done about it.
- licks his butcher knife -
If you feel offended by cookies, I suggest you **** and **** your ******** *** *****, good day!

Notice to the TZH: You have been found guilty of being a bunch'a lamers of the lowest degree and going against the Pastafarian religion!
By the power invested in me, as a PKing trigger-happy bastard, I here by sentence you to be my current object of interest.
As with any object of my interest, I will explore different methods of killing with your help(a.k.a deaths).

The only bailout of this punishment, is your immediate conversion to the grand religion that is Pastafarianism!

Kill Records - as of December 2010 - I will begin work on this part shortly.

Killer.jpg Player Killer
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."

This user is a PKer and supports the act of Player Killing.

This user supports PKer rights!
