Group Statistics

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About this data

The information on this page was manually gathered from the official statistics page which was archived by the Wayback Machine. The WBM archived the page over 300 times between 2005 and 2022. Group and population data for the game is not backed up by the game server and is lost every time it is updated, so a great amount of population and group data has been lost.

The official statistics page only lists groups with 10 or more active members, i.e players who performed an action in the last 5 days. According to this data there have been exactly 1,100 groups that have had at least 10 members at one point in time. Many of these were short lived groups but there are several groups which have continued to play since the game began in 2005. This figure must be close to the true number of total groups because this wiki has 1,542 group related pages.

The Ridleybank Resistance Front (RRF) is the only group which has never fallen below 10 active members, making it the oldest group in the game.

The Dead hold the record for largest amount of members on a single date, 1,751 members on 1/5/2011. According to the server manager The Dead have a total group size of 7,266 if you take into account inactive players, a statistic that cannot be seen by regular players.

Groups with the average highest number of members 2005 - 2022

Rank Group Average members Highest Member Count Type Foundation Year
1 Ridleybank Resistance Front 98 341 Zombie 2005
2 The Dead 79 1,751 Zombie 2008
3 Feral Undead 56 225 Zombie 2006
4 Caiger Mall Survivors 49 562 Survivor 2005
5 Dunell Hills Police Department 46 218 Survivor 2005
6 Dual Nature 43 161 Both 2007
7 Malton Fire Department 43 214 Survivor 2005
8 The Fortress 41 109 Survivor 2005
9 Creedy Defense Force 36 163 Survivor 2006
10 Malton Police Department 27 135 Survivor 2005

Yearly group Records

This table shows the records for the highest group size of each year based on the available data. Despite the lack of data, the effect of protest groups on the game is obvious. Zerging became a major problem in the last few years so the results are certainly effected by this. The amount of Wayback Machine Captures has been included to indicate the sample size.

Year Largest Group Size Date Number of Groups with at least 10 members that year WBM Captures
2005 On Strike 1264 21/12/05 235 11
2006 Caiger Mall Survivors 562 6/2/2006 501 26
2007 LUE 351 11/7/2007 434 27
2008 The Dead 385 4/7/2008 226 7
2009 The Dead 168 30/01/09 142 1
2010 ESCAPE 278 15/05/10 170 5
2011 The Dead 1751 1/5/2011 134 11
2012 The Dead 147 14/04/12 111 29
2013 The Big Bash 4 140 21/06/13 76 11
2014 The Dead 107 8/2/2014 70 9
2015 Alpha Dogs 85 20/02/15 58 13
2016 Dual Nature 60 24/03/16 45 16
2017 Shacknews 57 21/05/17 36 19
2018 The Dead 114 31/05/18 41 17
2019 The Dead 139 13/01/19 39 8
2020 The Dead 144  07/02/20 44 15
2021 The Dead 263 27/11/21 46 16
2022 Please make a Free Offline Version of Urban Dead 253 29/11/22 55 13

The largest zombie and survivor groups per year

Year Largest Zombie Group Size Date Largest Survivor Group Size Date
2005 Ridleybank Resistance Front 127 5/12/2005 Caiger Mall Survivors 381 5/12/2005
2006 Mall Tour '06 411 6/2/2006 Caiger Mall Survivors 562 6/2/2006
2007 LUE 351 11/7/2007 Dunell Hills Police Department 200 8/1/2007
2008 The Dead 385 4/7/2008 PTT 104 11/12/2008
2009 The Dead 168 30/01/09 The Fortress 108 30/01/09
2010 Ridleybank Resistance Front 137 9/3/2010 The Fortress 105 9/3/2010
2011 The Dead 1751 1/5/2011 The Fortress 109 1/5/2011
2012 The Dead 147 14/04/12 The Fortress 98 23/09/12
2013 The Big Bash 4 140 21/06/13 The Fortress 74 21/01/13
2014 The Dead 107 8/2/2014 Knights Templar 39 8/2/2014
2015 Alpha Dogs 85 20/02/15 Knights Templar 47 7/2/2015
2016 Ridleybank Resistance Front 55 5/5/2016 Knights Templar 26 13/10/16
2017 Shacknews 57 21/05/17 Knights Templar 36  20/05/17
2018 The Dead 114 31/05/18 Knights Templar 21  25/01/18
2019 The Dead 139 13/01/19 Bowring Blackwatch 26 3/3/2019
2020 The Dead 144  07/02/20 Rastafarii 25 1/12/2020
2021 The Dead 263 27/11/21 Rastafarii / Knights Templar 28  01/03/21 5/8/21
2022 The Living Dead 104 14/08/22 PTT 82 14/08/22

Yearly Records

Here are the complete records for each year.

2005 Group Statistics 2006 Group Statistics 2007 Group Statistics 2008 Group Statistics 2009 Group Statistics 2010 Group Statistics 2011 Group Statistics 2012 Group Statistics 2013 Group Statistics 2014 Group Statistics 2015 Group Statistics 2016 Group Statistics 2017 Group Statistics 2018 Group Statistics 2019 Group Statistics 2020 Group Statistics 2021 Group Statistics 2022 Group Statistics 2023 Group Statistics